The day after the visit to Kujou Tadahisa .
Shin had been swinging Kakura since early morning, with his Limit completely removed .
His abilities were now completely unrestrained, but he was obviously careful not to damage the surroundings .
If he used his full strength it would be more difficult to control himself, but as long as he relaxed it was easy enough . His Limit had also been removed when he fought Barlux, Bayreuths guild master, after all .
Little by little, he put more strength into his swings, carefully monitoring any changes . He still couldnt grasp it completely, but between understanding and not understanding how to control the blade, a small difference in power was born .
At that moment, he wasnt thinking if, in the future, he would have had to hold back his strength at full release mode .
Kuu .
Oh, is it time?
Shin had told Yuzuha to check the time so he could put things in order and change before breakfast .
Ehm, you may come out, you know?
. . so you noticed .
Shin spoke towards the edge of the veranda, and an embarrassed Karin showed herself .
I did all I could not to bother you
Thats all right . I just noticed that you were there, you didnt distract me .
Just like the time before, Shin had noticed that Karin was close . And just like the time before, she had been careful not to bother him .
I think its still early for breakfast though?
Yes, well, I was just curious to see what kind of training you did . After all, your match yesterday against sir Kankurou was truly impressive .
Oh, I see . I didnt do anything special thoughby the way, what did you think of my fighting style?
Shin was concerned about it, so he took advantage of the opportunity to ask Karins opinion .
What I think?
My sword arm, I mean . I have to admit, I have received some training in the art of the sword, but most of it is self-taught .
As a player, Shin was more than powerful enough .
However, in a sword fight with no stats differences, he would not have matched Kankurou or Karin, who had spent much more time honing their technique .
The basis of Shins strength was not only his extensive experience in battles against monsters and other humans, but also the great variation of magic spells and skills at his disposal .
His job did not have any weapon limitations, so he could use many main weapons: swords, spears, bows, etc .
This is because he generally battled solo . He would quickly change weapons to strike the opponents weak points and conduct the fight in his favor .
Some think that mastering one type of weapon would make one stronger, but Shin did not choose that path .
To learn without being taught, and increase ones ability by leaps and boundsShin had not been blessed by such an overwhelming form of talent .
In a way, it could be said that Shins sword was the fruit of his great talent in studying .
. I think it would be presumptuous and arrogant of me to talk, butwell, something that concerned me was your bodys movements .
My movements?
Yes . In the Saegusa style handed down in my family, we focus our whole body in each swing of the blade . A precise, flowing slash, under the full control of our will, is considered the apex of the Saegusa style . In comparison, your blade seems to waver, following your bodys movements . I suppose you probably did not make your body remember each techniques form, but only fought in actual battles?
Amazing, thats completely true .
After being taught the sword, Shin spent little time training . Most of his technique had been honed on the battlefield . After all, since he was within a game, even if he didnt perform the best, most ideal movements, as long as the system judged it effective he could cause damage .
Soon Shins movements became more refined, and he stopped caring about the techniques form .
Sir Shin, your physical abilities are exceptional . Slight unsteadiness has never been a problem, Im sure .
But from here on out, I cant keep saying that, can I .
In the current world, the old damage judgement system is gone . The slight unsteadiness that Karin pointed out would influence the damage inflicted .
Here on out?
I cant have my body be in control forever .
He had no intention of defeating any master of the sword, but simply becoming able to fully handle his own power .
Since he felt he was not using his strength properly, Shin wanted to perfect his control over his power, now that he had the time .
Wellif you would be satisfied with me, I could teach you some of the basics . You will stay in our house until your companions arrive, so I think it could be useful to you .
I would be more than grateful, but is it alright to teach an outsider?
Shin cast doubt to Karins sudden proposal .
I believe that you would not use my teachings for any wrong purpose . What sir Shin needs now is understanding and control of his physical abilities . I would not impart to you teachings concerning our schools techniques, and doubt anyone would be outraged at just some private lessons . I teach the basics at other dojos too, after all .
