Three inedited Early English Metrical Romances. Edited, from a MS.
in the possession of J. I. Blackburn, Esq. M.P., by JOHN ROBSON, Esq.
The Private Diary of Dr. John Dee, from the MS. in the Ashmolean Library, together with a Catalogue of MSS. in his Library. Edited by JAMES ORCHARD HALLIWELL, Esq. F.R.S., F.S.A.
is completed at the press, and will be ready for delivery to the Members by the end of the present month. The Council have followed the precedent of former years, in directing that there should be appended to the last-mentioned volume a list of the Members of the Society for the past year; and, if the General Meeting think proper, this Report and that of the Auditors may also be added.
The Council have much satisfaction in being able to state that the "Apology for the Lollards," a work attributed to Wickliffe, which has been so long delayed by reason of the many engagements of the Editor, the Rev. Jas. Henthorn Todd, D.D. is now on the eve of completion; and will certainly be ready for delivery in the ensuing year.
Considerable progress has also been made with the "Promptorium," a Latin and English Dictionary of words in use during the fifteenth century, editing by Albert Way, Esq. F.S.A. a work which the Council believe will be one of great merit and utility; and a portion of it will be one of the publications of the ensuing year.
Besides the Apology for the Lollards and the Promptuary, the following works have been ordered to be put to press at the convenience of their Editors and the Society, and will be published as soon as they are ready.
A Collection of Original Letters and Papers of Literary Men of England during the Reigns of Elizabeth and James I., including some Unpublished Papers of Camden. To be edited by SIR HENRY ELLIS, K.H., F.R.S., F.S.A.
Latin Romance Narratives and Legends of the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth Centuries, relating to King Arthur and other Heroes of the Welsh and Breton cycle of Fiction. To be edited by Sir FREDERIC MADDEN, K.H., F.R.S., F.S.A.
Letters and State Papers relating to the Proceedings of the Earl of Leicester in the Low Countries, in the years 1585 and 1586, derived from a MS. placed at the disposal of the Society by Frederick Ouvry, Esq. and other sources. To be edited by JOHN BRUCE, Esq. F.S.A.
The Private Diary of Thomas Cartwright, Bishop of Chester, temp.
James II.
The Romance of Jean and Blonde of Oxford, by Philippe de Reims, an Anglo-Norman Poet, of the latter end of the twelfth Century. To be edited from a Unique MS. in the Royal Library at Paris, by M. LE ROUX DE LINCY, editor of the Roman de Brut.
The Council have added the following works to the list of Suggested Publications--
A Collection of Original Letters relating to the Dissolution of the Monasteries and some other points connected with the Reformation.
To be edited by THOMAS WRIGHT, Esq. M.A., F.S.A.
Specimens of the Anglo-Latin Poets from the seventh to the thirteenth century, selected from inedited MSS. and arranged chronologically, with notices of the Writers and popular Notes. To be edited by THOMAS WRIGHT, Esq. M.A., F.S.A.
Contemporary Diary of a resident in London, extending from the Year 1550 to 1563, now the Cottonian MS. Vitellius F. v. To be edited by JOHN GOUGH NICHOLS, Esq. F.S.A.
The Council have to direct the attention of the Society to the obligations conferred upon it by J. I. Blackburne, Esq. M.P. by giving the Society the use of the MS. of the Three Romances, edited by Mr.
Also by the Right Hon. Thomas Grenville, in placing in Mr. Way's hands, upon the application of the Director, his valuable early printed editions of the "Promptorium," which Mr. Way wished to use for his edition of that work; and by the Master and Fellows of Saint Peter's College, Cambridge, for the readiness with which, upon a similar application, they lent the Council, for the use of Mr. Way, a valuable MS., entitled Campus Florum.
The same exertions, in behalf of the Society, which former Councils have acknowledged, have been continued to be made by the Local Secretaries, and other friends of the Society resident in the country; and the Council trust that such exertions will not be relaxed. To diffuse a knowledge of the existence and objects of the Society tends, not merely to promote its welfare, but also to carry out the purpose for which it was established, by directing the attention of the possessors of MSS. to those collections in which there yet exist, unpublished, inestimable papers which this Society would be ready and willing to make available.
Messrs. Nichols have continued to the Council the same attentions, and have rendered them the same valuable and gratuitous assistance in the general management of the affairs of the Society, which they have given from its Institution. Nothing can be more honourable to Messrs. Nichols, or more advantageous to the Society; and the Council are assured, that it is only necessary for them to state the fact to the Members, in order to its being duly appreciated.
The Council have to regret the loss, by death, during the last year, of the Rt. Hon. THOS. P. COURTENAY, who, in addition to valuable services as a Member of the Council, was one of the Trustees of the Society, and gave much attention to its affairs. The Council have filled up the vacancy in the Trusteeship by electing to that office CHARLES PURTON COOPER, Esq. LL.D., Q.C., F.R.S., F.S.A.
