As expected, its different when actually seeing it .
Many participants had already arrived at the party hall . Though everyone had dressed up, it was interesting to be able to know who was an adventurer and who was not .
There are various impressions at the party held by nobles .
Thats how it is, huh?
Though he only knew about nobles parties and such from movies and anime, Schnee seemed to be used to it, perhaps thats to be expected .
There were many people who paid attention to new arrivals as they appeared one after the other . When Shadow and Holly appeared, the watchers focused their attention on the two . Hibineko and Kaede got similar treatment when they appeared following them .
Uu, theyre watching us!!
Well, I guess so .
Shin is the center of attention, right?
While you say that, I feel that most of the attention went to Schnee and Tiera though . .
The ratio of attention was 50% on Schnee, 30% on Tiera, 10% on Shin and 10% on Yuzuha . Furthermore, the eyes glaring at Shin were mostly the envious eyes of the men .
(The mood was darker than the time in the guild . )
Shin had experienced what was called the I ENVY this bastard! stare in the guild, in some respects it was a neat feeling . He was feeling a large amount of the same kind of feeling again coiling around him .
Besides the eyes of jealousy, though it was not much, he was able to feel the eyes of respect and observation . His achievements in the battlefield would be helpful proof for the time being .
It was only natural that most of the attention was directed towards Schnee . If Shin had been in their shoes, it was certain that he would have reacted the same way .
While leaving her left arm entwined with Shins right arm, she swayed in a way that matched her walking; It seemed to be like a mother leading a child or something to that effect . Compared to the somewhat awkward Shin, she didnt mind the gazes at all and behaved gracefully .
Unlike Schnee, it seemed that all the attention was difficult for Tiera . Tiera clung to Shins arm, as she shrank away from the crowds gaze . The situation wasnt comfortable for her because she was still not very good with crowds of people . At first, her eyes sparkled as she showed great interest in the new surroundings when they were initially entering the hall, but now her eyes had become dull with discomfort .
While trying to ignore the happy sensation touching his arm, Shin walked in a way that shielded Tiera from the eyes of male group observers . Schnee too cooperated with Shadow and Holly by making a wall, as they walked toward to the hall .
Then, they noticed a commotion which seemed to be happening at the entrance of the hall .
From the discussions they heard around them, they learned that Rionne had entered the party hall .
Even though the party had a large attendance and many invited guests, due to the hall being wide enough, from where they were standing they could just about identify Rionnes presence through the gap in the crowd . Rionne was dressed in a crimson dress with her hair tied up in a knot at the back of her head leaving a free length of her hair hanging down . She advanced through the hall with the dignified pace of royalty .
Shin watching Rionne, had a feeling that she had glanced over at him for a moment . Having an unpleasant premonition, he pulled Schnee and Tieras arm and began to move away .
Eh, whats the matter, Shin?
Its the second princess of Bayreuth . You know, the one who was transferred with me . .
So? You dont need to run away .
Shin, did something happen between you and her?
Tiera wasnt feeling any need to move replied to Shins words, and Schnee paused for a moment before asking Shin a question .
Ahhwell, she was very interested in things like Kakura and my magic and other things . The talk of engagement in order to make me attached to the country seeming verypossible . Because of that, the approach which I wasnt sure was serious or jokinghappened .
Schnee still seemed to be smiling but, Shin felt a slightly overpowering feeling from her . Eyes swimming, without any hesitation, he confessed all things that happened during their journey . His arm was then pulled as if she wouldnt ever let it go, and a very happy sensation surged on his right arm .
He was absolutely baffled about what kind of expression he should be making right then .
She had approached you, right?
No, of course I refuse her, for real!?
And then, Rionnes presence approached while they having such an exchange . Shins vain struggle seemed only up to here .
Its been a long time, Shin . Why did you run away after making eye contact?
When Shin turned around to look at the source of the voice, he saw Rionne standing there with a nice smile on her face .
Rionne talked to Shin casually . In the same manner as during their journey from Kalkia . Since she had put aside her royal behavior, her friendliness had increased as well .
Shin hadnt seen her clearly from the glimpse through the crowd . A close up view though, revealed that Rionnes dress exposed more bare skin than Schnee and Tiera . Her back and shoulders were completely exposed, while in the front she showed a deep cleavage, there was also a deep slit in her skirt . Was she aware of the change? The gallant and somewhat manly appearance she wore while on the battlefield was completely gone . Instead she was now displaying the feminine appeal of a woman .
My companion isnt very good with crowds . Being around Rionne-sama would simply attract too much attention .
Muu! Why are you talking to me like a stranger, Shin?
