Ya.s.suh, Mist Kenton!
Riddley / Mail Room
from TH E S A K RE D B O OK OF C A R LO S.
I know how to get him. I have set things in
motion, praise Abbalah. Praise Green Demeter. I'll get
them all. Green Green " must be seen." Ha! You Ju d a s !
Little do you know! But I know! All about your girlfriend,
too-only girlfriend is now girlFIEND, little do you know
what she is up to! T h e re is another mule kicking in your
stall, Mr. Judas Big-Shot Editor! OUIJA says this mu l e 's
name is GARY! In my dreams I have seen them and
G A RY is HAIRY! Not like you, you wimpy little
J U DAS! Soon I'm sending you a present! Ever yone pros
p e rs! Ever y Judas safe in the arms of Abbalah! Come
February 25
Dear Ruth,
I've got a case of the mean reds, so I thought I'd pa.s.s some of them on- see the enclosed Xeroxes, concluding with a typically impudent communication from Riddley, he of the coal-black skin and three hundred huge white teeth.
You'll notice that Roger kicked my a.s.s good and hard-not much like Roger, and doubly sobering for that very reason. I don't think one has to be very paranoid to see that he's talking about the possibility of firing me. If I'd talked this out with him over martinis at Flaherty's after work, I doubt very much if he would have come down so hard, and of course I had no idea he was waiting on a call from Enders. I undoubtedly deserved the a.s.s-kicking I got-I haven't really been doing my job-but he has no idea of the scare that letter threw into me when I realized it was Detweiller again. I'm too G.o.ddam thin-skinned for my own good, that's what Roger thinks...but Detweiller is scary for other, less easily grasped reasons. Being the idee that's gotten fixe in some crazy's head has got to be one of the most uncomfortable feelings in the world-if I knew Jody Foster, I think I'd give her a jingle and tell her I know exactly how she feels. There's an almost palpable texture of slime about Detweiller's communications, and oh boy, oh yeah, I wish I could get him out of my head, but I still have nightmares about those pictures.
Anyway, I have taken care of matters as well as I can, and no, I have no intention of calling Central Falls. We have an editorial meeting tomorrow. I'll try to the best of my limited abilities to get back on the beam...except at Zenith House the beam is so narrow it almost doesn't exist.
I love you, I miss you, I long for your return. Maybe you being gone is part of the problem. Not to make you feel guilty.
[image][image][image][image][image][image][image][image][image], [image][image][image][image]
From the journals of Riddley Walker
Like a stone thrown into a large and stagnant pond' the Detweiller affair has caused any number of ripples at my place of employment. I thought has caused any number of ripples at my place of employment. I thought that all of them had gone by; yet this afternoon one more rolled past' and that all of them had gone by; yet this afternoon one more rolled past' and who is to say even that one will be the last? who is to say even that one will be the last?
I have included a Xerox of an exceedingly curious memo I received from Kenton at 2:35 P.M. plus my own reply (the memo came just after from Kenton at 2:35 P.M. plus my own reply (the memo came just after Gelb left'in something of a huff; why he should have been in a huff eludes Gelb left'in something of a huff; why he should have been in a huff eludes me since today he brought his own dice and I did him the courtesy of not me since today he brought his own dice and I did him the courtesy of not even checking them' but Ah g'iss Ah woan even checking them' but Ah g'iss Ah woan nevuh nevuh understand dese white understand dese white folks). I think I have covered the Detweiller affair to a nicety in these folks). I think I have covered the Detweiller affair to a nicety in these pages' but I should add that it never surprised me in the least that Kenton pages' but I should add that it never surprised me in the least that Kenton was the one to bring Detweiller' the rogue comet' into the erratic (and' I was the one to bring Detweiller' the rogue comet' into the erratic (and' I fear' degenerating) orbit of Zenith House. He is brighter than Sandra fear' degenerating) orbit of Zenith House. He is brighter than Sandra Jackson; brighter than that c.r.a.p-shooting' Ivy League tie-wearing devil Jackson; brighter than that c.r.a.p-shooting' Ivy League tie-wearing devil William Gelb; f William Gelb; far brighter than Herbert Porter (Porter' as previously brighter than Herbert Porter (Porter' as previously noted' is not above wandering into Ms. Jackson's office after she has left noted' is not above wandering into Ms. Jackson's office after she has left for the day and sniffing the seat of her office chair-a strange man' but be for the day and sniffing the seat of her office chair-a strange man' but be it not for me to judge)' and the only one of the staff who it not for me to judge)' and the only one of the staff who might might be capable be capable of recognizing a commercial book if it came within his purview. Right now of recognizing a commercial book if it came within his purview. Right now he is eaten up with guilt and embarra.s.sment over he is eaten up with guilt and embarra.s.sment over l'affaire Detweiller, l'affaire Detweiller, and and can see only that he made a rather comic f can see only that he made a rather comic faux pas. He would be incapable He would be incapable of seeing that his decision to even l of seeing that his decision to even look at the Detweiller book demonstrated that his editorial ears are still open' and still attuned to that sweetest of all tones-the celestial notes of Sweda cash registers in drugstores at the Detweiller book demonstrated that his editorial ears are still open' and still attuned to that sweetest of all tones-the celestial notes of Sweda cash registers in drugstores and book emporia ringing up sales' even if it was pointed out to him. and book emporia ringing up sales' even if it was pointed out to him.
Incapable of seeing that it proves he's still trying.
The others have given up.
Anyway' here is this enchanting memo-between its lines I hear a man whose nerve is temporarily shot' a man who man whose nerve is temporarily shot' a man who might might be capable of facing a lion but who now cannot even look at a mouse; a man who is'in consequence' shrieking "Eeeek! Get rid of it! Get rid of it!" and swatting at it be capable of facing a lion but who now cannot even look at a mouse; a man who is'in consequence' shrieking "Eeeek! Get rid of it! Get rid of it!" and swatting at it with the handiest broom' which in with the handiest broom' which in dis dis case jus happen t'be Riddley' who case jus happen t'be Riddley' who dus' de awfishes an wipe de windows an delivah de mail. Ya.s.suh' Mist dus' de awfishes an wipe de windows an delivah de mail. Ya.s.suh' Mist Kenton' I git rid of it fo you! I sholy goan get rid of dat hoodoo Solrac Kenton' I git rid of it fo you! I sholy goan get rid of dat hoodoo Solrac woman's package if she sen one! woman's package if she sen one!
On the other hand' maybe John Kenton should have to face up to the consequences of his own actions-swat his own mouse. After all' if you consequences of his own actions-swat his own mouse. After all' if you don't swat your own' maybe you never really know what a harmless little don't swat your own' maybe you never really know what a harmless little thing a mouse is...and is it not possible that Kenton's useful days as an thing a mouse is...and is it not possible that Kenton's useful days as an editor may be over if he cannot stare down such occasional crazies as editor may be over if he cannot stare down such occasional crazies as Carlos "Roberta" Detweiller? Carlos "Roberta" Detweiller?
I shall ponder the matter. I think there is a very good chance no package will come' but I'll ponder it all the same.