The Private Diary Of Dr. John Dee - The Private Diary of Dr. John Dee Part 18

The Private Diary of Dr. John Dee Part 18

Laward (Mr.), 44, 51.

Laward (Thomas), 51, 52.

Lawrence (John), 48, 59, 61.

Lee (Mr.), _schoolmaster at Mortlake_, 16, 33, 35.

Makes acquaintance with Dr. Dee, 18.

Lee (Mrs.), 46.

Legg (Dorothy), 47.

Legh (Charles), 55, 57, 62, 64.

Legh (Richard), 64.

Legh (Robert), 62.

Legh (Sir Urien), 58.

Leicester (The Earl of), 20.

Visits Dr. Dee, 2.

Sends Dr. Dee abroad, 5.

Intercedes with the Queen for Dr. Dee, 21.

Leon (Mr.), 56.

Lewknor (Mary), birth, 1.

Lewys (John), 5, 16, 17.

Lewys (Dr.), 6.

Lewys, the proctor, 36.

Lilly (John), 32.

Lincoln (Bishop of), 58.

Littlechild (John), 14.

Lloyd (Oliver), 21, 53.

Lock (Benjamin), 8, 17.

Lock (Mr.), 8, 54.

Lock (Zachariah), 8.

London (Bishop of), 9, 34.

Lording (Mr.), 47.

Losin (George), 31.

Lurensey (Mr.), 42.

Lydgatt (Nurse), 19, 21, 54.

Lyne (Ellen), 3.

Death, 5.

Mains (Mr.), 30.

Mallett (Walter), 50.

Martyn (Richard), 47.

Maspely (Nurse), 12.

Mather (Dr.), _Bishop of Bristol_, 37.

Mathias (Zacharias), 30.

Maynard (Edward), 39.

Maynard (Henry), birth, 28.

Death, 43.

Maynard (Robert), 37, 40, 43.

Maynard (William), birth, 21.

Memschit (James), 22.

Meulen (D. V.), birth, 1.

Middleton (Mr.), _Bishop of St. David's_, visits Dr. Dee, 18.

Mills (Mr.), 20.

Molyneux (Lady), 55.

Molyneux (Sir ----), 55.

Monteagle (Lord), 16.

Morgan (Mr.), 40.

Morley (Lord), 16.

Morryce (John), 57.

Moscovy (Emperor of), 22.

Mountjoy (Lord), 45.

Mownson (Elizabeth), birth, 2.

Mownson (Thomas), 39.

His sister, 2.

Birth, _ib._ Multon (Daniel van der), visits Dr. Dee, 31.

Murphyn (Vincent), slanders Dr. Dee, 3 (_bis_).

His law-suit against Dr. Dee, 9.

Loses his cause, 10.

Judgment given against him, _ib._ Released, _ib._ Myniver (Dr.), 16.

Nant (Lieutenant), 44.

Nettlebronner (Conrad), 35.

Nevell (Mary), 40, 53, 61.

Birth, 1.

Newbury (Mr.), 17.

Newsam (Bartholomew), lends money to Dr. Dee, 3.

Newton (Mr.), 62.

Nichols (Francis), 44, 47, 49, 57, 61, 62, 63.

Dispute between him and Dr. Dee, 48.

Nichols (Mary), 62, 63.

Nichols (William), 63.

Nicholson (William), 55, 61.

Nores (Mr.), 47.

North (Mr.), comes from Poland, 19.

Brings salutations to Dr. Dee and Queen Elizabeth, _ib_.

Norton (John), 54.

Nutthall (Francis), 56.

Oliver (Thomas), makes acquaintance with Dr. Dee, 39.

Osborn (Mr.), 17.

Osmond (the Earl of), 17.

Ottomeen (Mr.), makes acquaintance with Dr. Dee, 18.

Owen (Mr.), 14.

Packington (Mr.), 11.

Paget (Mr.), 55.

Palmer (Matthew), 57, 58, 59, 60.

Parpoynt _v_. Perpoynt.

Parry (Mrs. Blanche), 6.

Partrich (Mr.), 52.

Peckham (Sir George), 17.

Conference with Dr. Dee, 16.

Peiser (Dr. Michael), visits Dr. Dee, 47.