No, someone probably wouldthought Shin . Though to be trained by the 3rd seat of Hinomotos Brave Ten was something he hadnt even hoped for, so he chose to not worry about small things .
Well then, let us start training right after breakfast then .
Thank you very much .
After breakfast, the two moved to the Saegusa dojo . The place Karin led Shin to was a quiet dojo: apparently the lessons for their students were held in another one .
Shin lowered his stats with Limit and had Karin point out where he was lacking . Probably because he had been self-taught for a long time, Shin had more weird quirks than he thought .
You use many other weapons other than the katana, I think that is one reason too .
Karin explained that using many weapons had created a hotbed for the birth of quirks in his fighting style .
Yuzuha yawned as she watched over the two .
One evening, a few days after Karin had started giving private lessons to Shin .
Sitting on the veranda outside the room assigned to him, Shin was listening to Schnees report .
( . I see . So there werent any major troubles after that . )
(Yes . We could escort lady Hermie safe and sound . For safety, Wilhelm is with her, but Im sure she will be alright unless something extraordinary happens . )
Milt had been sent to attack the Summit Faction base, so only Wilhelm had remained to guard Hermie . He was the one she had opened her heart to the most during their travels, so excluding battle prowess, he was the best choice .
(Thats reassuring . Nothing in particular is going on here at the moment, but I have a few concerns . Dont let your guard down when you come, just in case . )
(I know . See you soon . )
Shin cut the Mind Chat after Schnees last words, spoken with a cheerful tone . It also depended on the winds, but their arrival to Hinomoto would be about one week later .
Shin gazed at the sky, thinking that it would be nice to use this opportunity to do some sightseeing in Hinomoto . A beautiful full moon was hanging in the darkness .
A garden in the moonlightnot bad at all .
Its a beautiful moonlit night .
Shin had talked to himself, but he heard someone answer . He had noticed it already, so he wasnt surprised; it was Karin, wearing an indoor kimono . Her silky black hair gleamed in the moonlight .
Father gave me some good sake, so I thought of bringing you some .
Karin was carrying a tray with a bottle and small cups .
I see . We have a beautiful moon out too, lets enjoy some moonlight sake then .
Shin was not a big drinker in the real world, so this was his first time to enjoy the tradition of drinking sake while gazing at the moon .
Here you go .
Eh? Oh, thanks .
Before Shin could take the bottle to pour himself a cup, Karin did it for him . There were two small cups, so she would probably drink too .
After she poured the sake for him, Shin did the same in return .
It was probably THE NEW GATEs type of sake . Its sweet aroma reminded Shin of the Ginjo style of flavor .
Recalling how he had tried it at a gathering in university, Shin put the cup to his lips, feeling a faintly sweet aroma and a firm, clean taste . Shin was not an expert by any means, but thought it was really delicious .
The moonlit sky seemed to make the sake even more pleasant . Maybe it was also because a beautiful girl like Karin was pouring it too .
So beautiful .
Yes!? Ah, er, thats right! The moon is really beautiful!
Karins surprised reaction made Shin turn to look at her, but she was looking straight at the sky .
Whats wrong?
No, nothing at all .
She seemed really nervous . The graceful, elegant demeanor she had until a moment ago had gone away somewhere .
Does it have anything to do with the two people behind the pillar?
. . so you had noticed .
Well, I think it would be harder not to
Shin had detected that, at the edge of the veranda just behind a corner, Kuyou and Kayo were hiding . Kuyous eyes emanated a faint killing intent . Anyone who had experience of battle would have realized .
Did something happen?
actually, mother told me to get to know you more .
Know me more?
The sake served the purpose of facilitating conversation, probably .
I wonder why, did I do anything disrespectful?
Not at all, actually . what Id like to know is . what food you like, what things you like, what kind of . women you like .
The last words left Karins lips in a whisper .
AaahI see, thats what it is? She wants me to do a marriage interview?
