The Nine Godheads - Chapter 81

Chapter 81

Chapter 81: Training the Wife from Childhood!

In the room,Hong Xiaobao remained still,pale faceandcrouching on the floor.

Ah!Thanks god! It is fortunate that the other things werenot ignited otherwise with such big explosions happening, this headquarters may notremainstanding anymore. Hong Xiaobao dumbfoundedly look at theaftermath. At the time of explosion, he saw a personin blackbeing sent flying. He can only feelsorry for that persons bad luck.

Its finally safe, that really scared me to death, if I hadnot been able to getto this room,then that was definitely a disaster! Hong Xiaobao stabledhis breathing when hesuddenlyfeltthe tenderly soft skin under his body.

He hurriedly look down. Upon seeing Qingqing cold and frostyeyesstaring daggers at him, he could not help,but feelthe temperature dropdown a notch.Big brother Xiaobao has pressed me for a long time, should you not get up now?

The explosionhas alreadyhappened outside,but he cannot help but think that she may eruptanytime.

Hahahaha, this, Im really sorry I have forgotten. Hong Xiaobao crawl offhurriedly like a wandering soul and awkwardly stood up.Oh? The moon tonight is really round and beautiful

In Hong Xiaobao bracelet.

This bastard! Missing such a good opportunity! He missedit! Meng Xianji expression was livid and wild, he kept shouting abuse,This Qinqingsstatus is obviously not simple. Such a good opportunity wasbypassed just like that by this bastard! He should have seized her right away! This is simply hateful!

Xiao Sanshao decisively disapprovedhis words. Xiaobao is a sincere person, naturally he wont take advantage ofother people.Isnt this Qingqing status not simple?Shouldhe obtain this lady just to borrow her support?

En. Xi Hong supported Hong Xiaobao action to walk away from Qingqing.The important thing isthatHong Xiaobao is safe. He acts bashful all day longandQingqing is ten-year old little girl. Such little kid, do you want Xiaobao to have an accident if he forcefully press her down?

Little kid? Little girl? Meng Xianli yelled and gathered his Qi,Who doesnt grow up? It will only be several years before she becomes an outstanding beauty. Can he not train his wife from childhood? This Qingqing status is mystical andsheprobably practicesapowerfulmartial arts. Her background should not be weak either. If he cannot seize and take her today for himself, how many tortuous path in the future will hehave to take together then?

Xianji, what you said may be incorrect.This time was Xiao Sanshao turn to feel strange with Xianjis words.With your temperament, it is indeed no wonder that you do not have a women, your temper is enough to lose you any woman

Meng Xianji is known as Eastern Demon Demon Emperor. His lifewas full of murder and killing, it is really just now that they hear him spouting things regarding a woman.

You all do not understand, Xiaobao is practicing my Limitless Fortune Divine Art, he would need women to satisfy him when the time comes, Meng Xianji excitedly exclaimed,Therefore he must prepare as early as now and train his wife in the childhood! I think that this Qingqing is good. Her family background should be great, even her servant was powerful. Such person is what he needsfor his Greedy Wolf Body!

If Hong Xiaobao heard what he said, it would absolutely scare him. Knowing that practicing Limitless Fortune Divine Art invigorates Yang would be a big shock even for him!

Your technique is really marvelous, having somany functions, Xi Hong said with a laugh,It is really good, but lets not interfere with their livesand allownature to take its course. After all,Caixiao has been good to Xiaobao as wellandXiaobao has his own opinion, lets not meddle with it too much.

Humph! Opinion it is then, Meng Xianji snorted,but finally agreed.


Standing up,Qingqingpatted awaythe dust that stuck on her and look at the fleeing Xiaobao. She pursed her lips and smiled.

This Hong Xiaobao is interesting alright. Qingqing wasbeing cold andsarcasticjust now, but it was actually the opposite. Knowing that Hong Xiaobao was good to her, even saving her before running felt quite good. If she was left in the open area earlier, with her current strength, she might justhavedied. Thats why even though its troublesome to pretend, she still showedangerin the surface,even thoughthe truth was that she wasnt.

This firecrackers might is notsomething to be trifled with. Qingqing lookedat the trashed floor that Hong Xiaobaostood onwhile clearing up the other firecrackers: I dont really know what iswithinhishead,but all theideas that comes out are really fierce. If we can enlarge this firecracker and have it explode in the crowd, the damage will be really big.

Whatever this thingwasactually hada name, firecracker.

Its really simple and can bemadejust by stuffingabamboo tube with enough gunpowder to loadit. Its explosion power is really great. Ifit was justa bitbiggerandthrown into a building, itwill surely cause the whole placeto crash.

What aextraordinarything, is it possiblefor it to bethe long lost space mine? Qingqing thought and finally nodded,Should be. What elsehas such might if not the long lost space mine?Even those two dogs that fled really fast werewounded by this explosion.Were theyreally slow orwastheir true Qi dispersedby the explosion?

Qingqing stoppedthinking whenshe saw Guan Juxiongholdupadisheveled manand spoke in a deep and gruff voice,Your Highness, there is a spy here. He may have fainted a moment ago after the explosion. Please give me instructions on what to do.

He raisedthefigure higher in the airand kept his guard up, notlosing hs focusuntil Hong Xiaobao gavehisorder. Hewas ready to killhimif Hong Xiaobao saidso.

This spy may have come for my Living printing technique, Hong Xiaobao smiled, he reorganized the things again and said,Bring him in the roomandgetsome more detailsout of him.

Ask him? Living printing technique? Guan Juxiong stop and thought for some time before obeyingHong Xiaobao. He immediatelywentinto the room,tiedthe manshands, scoopeda bucket of cold water and splashedit ontohisface to wake him.

Looking at Hong Xiaobao whowassitting in front, the man laughlowly and snorted Do everything you want,but youwill never get me to say anything! His clotheswerenowtattered with holesandhis mask has also been removed,revealingan ordinary looking middle-aged man with his burnt hair.

Actually,it was a bit of good luck that he was not dead right now. Upon seeing Xiu Wenle rapidly retreating, he subconsciously generated true Qi to protect his entire body. Otherwise,without the true Qi, let alone a burnt hair and tattered clothes, he mayhave lostan arm or a legtothat explosion.

Listening tohiswords, Hong Xiaobao did notreally mind. He lookedin hiseyes and said with a smile,Youre really determined not to say anything? Actually,I had not planned to ask why you are here, since I knowwhatyou would beansweringanyway. Em, first Ill ask you a simple question. What is your name?

I am nameless and do not havea surname. The man gave an answer.

Nameless, oh this name sounds really pleasant to the ear, Hong Xiaobao laugh and asked,You come here to steal my Living printing technique right?You desired my technology and searched the whole building. Then you finally saw us in the open area and secretly listened. However,your luckwasreallybadwhen Qingqing threw the firecracker in your direction. With your curiosity piqued, you pick up the bamboo tube and it exploded, right?

The more Hong Xiaobao spoke, the more the man in black pursed his lip and shut up. He no longer spoke.

However,not speakingwas solely his own idea and the only thing he can hope for. It must be said, Hong Xiaobaohadat least 100waystotorture himinto talking on his own initiative!