"Never mind the supper. Sit down, and we will eat later."
Then he read: "In Exod. 19:5 G.o.d says that his people will be a peculiar treasure unto him above all people. This great favor is bestowed upon all those who obey his voice. When we see how much people have cost him, we can comprehend, in a measure, how precious we must be in his sight. Naturally we value anything by its cost. If this rule be applied here, truly G.o.d must place great value upon his people; for he spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all. He must therefore estimate our value by his Son."
Next he read under the heading G.o.d's Church: "No one thing on earth is complete enough in its nature to fully represent the church of G.o.d. Neither is the human mind able to grasp singly a name that would express every feature of the church. For this reason G.o.d has made use of many relative names, such as kingdom, Zion, holy city, house, body of Christ, bride of Christ, family, sheepfold, vine and its branches, and other similar ill.u.s.trations.
"First, let us consider the word 'church.' It means a congregation of people separated from the world (John 15:19). Next, G.o.d's church is characterized by being separate from the world and all its evils (2 Cor.
6:14), and Christ is the head (Eph. 1:22), the door (John 10:9), the foundation (1 Cor. 3:11), and the chief corner-stone (Eph. 2:19,20)."
For a moment the paper dropped idly in Edwin's hands, for the truth of G.o.d was streaming down into his heart. Ever since his talk in the summer-kitchen with Mrs. Miller, when she said that she was converted at the time when she joined church and in answer to Edwin's question as to what the church was replied that the church was the little building where the roads met, he had felt that there was such a thing as "the church," but he could not get it settled that it was the building on the corner, as Mrs.
Miller had told him that it was. But whenever so situated that he could do so, he had continued to be a regular attendant of every religious service either at that place or in some adjoining community. In his heart he felt that as the meaning of eternity, prayer, and conversion had been revealed to his entire satisfaction, G.o.d would in his own good time help him to discover the true meaning of the word "church."
Presently he read under another heading: "The gospel of salvation that Christ preached penetrated the dark places of sin and idolatry like sun rays driving back the darkness of night. Wickedness in the hearts and lives of men gave way to grace and truth. Christ then established his church.
True holiness adorned her fair brow. Unity and purity were her chief characteristics. Of her it is said, 'Thou art all fair, my love; there is no spot in thee' (S. of Sol. 4:7). And again, 'My dove, my undefiled, is but one' (S. of Sol. 6:9). 'He [Christ] is the head of the body, the church ... that in all things he might have preeminence' (Col. 1:18).
"Having purchased, founded, and built the church, G.o.d claims exclusive right to the government. She is not 'our church,' but 'G.o.d's building,'
owned by G.o.d alone. All her members are the sons of G.o.d and bear his holy image. 'G.o.d hath set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him' (1 Cor. 12:18), for 'ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular.'"
For a moment Edwin paused to meditate upon what he had read; then he continued:
"It is G.o.d himself that a.s.signs each member his place in the church, or the body of Christ, and makes known to him what his line of spiritual work is to be--'Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular. And G.o.d hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healing,' etc. (1 Cor.
"The origin of the church is the immediate result of conversion and is inseparable from it. 'I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me; for they are thine. Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; that they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me ... that the world may believe that thou hast sent me' (John 17:9, 20, 21). 'As new-born babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby ... ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to G.o.d by Jesus Christ. But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light: which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of G.o.d.' (1 Pet. 2:2, 5, 9, 10)."
Again Edwin paused, and as the wonderful beauty and completeness of G.o.d's plan concerning his people dawned upon his mind, his large brown eyes were brightened with tears of joy, and he said to his wife:
"I believe I understand at last what is meant by 'the church.' All converted souls, both dead and alive, and of every nation or race of people in the world, make up G.o.d's church, and to become a member of the church is to be converted, or born into G.o.d's family."
"Read on," his wife said eagerly, and Edwin continued:
"G.o.d's people are not to forsake the a.s.sembling of themselves together to worship him (Heb. 10:25); 'for where two or three are gathered together in my name there am I in the midst of them.' (Matt. 18:20).
