The Nine Godheads - Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Calm down, first things first Since Hong Xiaobao was determined to practice, then this Old man shall teach him to his fullest ! First place this Exquisite Blood Jade on top of your head, then slowly move it through all of your acupressure points up to your abdomen. Do you feel anything ? Hong Xiaobao did just as Xianji Senior said. Moving Exquisite Blood Jade through all of the accupoint was a meticulous and pretty boring job.After some time Hong Xiaobao felt something weird. He looked at Exquisite Blood Jade very carefully. Strange, i didnt notice it before, but is it possible that there is an acupuncture point that is different than the others? While carefully thinking Hong Xiaobao really felt something strange. While holding Exquisite Blood Jade in between Palace of Toil and Middle Rushing acupoints*, he felt strange heat wave circulate through his humerus, radius, metacarpal and ulna bones.** This heat flow was very weak, almost indistinguishable, but it was definetly there. Do you feel it? Senior Xianji voice conveyed his words to him. There really is some difference! Hong Xiaobao lifted his hand, while curiously looking at Exquisite Blood Jade. How come i feel heat in my arm, when i hold Exquisite Blood Jade in my palm ? Hong Xiaobao knew that Exquisite Blood Jade could help one recover his wounds faster, but this energy wasdifferent than the healing energy. Is it possible that there are acupoints that are more efficient in conducting Exquisite Blood Jade energy ? Oy you stinky brat, youve got some brains, Ive got to admit Xianji Senior smiled while saying Dont stop, continue movingExquisite Blood Jade through your scupressure points, and you will discover more. But what youve just said is crucial to my Limitless Fortune Divine Art! At this moment Xiao Sanshao said I have to acknowledge, although your Old fogys strength is a bit lacking, but being able to think of such a method is really splendid ! You Old Fool said that whoose strength is lacking? Come ! Lets have a spar! It seems like this Limitless Fortune Divine Art is really unorthodox! Copletly disregarding two Old men, Hong Xiaobao continued to immerse himself in this strange phenomenon. Before i thought that Exquisite Blood Jade can only heal flesh wound. Turns out that it also has such an extraordinary use! While continuing to analyze the situation Hong Xiaobao thought If it works on my palm, then surely it will work on other places too! Human body has Twelve Primary Meridians, Eight Extraordinary Meridians, 361 Primary acupuncture points, which are organized into 14 main meridians, 48 extra points aswell as 66 scalp points, totaling 475 acupuncture points! This Exquisite Blood Jade is really good ! Perhaps with it i can discover other conductive pressure points! This time Hong Xiaobaowasmore careful, heedfully exploring acupoints on his body Hmm. Whats the matter ?

At this time Hong Xiaobao waspressing Exquisite Blood Jade against his Deltoid Muscle, where there wasntany acupuncture point. But unknowingly why, the energy of Exquisite Blood Jade not only didnt conduct, but whats more suprising it stopped moving at all !