Why would Karins mother Kayo ask her daughter to gather that information? Shin had guessed the reason, but avoided saying it outright .
During his stay in the Saegusa house, Shin had had the chance to learn more about Hinomotos warrior families .
As it had been the case with Kayo, Hinomoto women tended to marry young, and it was not strange to give birth in their late teens .
For someone like Karin, who was female and part of the Brave Ten, it would be natural to have a fiance .
The Saegusa house however, placed a great focus on battle ability: Kuyou wouldnt approve of a lacking candidate, but to find someone that he, 2nd seat in the Hinomoto Brave Ten, would accept was a difficult feat .
Mother, well, she said that sir Shin would surely pass . and father also seemed to accept .
It seemed that thanks to his duel with Kankurou, Shin had satisfied their expectations . Judging from Karins words, Kayo was the main instigator behind it all .
Did he really accept? The killing intent coming from him is getting gradually stronger
Kuyous killing intent was gradually growing as time passed . Even if he had accepted, his feelings as a father were a different thing .
Well, you seeI am really sorry, but I already have a fiancee . Im afraid I cannot accept that proposal .
Eh . . ? Oh, I see . Of course! A man like you would surely have at least one fiancee!!
After hearing Shins reply, Karin opened her eyes wide for an instant, then showed an exaggerated reaction .
She was partly surprised, partly relievedmixed feelings swirled inside her, and for Shin it was difficult to read her expression for a while .
Im sorry for bringing up something so weird . Its a beautiful night, and I almost ruined it .
Personally, I feel honored to have you serve me sake .
Oh, Im glad to hear that .
Karin bowed, then walked away in Kuyou and Kayos direction . Their presence disappeared too, probably thanks to Karin .
Marriage, huh
In the former world too, there existed the concept of marriages focused on households or bloodlines, but Shin had never had anything to do with such things .
If Karin had really fallen in love with him, it would be understandable for them to talk to Shin about marriage, now that he knew about the Saegusa houses circumstances . Shin, however, had no recollection of any episodes that could have turned her like into love .
There were happenings that might have made her think of Shin that way, like when he performed CPR and a cardiac massage on her .
Its too early for a student like me to think about that
Shins original status was university student . Marriage wasnt something too far off in the future, but still it didnt feel realistic yet .
. sigh
After leaving Shin, Karin shoved Kuyou and Kayo in their bedroom, then returned to her room .
Her body, which felt strangely heavier than usual, lying in the futon, she stared at the ceiling .
A fiancee
Shins battle prowess is extremely high . Outside Hinomoto, he could be a very successful adventurer .
Karin knew that Shins name was actually starting to become known .
Tadahisa had forbidden anyone to forcibly pull Shin to their side, but in case of mutual affection there would be no problem .
I should be happy that a troublesome thing has been taken care of, and yet
Karin had always focused on swinging her sword, without caring to practice bridal duties . She had left Hinomoto as an adventurer, so she could cook and sew to an extent, but Karin had never considered the possibility of marriage .
. at least, thats how it was supposed to be .
. . sigh .
She wouldnt stop sighing after going back to her room .
Maintaining ones condition was also a warriors duty . Yet after talking with Shin, she found herself unable to .
She knew what this feeling was .
The identity of the weariness enveloping her body . It was loss .
A sensation felt after losing something of importance . A sensation similar to powerlessness .
That was strange, though . She hadnt lost anything .
Beautiful, huh
Shins words were looping inside Karins mind .
Looking at Shin, it was clear enough that those words had not been directed at her . Despite that, she was almost comically surprised by them .
Her face still felt flushed .
At the same time, she could feel a clenching pain, deep in her chest .
Karin knew this sensation too .
Am I . attracted to sir Shin?
She had seen him for the first time on the ship they had boarded to return to their homeland . She understood he was a man of great ability, but he was still just another passenger .
As they talked, she simply had the impression that he probably wasnt a bad person .
She was surprised at his strength during the battle against the Gale Serpents .