"It may be a mystery in the mind of some why we read in the Bible of churches, when G.o.d has but one church. A little attention to the word will convince any honest mind that the church of G.o.d is plural only in regard to its geographical location. The people in the different communities could not go up to Jerusalem in order to a.s.semble themselves together in worship, for the distance in some instances would have been too great. Thus, it became necessary for many to form home congregations. But although they were often widely separated, the same sweet fellowship was flowing in the hearts of all, and G.o.d looked upon them all together as his church, or the body of his beloved Son. The idea in referring to the church, or the divine congregation, as a bride and wife in relation to Christ was to teach their close relationship. 'And I will betroth thee unto me forever; yea, I will betroth thee unto me in righteousness, and in judgment, and in loving-kindness, and in mercies. I will even betroth thee unto me in faithfulness: and thou shalt know the Lord' (Hosea 2:19, 20). 'For I am jealous over you with G.o.dly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ' (2 Cor.
11:2). 'He that hath the bride is the bridegroom' (John 3:29). 'For thy maker is thine husband; the Lord of hosts is his name; and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel; The G.o.d of the whole earth shall he be called' (Isa.
54:5). 'Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honor to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints' (Rev. 19:7, 8). Since no man can rightly have more than one wife, G.o.d has but one church, and Christ is her husband."
"Wife," Edwin said, "this truly is wonderful. I see it all clearly now. G.o.d has had a purpose in keeping me from joining the little church on the corner, for I was already born into G.o.d's church when I was converted. He understood my ignorance; and although they have long since changed their minds concerning me, the ten years that I requested to prove my sincerity have shielded me from making a mistake, and my name has long ago been enrolled in heaven."
As they continued to glance over the pages of the paper, they came to a large advertis.e.m.e.nt of a camp-meeting to be held in an adjoining State.
After reading the urgent invitation to all who could to come to the spiritual feast, Edwin said that he would like very much to attend that meeting. It was impossible for them to both leave at the same time, but Edwin's wife urged him to go while she remained to take care of things at home.
Before retiring that night Edwin told his companion about the first camp-meeting that he ever attended. "I know," he said, "that I was looked upon by many as a lunatic, but I'm glad that G.o.d realized and understood all about the difficulties that had surrounded my early life. And, Wife, if I had it all to do over again, I could never know more perfectly how to consecrate myself to G.o.d and to realize the completeness of his love within my heart." And thus their talk continued long into the night. Their supper had been forgotten, for they were feasting on heavenly manna.
When the time for the meeting arrived, Edwin bade his wife farewell at the station; and as it was but a few hours' ride, he was soon at his destination. His general appearance as well as his understanding of the three languages helped him to make a far better impression than he had made at the time of him conversion, but his same innocence regarding sinful pleasures was still very noticeable. From his earliest recollections in the poorhouse his desire to do right for principle's sake had never left him.
This desire and G.o.d's wonderful protection had guarded him against many evils that might in later years have entangled his feet and obstructed his pathway.
What he saw and heard in the meeting was in such harmony with all that G.o.d had taught him and with what he had read in the Bible that he said, "Of a truth I have found G.o.d's church, and his people shall henceforth be my people."
He was still of the same humble, teachable spirit, and when he returned to his home, he carried many rich morsels of truth to his loving and faithful wife.
"One G.o.d and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all" (Eph. 4: 6). "He will guide you into all truth" (John 16: 13).
I am not old--though time has set His signet on my brow, And some faint furrows there have met, Which care may deepen now-- For in my heart a fountain flows, And round it pleasant thoughts repose, And sympathies and feelings high Spring like the stars on evening sky.
It was evening in the late summer, and Edwin was sitting upon the porch. He had been reading, but the paper had fallen carelessly by his side. In the western sky the beautiful tints of gold were rapidly changing to the deeper shades of lavender and crimson, and as he gazed upward among the drifting clouds he seemed lost to his earthly surroundings. So enraptured and carried away with his meditation had he become that he did not notice the approach of his faithful wife as she came to take her place beside him.
"Edwin, your thoughts tonight seem to be very far away indeed," she said.
