Mayer Anselm de Rothschild, Esq. Trin. Coll. Camb.
Rev. Martin Joseph Routh, D.D.
President of Magdalen Coll. Oxf.
James Yeeles Row, Esq.
Richard Roy, Esq.
Edward Rudge, Esq. F.R.S. F.S.A.
The Russell Institution.
James Russell, Esq. Barrister at Law.
Rev. John Fuller Russell, B.C.L.
Minister of St. James's, Enfield.
Rev. Thomas Russell, Walworth.
William Russell, Esq. Accountant General in Chancery.
The Right Hon. Andrew Rutherfurd.
His Grace the Duke of Rutland, K.G. D.C.L., V.P.R.S.L.
Rev. Richard J. St. Aubyn, M.A. Trin. Coll. Camb.
Richard Sainthill, Esq. Cork.
The Most Hon. the Marquess of Salisbury, D.C.L.
The Rt. Rev. the Lord Bishop of Salisbury.
Thomas Deere Salmon, Esq. Penllyne Court, Glamorgan.
Charles Sanderson, Esq. Sheffield.
William Salt, Esq.
Anthony Salvin, Esq.
Osborne Henry Sampayo, Esq.
William Sandys, Esq. F.S.A.
Wm. Devonshire Saull, Esq. F.S.A.
Mrs. Daniel E. Saunders, Gloucester.
Thomas Bush Saunders, Esq. M.A.
Thomas Saunders, Esq. F.S.A.
Thomas Field Savory, Esq. F.S.A.
Edward Scholfield, M.D. Doncaster.
Ven. Archdeacon Scott, Whitfield, Northumberland.
D. G. Scott, Esq. Ipswich.
James John Scott, Esq. Barrister-at-Law.
(c.) Rev. Robert Scott, M.A.
Fellow of Balliol Coll. Oxford.
Edward Cator Seaton, M.D.
William Selwyn, Esq. Q.C.
Mr. Setchel.
Rev. William Sewell, M.A. Fellow of Exeter College, and Professor of Moral Philosophy, Oxford.
William Shackell, Esq. M.R.S.L. Hammersmith.
Right Hon. Sir Lancelot Shadwell, Vice-Chancellor of England, M.A.
Sir Cuthbert Sharp, Knt.
Rev. Lancelot Sharpe, M.A. Camb. F.S.A. Head Master of St. Saviour's School, Southwark. _Auditor._ Sutton Sharpe, Esq. Q.C. F.S.A.
George Shaw, Esq. M.D. Leicester.
Henry Shaw, Esq. F.S.A.
Daniel Shears, Esq. jun.
Robert Shelley, Esq.
Samuel Shepherd, Esq. F.S.A.
W. H. Sheppard, Esq. Keyford House, Frome.
Mr. William Shipp, Blandford.
Evelyn Philip Shirley, Esq. M.P. M.A.
Eatington Park, Warwicksh.
Rev. Robert St. John Shirreff, Blackheath.
Rev. Thomas Short, B.D. Fellow of Trinity Coll. Oxford.
Right Hon. the Earl of Shrewsbury, F.S.A.
---- Siemsen, Secretary of the Royal Library, Hanover.
John Augustus Francis Simpkinson, Esq. M.A., Q.C., F.S.A.
Jeremiah Simpson, Esq. Temple.
Mr. George Sims, Manchester.
Samuel Weller Singer, Esq. F.S.A.
Edward Skegg, Esq. F.R.G.S. [Died 1842.]
Edward Skegg, Esq. jun.
Alex. A. Smets, Esq. Savanna, Georgia.
Edward Smirke, Esq. M.A.
Sir Robert Smirke, R.A., F.S.A.
Sydney Smirke, Esq. F.S.A.
Alexander Smith, Esq. Edinburgh.
Benwell Smith, Esq.
Charles Roach Smith, Esq. F.S.A.
Sec. of the Numism. Society.
Mr. George Smith.
George Frederick Smith, Esq.
George Spencer Smith, Esq.
H. Porter Smith, Esq.
John Abel Smith, Esq. M.P.
Rev. J. J. Smith, M.A. Fellow of Caius Coll. Camb.
Mr. John Russell Smith.
Newman Smith, Esq. Croydon Lodge.
Richard John Smith, Esq.
Thomas Smith, Esq. F.S.A. Birstall House, Leicester.
_Local Secretary at Leicester._ William Smyth, Esq. M.A.
Prof. of Modern History, Cambridge.
William Smythe, Esq. Advocate, Edinburgh.
Frederick Snaith, M.D. Holbeach.
Mr. John Snare, Reading.
Rev. Walter Sneyd, M.A. Christ Church, Oxford.
The Most Noble Edward Duke of Somerset, K.G., D.C.L., F.R.S.
S. Leigh Sotheby, Esq.
J. W. Southgate, Esq. Camberwell.
Rev. George Southwell, B.A. Bristol.
William Spalding, Esq. Advocate, Edinburgh.
Charles Spence, Esq. Admiralty.
Andrew Spottiswoode, Esq.
George James Squibb, Esq.
Rev. Thomas Stacey, M.A. Cardiff.
Sir George Thomas Staunton, Bart. D.C.L., F.R.S., F.S.A.
(c.) Rev. William Staunton, M.A.
Longbridge House, near Warwick.