For full two hours sat Karl, chewing the cud of impatience. As yet the feeling he experienced was only one of impatience, mingled with a considerable amount of chagrin at being in such a, and having got himself into it in so simple a manner. He had no very painful apprehensions about the result--since he made quite sure that his companions would come to his relief in the end. They might not find him that day, or that night, and he might have to remain all night upon the ledge. This, however, would be no great hardship. He might suffer a little from want of his supper, and he might have to sleep in the cave, but what of that to one so inured to hunger, and to sleeping in the open air, as he was? Even had there been no shelter, he could have stretched himself along the ledge, and slept that way without much minding it.
Certainly in the morning the others would be after him, his shouts would guide them to the spot, and then it would be all right again.
Such was the reasoning of Karl, and therefore, knowing that he had but little to fear, he was not acutely anxious.
While he was thus comfortably communing with himself, however, his eyes rested upon an object that rendered him anxious enough--nay, more than anxious--badly frightened, would be nearer the words.
His ears first guided him to this new cause of alarm. While sitting on the ledge, and not saying a word, he heard a sound that resembled the snort of a jacka.s.s, just as one commences to bray.
There were some bushes growing at no great distance from the bottom of the cliff, and it was from the midst of these bushes the sound appeared to proceed.
After hearing the snort, Karl kept both eyes and ears acutely bent--the former fixed upon the bushes; and in a minute after, the sound was repeated, though he did not see the creature that uttered it. He saw, however, by the motion of the twigs, that something was pa.s.sing through the thicket; and the loud snapping of dead sticks, and crackling of branches, proved that it was an animal of great weight and dimensions.
Karl was not long in doubt as to the dimensions; for the instant after he beheld the body of a large beast emerging from the thicket, and moving out into the open ground.
It required no skill to tell what sort of animal it was--a bear beyond the probability of a doubt--and yet it was of a species that Karl had never before seen. But there is such a similitude between the members of the Bruin tribe, that he who has ever seen one--and who has not?-- will easily recognise all the rest of the family.
The one which now presented itself to the observation of our plant-hunter, was of medium size--that is, less than the great polar bear, or the "grizzly" of the Rocky Mountains, but larger than the Bornean species, or the sun-bear of the Malays. It was scarce so large as the singular sloth-bear, which they had encountered near the foot of the mountains, and with which they had had such a ludicrous adventure.
It was but little less, however, than the "sloth," and, like it, was of a deep black colour, though its hair was neither so long nor s.h.a.ggy.
Like the latter, too, its under lip was whitish, with a white mark on its throat resembling a Y--the stem of the letter being placed upon the middle of its breast, and the fork pa.s.sing up in front of the shoulders--for this is a mark which belongs to several species of Southern Asiatic bears. In other respects the bear in question was peculiar. It had a neck remarkably thick; a flattened head, with the forehead and muzzle forming almost a straight line--and on this account distinguishing it from the sloth-bear, in which the forehead rises almost abruptly from the line of the muzzle. Its ears were of large size--its body compact, supported on stout but clumsy limbs--and its feet armed with claws of moderate dimensions, and blunted at their points. Such were the markings of the bear now before the eyes of Karl; and although he had never seen one of the kind before, he had read of one; and by these peculiarities he was able to recognise the species.
It was the Tibet bear (_Ursus Tibeta.n.u.s_)--more commonly styled by closet-naturalists _Helarctos Tibeta.n.u.s_--one of the bears that inhabit the high table-lands of Tibet, and is supposed to range through the whole of the Upper Himalayas, since it has been found in Nepaul and elsewhere.
I have said that Karl was badly frightened with this black apparition.
This was at the first sight of it, as it came out of the bushes; and, indeed, it is not at all surprising that he was so. There is no one,-- not even a bear-hunter himself,--who can encounter a bear upon the bear's own ground without feeling a little trembling of the nerves; but when it is remembered that Karl was quite unarmed--for he had left his gun at the bottom of the cliff--it will not be wondered at, that the appearance of the bear caused him alarm.
His fright, however, was of short duration; and for two reasons. First, he remembered having read that this species of bear is of a harmless disposition; that it is not carnivorous, but feeds only on fruits, and in no instance has it been known to attack man unless when wounded or a.s.sailed. Then, of course, it will defend itself, as many animals will do that are otherwise gentle and harmless.
Another reason why he soon got over his fright was, that he chanced to be in such a position that it was not likely the bear would attempt to come near him. He was quite out of its way; and if he only kept silent--which he would be careful to do--the animal might not even look in that direction, but go off again without perceiving him. In hope that such would be the result, Karl sat without stirring, and kept as quiet as a mouse.
But Karl chanced to be building his hopes on a false foundation. The bear had no notion of going off as it had come--it had other designs altogether; and, after shuffling about over the stones--now and then uttering the same asinine snort that had first called attention to it-- it marched straight forward to the cliff, just under the spot where Karl was seated. Then, rearing its body erect, and placing its fore-paws against the rock, it looked up into the face of the astonished plant-hunter!
It is probable that the bear at this moment was quite as much astonished as Karl, though perhaps not so badly scared. It must have felt alarm though, for on seeing him it permitted its paws to drop suddenly to the ground, and appeared for a moment undecided as to whether it should turn tail and run back into the thicket. It did actually make a turn or two, growling and looking up; and then, as if it had got over its surprise, and was no longer afraid, it once more approached the cliff, and planted itself to spring upward.
On first perceiving the bear, Karl had been seated upon the ledge, just above the path by which he had climbed up, and it was by this path that the animal was threatening to ascend. On perceiving its intention, Karl sprang to his feet, and set to dancing about on the ledge, uncertain what to do, or whither to flee.