Then, after diving into the sea to follow Kanade, when she regained consciousness the first thing she saw was Shins back .
It was really big
Karin could faintly remember when he was carrying her . Shin was of rather lean build, but his back was bigger and larger than she thought, and she didnt feel uneasy at all when leaning against him .
Then, he helped them look for the medicinal herb for Lady Haruna; on top of Mt . Fuji, he stood fearlessly before a giant 8-headed snake monster, and won the herb with his sword .
Karin remembered the burning sensation in her chest as she watched Shin face the female warrior clad in platinum armor .
However, she thought that it was a sensation born from watching two powerful warriors engage in battle
To fall in love while watching him cross swords in battletheres something wrong with me .
She was starting to worry about her sensitivity . She had been focused on the sword all her life, thats true, but even so that was too violent a beginning .
Something else that could have triggered it all
She came up with something else .
The decisive episode that made her think about Shin .
Karin lightly passed her fingers on her lips .
The kiss .
Shin had desperately explained that he had done that to save her, and Karin did not doubt his words .
But it was still true that she had been kissed . And according to Kanade, he had touched her breasts too .
She knew she was more developed than other people her age . She also knew that when she was out adventuring with Kanade, men would often gaze at her chest .
She felt nothing but disgust then, but in Shins case the disgust disappeared .
Rather, she even
Aaaah!! What am I thinking about!?!
Karin couldnt help but raise her voice .
Her heartbeat was getting annoyingly noisy . Her thoughts refused to be put in order .
The more she tried not to think about it, the more Shins silhouette occupied her mind .
The slightly silly expression he had when they first met .
The brave expression he showed when he blew away the Gale Serpents head .
His kind expression when he was worrying about her .
His serious expression while he swung the sword .
To realize it after being turned downthere really is something wrong with me
She would barely sleep that night .
3 days after Karin talked about marriage to Shin, a letter was delivered to the Saegusa house .
Chiyo, who had received it, said it had come from the Kujou .
Its for me?
Yes, lady Haruna expressed the wish to meet you . The sender is lady Kanade .
I am aware of the rudeness of my request . But could you make it possible to meet my sister oncewas the content of the letter .
Considering Kanades personality, she would rather show up personally to talk about it, but as she had been absent from Hinomoto for a long time, she likely had been caught by a servant on her way out .
Lady Haruna is a very reasonable person . She surely would not think well of requesting the person she owes her life to to come visit her . But just ending things with a thank-you letter isnt something that shed accept either .
Shin had already received a letter of gratitude for the assistance he had lent .
It was rich in old-fashioned expressions and hard to read, but her feelings of gratitude were clearly expressed .
I have already been thanked by lord Tadahisa too, I dont think she should concern herself with it though
Shes also unusually stubborn you see . Sir Shin, wouldnt you give lady Haruna a chance to express her thanks?
Well, I dont have much to do until my comrades arrive after all . If she will be relieved, then its fine for me . To be honest, Im the one feeling nervous though
Kuyou wrote the letter of acceptance and handed it to the waiting messenger .
They would go visit lady Haruna the following day .
Ehm, I think it is best to review the visit protocol
As they were walking towards the Kujou residence, Shin talked to Karin, but received an awkward reply .
The day after their marriage conversation, Karin was too restless and they couldnt continue their usual training .
Now, after a few days had passed, she seemed more calm .
By the way, Yuzuha had stayed back at the residence .
As they arrived to the residence where Haruna was said to be, they showed the gate guard the proof of passage they had received with the reply to their letter .
The proof of passage had half of a seal; combined with the other half, which the gate guard had, it matched perfectly and emitted a faint glow . In order to avoid counterfeiting, a magical defense mechanism had been placed on it as well .
As they were waiting for someone to guide them into the residence, Kanade herself appeared .
I thank you for coming . Come in, this way .
Lady Kanade . The noble daughter of the Kujou house should not behave like that in public!!
