"The promise of my Father's love, Shall stand for ever good; He said, and gave his soul to death, And sealed it with his blood.
"To this dear covenant of thy word, I set my worthless name; I seal the engagement of the Lord, And make my humble claim.
"The light, and strength, and pardoning grace, And glory shall be mine; My life and soul, my heart and flesh, And all my powers are thine.
"I call that legacy mine own, Which Jesus did bequeath; 'Twas purchased with a dying groan, And ratified in death.
"Sweet is the memory of His name, Who blessed us in his will: And to his testament of love Made his own life the seal.
"To him that washed me in his blood, Be everlasting praise; Salvation, honor, glory, power, Eternal as his days."
"Blest be the Father, and his love, To which celestial source we owe Rivers of endless joys above, And rills of comfort here below.
"Glory to the great Son of G.o.d; From his dear wounded body rolls A precious stream of vital blood, Pardon and life for dying souls.
"We give thee, sacred Spirit, praise, Who in our hearts of sin and woe Mak'st living springs of grace arise, And into boundless glory flow.
"Thus G.o.d the Father, G.o.d the Son, And G.o.d the Spirit, we adore; The sea of life and love unknown, Without a bottom or a sh.o.r.e."
"Let me but hear my Saviour say, Strength shall be equal to thy day; Then I rejoice in deep distress, Leaning on all-sufficient grace.
"I glory in infirmity, That Christ's own power may rest on me: When I am weak, then am I strong; Grace is my shield, and Christ my song.
"I can do all things, or can bear All sufferings, if my Lord be there; Sweet pleasures mingle with the pains, While his strong hand my head sustains.
"Faith has an overcoming power, It triumphs in the dying hour; Christ is our life, our joy, our hope, Nor can we sink with such a prop."
"Jesus, I love thy charming name, 'Tis music to mine ear; Fain would I sound it out so loud That heaven and earth should hear.
"Yes, thou art precious to my soul, My transport and my trust; My Saviour, Shepherd, Husband, Friend, No other good I boast.
"All my capacious powers can wish, In thee doth richly meet; Not to mine eye is light so dear, Nor friendship half so sweet.
"Thy grace still dwells upon my heart, And sheds its fragrance there: The n.o.blest balm of all my wounds, The cordial of my care.
"I'll speak the honors of thy name With my last faltering breath; Then speechless clasp thee in my arms, The antidote of death."
"Grace, 'tis a charming sound, Harmonious to my ear; Heaven with the echo shall resound, And all the earth shall hear.
"Grace first contrived the way To save rebellious man; And all the steps _that_ grace display, Which drew the wondrous plan.
"Grace taught my wandering feet To tread the heavenly road; And new supplies each hour I meet, While pressing on to G.o.d.
"Grace all the work shall crown, Through everlasting days; It lays in heaven the topmost stone, And well deserves the praise."
"My G.o.d, the spring of all my joys, The life of my delights, The glory of my brightest days, And comfort of my nights:
"In darkest shades, if thou appear, My dawning is begun; Thou art my soul's sweet Morning-star, And thou my rising Sun.
"The opening heavens around me shine With beams of sacred bliss, While Jesus shows his heart is mine, And whispers I am his.
"My soul would leave this heavy clay, At that transporting word; Run up with joy the shining way, T' embrace my dearest Lord.
"Fearless of h.e.l.l and ghastly death, I'd break through every foe; The wings of love, and arms of faith, Should bear me conqueror through."
"Backward with humble shame I look, On my original; How is my nature dashed and broke, In our first father's fall.
"To all that's good averse and blind, But to all that's ill; What dreadful darkness veils my mind, How obstinate my will.
"Conceived in sin: O wretched state; Before I drew my breath, My first young pulse began to beat Iniquity and death.
"How strong in my degenerate blood The old corruption reigns; And mingling with the crooked flood, Wanders through all my veins.
"Yet, mighty G.o.d, thy wondrous love Can make my nature clean; While Christ and grace prevail above The tempter, death, and sin.
"The second Adam shall restore The ruins of the first; Hosanna to that sovereign power, That new-creates our dust."
Joshua 1:11, chapter 3; Psalm 23:4; 73:24.
*The three following effusions by Mrs. Graham, const.i.tuting a part of her "Provision," were found in a separate paper after her funeral sermon was preached. The hymn of Newton which she had annexed to the first, was selected by Dr. Mason and sung on that occasion; and the circ.u.mstances described at the beginning of the third, page 434, occurred at her death, as narrated in the memoir, though the existence of this paper was then unknown.
The solemn hour, my soul, draws near, The holy ark and priests appear; They forward move to Jordan's flood, The type, thou knowest, thy covenant G.o.d.
The signal too to thee is known; Obey, remove, and follow on; The ark appears, thy hallowed guide; Shrink not, but face the rolling tide.
The waves toss high their foaming heads, But can'st thou perish? Jesus leads.
This way before I ne'er did pa.s.s, But Jesus thy forerunner has.
When all its banks it overflowed, All nature wrapt in midnight cloud; While darkness held its awful power, And all G.o.d's billows pa.s.sed him o'er.
The waves for him must not divide, Deep calls to deep on every side; Around his head the surges roll, And rush into his inmost soul.