“So Lee Sun-Ho did get wounded and is searching for the elixir,” murmured Gi-Gyu. It was huge and shocking news; if it got out, the entire world would be shaken, not just Korea.
Confused, Gi-Gyu asked Go Hyung-Chul, “If this is true, why didn’t you sell this information to the media? You could’ve made a fortune.” Gi-Gyu didn’t know how much Go Hyung-Chul made so far as a paparazzo, but he suspected this could bring him the most money he had ever made.
Go Hyung-Chul snorted and replied, “You’re an idiot. Lee Sun-Ho is the pillar of our nation. Even the association can’t oppose him, let alone his Angela Guild, which proves my point. So think about it. If the world finds out that Lee Sun-Ho is no more, do you think the other countries will leave Korea alone? I’m not sure if they would invade Korea, but there is no doubt they will try to influence our country. I can’t let something like that happen.”
Gi-Gyu didn’t answer him. It was scary to think that one person had so much power over this country. He thought, ‘Korea has many high rankers and rankers, but our numbers can’t compare to China or Japan.’
While the other countries housed numerous powerful players, Korea only had Asura, whose identity was a secret; Lucifer, who wasn't interested in politics; and a few others. Oh Tae-Gu, aka Asura, was planning for the inevitable future through the association’s mercenary system. However, Gi-Gyu didn’t know the whole story, so he couldn’t see the complete picture. But it still helped Gi-Gyu understand where Go Hyung-Chul was coming from.
‘If Lee Sun-Ho is out of the picture, then Korea would…’
Gi-Gyu was deep in thought when he heard Go Hyung-Chul murmur, “Korean media won’t buy my information anyway since Lee Sun-Ho is too powerful to have as an enemy.”
The fear in Go Hyung-Chul’s eyes surprised Gi-Gyu since he had always maintained a blank face with sleepy eyes. Nothing seemed to scare Go Hyung-Chul, so the flash of fear in his eyes said a lot about Lee Sun-Ho’s power.
Gi-Gyu asked, “So why did you accept my request? Doing this job might make you Lee Sun-Ho’s enemy too.”
“Because you paid the price I named.” A faint smile appeared on Go Hyung-Chul’s face before he explained, “You told me about your relationship with Lucifer and what the evil eye did. Those two pieces of information were payment enough.”
Then, Go Hyung-Chul slowly stood up and disappeared. Gi-Gyu could sense Go Hyung-Chul’s stealth and mobilization skills when activated, but he didn’t bother to grab him. When Sung-Hoon and Gi-Gyu were alone again, Sung-Hoon murmured in annoyance, “This is getting more complicated.”
“...” Gi-Gyu couldn’t reply because his mind was racing.
‘So he needs the elixir.’ Gi-Gyu thought in concern. Currently, there was no known elixir available in the world. The public assumed that Lucifer, the Iron Guild, or the Athena Guild took the elixir from the Maze of Heryond.
‘But someone so powerful like Lee Sun-Ho must know where the other elixirs are.’
Everyone suspected that the rich and the famous hid away all the elixirs found before the Maze of Heryond. However, Lee Sun-Ho, someone rich and famous, had to know the whereabouts of at least some of these elixirs. So why was he still not cured?
‘Either there isn’t any available elixir in the world, or he…’
Lou finished Gi-Gyu’s thought.
-Or he has already used one, but it wasn’t enough.
Gi-Gyu didn’t refute the idea. Instead, he asked his Egos, ‘What kind of wound would require more than one elixir?’
Lou seemed uncertain when El suddenly chimed in.
-The elixir has the power to recreate the human shell.
It had been long since El spoke, so Gi-Gyu listened attentively.
-But if the human body, the shell, is too damaged and requires multiple regenerations…
Gi-Gyu finished El’s thought, ‘It would mean he would need several elixirs.’
It made sense, so they were back to the assumption that Lee Sun-Ho needed the elixir. The question now was why the Angela Guild allied with the Iron Guild.
‘The Iron Guild doesn’t have the elixir. The one who has the elixir is…’
Gi-Gyu was beginning to put the pieces of the puzzle together. Since Lucifer had the elixir, what kind of deal did the Iron Guild and the Angela Guild make? Did the Iron Guild promise to connect Lee Sun-Ho to Lucifer?
“That's a ridiculous idea.” It made no sense, and Gi-Gyu failed to solve the mystery regardless of how hard he thought.
