Bed-time had no meaning for him after he had worked out the message by the code. It is true that he observed a life-long custom and went to bed, but he did not do it for the purpose of going to sleep.
"Your daughter has disappeared from Paris. All efforts to locate her have failed. Friends say she left ostensibly for the Pyrenees but inquiries at stations and along line fail to reveal trace of her.
Scoville still here and apparently in the dark. He is being watched.
Her companion and maid left with her last night. Prince of Graustark and party left for Edelweiss to-day."
So read the message from Paris.
One usually has breakfast on the porch of the Hotel Schweizerhof at Interlaken. It is not the most fashionable hostelry in the quaint little town at the head of the Lake of Thun, but it is of an excellent character, and the rolls and honey to be had with one's breakfast can not be surpa.s.sed in the Bernese Oberland. Straight ahead lies one of the most magnificent prospects in all the world: an un.o.bstructed view of the snow-thatched Jungfrau, miles away, gleaming white and jagged against an azure sky, suggesting warmth instead of chill, grandeur instead of terror. Looking up the valley one might be led to say that an hour's ramble would take him to the crest of that shining peak, and yet some men have made a life's journey of it.
Others have turned back in time.
One has a whiff of fragrant woodlands and serene hay-c.o.c.ks, a breath of cool air from the Jungfrau's snows, a sniff of delectable bacon and toast--and a zest for breakfast. And one sets about it with interest, with the breakfast of the next day as a thing to look forward to.
R. Schmidt sat facing the dejected Boske Dank. His eyes were dancing with the joy of living, and nothing better can be said of a man's character than that he is gay and happy at breakfast-time. He who wakes up, refreshed and buoyant, and eager for the day's adventure, is indeed a child of nature. He will never grow old and crabbed; he will grip the hand of death when the time comes with the unconquered zeal that makes the grim reaper despise himself for the advantage he takes of youth.
"Well, here we are and in spite of that, where are we?" said Dank, who saw nothing beautiful in the smile of any early morn. "I mean to say, what have we to show for our pains? We sneak into this G.o.dforsaken hamlet, surrounded on all sides by abominations in the shape of tourists, and at the end of twenty-four hours we discover that the fair Miss Guile has played us a shabby trick. I daresay she is laughing herself sick over the whole business."
"Which is more than you can say for yourself, Boske," said Robin blithely. "Brace up! All is not lost. We'll wait here a day or two longer and then--well, I don't know what we'll do then."
"She never intended to come here at all," said Dank, filled with resentment. "It was a trick to get rid of us. She--"
"Be honest, old chap and say that it was a trick to get rid of _me_. Us is entirely too plural. But I haven't lost heart. She'll turn up yet."
"Count Quinnox is in despair over this extraordinary whim of yours, highness. He is really ill in bed this morning. I--"
"I'll run up and see him after breakfast," cried the Prince, genuinely concerned. "I'm sorry he is taking it so seriously."
"He feels that we should be at home instead of dawdling about the--"
"That reminds me. Dank," broke in the Prince, fresh happiness in his smile; "I've decided that home is the place for you and the Count-- and Gourou too. I'm perfectly able to take care of myself,--with some a.s.sistance from Hobbs,--and I don't see any necessity for you three to remain with me any longer. I'll tell the Count that you all may start for Vienna tonight. You connect with the Orient express at--"
"Are you mad, highness?" cried Dank, startled out of his dejection.
"What you speak of is impossible--utterly impossible. We cannot leave you. We were delegated to escort you--"
"I understand all of that perfectly, Dank," interrupted Robin, suddenly embarra.s.sed, "but don't you see how infernally awkward it will be for me if Miss Guile does appear, according to plan? She will find me body-guarded, so to speak, by three surly, scowling individuals whose presence I cannot explain to save my soul, unless I tell the truth, and I'm not yet ready to do that. Can't you see what I mean? How am I to explain the three of you? A hawk-eyed triumvirate that camps on my trail from morn till night and refuses to budge!
