She controlled it swiftly, but she was fully aware that she had not hidden it as she rose to her feet and offered her hand to her cavalier.
"How do you do, Mr. Green? My name is Moore--Miss Moore. Will you allow me to thank you for saving my life?"
Her voice throbbed a little; tears and laughter were almost equally near the surface at that moment. She was extremely disgusted with herself for her lack of composure.
Then again, as his hand grasped hers, she forgot to criticize. "I say, please don't!" he said. "I wouldn't have missed it for anything. It was jolly plucky of you to stand your ground with those hooligans from the mine."
"But I didn't stand my ground," she pointed out. "I went over. It was a most undignified proceeding, wasn't it?"
"No, it wasn't," he declared. "You did it awfully well. I wish I'd been nearer to you, but I couldn't possibly get up in time."
"Oh, I think you were more useful where you were," she said, "thank you all the same. I must have gone clean to the bottom otherwise. I thought I had."
She caught back an involuntary shudder, and in a moment the hand that held hers closed unceremoniously and drew her further from the edge of the cliff.
"You are sure you are none the worse, now?" he said. "Not giddy or anything?"
"No, not anything," she said.
But she was glad of his hold none the less, and he seemed to know it, for he kept her hand firmly clasped.
"You must let me see you back," he said. "Where are you staying?"
"At Mrs. Rickett's," she told him. "The village smithy, you know."
"I know," he said. "Down at Little Shale, you mean. You've come some way, haven't you?"
"It was such a lovely night," she said, "and Columbus wanted a walk. I got led on, I didn't know I was likely to meet anyone."
"It's the short cut to High Shale," he said. "There is always the chance of meeting these fellows along here. You'd be safer going the other way."
"But I like the furze bushes and the nightingale," she said regretfully, "and the exquisite wildness of it. It is not nearly so nice the other way."
He laughed. "No, but it's safer. Come this way as much as you like in the morning, but go the other way at night!"
He turned with the words, and began to lead her down the path. She went with him as one who responds instinctively to a power unquestioned. The magic of the night was closing about her again. She heard the voice of the nightingale thrilling through the silence.
"This is the most wonderful place I have ever seen," she said at last in a tone of awe.
"Is it?" he said.
His lack of enthusiasm surprised her. "Don't you think so too?" she said.
"Doesn't it seem wonderful to you?"
He glanced out to sea for a moment. "You see I live here," he said. "Yes, it's quite a beautiful place. But it isn't always like this. It's primitive. It can be savage. You wouldn't like it always."
"I'm thinking of settling down here all the same," said Juliet.
He stopped short in the path. "Are you really?"
She nodded with a smile. "You seem surprised. Why shouldn't I? Isn't there room for one more?"
"Oh, plenty of room," he said, and walked on again as abruptly as he had paused.
The path became wider and more level, and he relinquished her hand. "You won't stay," he said with conviction.
"I wonder," said Juliet.
"Of course you won't!" A hint of vehemence crept into his speech. "When the nightingales have left off singing, and the wild roses are over, you'll go."
"You seem very sure of that," said Juliet.
"Yes, I am sure." He spoke uncompromisingly, almost contemptuously, she thought.
"You evidently don't stay here because you like it," she said.
"My work is here," he returned noncommittally. She wondered a little, but something held her back from pursuing the matter. She walked several paces in silence. Then, "I wish I could find work here," she said, in her slow deep voice. "It would do me a lot of good."
"Would it?" He turned towards her. "But that isn't what you came for--not to find work, I mean?"
"Well, no--not primarily." She made the admission almost guiltily. "But I think everyone ought to be able to earn a livelihood, don't you?"
"It's safer certainly," he said. "But it isn't everyone that is qualified for it."
"No?" Her voice was whimsical. "And you think I shall seek in vain for any suitable niche here?"
"It depends upon what your capabilities are," he said.
"My capabilities!" She laughed, a soft, low laugh. "Columbus! What are my capabilities!"
They had reached a railing and a gate across the path leading down to the village. Columbus, waiting to go through, wriggled in a manner that expressed his entire ignorance on the subject. Juliet leaned against the gate with her face to the western sky.
"My capabilities!" she mused. "Let me see! What can I do?" She looked at her companion with a smile. "I am afraid I shall have to refer you to Lady Joanna Farringmore. She can tell you--exactly."
He made a slight movement of surprise. "You know the Farringmore family?"
She raised her brows a little. "Yes. Do you?"
"By hearsay only. Lord Wilchester owns the High Shale Mines. I have never met any of them." He spoke without enthusiasm.
"And never want to?" she suggested. "I quite understand. I am very tired of them myself just now--most especially of Lady Joanna. But perhaps it is rather bad taste to say so, as I have been brought up as her companion from childhood."
"And now you have left her?" he said.
"Yes I have left her. I have disapproved of her for some time," Juliet spoke thoughtfully. "She is very unconventional, you know. And I--well, at heart I fancy I must be rather a prude. Anyhow, I disapproved, more and more strongly, and at last I came away."
"That was rather brave of you," he commented.
"Oh, it wasn't much of a sacrifice. I've got a little money--enough to keep me from starvation; but not enough to buy me cigarettes--at least not the kind I like." Juliet's smile was one of friendly confidence. "I think it's about my only real vice, and I've never been used to inferior ones. Do you mind telling me where you get yours?"