As to opposing the ascent of the bear, he did not think of such a thing.
He had no weapons,--not even a knife; and had he attempted to wrestle with it, trusting to his strength alone, he very well knew that the struggle would end either by his being hugged to death in the arms of the great brute, or pushed off the ledge and crushed to atoms in the fall. He had no idea, therefore, of standing on the defence--he thought only of retreating.
But how was he to retreat? whither was he to run? It would be of little use going along the ledge, since the bear could easily follow him; and if the animal meant to attack him, he might as well keep his ground and receive the a.s.sault where he stood.
Karl was still hesitating what to do, and the bear had commenced crawling up, when he chanced to remember the cave. This suggested an idea. Perhaps he might conceal himself in the cave?
He had no time to consider whether or not this would be a prudent step.
If he hesitated any longer, the great black brute would lay hold of him to a certainty; and therefore, without reflecting another moment, he ran off along the ledge.
On arriving opposite the cave, he turned into it; and, groping his way for a pace or two, squatted down near the entrance.
Fortunately for him he had, upon entering, kept well to one side before he squatted. He had done so, in order to place himself under the darkness. Had he remained in the central part of the "entrance-hall,"
he would either have been run over by the bear, or gripped between its huge paws, before he could have p.r.o.nounced those two famous words, "Jack Robinson." As it was, he had scarcely crouched down, when the bear entered, still snorting and growling, and rushed past him up the cave.
It made no stop near the entrance, but kept right on, until, from the noises it continued to make, Karl could tell that it had gone a good way into the interior of the cavern.
It was now a question with the plant-hunter what course he should follow--whether remain where he was, or pop out again upon the ledge?
Certainly his present situation afforded him no security. Should the bear return to the attack, he could not expect it to pa.s.s without perceiving him. He knew that these animals can see in a very obscure light--almost in the midst of darkness; and therefore he would be seen, or if not seen, he would be scented, which was equally as bad.
It was no use, then, remaining inside; and although he might be no safer outside, he determined to go thither. At all events, he would have light around him, and could see his antagonist before being attacked; while the thought of being a.s.sailed in the cave, and hugged to death by an unseen enemy in the darkness, had something awful and horrible in it.
If he were to be destroyed in this way, neither Caspar nor Ossaroo might ever know what had become of him--his bones might lie in that dark cavern never to be discovered by human eyes: it was a fearful apprehension!
Karl could not bear it; and, rising half erect, he rushed out into the light.
He did not pause by the entrance of the cave, but ran back along the shelf to the point where the path led up. Here he stopped, and for several minutes stood--now looking anxiously back towards the cavern's mouth, and now as anxiously casting his glances down the giddy path that conducted to the bottom of the cliff.
Had Karl known the true disposition of the Tibet bear, or the design of the particular one he had thus encountered, he would not have been so badly frightened. In truth, the bear was as much disinclined to an encounter as he, at a loss, no doubt, to make out the character of its adversary. It was probable that Karl himself was the first human biped the animal had ever set eyes on; and, not knowing the strength of such a strange creature, it was willing enough to give him a wide berth, provided he would reciprocate the civility!
The bear, in fact, was only rushing to its cave; perhaps to join its mate there, or defend its cubs, which it believed to be in danger, and had no idea whatever of molesting the plant-hunter, as it afterwards proved.
But Karl could not know this, and did not know it. He fancied all the while that the bear was in pursuit of him; that, to attack him, it had sprung up to the ledge; and that it had rushed past him into the cave, thinking he had gone far in; that, as soon as it should reach the interior, and find he was no longer there, it would come rushing out again, and then--
It is well-known that one danger makes another seem less, and that despair will often lend courage to cowards.
Karl was no coward, although in calm blood the descent of the cliff had cowed him. But now that his blood was up, the danger of the descent appeared less; and, partly inspired by this belief, and partly urged on by the fear of Bruin reissuing from the cave, he determined once more to attempt it.
In an instant he was on his knees, and letting himself over the edge of the rock.
For the first length of himself, he succeeded beyond his expectations, having found the steps below readily enough. He was gaining confidence, and the belief that it would be all right yet, and that, in a few seconds more, he would be at the bottom, where he could soon escape from the bear by taking to a tree, or defend himself with his gun, which was lying, ready loaded, on the ground. All the while, he kept his face upward, except during the moments when it was necessary to glance below, to discover the position of the steps.
No wonder he looked upward, with eyes full of anxiety. Should the bear attack him now, a terrible fate would be his!
Still there were no signs of the animal, and Karl was gradually getting lower and lower in his descent.
He was yet scarce half-way down, and full twenty feet were between his heels and the ground, when he arrived at a point where he could find no resting-place for his feet. He had found one upon a k.n.o.b of rock; but unfortunately it proved brittle and gave way, leaving him without any thing broad enough to rest even his toe upon. He had already shifted his hold with the hands; and was, therefore, compelled to support the whole weight of his body by the strength of his arms!
This was a terrible situation; and unless he could immediately get a rest for his feet, he must fall to the bottom of the cliff!
He struggled manfully; he spread out his toes as far as he could reach, feeling the rock on both sides.
Its face appeared smooth as gla.s.s; there was nothing that offered foothold; he believed that he was lost!
He tried to reach the notches above him; first with one hand, then with the other. He could just touch, but not grasp them; he could not go up again; he believed that he was lost!
His arms were dragged nearly out of joint; his strength was fast going; he believed that he was lost!