The Predator’s Contract Partner - Chapter 223: Tpcp 223

Chapter 223: Tpcp 223

Of course, Elisha is my friend. Are you going to harm me?

Elisha nodded. It was a relief that her reaction was as she expected.

I came across that information by chance during my stay with the Cartier family. Please dont ask me the details of how I knew. But I can swear that the information is true.

Ilione had a very clear way of thinking. There was no loss in trusting Elisha this time. So she was quickly convinced.

Alright, Elisha. What do you want me to do in return? I dont forget grace.

Iliones eyes were serious as she declared that. The corners of Elishas lips were invisibly curved.

She knew the rules of those in power. Until now, to Ilione, Elisha was simply the object of her favor. Genuine likeability may have been a bonus.

However, as a princess, she did not help others without justification. Illione had decided that she would have something to exchange with Elisha in the future.

Due to the secret information Elisha gave her, Illione could get rid of Jewel. Elisha had the right to ask her for something in return.

This was a different issue from her previous contract with Lucerne. When she first met him, Elisha had nothing. She had to accept any unfair contract. Now, thanks to him, she had come this far. so .

For now, please keep the information I gave you a secret from my husband.

Because of Lucernes halo, it was now possible for her to ask the princess for a favor. Even if it meant deceiving him.


Ilione paused. Lucerne was also a close friend of hers and a good political ally.

Lucerne was cool-headed and had a resolute temperament. Once his trust was broken, that person never stayed by his side again. Even though she was a princess of the ruling imperial family, the High General, Lucerne, was someone she could not deal with at ease.

Im not asking you to lie to Lucerne. Its enough for you not to say anything first unless he asks.

Thats possible.

Ilione nodded obediently.

I am a helpless wife, princess.

Elisha whispered.

People like me need powerful friends. If the little help I gave the princess was useful, Id like us to continue to help each other in the future.

Is Lucerne hurting you by any chance?

Iliones expression became strange. She knew he was unusually interested in Elisha, which bordered on obsession, but she thought that Lucerne really liked her. But the person involved, Elishawhy was she saying this?

Elisha shook her head.

Not really. But he cant trust others. He prefers absolute obedience. Its natural. Because he is a general who controls the soldiers of the nation. Thats why I cant create a slush fund or have any privacy.

Ilione vaguely understood her situation. She also heard about status traders and contract wives. Since they never knew when they might be thrown out, the only way to survive was to create a slush fund during the marriage.

Moreover, Im . In a similar situation . But he will be very offended if he sees me trying to find a way to live like the so-called contract wives. Because powerful men do as they please. He wants a woman to trust and rely on him unconditionally.

Ilione clicked her tongue.

Oh, I think I understand. I know Lucerne is overly self-centered.


Elisha agreed with a nod.

So I need the princesss help.

From what she could gather about Ilione, she had an upright character, a good sense, and a loyal personality. She would not go so far as to protect Elisha unconditionally but she didnt think she would betray her either. With that level of assurance, she was an excellent prospect to trade with.

I need a borrowed identity and account. How to do it . Please do it like this.

Elisha briefly explained the strategy to Ilione.

Then when we met again in the capital. Please give me the information then. And please help me purchase real estate in the local area using that name and account.

Elisha knew she was absorbed with Lucerne. But even though she was blinded by the man, she wasnt a fool enough to completely trust him.

Suppose she gave him her heart. If she begged for his feelings. Like this, she would be unable to defend herself, and her last line of defense would collapse.

If you want him in this life too .

At that time, she didnt want to be someone who completely depended on him.

Whatever my relationship with him is. I also have to find my own independence and way to live.

Lucerne should not be the only person that she can trade with.

If she held him up as her savior, then she would have to remain his possession forever. She didnt want to do that.

It wont be difficult. I guess Lucerne doesnt quite respect your privacy or space. Its not easy to be the generals wife, is it? You even need another identity.

Thats how he is.

Elisha smiled.

All right, Elisha. Ill help you this time.

Ilione answered cheerfully.

Thank you, Ilione.

It was the first time Elisha called her by her name. Ilione was very happy. She gave one last request.

And this is my second request. If you cant get in touch with me for more than a certain period of time Can you please do this for me?

She listened to Elishas words seriously.

Do we have to go that far?