Chapter 28 : Promising Idea
High Huang Grade medicine pill could only be considered garbage ?!
When Hong Xiaobao heard that he felt that his world-views were overturned! These famous schools treated this kind of pill as a treasure, but in the eyes of his Grandfathers it was only considered the basics of the basics !
Ohhh, it sure is fierce ! Hong Xiaobao said Do we go back to prepare for the refining ?
En, lets go back Tian Can said with a nod You go back, ill rest first *yawn*
Since he finished his buisiness here, he prepared to return to the Xuan Xiao Pavilion
There were much more precious herbs in this Spirit Medicine Hall, but Hong Xiaobao didnt worry about it for now. After all he couldnt use the majority of them now, but he could always come back here later, so he had nothing to worry about.
Third Brother, im ready Hong Xiaobao called his Third Brother, as he gave him a instructions about Spirit Medicine Take these, that and those too, ok ?
En Hong Xiaobao took all the Spirit Medicines that Hong Xiaobao ordered. They weighted at least several dozens of jin, but it was nothing for him Younger Brother Bao, is it all ? Maybe you should take some more ? His thoughts were simple. Since Hong Xiaobao was his most beloved younger brother, then even if they emptied this place, it would be nothing
Ha Ha , these are enough, Third Brother Hong Xiaobao said laughingly Lets go back to the Xuan Xiao Pavilion Third Brother, and ill make something delicious things for you
When they returned to the Xuan Xiao Pavilion, Emperor Hong Wenqing, Empress Qiao Xianxian, and Yun Caixiao were still there, as they were waiting for Hong Xiaobaos pleasant suprise.
Emperor Wenqing and his wife understood after all these years that Hong Xiaobao was not a person that could be measured with normal means. In addition they really loved Hong Xiaobao so even if they were responsible for many things in the country, they would still be waiting forhim.
Father Emperor, I came back ! Hong Xiaobao shouted when he crossed the gate Mother, Father, wait a bit more for me, ill go to the kitchen to prepare some food for us !
This little wretch Hong Wenqing ridiculed, then he came to the kitchen and stood at the back I heard that this something-gathering pit you made lately is capable of inflammation is this true ?
Hong Wenqing was actually very interested in this methane-gathering pit He knew that coal could ignite, and so did wood. But could some gas also be ignitable ?
Heh, of course its true Hong Xiaobao said with a grin, as he unscrewed some valves. You could smell a specific smell spread throughout the air. He then lit a small stick and brought it upon the stove plate. Then a golden flame popped up, and started to burn steadily
Ohhhh, it really is ignitable Hong Xiaobao said with a suprise. Then he laughed and said to Hong Xiaobao You really areworthily of being called my son! This idea is definetly promising ! Ha Ha Ha, if this could be installed in every household, then it could help to save some of the expenditures ! You could save a lot of simple peoples money with this invention !
Hah, its not its only usage ! Hong Xiaobao explained to his father This thing is ignitable, but this methane-gathering pit could also be used as a manure ! It could also replaces a latrine, and it save a lot of space !
Hong Wenqing knew what benefits this methane gathering pit could bring, so he was very thankful to Hong Xiaobao
Oh, Hong Xiaobao, people of our country sure are lucky to have you ! Hong Wenqing sighed. He looked at Hong Xiaobao proudly for a while, and then left the kitchen.
After going back Hong Wenqing decided to call his ministers to popularize this invention throughout the country. This thing had only benefits, and it could bring no harm whatsoever !
He was extremely proud of his son. He was very intelligent, and thought outside of the box. He did not nurture him in vain !
It was just a pity that he could not practice
Hong Wenqing sighed with emotion Destiny is absolute ! At least he will not suffer any injustice inside imperial palace. Its just a pity, because if he wont be able to practice martial arts, then im afraid that i would see him turn white-haired ehhh
Hong Wenqing was a martial artist, so he was longevity was certain, but Hong Xiaobao was unable to bring any True Qi forth, so it was likely that Hong Wenqing would see Hong Xiaobao pass away. He was very uncomfotable with this thought.
Meanwhile in the kitchen
Hong Xiaobao was doing perMeng Xianjis instructions Put up a water to boil Good, now put someProfound Yuan Grassinside Now put some peeledPuple Jade Fruitskin inside. Good now, do it now !
Now put thePurple Jade Fruitinside, fast, FAST ! Yes, yes, thats right. Now throw out theProfound Yuan Grass, as it is very unnatractive good, good !
Add some salt and black pepper ! Dont forget the hot pepper too ! Put some raw eggs for the taste ! Right, and some more seasoning in ! Fast, what are you thinking about ?! Yes, good, now leave it !
*Crash* When Hong Xiaobao closed the pot and left it to cook for 15 minutes. When Meng Xianji said that the dish was ready he lifted the pots lid and a sweet frangrance spreaded through the room. It was so strong that Hong Wenqing came from another room What is this flavor ? It is so strong ! Hong Xiaobao is it from the dish you made ? Tell me Hong Xiaobao, are you some kind of a master chef in disguise ?!
Empress Qiao Xianxian and Yun Caixiao also came into the kitchen and said with a charming smile So sweet Xiaobao, i really wonder what kind of a dish you made She said proudly.
Although her precious son couldnt practice martial arts, he was an absolute genius in every other aspects, so she was content with that.
Hah, Father Emperor, Mother Queen, please do taste this new dish i made ! Hong Xiaobao said with a laugh as he put five bowls of soup on the table. Everybody sat beside the table. Hong Wenqing sniffed the soup carefuly, and then he said loudly Such fragrance ! My Xiaobao, i wont be polite, and taste this soup first then ! Hong Wenqing brought the spoon to his mouth, and gave it a try.He then exlaimed in delight, and suprise Ohhh, this soup is certainly good but Hong Xiaobao, did i taste thePurple Jade Fruitin it ? Hmmm, its not quite right there must be something more to this
Father Emperor, your right ! Hong Xiaobao said with a grin The name of this soup isProfound Yuan and Purple Jade Soup.Iveput someProfound Yuan GrassandPurple Jade Fruitinside. Theres also some seasoning, and raw eggs in it
Whaaat ?! Listening to Hong Xiaobas words, Hong Wenqing, Qiao Xianxian, Yun Caixiao and Hong Haoyun were completely shocked !
Hong Wenqing said with amazement Xiaobao, your meaning is, that you did not take these Spirit Medicine as a snack, but you used them as an igredients for this soup ?!