A lady in her 40s, who arrived right after Kanade, reprimanded her . She was Kanades tutor and her name was Ei .
I apologize for my rudeness . I shall accompany you inside . Only several days have passed since our lady Haruna rose from her sickbed, thus I pray you not to tire her too much .
Understood .
Ei bowed deeply to them, and Shin nodded in reply . Her illness might have been cured, but Haruna had been sick in bed for a long period, naturally they did not want to be a burden to her .
After they walked for awhile, Ei stopped in front a room with a veranda . Kanade, who had gone back before them, was already inside .
Ei kneeled on the floor and called to who was beyond the sliding doors .
Lady Haruna . Lord Shin and Lady Karin have arrived .
Let them inside .
After Harunas reply, Ei opened the sliding doors . Shin and Karin were encouraged to go inside and complied .
Let me thank you for coming all the way here to visit me .
Alongside Kanade, in the room there was another young woman, adorned in a gorgeous kimono .
Shins attention was caught by the womans captivating waist-length black hair and her eyes, black like polished obsidian gems .
Her facial features were very Japanese-like, with a reserved kind of elegance typical of traditional Japanese beauty .
Dont just stand around like that, have a seat . You shouldnt make my sister wait .
You have even less restraint than usual I see .
There was no doubt that the young lady before them was Haruna .
As Shin sat on the cushion prepared for him, Haruna adjusted her posture, then deeply lowered her head to him .
I wish to give you my deepest gratitude for saving my sister and her friends lives . Thanks to you, the illness afflicting me has been cured as well . I shall never forget the debt of gratitude I owe you for the rest of my life .
Raise your head, please . I simply followed my heart . Your feelings of gratitude have already reached me very well .
Shin felt a bit uneasy, doubting that it was proper for the daughter of the familys head to bow like that to a mere adventurer .
He appreciated her gesture of thanks, of course, but being treated so formally had the inverse effect of making him nervous .
Being born and raised in modern times, Shin found Harunas reactions exaggerated .
I also wish I could show my gratitude to you somehow
No, please, you really should not concern yourself with that . Eroh, yes! Seeing Lady Haruna smile would be more than sufficient!
My smile?
I do not know how you normally are, of course, but your expression now is, how should I saystiff, lady Haruna . I do not need things or glory, nothing like that, but if possible, I would like to see a more cheerful expression from you .
Shin went with an idea that had suddenly come to mind, but while talking he was almost annoyed with himself at that totally out of character request .
He knew that when he would recall his actions and words later, he would want to kick himself .
I say, I also love my sisters smile very much .
Saying so, Kanade hugged Haruna .
I do not know how valuable my smile can be, but I shall not refuse such a request . I have not had much to smile about after being bedridden, so I hope it is not too awkward .
While caressing Kanades head, who had jumped on her lap, Haruna replied to Shin . Her words gave him a small relief .
Harunas expression as she cuddled Kanade appeared as if illuminated by sunlight .
. lending my help has been worth it .
Thanks to the warmth he felt from looking at Haruna cuddling Kanade, Shins uneasiness was gone too .
After explaining briefly what had happened in their travels, they excused themselves from Harunas quarters . The tutor Ei had reminded them not to stay too long after all .
Karin had not spoken much, but apparently she had already met and talked with Haruna, whom she counted as a close friend .
I have been steadily recovering, but everyones such a worrywart .
I heard you have been bedridden for a long time, so it cant be helped .
After consoling the disappointed-looking Haruna, Shin stood up . Haruna didnt want to see them go yet, but there was nothing else they could do; A presence was clearly sending a Its time to let the lady rest message from outside towards Shin, probably Ei .
I shall take my leave then . Please take care not to push yourself too much, as you just recovered .
Realizing again how loved she had to be by those around her, Shin bid farewell to Haruna .
Will it be possible to meet again? I am eager to know more about the world outside Hinomoto .
