Aug. 27, 1759.
_Adino Paddock_ Chaise-Maker, near the Granary, has six second-hand Chaises to sell; and as they take up much Storage, he will sell them under their Value.
Aug. 22, 1763.
=Benjamin Russell=
INFORMS his Customers and others, that he Undertakes PAPERING ROOMS and Stair-Cases in the best Manner, at a reasonable Rate.--Any Gentleman that has a mind to Employ him in the neighbouring Towns, may be serv'd by him (paying his Travelling Charges) at the same Rate as those in _Boston_.--Said _Russell_ has a number of Window SASHES 10 by 8, 24 Lights in a Window, to Sell reasonably for Cash,--they are made of the best of PINE.
--> Said _Russell_ lives the North-side of Bacon-Hill in _Boston_, opposite to Mr. _Joseph Callender's_, Baker.
Jan. 12, 1767.
Joseph Palmer & Co.,
At their Store on _Minot's_ T,
Spermaceti Candles, _warranted_ _Pure_--Spermaceti in Cakes--Strain'd Spermaceti Oyl, by the Quant.i.ty or Cask--_Philadelphia_ Flour--English Duck, Cordage, &c.
A few Firkins of choice good Irish b.u.t.tER, to be Sold by _BLANCHARD_ & _HANc.o.c.k_, opposite the Conduit.----Likewise a large and good a.s.sortment of Ironmongery, Cutlery and Pewter Wares, just imported in the _Lydia_, Captain _Scott_, from _London_--Also, Philadelphia and Russia Barr Iron, &c. all at the very lowest Rates for Cash.
June 14, 1762.
GOOD CYDER to be Sold by the Barrel, or otherwise, at the _Black Boy & But_, by JONATHAN WILLIAMS.
Daniel Jones,
_At the_ HAT _and_ HELMIT, _South-End_, BOSTON, MAKES Beaver and Beaveret HATS; has also English Beaveret & Castor, English and French Felt Hats, Hat; an a.s.sortment of English GOODS suitable for all Seasons of the Year; a few Boxes of; which he will sell by Wholesale or Retail at a moderate Rate for Cash, Treasurer's Notes, or short Credit.
_N.B._ Said _Jones_ desires those Persons who have far exceeded their Contracts either on Book or Notes of Hand, to be very speedy in settling the same, or they will oblige him to the disagreeable Necessity of putting them to Trouble.
ALL Persons that are indebted to the Estate of _James Mason_, late of _Boston_, Merchant, Deceas'd, are desired to Pay the same without Delay to _Jonathan Mason_, Executor to his Will;--and those who have any Demands on said Estate, are desired to bring in their Accompts to said Executor, who has to Sell at his House next Door to the Sign of the Three Kings in Cornhill, the following GOODS belonging to the Estate of the Deceased, which will be Sold at the first Cost and Charges, Viz.
Broad Cloths, German Serges, Bearskins, Beaver Coating, Half-Thick, red, Bayes, 8 qr. and 9 qr. Blankets, Shalloons, Tammies, Durants, Calimancoes, worsted Damasks, strip'd and plain Camblets, strip'd Swanskins, Flannell, Manchester Velvet, Womens ditto, Bombazeen, Allopeen, colour'd Ruffells, Hungarians, Dimothy, Crimson and green China, 7-8th, yard wide and 6 qr. cotton Check, worsted and Hair Plush, Men's and Women's Hose, worsted Caps, mill'd ditto, black Tiffany, Women's and Children's Stays, cotton Romalls, printed Linnen Handkerchiefs, black Gauze ditto, Bandanoes, Silk Lungee Romalls, Cambricks, Lawns, Muslins, Callicoes, Chints, Buckrams, Gulick Irish and Tandem Holland, Mens and Womens Kid and Lamb Gloves, black and white Bone Lace, Capuchin Silk, and Fringe, Gartering, Silk and Cotton Laces, stript Gingham, yellow Canvas, Diaper, Damask Table Cloths and Napkins, Bedtick, 7-8th Garlix, Soletare Necklaces and Earings, Tapes, Womens Russel Shoes, sewing Silk, Nutmegs, Pepper, Looking, Ticklinburg, English and Russia Duck, Allum, Copperas and Brimstone, German Steel, Bar Lead, English and India Taffety, Grograms, English and India Damasks, Padusoys, Lutestrings, black and white Sattin, rich Brocade, Gauze Caps, and Ruffles, Shades and handsome Silk Cloaks, &.c. &c. &c.
Aug. 22, 1763.
_Andrew Barclay_,
AT his House opposite the Golden c.o.c.k in Marlborough-Street, _Boston_, Binds Books of all kinds, Gilt and Plain, in the neatest and best Manner. Gentlemen in Town or Country may depend upon having their Work done with Fidelity and Dispatch.
1768. Nov. 21.----Nov. 28.
_Just imported in the Ship_ Thames, _Captain_ Watt, _from_ London, _by_
Samuel Franklin,
_At the Sign of the_ Crown and Razor, _South-End_, Boston:
BEST Razors, Pen-knives, scissars, shears, shoe-knives, shoe tacks and stampt awl blades, teeth instruments, lancets, white and yellow swords, and sword belts; case-knives and forks; ink powder and sealing-wax, files and rasps; horse sleams; hones and curling tongs; bra.s.s ink-pots, horn and ivory combs; white, yellow and steel shoe and knee buckles; gilt, lackered and plated coat and breast b.u.t.tons, snuff boxes, and a few second hand hats, &c. all very cheap.
N.B. Razors, penknives and scissars ground, scabbards made for swords and bayonets, caseknife and fork blades made at said Shop.
_Boston Chronicle._
1769. June 1.----June 5.
WINE TO BE SOLD _by_ ROSANNA MOORE, By wholesale and retail, at her WINE CELLAR near LIBERTY TREE, Boston, viz.
OLD Sterling MADEIRA, LISBON, Teneriff, Claret, Port, Canary, Malaga, Tent, sweet and other WINES, all in their original purity, and as cheap as any in town.
_Boston Chronicle_, June 1, 1769.
_Just imported from_ LONDON, _by_
_Jolley Allen,_
At his Shop about Midway between the Governor's and the Town-House, and almost Opposite the _Heart_ and _Crown_ in Cornhill,
A very large a.s.sortment of English and India GOODS, fit for all Seasons, too many to be enumerated separately in an Advertis.e.m.e.nt.----
_Boston Gazette_, Feb. 20, 1767.