Because were being watched from all sides after all .
While having a hard time not to stare at her cleavage and the slit in her skirt, Shin looked at Rionnes eyes when he spoke .
Can a princess be over-familiar in a public place? He also included the meaning when he said so .
I dont mind it .
Play along .
Forgive me should be written on Shins face .
Did she read that? Rionne shrugged her shoulders as if to say it couldnt be helped .
Well, its fine . We can only have empty conversations out here anyway . Putting that aside, shouldnt you introduce the two flowers on both of your arms? Oh, as youve probably heard from Shin, Im Rionne Strail Bayreuth . Im the second princess of Bayreuth Kingdom .
Rionne seemed to be interested in Schnee and Tiera who were on Shins right and left side, because her gaze kept shifting left to right .
Pardon my rudeness . These are my fiances, on my right is Yuki and on my left is Tiera .
To forestall any awkward questions, because it would have seemed odd if only Schnee was called fiance but both women were hanging off his arms, they decided earlier that both of them would be identified as fiances .
Its my first time meeting you . I am called Yuki .
Um, a-and Im Tiera Lucent
Schnee introduce herself gracefully, but Tieras tone was strained due to her nervousness . When the word fiance was spoken, Rionne narrowed her eyes a little .
Id heard that you had a fiance, but I didnt expect that shes an elf . Well, if its a man like Shin, its natural isnt it?
Well, a lot of things happened .
While Rionne had been surprised that they were elves, she quickly returned to normal . She nodded as if she understood immediately .
(In this world, is polygamy considered normal for an upper class Chosen One?)
Even if Rionne had been surprised that his fiances were elves, she didnt seem surprised at the fact he had two fiances . As far as Shin knew, none of his acquaintances had multiple wives . Still, his knowledge of the world was still too small to be of much use as a reference .
They made it here pretty quickly . They had originally been in Bayreuth, werent they?
I cant go into details but there are methods to travel quickly .
Ho, Shin surely surrounds himself with interesting people . I want Shin to become my countrys exclusive asset after all . Of course, Ill be willing to pay .
Rionne change her posture in order to make Shin more conscious of her own assets .
Well, that
That wont be possible . Rionne-sama .
Shin who saw in Rionne, the eyes of the hunter aimed for their prey, looked for some way to decline without being rude or impolite . However, Shin was interrupted by Schnee who stepped forward .
What do you mean by that?
If Rionne-sama saw a portion of Shins power, I think you can understand why its impossible without me having to express it in words, right?
Though Schnee and Rionne were smiling at each other, Shin thought he saw sparks flying between them .
As the abrupt situation unfolded, Shin was barely able to keep his poker face .
Well er, Yuki . . san?
If youve seen his power, I think you would want it more, right?
But, that is for Shin to decide . Besides, did you hear the strange story that happened between us?
Shins comment was ignored .
Apparently, neither one was willing to give up when the topic was related to engagement .
Shin could only watch the exchange between Schnee and Rionne . He didnt know what he was supposed to do in this situation .
Yuki-san and Rionne-sama, how about we shelve this for now? Because this is a party to celebrate victory, its not really a suitable place for this kind of discussion .
While glaring at each other with smiling faces, the one who skillfully separated the two was Tiera .
Where did the cowering Tiera go? With her back straight and a faint smile, she seemed completely unlike the normal Tiera .
Yes . Tiera is right . I am sorry, Rionne-sama .
No, I was also being impolite in front of the fiances . Please forgive me .
At Tieras words, which carried a sense of authority, the two pulled back the dangerous air they were emitting .
Well then, there are people here I still need to greet . I have to do it before its too late . Lets meet again later
Though the party hadnt really started yet, there seemed to be lots of people she still had to say hello to as her royal duty . In addition to the adventurers who had achieved victory in the war, many of Balmels nobility and wealthy merchants like Berett were also attending . There were many other people running around trying to make connections like Rionne .
Um, Tiera?
No well because your moods were somewhat different from usual . Well thats good . Im at fault, but you save me the trouble .
Not really, its not a big deal . Now, lets go eat a lot of delicious food!
You are . . right . Enjoy yourself huh?
Tiera who had a vague lonely expression on her face, gave out a small sigh in order to get over something . However, that was immediately dismissed with cheerfulness as she turned her attention to the lined up foods .
Though Shin was worried about her state, he hesitated to mention it here . He replied to her as natural as possible .
Oh, its the appearance of the organizer, huh?
In a timely manner, Taul appeared .
After the speech where he mentioned how glad he was that there were few casualties and that the war ended safely, voices for a toast echoed .
