"Now for it, Bedelia," he whispered excitedly.
Bedelia gazed calmly at Mr. Blithers and Mr. Blithers gazed blankly at the Prince of Graustark. Then the great financier bowed very deeply and called out:
"Good evening, Prince!"
He received no response to his polite greeting, for the Prince was staring at Bedelia as if stupefied. The millionaire's face was very red with mortification as he turned it away.
"He--he doesn't recognise you," gasped Robin in amazement.
"Who?" she asked, her eyes searching the room with an eager, inquiring look.
"Your father," he said.
She gave him a ravishing, delighted smile.
"Oh, it is so wonderful, Robin. I have fooled you completely. That man isn't my father."
"That's Mr. Blithers or I am as blind as a bat," he exclaimed.
"Is it, indeed? The one reading the telegram, with his eyes sticking out of his head?"
Robin's head was swimming. "Good heaven, Bedelia, what are you--"
"Ah!" she cried, with a little shriek of joy. "See! There he is!"
One of the three distinguished men who had been remarked by Mrs.
Blithers now separated himself from his companions and approached the couple. He was a tall, handsome man of fifty. Although his approach was swift and eager, there was in his face the signs of wrath that still struggled against joy.
She turned quickly, laid her hand upon the Prince's rigid arm, and said softly:
"My father is the Prince of Dawsbergen, dear."
A crumpled telegram dropped from Mr. Blithers' palsied hand to the floor as he turned a white, despairing face upon his wife. The bra.s.s- b.u.t.toned boy picked it up and handed it to Mrs. Blithers. It was from Maud.
"We were married in Vienna today. After all I think I shall not care to see Graustark. Channie is a dear. I have promised him that you will take him into the business as a partner. We are at the Bristol.