-I-I’m too full!
Brunheart protested, bringing Gi-Gyu out of his thoughts, but he insisted, “No, Brunheart. You can eat some more. You can do this.”
-But I’m supposed to eat the crystals in small increments, Master!
“It’s okay, Brunheart. I know you can eat more.” Gi-Gyu encouraged as he watched the gate above his chest swallow the mountain of crystals like Packman.
Gi-Gyu spent most of his money to buy these crystals and only left a small amount for his mother and Yoo-Jung’s living expenses. Since he couldn’t just leave so many crystals outside, he wanted Brunheart to eat them.
-P-please let me take a little break, Master.
When Brunheart begged, Gi-Gyu finally replied, “All right.”
-T-thank god!
While Brunheart sighed in relief, Gi-Gyu jumped back in his thoughts.
-What do you want?
Gi-Gyu asked his Ego, “Is there a way for me to learn more about the evil eye? Lucifer told me the evil eye would be our communication tool, but…”
After thinking for a moment, Lou stated.
-Maybe it’s something to do with the 50th floor since Lucifer asked you to meet then? All I know is that the evil eye can reveal a person’s true identity. It doesn’t give you any communication ability.
Despite losing his Emperor of Black Magic memories, Lou still knew more about black magic than anyone Gi-Gyu knew. So, he had no reason to doubt Lou’s confident claim.
“Haa…” Gi-Gyu sighed deeply. The Tower wasn’t a game he could challenge whenever, and then there were the tests he had to pass every ten floors. Suffice to say, he currently didn’t have the time or the energy to ascend to the 50th floor.
Gi-Gyu murmured, “The 30th-floor test was difficult. So the tests on the higher floors probably won’t be any easier.”
Since the 30th-floor test’s difficulty level didn’t decrease, assuming otherwise for the floors above would be dangerous.
No matter how hard he thought, no solution to his dilemma came. Shaking his head, Gi-Gyu announced, “Brunheart, it’s time for your meal.”
-Kyaaa! But Master!
Brunheart's screams rang inside Gi-Gyu’s head, but he finished the mountain of crystals in the end.
Inside a cafe north of the Han River, Gi-Gyu was staring at his unexpected visitors. When he received a call from Sun-Pil, he expected to meet him alone. So Gi-Gyu was surprised to see that Kim Dong-Hae had accompanied Sun-Pil.
“Long time no see, Player Kim Dong-Hae,” greeted Gi-Gyu.
“I’ve been wanting to see you.” Kim Dong-Hae, the Child Guild member who led the subjugation squad, replied. Gi-Gyu had heard recently that Kim Dong-Hae was now a ranker.
Sun-Pil grumbled, “Hyung! You’ve had so many meetings with Suk-Woo hyung lately, but I don’t even get a call?”
Gi-Gyu replied apologetically, “I’ve been swamped, sorry.” Turning toward Kim Dong-Hae, Gi-Gyu asked, “Why did the two of you come together? I thought I was only meeting Sun-Pil today.”
“I brought Player Kim Dong-Hae here because we have something to discuss with you.”
“Huh?” Noticing Gi-Gyu’s growing confusion, Sun-Pil asked, “Did you know that the guild master of the Child Guild retired? Player Kim Dong-Hae is the new guild master now.”
“Huh? Really?!” Gi-Gyu jolted in shock. Kim Dong-Hae and Sun-Pil seemed very awkward because it was obvious that Gi-Gyu really had no idea.
Trying to remain calm, Kim Dong-Hae blushed and murmured, “The Child Guild is only a medium-sized group, so it’s understandable you didn’t know, Player Kim Gi-Gyu.”
Sun-Pil wasn’t as good at hiding his shock as he replied, “Player News aired this at least a few times. How could you not know?”
“Gosh, I’m really sorry. I’ve been burning the candle at both ends,” apologized Gi-Gyu. He had been so busy that he couldn’t even find the time to sit down and watch TV. The only news he heard was regarding the Angela and the Iron Guild from Sung-Hoon. He spent all his spare minutes resting since he used everything else on his big plan.
Kim Dong-Hae accepted Gi-Gyu's apology with a smile and said, “N-no need to apologize!”
Turning toward Sun-Pil, Gi-Gyu asked, “So what did you want to talk about?” Gi-Gyu would have begun with a mundane chat about their lives if it were just Sun-Pil. However, he decided to get right to it since Kim Dong-Hae was also here.