She'll suspect something, old fellow, and--well, I certainly will feel more comfortable if I'm not watched for the next few days."
"That's the point, highness. You've just got to be watched for the next few days. We would never dare to show our faces in Graustark again if we allowed anything to happen to you while you are under our care. You are a sacred charge. We must return you to Graustark as-- er--inviolate as when you departed. We--we couldn't think of subjecting you to the peril of a--that is to say, it might prove fatal. Graustark, in that event, would be justified in hanging two of her foremost citizens and yours truly from gibbets designed especially for the blackest of traitors."
"I see, Dank. If I find happiness, you are almost sure to find disgrace and death, eh? It doesn't seem a fair division, does it? I suppose you all feel that the worst thing that can possibly happen is for me to find happiness."
"If I were the Prince of Graustark I should first think of the happiness of my subjects. I would not offend."
"Well put, Boske, but fortunately you are not the Prince. I sometimes wish that you were. It would relieve me of a tremendous responsibility. I am not mean enough, however, to wish a crown upon you, old fellow. You are lucky to be who and what you are. No one cares what you do, so long as you are honourable about it. With me it is different. I have to be watched day and night in order to be kept from doing what all the rest of the world looks upon as honourable."
"I implore you, highness, to give up this mad enterprise and return to your people as--"
"There is only one person in the world who can stop me now, Dank."
"And she isn't likely to do so, worse luck," was the other's complaint.
"When she tells me to go about my business, I'll go, but not until then. Don't you like honey, Dank?"
"No," said Dank savagely. "I hate it." He leaned back in his chair and glowered upon the innocent, placid Jungfrau. The Prince ate in silence. "May I be permitted a question, highness?"
"All you like, Boske. You are my best friend. Go ahead."
"Did you see Miss Guile after that visit to St. Cloud--and to the police station?"
"No. Evidently she was frightened out of her boots by the Hawkshaws.
I don't blame her, do you?"
"And you've had no word from her?"
"None. Now you are going to ask what reason I have for believing that she will come to Interlaken. Well, I can't answer that question. I think she'll come, that's all."
"Do you think she is in love with you?"
"Ah, my dear fellow, you are asking me to answer my own prayer," said Robin, without a sign of resentment in his manner. "I'm praying that she isn't altogether indifferent. By the way, it is my turn to ask questions. Are you still in love with her?"
"I am proud to say that you are more in my prayers that she," said Dank, with a profound sigh. "Nothing could please me more than to be the one to save my prince from disaster, even if it meant the sacrifice of self. My only prayer is that you may be spared, sir, and I taken in your place."
"That was a neat answer, 'pon my soul," cried the Prince admiringly.
"You--h.e.l.lo, who is this approaching? It is no other than the great Gourou himself, the king of sleuths, as they say in the books I used to read. Good morning, Baron."
The sharp-visaged little Minister of Police came up to the table and fixed an accusing eye upon his sovereign,--the literal truth, for he had the other eye closed in a protracted wink.
"I regret to inform your majesty that the enemy is upon us," he said.
"I fear that our retreat is cut off. Nothing remains save--"
"She has arrived?" cried the Prince eagerly.
"She has," said the Baron. "Bag and baggage, and armed to the eyes.
Each eye is a gatling-gun, each lip a lunette behind which lies an unconquerable legion of smiles and rows of ivory bayonets, each ear a hardy spy, and every nut-brown strand a covetous dastard on the warpath not for a scalp but for a crown. Napoleon was never so well prepared for battle as she, nor Troy so firmly fortified. Yes, highness, the foe is at our gates. We must to arms!"
"Where is she?" demanded Robin, unimpressed by this glowing panegyric.
"At this instant, sir, I fancy she is rallying her forces in the very face of a helpless mirror. In other words, she is preparing for the fray. She is dressing."
"The devil! How dare you pry into the secret--"
"Abhorrent thought! I deduce, nothing more. Her maid loses herself in the halls while attempting to respond to the call for re-inforcements.