She did not feel any very keen zest for it, but, as she told Columbus, they need never go again if they didn't like it.
It was nearly ten minutes before the Fielding car reappeared, and they were both waiting at the garden-gate as it drew up.
"Yes, we were delayed," said Mrs. Fielding pettishly, "by those little fiends of children. I do think Mr. Green might teach them to keep to the side of the road. Pray get in, Miss Moore! Oh, do you want to bring your dog?"
"He is used to motoring," said Juliet. "Do you mind if he sits in front?"
Mrs. Fielding shrugged her shoulders to indicate that if was a matter of supreme indifference to her, and Columbus was duly installed by the driver's side. Juliet took her place beside Mrs. Fielding, and in a few seconds they were whirling up the road again, leaving clouds of dust in their wake.
"It's the only way one can breathe on a day like this," said Mrs.
Juliet said nothing. She was watching the village children scatter like rabbits before their lightning rush.
In the schoolhouse garden she caught sight of a heavy, shambling figure, and waved a swift greeting as she flashed past.
"Oh, do you know that revolting youth?" said Mrs. Fielding. "He's half-witted as well as deformed. His brother!" with a nod towards her chauffeur's back. "He's a great trial to Jack, I believe. My husband has offered a hundred times to have him put into a home, but the other brother--Green, the schoolmaster--is absolutely pig-headed on the subject, and won't hear of it."
"Poor Robin!" said Juliet gently. "Yes, I know him. He is certainly not normal, but scarcely half-witted, do you think?"
Mrs. Fielding turned her head to bestow upon her a brief glance of surprise. "I said half-witted," she observed haughtily.
Juliet turned her head also, and gave her companion a straight and level look. "And I did not agree with you," she said quietly.
Mrs. Fielding uttered a laugh that had a girlish ring despite its insolence. "Have you said that to my husband yet?" she asked.
"Not quite that," said Juliet.
"Well, if you ever do, may I be there to hear!" she rejoined flippantly.
"He's like a raging bull when he's crossed. I hear he came to see you yesterday."
"He did," said Juliet.
"Did he talk about me?" asked Mrs. Fielding.
"He told me that you were not very strong," said Juliet.
"And that I wanted someone to look after me--coerce me, when he wasn't there to do it himself. Was that it?"
"Surely you know better than that!" said Juliet.
"Oh, I know him awfully well," said Mrs. Fielding, with her reckless laugh. "Are you really thinking of coming to live with us?"
"You haven't asked me yet," said Juliet.
"Oh, that doesn't matter. You'll come if you think you will; and if you don't, nothing will induce you. But--let me tell you--my husband will be furious--with me--if you don't."
"Oh, surely not!" said Juliet.
"Yes, he is that sort. If he doesn't get what he wants, it's always someone else's fault--generally mine. I warn you--we have most frightful rows sometimes. He has only just begun to speak to me again since last Sunday. We quarrelled that day over Green. You know Green--the schoolmaster--don't you?"
"Yes, I think I might call him a friend of mine," said Juliet, with a smile.
"Oh, really! I didn't know that," Mrs. Fielding's tone was suddenly extremely cold. "Hence your championship of Robin, I suppose?"
"No, I made friends with Robin separately. He is coming to tea with me to-day, or rather, we are going down to the sh.o.r.e with it. I love the sh.o.r.e in the evening."
"I wonder you care to mix with people like that," remarked Mrs.
Fielding. "I think it is such a mistake to take them out of their own cla.s.s. Green the schoolmaster is a constant visitor up at the Court, and I object to it very strongly. I cannot understand my husband's att.i.tude in the matter."
"But he is a gentleman!" said Juliet.
"Who? Green? Oh yes, of sorts. I am glad to say his brother has no aspirations in that direction." Mrs. Fielding glanced again towards her chauffeur's unconscious back. "Or if he has, I don't get the benefit of them. As for Robin, he gives me the cold shudders every time I see him."
"Poor Robin!" said Juliet again. "I think he feels his deformity very much."
"Of course he does! He ought to be in a home among his own kind. It would be far better for everyone concerned. Frankly, the Green family exasperate me," declared Mrs. Fielding. "I can put up with Jack. He's such a smart, good-looking boy, and he can drive like the devil. But I've no use for the other two, and never shall have. I think Green's a humbug.
Is he going to join your picnic-party on the sh.o.r.e?"
"He hasn't been invited," said Juliet.
"Oh, you won't find he needs much encouragement. As Dene Strange puts it, he is always hovering on the outside edge of every circle and ready to squeeze in at the very first opportunity."
"I should imagine my circle is hardly important enough to attract anyone in that way," remarked Juliet. "Strange is very caustic. I am not sure I like him much."
"Oh, I enjoy him," said Mrs. Fielding. "He is so brilliant. He always gets right there. You have never met him, I suppose?"
Juliet shook her head. "Not under that name, anyway. They say he is a barrister. But I haven't much sympathy with a man who hides behind a pseudonym, have you? It looks as if he hasn't the courage of his opinions."
"I shouldn't think anyone ever accused Dene Strange of lack of courage,"
said Mrs. Fielding. "I read all he writes. He is so intensely clever."
"Some people think he's a woman," said Juliet.
"Oh, I don't believe that. Neither do you. No woman ever had a brain like that. It's quite Napoleonic. I'd give a good deal to meet him."
"And be horribly disappointed," said Juliet.
"Why do you say that?"
"Because lions always are disappointing when they're hunted down. The ones that roar are quite insufferable, and the ones that don't are just ba.n.a.l."
Mrs. Fielding looked at her with interest for the first time. "You've seen a good deal of life," she remarked.
"Oh, no!" said Juliet lightly. "But enough to realize that the torch of genius burns best in dark places. Perhaps Strange is right after all--from his own point of view at least. That lion-hunting business is so revolting."
"You speak as one who knows," said Mrs. Fielding.
Juliet smiled. "I have watched from the outside edge, as Dene Strange puts it. I expect you have heard of the Farringmores, haven't you? I am distantly related to them. I was brought up with Lady Joanna. So I know a little of what London people call life."