Both Sun-Pil and Dong-Hae seemed very hesitant. Their lips trembled a little, clearly having difficulty discussing what they came here for.
“We want to ask you for…” When Sun-Pil trailed off hesitantly, Gi-Gyu’s confusion peaked. He guessed, “Are you trying to ask me for money? I’m sorry, but…”
“No, it’s nothing like that!”
“Are you turning your guild into a cult and want me to join? Sorry, but I’m not interested.”
Gi-Gyu asked jokingly, trying to lighten the mood. Sun-Pil’s hesitance made Gi-Gyu think he was here to ask for money. However, that wasn’t the case, so he shrugged and grinned. “Please feel free to talk to me about anything. I can’t do you any big favors, but I will certainly consider it if it’s nothing too big.”
Sun-Pil looked relieved when Gi-Gyu offered in a serene voice. Suddenly, Sun-Pil stood up from his seat and announced, “I want to ally with you, Gi-Gyu!” The sudden proclamation drew eyes toward their table from everywhere. People inside the cafe were already peeking at Gi-Gyu for his looks and violet eye. Now with Sun-Pil’s outburst, everyone was openly staring.
Hating all the attention, Gi-Gyu yelped, “C-calm down!” Sun-Pil realized where he was, so he quickly sat down, still seeming flustered. Kim Dong-Hae stepped in and explained, “I want to ally with you too. Both Morningstar and my Child Guild want to become your allies, Playe—I mean Ranker Kim Gi-Gyu.”
“You want your guilds to ally with an individual player?” Gi-Gyu asked in confusion since something like this rarely happened.
Kim Dong-Hae continued, “Reading about the Yeosu Gate reminded me of how amazing you are.” Kim Dong-Hae remembered seeing the unusual rings on Gi-Gyu’s fingers, so he quickly recognized him in the masked player’s photo. And that was why Kim Dong-Hae contacted Gi-Gyu at the time.
Kim Dong-Hae added, “You became a ranker at record speed. Your incredible strength and charm were enough to seduce me. I know that you must have even more amazing secrets.”
Gi-Gyu couldn’t hide his shock and embarrassment. He couldn’t believe Kim Dong-Hae was saying something so corny and mortifying. Undeterred, Kim Dong-Hae continued, “I would like to become your ally and form a close relationship with you, Ranker Kim Gi-Gyu!”
“Me too! Don’t forget the Morningstar Guild!” Sun-Pil quickly butted in.
Gi-Gyu contemplated before narrowing his eyes. He murmured, “But you don’t even know what I might do. Have you ever considered the possibility that I might cause harm to your guilds?”
Both Kim Dong-Hae and Sun-Pil answered simultaneously, “We don’t care.”
Kim Dong-Hae blurted, “I don’t believe you will become a red player or someone who harms others; if you do such a thing, it’ll just show that I am not a good judge of a character. My first act as the guild master might end up being a costly mistake, but we both believe you’re worth the risk, Ranker Kim Gi-Gyu. Whenever a guild thinks about allying with someone or a group, we consider many things; this is no different. All our deliberation, calculation, and whatnot assured us that your future is limitless.”
Dong-Hae said all that in a single breath. When he paused to take a breath, Sun-Pil stated, “We’re asking for this because we believe in your potential, Hyung. The risks we take on right now will yield a much bigger reward. This is my choice as a guild master, not a friend.”
From the looks of it, Sun-Pil and Dong-Hae talked about this at length and became friends in the process.
Lou smirked and muttered.
-They obviously became friends because of you. You must be pleased with your popularity among men.
Gi-Gyu frowned at Lou’s words but did not care much since the recent offer was eating up all of his processing power. Normally, he would have accepted the alliance in a heartbeat, but now it would become a variable in his plan. He was grateful they thought so highly of him, but he was about to face the biggest battle of his life.
Dong-Hae and Sun-Pil licked their dry lips and waited for Gi-Gyu’s answer. Gi-Gyu thought, ‘Neither the Child Guild nor the Morningstar Guild are small fish. Combined, they can provide significant power.’ The Morningstar Guild was growing fast, while the Child Guild was already a mid-sized guild with a long history. Gi-Gyu never doubted that these two young guilds would grow just as quickly as him. And when they became more powerful, they would be a great asset to him.
With a smile, Gi-Gyu replied, “Then shall I give you a test?”