I am imposing in the Saegusa house until my companions arrive, so it will be possible until then . Although I fear the vassals will be opposed to the households lady meeting a mere adventurer like me .
It will be wise to do it without creating any unpleasant rumors, by having someone else with you during the visit, I think .
The Kujou house was the ruler of east Hinomoto . If people started rumoring that its first-born daughter was intimate with an unknown adventurer, Harunas reputation was more at risk than Shin .
Karin thus suggested that they avoided meeting by themselves .
I understand, but it is truly regretful .
Alas, it is how Shin and Karin said . Now that you have recovered, the storm of marriage proposals will start again too .
Shin thought that Kanades prediction was surely on the spot .
Her household and appearance were excellent, talking to her showed a person with a serene personality, clearly quite intelligent too . With so many excellent conditions all together, there will surely be multitudes of men willing to marry her .
As she had just recovered, it was likely that no such topic had been mentioned to her, but sooner or later they surely would . It wasnt something Shin could do anything about .
Well then, if there will be the chance, let us meet again .
Thank you again for coming .
Yes, come again!
Ei, who was waiting outside Harunas quarters, led them back to the entrance gate .
Thank you very much for sparing your precious time for Lady Haruna today .
Not at all, a mere adventurer like me was unworthy of such honor .
Normally, an attendant would accompany guests from the small gate in the hedges surrounding the residence until the large gate at the entrance of the Kujou estate, but this time Karin assumed that role .
Even if it was a person they owe great gratitude to, they wouldnt let strangers walk on their own around the main compound after all .
While thinking about this, Shin realized that since he had entered the Kujou domain, every time he left the Saegusa residence he was accompanied by someone .
Well, I guess thats obvious .
He whispered this to himself and looked towards the large gate, when he saw someone other than the guard before it .
Its been a while, sir Shin .
Sir Kankurouyou have business with lady Haruna as well?
Kankurou, who was dressed the same way as when he fought Shin, shook his head .
No, I simply had some free time, so I was taking a walk, and I perceived your presence . I do not have very much time, but would you join me for some conversation?
No problem for me, but what about you Karin?
That is fine for me too . I see sir Toshiro is here too, what about you?
I do not have any pressing duties either .
In the direction, Karin looked at stood Yaejima Toshiro . He was not wearing armor, but only grey and deep green formal wear .
However, if time allows it, I would like to ask sir Shin for a match .
A match?
Ever since they first met, when Shin was with Karin and Kanade, he hadnt felt any amity coming from Toshiro . What he felt almost made him feel like he was considered an enemy instead .
He was slightly surprised, then, to be challenged to a duel in such a direct manner .
I have heard the rumors . You are receiving lady Karins teachings in the way of the sword, yes?
There are such rumors?
Shin raised his eyebrows at Toshiros words .
Karin was the Saegusa familys first-born daughter and the 3rd seat of the Hinomoto Brave Ten . If word of her teaching a stranger the art of the sword spread, it would definitely cause a commotion . Shin would have hated to return Karins favor with trouble .
I dont think I spoke about it with anyone though .
I have not heard a word of it either . By the way, Toshiro, recently you seem to strangely disappear rather often, dont you?
After hearing Karin and especially Kankurous comments, Shin casted a suspicious glance at Kankurou, thinking that he might have been spying on them .
I just heard it from lady Chiyo! I was told not to say it to anyone else, nor have I any intention to!! I am just all too env-ahem!!!
The more they talked, the more Shins opinion of Toshiro changed .
Ehmsir Toshiro?
Karin looked puzzled at Toshiro, she didnt seem to have noticed his affection for her yet .
In any case!! I shall put you to the test and see how much your skills have grown!!
My apologies . Toshiro is infatuated with lady Karin, and you see
Oh, yes, I kind of realized it too .
T-that has nothing to do with this!!!
Toshiro yelled at Kankurou and Shins whispered conversation .
Karin, who had not heard the conversation, looked even more confused .
Shin thought that maybe, this Yaejima Toshiro wasnt a bad person .