After that, the party hall became filled with sound and tumult . Everyone seemed to enjoy the party in their own way .
Elgin and other captains who participated in the war came over to where Shin and his party were gathered to greet them . Though they had invited them over to the knight squadron, they seemed to think it was natural that the invitation was declined . The invitation was simply a formality they had to make as a matter of course .
When the busy Elgin left for a round of courtesy calls, Guile came over next .
Yo! You also coShin, come here for a bit
Contrary to the Shins expectation that this should have been a casual greeting, Guile beckoned with his hand and took him aside . Since the two adventurers had both trained together, they were already on quite friendly terms .
Oioi! Who are those two beauties? They are clearly on another level from the other women around here .
Ah, how should I say this, theyre my wife candidates?
Whatdoyousay? Uh, Shin, how on earth did you get two elven beauties?! Teach me! No, please teach me!!
Guile asked for a guidance after having stiffened with I couldnt believe it expression . His expression changed completely . The last part was a little strange for his tone .
Well First you make a party together . After youve proven that youre a reliable partner, you can then give her nice presents . Its also effective if you devote yourself wholeheartedly to protect her in a pinch .
While worrying that Guile was about to have a nervous breakdown, Shin enumerated the methods to raised favorability from the support characters in the game . Because he wasnt particularly confident that the methods he used in the game would be effective here, he didnt emphasize it too strongly .
I understand about helping her in a pinch but that would be a problem if theres no pinch at the very beginning . Then, it will be the presents, huh? Do they have to be expensive?
Youve got it . I think its alright if the present is something plant related for now . Then, she would probably be pleased with a precious stone which sometimes falls near the big tree . Wait, do you like elves that much?
Shin asked Guile . Since he was so curious about elf-related information, Shin thought that perhaps there was already a woman he was aiming for .
Yea, to tell you the truth, there is an elf woman Ive wanted to get closer to for some time . The problem is that elves coming out from the garden are very wary . Even though Im a Chosen One, Ive only been able to watch her from afar .
Is that so? Well, good luck .
Yea . Ill introduce you sometime .
I look forward it . Hey, where are you going?
Guile had a look of determination on his face as he moved to leave the party hall . Was he going to search for a present right away?
Shin thought this might be a bad idea, so he stopped him . Leaving less than 30 minutes after the special victory celebration started, wouldnt be good, even for a Chosen One .
Geez, this guy is always the same, when he finds something hes interested in, his character completely changes .
Careless of his hairstyle, Liege gripped Guiles head and pulled it towards her . Though Guile resisted, he was just a mage and wasnt a match for a magic swordswoman like Liege .
Really? I guess Ive changed too . Did you make the round of courtesy calls over there as well?
More or less, you know I dont like all this formal stuff .
What Liege displayed was a splendid iron claw, such an action was unbefitting of the figure that dressed in a deep red dress that attracted the neighboring eyes . More than Rionne, Lieges strength was her voluptuousness .
Even so, Shin is accompanied by some wonderful beauties too isnt he? It made me lose some self-confidence as a woman
Well, anyone who sees them say the same things, because its the truth!
After they were called beautiful, Shin agreed without a hint of modesty .
Its a pretty refreshing feeling, when you put it that way .
I agree with that . But let me go!
Guile escaped from Lieges grasp and stood up . Because his head had been tightly gripped, his hairstyle was ruined .
If I hadnt grabbed you, youd have tried to go home . There are still more places we have to go and people we need to greet . Lets go!
Damn this animal strength! Let me go!
While having an exchange like that between siblings, Liege waved her hand lightly and disappeared together with Guile in the crowd .
After that, many people continued to meet Shin . When the time was right, he moved to the terrace together with Schnee and Tiera . Though there were still many who wanted to meet them, they excused themselves and took a break .
*Sigh* Im tired . And this is only for being a Chosen One .
If it becomes known that youre also a letter of introduction holder, there will be many more as well .
If it comes to that, Ill escape .
Though as a Chosen One, you exposed the letter of introduction by yourself . Things will still be fine even if you dont reveal the letter of introduction, right?
Argh, I-It is certainly better to just be a Chosen Onebut I didnt think that the guild would notify everyone so quickly .
Besides the problems on how to prove himself, his knowledge about the term Chosen One were limited . After a long time, Shin thought whether or not revealing himself as a letter of introduction holder was hasty, but the damage has been done .
Well its fine I guess . Since theyre Barlux-sans acquaintances, its unlikely that theyll leak the information easily . For the time being everything is good, because the city is safe once more .
Even Shin wasnt perfect .
They put aside the difficult discussion and decided to enjoy the rest of the party .