This man sits in the stranger's seat And grinds the faces of his own!"
Outspoke the man, in Truth's own might: "Lord, half my goods I give the poor; If one I've taken more than right With four I make atonement sure!"
"Salvation here is entered in; This man indeed is Abraham's son!"
Said he who came the lost to win-- And saved the lost whom he had won.
Who follows Jesus shall not walk In darksome road with danger rife; But in his heart the Truth will talk, And on his way will shine the Life.
So, on the story we must pore Of him who lives for us, and died, That we may see him walk before, And know the Father in the guide.
In words of truth Christ all excels, Leaves all his holy ones behind; And he in whom his spirit dwells Their hidden manna sure shall find.
Gather wouldst thou the perfect grains, And Jesus fully understand?
Thou must obey him with huge pains, And to G.o.d's will be as Christ's hand.
What profits it to reason high And in hard questions court dispute, When thou dost lack humility, Displeasing G.o.d at very root!
Profoundest words man ever spake Not once of blame washed any clear; A simple life alone could make Nathanael to his master dear.
The eye with seeing is not filled, The ear with hearing not at rest; Desire with having is not stilled; With human praise no heart is blest.
Vanity, then, of vanities All things for which men grasp and grope!
The precious things in heavenly eyes Are love, and truth, and trust, and hope.
Better the clown who G.o.d doth love Than he that high can go And name each little star above But sees not G.o.d below!
What if all things on earth I knew, Yea, love were all my creed, It serveth nothing with the True; He goes by heart and deed.
If thou dost think thy knowledge good, Thy intellect not slow, Bethink thee of the mult.i.tude Of things thou dost not know.
Why look on any from on high Because thou knowest more?
Thou need'st but look abroad, to spy Ten thousand thee before.
Wouldst thou in knowledge true advance And gather learning's fruit, In love confess thy ignorance, And thy Self-love confute.
This is the highest learning, The hardest and the best-- From self to keep still turning, And honour all the rest.
If one should break the letter, Yea, spirit of command, Think not that thou art better, Thou may'st not always stand!
We all are weak--but weaker Hold no one than thou art; Then, as thou growest meeker, Higher will go thy heart.
Sense and judgment oft indeed Spy but little and mislead, Ground us on a shelf!
Happy he whom Truth doth teach, Not by forms of pa.s.sing speech, But her very self!
Why of hidden things dispute, Mind unwise, howe'er astute, Making that thy task Where the Judge will, at the last, When disputing all is past, Not a question ask?
Folly great it is to brood Over neither bad nor good, Eyes and ears unheedful!
Ears and eyes, ah, open wide For what may be heard or spied Of the one thing needful!
Men sought, ambition's thirst to slake, The lost elixir old Whose magic touch should instant make The meaner metals gold.
A n.o.bler alchymy is thine Which love from pain doth press: Gold in thy hand becomes divine, Grows truth and tenderness.