The Princess Consort Has A Lethal Destiny - Chapter 994 - Shameless

Chapter 994 - Shameless

Chapter 994 Shameless


EndlessFantasy Translation


EndlessFantasy Translation

Yu Xian was very irritable. She did not think that this cousin of the Zhou family would be so smart. After so many years, she still thought she looked familiar.

Facing Xie Pinggang, she felt a little guilty.

If the Zhou family wants to control me, Brother Xie, its not good for you to interfere. This time, I didnt keep my promise. You can beat me up to vent your anger! Yu Xian sighed with a face full of regret.

Previously, she said that she wanted to look for the master, but that was just for fun.

The situation of the Zhou family was different.

When Xie Pinggang heard that, he said, If they come to pick you up, you can go. Stay for two days and then come back. Whats there to be afraid of?

Im afraid that I wont be able to come back. When I was in Dongan, I was imprisoned by my grandparents for three years Yu Xian was silent for a moment.

Dont worry about that. If you cant come back, I will personally go to the house and ask for you. Youve signed the contract to be a martial arts master, can you leave just because you want to? Xie Pinggang was

halfway through his sentence when he suddenly thought using martial arts masters ident.i.ty was indeed not great, then, he continued, Tell the public that you are my second sisters teacher and that we have already

paid you. If the Zhou family wants you, just ask them to compensate you.

Then what if they really pay? Yu Xian had a serious look on her face.

Isnt that good? I would make tens of thousands of taels of silver for nothing. Xie Pinggang was quite happy. When the time comes, you will have to stay in their house more often and cry about being poor. Didnt

they tell you to go back and marry someone? Since you guys are relatives, and they want to take you back in the name of being relatives, then you have to let them make the decision for you. Bring up Dongans matter,

and if it becomes chaotic, Im afraid the Zhou family would not dare to send you away. At most, they would get people from Dongan to come and bring you back.

Dongans side wanted to marry Yu Xian to an old man from a large local family,

Her parents were gone, and her grandparents making such a decision was already considered bullying an orphan.

As long as Yu Xian made this matter known to everyone, the Zhou family would have to make peace on her behalf for the sake of their dignity. They would never dare to personally send her away. Otherwise, what

others would remember would not be the vicious relatives Dongan, instead, it would be the indifferent and uncaring Zhou family.

Yu Xian looked at him in surprise and clapped her tiny hands. Thats a good move!

But isnt it a little too thick-skinned and shameless? Yu Xians expression was somewhat restrained.

They clearly know that your marriage isnt good, yet they still want to meddle in other peoples business and send you away. What dignity do you have to talk to them about? If it were me, I would definitely cause a


She was about to be thrown onto the shelf and ruined for half of her life, so why should she care about other people?

When Yu Xian heard that, she felt like she had met a confidant.

She had been locked up for three years and thought a lot. When she escaped, she also thought about what she should do if her relatives in the capital city also wanted to step on her. At that time, she wanted to run

away again and run far away.

However, now, Xie Pinggang was right.

It was not good for her to feel wronged.

Isnt tens of thousands of taels of silver a little too much? Others will definitely not believe it, right? Yu Xian began to discuss with Xie Pinggang seriously.

Outsiders know that my little sister is naive, and she is a little silly. So, tell them that were fated. We think that youre extraordinary. We didnt want to mistreat you, so we gave you five thousand taels of silver. We

have agreed that after five years of service, the person who has signed the contract will have to pay a 10-to-1 compensation if you leave now. Fifty thousand taels of silver is not a lot at all. Xie Pinging thought it was

too little.

The Zhou family was very wealthy.

Then Lets draw a new contract before they arrive, shall we? Yu Xian rubbed her palms. This contract is for external use. In private, you can write another secret contract and well be the only people who know

about it.

She was not a fool. Even if the Xie family was great, she could not sell herself.

No matter what she did, she had to leave a way out..