"I hope that you are thinking of things that are pleasant"
With a smile and a word of welcome, Edwin awoke from his reverie and said:
"Yes, Wife, my thoughts were pleasant. In imagination I was living over again some of my early experiences."
"If that is the case, my dear, I greatly fear that a part of your thoughts were not as cheerful as they might have been," his wife said as her chair was drawn closer. Taking the hand that was scarred and disfigured in several places by abuse in his childhood, she continued: "I fear that many things concerning your childhood would be very hard indeed if you were forced to live them over again even in thought."
"Yes, Wife, that is true. There were many hard and bitter things, which are indeed painful to recall, especially those pertaining to my mother. To know that she has left this life without any hope for the future world, feeling that such was unnecessary, is hard, but it was not of her nor of her att.i.tude toward me that I was thinking altogether. I was meditating upon my life as a whole. You see, more than fifty summers and winters have pa.s.sed since I left the poorhouse in my boyhood days, and I have pa.s.sed well over the best part of my life. I am now on the downward slope of life's mountain of years, and it will not be long until I shall be entering the valley of the shadow of death."
The soft fingers of the gentle wife closed more tightly over the hand they held, as she said:
"Yes, dear, neither of us is young any more, for the silvery threads are already in our hair; but whether our years on earth are few or many, I believe that we both are ready to enter into the presence of our Lord at any moment that he should call for us."
"I have no fears on those lines, Wife," Edwin said, while his eyes were still upon the beautiful horizon; "for I have the sweet a.s.surance within my soul that I am a child of G.o.d and that I am on the road that leads to eternal bliss and glory for all who are faithful unto the end. But this evening as I sat here gazing upon the beautiful handiwork of G.o.d, I wondered what could be awaiting us in that brighter and better world beyond the grave."
"That is not for us to know now, Edwin, but some day the curtain will be drawn aside, and I am sure that the scene will be all the brighter for our having had to await G.o.d's time to reveal to us the mysteries that he has for a time thought best to veil."
The silence that followed seemed too sacred to be broken, and the gathering darkness crept slowly about them. When the last shade of crimson had left the sky, Edwin said:
"I have been thinking of the many good things that have come to me in this life, and the manner in which they have come. It seems that G.o.d's hand has been over me ever since I can remember, and as I look back now I can see that G.o.d has always been my guide ever since I chose to do the right because it was right to do it, and that even in my extreme ignorance, when I knew nothing of G.o.d's existence, he guided my steps and enabled me to live a life that was upright and consistent in the eyes of the world. Then, when I had no earthly friend who was able to unfold the mysteries of the future world to my entire satisfaction, he became my teacher and taught me how to be born into his heavenly family. Surely it was only through his divine protection that I have been brought through all my perplexities to the present time. Then as I was thinking about my childhood home at the poorhouse, a great desire to visit the place again crept into my heart. It seems to me that it would be a comfort to stand once more upon the same ground and to see the scenes that I beheld at the time when I was a helpless waif."
"Fifty years, Edwin, have probably made many changes, and nothing would seem the same to you now. It could not be as it was when you were a child."
"That may all be true," Edwin replied, "and yet the more I think about it, the greater becomes my desire to go and visit the place again. If you could give your consent, I should be glad to go at once."
"That you certainly have," his wife said earnestly, adding, "I will gladly do all in my power. Edwin, to help you to prepare for the journey."
Three days later Edwin kissed his wife good-by and with his handbag in his hand started for the railway station. After boarding the train he had a long and tiresome journey, but at last it was at an end. Alighting from the train, he stood for a moment upon the platform, trying to think which way to go. Noticing a man standing near, Edwin inquired the way to the poorhouse, and finding that the distance was not too great to walk, he was soon wending his way in that direction.
In that section of the country the land was quite level, and long before Edwin reached the place, he could see the large brick building that during his stay there was the quarters of the vicious and insane. He wondered if it was still used for the same purpose and if the same sights and sounds could be seen and heard. In a little while he was in front of the place that was his home half a century before.
Leaving the highway, he pa.s.sed through the open gateway, and a picture of his uncle in the buggy with the little forlorn poorhouse waif sitting beside him arose in his mind. Looking about, he wondered if either Mr.