The Private Diary Of Dr. John Dee - The Private Diary of Dr. John Dee Part 13

The Private Diary of Dr. John Dee Part 13

Agar (Mr.), 54.

Alaski (Prince Albert), 28, 43, 46.

Salutes Dr. Dee, 19.

Comes to London, 20.

Makes acquaintance with Dr. Dee, _ib._ Visits Dr. Dee twice, _ib._ Returns home, 21.

Goes to Trebona and Warsaw, 22.

Gives money to Dr. Dee, 23.

Goes to Trebona and Cremona, _ib._ Goes to Trebona and Prague, 27.

Alles (Mr.), 11.

Alred (Richard), 48, 52.

Anderson (Lord), 40.

Anderson (Margaret), birth, 2.

Anthony (Mr.), 63.

Arnold (Edmund), 60, 61.

Arnold (Richard), 62.

Arundell (Mr.), birth, 1.

Ashley (Mr.), visits Dr. Dee, 42.

Returns home, 43.

Ashley (Mrs.), 49.

Visits Dr. Dee, 42.

Returns home, 43.

Ashmole (Elias), 38.

Ashton (James), 55, 64.

Ask (John), 2, 48.

Aspland (William), 38.

Aubrey (Dr.), 15, 39, 49.

Death, 52.

Aubrey (John), 32, 52.

Aubrey (Mrs.), 6.

Bacon (Mr.), 16.

Baguely (Nicholas), 55.

Bagwell (Nicholas), 54.

Baily (Francis), 4.

Baldwyn (Richard), 52.

Banister (Mrs.), 46.

Banks (Mr.), 54.

Barber (Robert), 58.

Bardman (Isabelle), 56.

Barlow (Mr.), 60.

Barnes (Mr.), conference with Dr. Dee respecting the North-West passage, 19.

Barret (Mr.), 49, 60.

Barret (Mrs.), 49.

Barwick (Nurse) 34, 35, 36.

Basset (John), 24, 28, 58.

Tutor to Dr. Dee's children, 23.

Quarrel with Thomas Kelly, 24.

Baxter (Mr.), 61.

Bayly (Dr.), 5.

Baynton (Mr.), 52.

Beale (Mr.), 18, 38, 46.

Beale (Mrs.), 46, 53.

Beck (William), 47.

Bedell (Mr.) 38.

Bedford (The Earl of), visits Dr. Dee, 2.

Bele, _v._ Beale.

Benet (Mrs.), 12.

Berran (Mr.), 54.

Besbich (Thomas), 3.

Beston (Mrs.), 56.

Bettgran (Mr.), 18.

Biberstein (Lord), makes acquaintance with Dr. Dee, 23.

Goes to Trebona, 24.

Bigs (Mr.), 14.

Billings (Thomas), 64.

Billingsley (Henry), 29.

Birch (George), 61, 64.

Birch (Robert), 62.

Blayney (John), 52.

Blunt (Sir Charles), 45.

Blunt (Francis), 44, 45.

Blunt (Sir Michael), 44.

Bodin (John), 10.

Boordman (Elizabeth), 58.

Booth (Sir George), 58, 63.

Booth (Lady), 58.

Bradley (Captain), 59.

Bradshaw (Mr.), 57, 58, 60.

Bragden (Edward), 15.

Brandeburgh (Marquis of), 47.

Brayce (Mrs.), 34.

Brogreton (Mr.), 55.

Broke (George), 52, 60, 61.

Bromley (Mr.), 13.

Browne (John), 2, 11, 58.

Brunswick (the Duke of), 22.

Brydock (Ed.), 61.

Buckhurst (Lord), 51.

Bull (Mr.), 50.

Bullock (Mr.), 5.

Burch (Mr.), 60.

Burghley (Lord), 17, 35, 37, 39, 40, 41, 50.

Consultation with Dr. Dee, 9.

Sends Dr. Dee some venison, 10.

Dr. Dee dedicates his work on the calendar to him, 19.

Illness, 42.

Burrough (William), 21.

Burton (Mr.), 7.

Byron (John), 55.

Byron (Sir John), 55.