Chapter 21 : Practicing in the Great Healthcare?!
Seeing with her own eyes, that her Young Lady had the mood to joke, Jianpu smiled lightly as she shook her head.
This servant is old Jianpu said slowly It is already too late for me to try out these new, odd things. But naturally I am very curious of them, so please Young Lady, go ahead
At this moment, you could hear a lot cheers and laughs coming from the stage, as all of the people were celebrating, drinking alcohol, and having fun.
At the beginning, Yun Caixiao was a little uncomfortable in this place, as she instinctively felt repugnance. However now she saw that the disparity between an ordinary brothel, and this Warm Fragrant Building was immense. Especially this Great Healthcare. It was very interesting and unusual. She was specifically interested in that Foot Remedy Bath.
Over the last few days, she was hurrying along with her father Yun Shengxuan to arrive at Chuyin Empire, so she was somewhat tired. In addition, the stress that she received a moment ago was also not small, making her calves hurt. Therefore she asked Hong Xiaobao for a bath, and after being massaged by a servant girl she immediately fell asleep.
Oy, you Stinky brat, you truly did frighten that big black bear a moment ago, but dont get overconfident Hong Xiaobao was lying comfortably, but suddenly Meng Xianji said Stinky brat, its seems its just about time. This is a rare opportunity, for you to practice
Eh?! Practicing in the Great Healthcare?! Old man, could you please stop joking ?
This. can this not wait until we get back ? Hong Xiaobao looked around him, as he said secretly to Meng Xianji We are surrounded by people, i can not make too big of a fuss here
Even if you were a cripple I could teach you the martial arts! What is your concern ? Take the right pose right now! Meng Xianji scolded Besides, even if these people saw you, you can always kill them all, and devour their true qi. That could only help you grow.
Why is this old fogy so brutal ? Did he want to turn me into a cannibal ?
Hong Xiaobao quickly said Dont say anymore please. Say, is this good ? Am I doing this right ? Killing people was really not his style. In addition blood made Hong Xiaobao feel dizzy.
Hmph, at least you know your limits Meng Xianji also knew that this Stinky brat was not very ruthless. Otherwise according to his means, killing this bunch of martial artist, and sucking their true qi dry would be the best course of action. Simple and cost-effective !
You also saw that a moment ago right ? Meng Xianji asked That big stupid bear was quite easy to influence. You took advantage of his simple mindedness. But what if he wasnt cheated so easily ? You wouldnt survive that, right ?
Right, right Hong Xiaobao said with a nod.
He really did take an advantage of that. Otherwise it would probably be him, lying on the ground.
Therefore, strength is the most important thing. Now tell me, do you wish to practice ? Meng Xianji asked Once you go down this road, there will be no coming back
Of course i wish to practice! Hong Xiaobao said confidently Its only natural that i wish to practice with my physique So, when do we start ?
I need to ask you first, how old are you this year ? Meng Xianji said How many years past since your birth to the present ?
Did practicing martial arts had anything to do with you age ? This year I am probably 18 years old Hong Xiaobao did some quick calculations and said I turned eighteenth three days ago, but i did not pay attention to that
Already 18 years old? Ha Ha, this really is too good ! Meng Xianji said with a great happiness Then its all easy from now on. But first, ill explain some details regarding your Greedy Wolfs Body !
Greedy Wolfs Body! Previously, this old man stopped explaining in half a sentence. So today is the day that all the mysteries will be dispelled ! Hong Xiaobao was brimming with curiosity, as he asked in a low voice Whats the matter with this Greedy Wolfs Body ? Quickly tell me !
Greedy Wolfs body sounded majestically, but currently he didnt know what use it had, except for being unable to practice true qi.
Therefore Hong Xiaobao was very curious. Meng Xianji said that this physique was really strong, but where did its fortes lie ?
Stinky brat, listen carefully as i will explain only once Meng Xianji said Greedy Wolfs Body is also sometimes called Sky Hound Swallowing the Sun, or Greedy Wolf Devouring the Heavens. Meaning that your physique most major characteristic is the ability to eat !
Listening to these words, Hong Xiaobao was dumbfounded. Originally, he was no more than a glutton ? Well, maybe worlds No. 1 glutton, but still it was a little ridiculous.
Oy, Stinky brat, what are you thinking about ? Do you think that a thousand year rare Greedy Wolfs Body is just an ordinary glutton ? Meng Xianji could guess what Hong Xiaobao was think of Even if it is a glutton, then it is a once in a thousand years glutton ! What are you worried about ?
When he heard that Hong Xiaobao was comforted a little. No matter what was it, if one could be the best at it, then he would a be great man. In the first place he was a black sheep of the family back on Earth, so anything would be better than that . right ?
Good, then say, what is so special about being a glutton ? Being a glutton was also not that bad. Eating food was a basic necessity of life, so eating much wasnt that bad.
Greedy Wolfs Body is born when the power of stars circle through body for 18 years Meng Xianji explained When having this kind of physique, first nine years of life would be normal, maybe even a little bit above average. That is theWolf Growth Phase. The following nine years are calledAnti Devouring Phase, in which the slightest bit of true qi would be evaporated. No matter what was your cultivation before this phase, it would completely vanish. Hereafter one would be unable to practice his own true qi, this is so-calledSwallow the Heavens Phase. At first glance, it may seem like this physique does not have any kind of advantages, only disadvantages. But, Greedy Wolfs Body, only needs to cross theAnti Devouring Phase, then inSwallow the Heavens Phase, any kind of heavenly treasure that would be eaten by said person would have at least 20 % better effects than usual! At least 20 % !
When Hong Xiaobao heard that, he gasped in shock.
This really was a high leveled glutton !
Hong Xiaobao became ecstatic as he laughed loudly Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! Hooray !
Tell me, why do the alchemists of this world receive respect from everybody ? They are even treated as elders in some schools! It is because normally, Heavenly Treasure without the refinement, would have a efficacy of about 60 %. After a proper refinement, its efficacy would be about 80 % total. If, for example, an average person ate the Heavens Core Fruit, then his cultivation would grow by about six years. If the fruit would be refined, it would increase ones cultivation by, say eight years. Meng Xianji said with a smile You on the other hand could eat it without the refinement, and your cultivation would increase by nine, maybe even ten years !!
And this is only the case with the Heavens Core Fruit, if you have some luck, and could obtain a hundred years old Real Jade Fruit, then your cultivation would increase by 60, maybe 70 years ! Normal people after refining it, would have their cultivation increased by some measly 40 years. This is the true forte of Greedy Wolfs Body !