"No, I think not," Vera said. "I believe he is in England. Was he--at all upset by your marriage, Juliet?"
Juliet laughed a little. "Oh, not in the least. He keeps his heart in a very air-tight compartment I a.s.sure you. I have never had the faintest glimpse of it."
"But you are fond of him," said Vera shrewdly.
"Oh yes, quite fond of him," Juliet's eyes had a kindly softness. "I have never yet met the woman who wasn't fond of Charles Rex," she said.
"Does--your husband like him?" asked Vera.
Juliet shook her head quizzically. "No. Husbands don't as a rule."
"Something of a poacher?" questioned Vera.
"Oh, not really. Not since he grew up. I believe he was very giddy in his youth, and then a girl he really cared for disappointed him. So the story runs. I can't vouch for the truth of it, or even whether he ever seriously cared for her. But he has certainly never been in earnest since."
"What about Lady Joanna Farringmore?" said Vera suddenly.
Juliet was standing before the fire. She bent slightly, the warm glow softly tinging her white neck. "I should have thought that old fable might have died a natural death by this time," she said.
Vera gave her a sharp look. There was not actual distaste in Juliet's tone, yet in some fashion it conveyed the impression that the subject was one which she had no desire to discuss.
Vera abandoned it forthwith. "Suppose we go downstairs," she said.
They went down to find d.i.c.k and Columbus patiently waiting in the hall.
Vera's greeting was brief but not lacking in warmth. The thought of Juliet married to the schoolmaster had ceased to provoke her indignation.
She even admitted to herself that in different surroundings d.i.c.k might have proved himself to possess a certain attraction. She believed he was clever in an intellectual sense, and she believed it was by this quality that he had captivated Juliet. The fiery force of the man, his almost fierce enthusiasms, she had never even seen.
But she was immediately aware of a subtle and secret link between the two as they all met together in the genial glow of the fire. d.i.c.k's eyes that flashed for a second to Juliet and instantly left her, told her very clearly that no words were needed to establish communion between them.
They were in close sympathy.
She gave d.i.c.k a warmer welcome than she had ever extended to him before, and found in the instant response of his smile some reason for wonder at her previous dislike. Perhaps contact with Juliet had helped to banish the satire to which in the old days she had so strongly objected. Or perhaps--but this possibility did not occur to her--he sensed a cordiality in the atmosphere which had never been present before.
When the squire came down they were all chatting amicably round the fire, and he smiled swift approval upon his wife ere he turned to greet his guests.
"Hullo, d.i.c.k!" he said, as their hands met. "Still running the same old show?"
"For the present, sir," said d.i.c.k.
They had not met since the occasion of d.i.c.k's and Juliet's marriage when the squire had come over immediately before the sailing of the _Night Moth_ to be present, and to give her away. He had been very kind to them both during the brief hour that he had spent with them, and the memory of it still lingered warmly in Juliet's heart. She had grown very fond of the squire.
There were no awkward moments during that dinner which was more like a family gathering than Juliet had thought possible. The change in Vera amazed her. She was like a traveller who after long and weary journeying in shady places had come suddenly into bright sunshine. And she was younger, more ardent, more alive, than Juliet had ever seen her.
The same change was visible, though not so noticeable, in the squire. He too had come into the sun, but he trod more warily as one who--though content with the present--was by no means certain that the fair weather would last. His manner to his wife displayed a charming blend of tenderness and self-restraint; yet in some fashion he held his own with her, and once, meeting Juliet's eyes, he smiled in a way that reminded her of the day on which she had dared to give him advice as to the best means of securing happiness.
d.i.c.k was apparently in good spirits that night, and he was plainly at his ease. Having taken his cue from his hostess, he devoted himself in a large measure to her entertainment, and all went smoothly between them.
When she and Juliet left the table she gave him a smiling invitation to come and play to them.
"I haven't brought the old banjo," he said, "but I'll make my wife sing.
She is going to help me this winter at the Club concerts."
"Brave Juliet!" said Vera, as she went out. "I wouldn't face that crowd of roughs for a king's ransom."
"She has nothing to be afraid of," said d.i.c.k with quick confidence. "I wouldn't let her do it if there were any danger."
"They seem to be in an ugly mood just now," said the squire.
"Yes, I know." d.i.c.k turned back to him, closing the door. "But, taken the right way, they are still manageable. There is just a chance that we may keep them in hand if that fellow Ivor Yardley can be induced to see reason. The rest of the Wilchester crew don't care a d.a.m.n, but he has more brains. I'm counting on him."
"How are you going to get hold of him?" questioned Fielding.
"I suppose I must go up to town some week-end. I haven't told Juliet yet.
Unlike the average woman, she seems to have a holy hatred of London and all its ways. So I presume she will stay behind."
"Perhaps we could get him down here," suggested the squire.
d.i.c.k gave him a swift look. "I've thought of that," he said.
"Well?" said Fielding.
d.i.c.k hesitated for a moment. "I'm not sure that I want him," he said.
"He and Saltash are friends for one thing. And there are besides--various reasons."
"You don't like Saltash?" said the squire.
d.i.c.k laughed a little. "I don't hate him--though I feel as if I ought to.
He's a queer fish. I don't trust him."
"You're jealous!" said Fielding.
d.i.c.k nodded. "Very likely. He has an uncanny attraction for women. I wanted to kick him the last time we met."
"And what did Juliet say?"
"Oh, Juliet read me a lecture and told me I wasn't to. But I think the less we see of each other the better--if I am to keep on my best behaviour, that is."
"It's a good thing someone can manage you," remarked Fielding. "Juliet is a wonderful peacemaker. But even she couldn't keep you from coming to loggerheads with Jack apparently. What was that fight about?"
Dirk's brows contracted. "It wasn't a fight, sir," he said shortly. "I've never fought Jack in my life. He did an infernal thing, and I made him quit, that's all."
"What did he do?" asked the squire. Then as d.i.c.k made a gesture of refusal: "d.a.m.n it, man, he was in my employment anyway! I've a right to know why he cleared out."
d.i.c.k pushed back his chair abruptly and rose. He turned his back on the squire while he poked the blazing logs with his foot. Then: "Yes, you've a perfect right to know," he said, speaking jerkily, his head bent. "And of course I always meant to tell you. It won't appeal to you in the least. But Juliet understands--at least in part. He was responsible for--my boy's death. That's why I made him go."
It was the first time that he had voluntarily spoken of Robin since the day that he and Juliet had followed him to his grave. He brought out the words now with tremendous effort, and having spoken he ceased to kick at the fire and became absolutely still.
The squire sat at the table, staring at him. For some seconds the silence continued, then irritably he broke it.
"Well? Go on, man! That isn't the whole of the story. What do you mean by--responsible? He didn't shove him over the cliff, I suppose?"