Now am I to be taken lightly? Do I have to be ignored even by a fallen aristocrat?
Ariens father was a high-ranking official in the temple and came from a noble family. A few generations before, there was even a Pope on her maternal side.
You think it will make any difference if a baseless disgrace and Gunner collude?
You cant look at everything so crookedly. In fact, Gunner-nim is very worried.
It was an unexpected remark.
A few years ago, Gunner-nim said that he was indebted to Ariens. He was worried that the misunderstanding that he covets the pope seat would make him lose his friendship.
People do not know all the good things people have done for each other. Because people are quick to talk.
Arien stiffened. Her eyes twinkled and she licked her dry lips.
Yes, of coursedont I have a father?
No matter what, he could not be nominated for the Pope unless he was a member of the Cartier family. Although now retired, Ariens father was the former Head of the Heretical Inquisitor Center.
Nowadays, as an heresy interrogator, he never hunted witches or fought wizards. So, the Heresy Inquisition Department played the role of detective within the temple. Their main job was to uncover crimes inside the temple, including corruption.
A few years ago, Ariens father took charge of a case concerning Gunners embezzlement. Since Ariens father was in-laws with the Cartiers, it was only natural to punish Gunner, a member of the Cartier family, with a slap on the wrist.
Right. It was then that the Head ordered my father to practically exonerate him. Gunner was nearly acquitted in an outrageous embezzlement case, right?
At the time, Gaju was angry at Gunners actions, but seldom expressed gratitude to her father. He praised Ariens father by sending precious gold and silver treasures.
If Gunner disappears, your father-in-laws position will not be threatened, right?
Arien wondered why she never had thought of that. At that time, Gunners sin was very clear. Her father would have evidence of that then.
My husband is too inept and my father-in-law is in a bad shape these days. Once I get rid of the Gunner myself, Ill make up for losing the land auction. I guess Ill have to step forward.
She hid such thoughts and flashed a smile as she looked at Elisha.
Youyoud better learn more about aristocracy. The world knows that your husband is colluding with Gunner, but you come to me and gossip about Gunner? Oh my, after all, one need to receive quality home education at an early age.
Elisha didnt answer. Arien raised an eyebrow with an arrogant smug smile. She then bid goodbye and left.
Then arrived Illione, who barely broke free from ladies dressed like peacocks.
She left all those ladies like this? Wow, isnt that really impressive.
Still, they have to acknowledge and pretend to be close to Arien.
Indeed. But that girl. Not even making eye contact with menevermind saying hello. Arent I a princess? Just the grandsons-daughter-in-law of the Cartiers.
Illione grumbled with a nonchalant attitude. It didnt look like she was really irked, so Elisha only mildly nodded.
Pay her no mind. Not even a day or two.
It didnt take a day or two for their arrogance to grow and pierce the sky.
But what happened? Did Arien harass you? You dont look so happy.
Its nothing. Its just because a lot of things are different from what I remember.
Elisha thought, When I was under them, they were like giants and terrifying beings.
Oddly enough, whenever Elisha was beaten by them, she tried to understand them. She was desperately trying to survive.
But in this different position. In the position were she was on equal footing with them and could meet each others eyes . they were too stupid and simpler than she remembered.
Its not my job to figure out the heart and feelings of the perpetrators.
Elisha just smiled, wondering why she now realized such an uncomplicated thing.
Im going back now.
Ah, alright. I was happy that Elisha asked me to meet her for the first time today.
I really wanted to personally give the princess an invitation to the ball.
Right, youre throwing a ball in Yurif? Indeed, I think Lucerne really loves you. Rumors have reached my ears that he is lavishly preparing for his wifes first ball.
Is that so?
Yes, but lets meet somewhere else next time,
Illione proposed.
Elisha, you are too naive. You shouldnt come to this cafe. In the social world, there are rules. Ill tell you. The cafe called Summer Jewel over there is Carolas cafe. And this cafe is where Arien comes and goes .
Illiones explanation didnt end until she got into her carriage, and Elisha pretended to listen attentively about what she already knew.