Anointed by Dr. Dee, _ib._ Attempts suicide, _ib._ Commits suicide, 36.
Franken (Christian), recants his work against Christ, 23.
His work against Christ exhibited by Dr. Dee before the Archbishop of Canterbury, 42.
Franklin (Mrs.), 16.
Fromonds (Elizabeth), visits Dr. Dee, 4.
Fromonds (Jane), birth, 1.
Marries Dr. Dee, 4.
Goes to Richmond, 5.
Fromonds (Mr.), visited by Dr. Dee, 4.
Death, 6.
Fromonds (Nicholas), 32, 33, 39, 40.
Fuller (Mr.), 52.
Gaele (Jane), 5, 8.
Supernatural fire in her chamber, 7.
Gardner (Robert), 16.
Enters the service of Dr. Dee, 13.
His philosophical secret, 15.
Garland (Edward), visits Dr. Dee at Trebona, 22.
Garland (Henry), 30.
Garland (Francis), 22, 23, 24, 26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 35, 44, 48, 51.
Garland (Robert), 26.
Garret (Nurse), 12, 14, 15, 16.
Gele, _v._ Gaele.
Geoffry of Monmouth, 4.
George (Sir Thomas), 42.
Gerard (John), _the celebrated herbalist_, 16, 50.
Gerard (Mr.), 63.
Gerard (Mr.), 55.
Giffard (Dr.), 40.
Gilbert (Adrian), 7, 33.
Is reconciled to Dr. Dee, 6.
Conference with Dr. Dee about the North West voyage, 18, 19.
Goes to Chelsea, 19.
Goes to Brentford and Devonshire, 20.
Transactions with Dr. Dee, 32.
Gilbert (Sir Humphry), 4.
Dr. Dee's dealing with him for his grant of discovery, 8.
Grants Dr. Dee's request, _ib._ Gilbert (Sir John), 8.
Glotz (Hans of), 31.
Glotz (John of), 31, 32.
Godolphin (G.), 10.
Golding (Arthur), 60.
Goodyer (Thomas), 53, 55, 61.
Goodwyn (Mary), 56.
Goose (Winifred), 32, 43.
Birth, 2.
"Evilly tempted," 40.
Gore (F.), 25.
Grant (Mr.), 40.
Gray (Mr.), his attack on professors of alchemy, 47.
Grey (Lord), 18.
Griffith (Thomas), 27, 37, 57.
Gubbens (Mr.), 46.
Gwyn (John), 57.
Hackluyt (Mr.), 4, 34.
Halifax, 56.
Haller (John Leonard), 11.
Visits Dr. Dee, 17 (_bis_).
Goes to Scotland, 18.
Halton (John), 21.
Hammond (John), 28, 31.
Hankinson (Thomas), 22.
Comes to Mortlake, 34.
Hanward (John), 32.
Harding (Mr.), 49.
Hardy (John), 61.
Harmer (Mr.), 63.
Harper (Mr.), 32.
Harriot (Thomas), 41.
Harrughby (Mr.), 61.
Hart (Mr.), _English Minister at Stade_, visits Dr. Dee, 31.
Harward (Thomas), 49.
Hatton (Sir Christopher), 5.
Audience with Dr. Dee, 4.
Knighted, _ib._ Hatton (Randal), 14.
Haut (Nicholas du), 22.
Hawghton (Mr.), 55.
Hawkins (Mr.), 11, 45.
Haylok (Mr.), 12.
Haywood (Sir Rowland), 4.
Hazelwood (Catharine), 52.
Hazelwood (Marmion), 51, 52.
Hazelwood (William), birth, 31.
Hearne (Thomas), 19, 37.
Hendor (Captain), makes acquaintance with Dr. Dee, 49.
Henedge (Sir Thomas), 51.
Henrick (Mr.), 12, 13.
Herbert (John), 6, 17, 18, 36, 38, 45, 46, 52, 53.
Herbert (Mary), 14.
Herbert (Mrs.), 14, 42.
Herbert (William), 10, 13, 14, 64.
His annotations on Dr. Dee's _Monas Hieroglyphica_, 3.
Heriot (Mr.), 41, 48.
Hertford (the Countess of), birth, 4.
Her gift to Frances Dee, 57.
Hesketh (Richard), 12.
Hess (Dr. Andrew), 12.
Hesse (the Landgrave of), 31.