The Council have also to regret the death of HENRY BOWER, Esq. F.S.A.
the very zealous and efficient Local Secretary of the Society at Doncaster; and also of the following other Members:
GEORGE FREDERICK BELTZ, Esq. F.S.A. Lancaster Herald.
Lieut.-Col. JOHN HARVEY.
JOHN HOLMES, Esq. F.S.A. East Retford.
The Right Hon. the Earl of MUNSTER, F.R.S., Pr.As.S.
The Council report that the Treasurer, having found that other engagements prevented his any longer devoting to the accounts and financial correspondence of the Society the time and attention which, after an experience of three years, he found to be absolutely necessary to be given to them, submitted to the Council the propriety of their accepting his resignation, or of making some other arrangement with respect to the accounts. The Council, regarding the subject as one vitally affecting the welfare of the Society, proceeded immediately to take it into their consideration, and are happy to be able to report that they have effected an arrangement by which the accounts are now kept, and the financial correspondence is attended to, by the Secretary, the Treasurer still continuing responsible to the Society. This arrangement will put the Society to a small annual expense, which can very well be afforded, and which the Council are persuaded the Members will think well bestowed, if it has the effect of preserving accuracy in the accounts. The recent arrangements in the Post Office render it easy for country Members to transmit their subscriptions by Post Office orders, which course the Council recommend to be adopted, making the Post Office orders payable to the Treasurer.
After the lapse of four years of continuing prosperity the Council hope that the Camden Society may be regarded as having taken a permanent station amongst established publishing associations. Many societies have been founded upon similar principles, and one considerably out-numbers this Society in Members: but there is no one which can produce better evidences of stability and prosperity, or which has greater reason to be satisfied with the estimation in which its works are regarded by the public. Amongst the Candidates for admission recently entered there are many Public Libraries and other bodies, whose desire to participate in the advantages of Membership indicates the reputation of the Society, both in this and other countries; and the prices maintained by our books when copies get abroad into the market, afford encouraging proof of the demand for them on the part of collectors and literary men. In four years the Society has issued eighteen volumes, all of them works excluded from the ordinary mode of publication, and yet worthy of being published, of eminent use to historical inquirers, and likely to retain a place in the permanent literature of the country.
The forthcoming works are fully calculated to maintain, if not to increase, the reputation of the Society, and the Council see no reason to doubt but that the Society may long usefully and prosperously retain its station, and the number of its Members.
Dated 30th April, 1842.
We, the Auditors appointed to audit the Accounts of the Camden Society, report to the Society, that the Treasurer has exhibited to us his accounts, from the 27th day of April, 1841, to the 30th day of April, 1842, and that we have examined the same, together with the vouchers relating thereto, and find the same to be correct and satisfactory.
And we further report that the following is a correct Abstract of the Receipts and Expenditure of the Society during the period to which we have referred.
[Transcriber's Note:
The following Abstract was originally printed in two columns. The headings "Receipts" and "Expenditure" have been added for clarity.]
An ABSTRACT of the RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of THE CAMDEN SOCIETY, from the 27th April, 1841, to the 30th April, 1842.
_Receipts_ . s. d.
Balance of last year's account 393 12 2 [Sidenote: 1841, April 27th, to 1842, April 30th.]
Received on account of Subscriptions of members in arrear 68 0 0 The like on account of Subscriptions due 1st May, 1841 956 0 0 Two half-year's dividends on 574. 13_s._ 8_d._ 3 per cent. consols, standing in the names of the Trustees for the Society 17 4 8 Compositions received from six members 60 0 0
Total receipts for the year 1,494 16 10
Paid for the purchase of 166. 13_s._ 4_d._ 3 per cent.
consols, invested for the benefit of the Society 150 0 0 Paid for printing and paper of 1,250 copies of "The Irish Narratives" 96 12 6 The like of "Walter Mapes" 277 15 0 The like of "Nicander Nucius" 98 11 9 The like of "Metrical Romances" 109 12 0 Paid for binding copies of the past year's books, not before charged 3 6 0 The like for binding 1,200 copies of "The Irish Narratives" 48 0 0 The like for binding 1,200 copies of each of the three books published for this year 153 12 0 Paid for delivery and transmission of 1,200 copies of the "Irish Narratives," and of each of the three works for the present year--at 2d. per book, with paper for wrappers, expense of parcels, &c. 36 16 6 Paid for lithographic fac-simile, and printing paper for the same 5 4 0 Paid for transcripts and other expenses of a like kind, connected with works published and in progress 40 10 10 Paid for printing Reports, Lists of Members, Prospectuses, Circulars and other miscellaneous printing 32 5 0 Paid expenses of last general meeting 2 13 0 One quarter of a year's payment for keeping the Accounts and General Correspondence of the Society 13 2 6 Paid for stationery, postage, and various petty cash expenses 15 3 9 Cash balance, viz. Sums remaining in hand for Compositions 30 0 0 -- From Subscriptions and other receipts 381 12 0 -------- 411 12 0 ------------ 1,494 16 10 ------------