As Shins group started fighting Reforgerer, the group led by Shibaid headed towards the World Tree . No one intended to go help them . Looking at the scale of the battle, they understood that any support they could provide would be a hindrance instead .
Their current location was also still inside the attack range of Reforgerers tail . If they attracted the divine beasts attention, its tail would pound them like a hammer . Tiera moved as quickly as possible, knowing that their best way to help Shin was for all the priestesses to reach the World Tree as soon as possible .
We will be okayright?
Without a shred of a doubt . We could block its most powerful attack with the shield . There is no need for concern .
Shibaid replied calmly to Tieras doubt . She had seen the beam blocked before her eyes . What Shibaid said was definitely true .
(And yet)
Everyone in the group had seen Reforgerers massive body and the power of its beam, as well as Shin blocking it . Only Tiera was slightly different .
Until now, she had encountered Grand Duke demons and even one of the most powerful monsters in the world, Ishkar, all opponents much, much stronger than her . Because of that, she had the leeway to observe the shield defending them from the beam .
(Its melted a little . If someone takes the full brunt of that attack)
The image of Shin disappearing within Reforgerers white blast of light appeared in her head, which she desperately tried to shake away .
The shields surface was melted and deformed here and there . Shibaid probably realized it too, but there was no time to fix it, nor anyone capable of doing so .
Even an Ancient-grade shield tempered and reinforced by Shin was not indestructible .
Shields were designed to protect the wielder, being more resilient and sturdy than offensive weapons .
It was very rare for weapons crafted by Shin to break . The only instance she could remember was during the battle with Girard, but that was a weapon with less endurance than a shield .
(We have to do something quickly, to end this battle as soon as possible!)
Tiera hurried with a renewed conviction in her heart .
We cannot lower our pace . Follow us if you can keep up .
I suppose we must . Everyone, run as fast as you can!!
Next to Tiera, looking straight ahead, Shibaid and Ordoss called to the others . Tiera looked back and saw that the number of guards with them had decreased .
What happened?
Were going too fast for them . Tiera, your stats increased a lot, so I guess you didnt notice .
Thats .
Tiera was surprised and found herself at a loss for words .
Tiera knew the warrior chiefs as elites among the elite in Lanapacea . She knew that she had grown stronger during her travels, but she believed they would still be superior .
Lady Tiera, you have grown much stronger indeed .
Ordoss was running next to her, but he was short on breath . Tieras wasnt though . She could still go faster .
It might be thanks to your gear too . Everyone, the World Tree is near! Give it your all!!
Tieras group had taken a detour to reach the World Tree, in order to avoid being involved in the battle between Shin and Reforgerer . Even if they were separated, they wouldnt be too far .
After a while, Tiera reached the base of the World Tree . They discovered that the tree had turned to a pitch black color . About 70, 80% of the World Tree was completely black: it was barely alive . Tiera called out to Lymliss and Lina, riding on Kagerou .
The condition is horriblebut its still alive! Lend me your strength, both of you!!
Of course!
Both priestesses had a very stern expression on their faces . However, they did not show the slightest sign of giving up . They jumped down from Kagerou, stood side to side with Tiera and spread their arms in front of them, closing their eyes to focus .
This is!
Shibaids surprised voice reached Tieras ears, but there was no time to ask about it . Tiera calmed her spirit and focused on the tiny light deep within her .
She didnt know if it was really a light . She focused on the tiny, faint, yet powerful existence that resided within her from as long as she could remember, and enlarged it inside her .
The light eventually filled her body and overflowed . She directed it in front of her .
Tieras eyes were closed, but she could clearly see the presence of the World Tree and the impurity that was corrupting it . She released her light towards the turbid aura that enveloped the World Tree . It was a special kind of purification, different from the one used with miasma, exclusively performed for the World Tree .
Tiera could see that two similar lights flowed to the World Tree from her sides . Hers was a pale emerald green, Linas was yellow mixed with orange, and Lymliss transparent blue .
As each light touched the impurity, it gradually disappeared as if melting away . However, because of Reforgerers appearance, the purification was different than usual .
After about a minute, a pained whisper escaped Lymliss lips . She was sweating profusely, despite the temperature not being high at all . Lina, on the other hand, did not emit a sound, but her light was trembling . It was a signal that there was something wrong with the priestess releasing it .
Tiera wondered what could have happened to them, when a horrifying sight suddenly appeared in front of her .
It seemed to be a battlefield: people slashed by swords, people impaled by lances, people scorched by magic, people devoured by monsters . Various kinds of death appeared one after the other before her eyes, and she could also feel their pain .
The pain itself was probably less than what would actually be felt in such a situation, but being forced to experience dozens, hundreds of different kinds of pain would be simply excruciating, even if it was not actual physical pain .
(I see, so thats how it is . )
The two priestesses next to her were suffering because of this . Tiera was experiencing the same pain, but could somehow keep her cool . Unlike the other priestesses, always protected by guards in the village, she had been chased by monsters, lost people dear to her, and risked her life, without a shred of hope supporting her .
After joining with Shin and the others she had encountered powerful foes many times and had witnessed battlefields of people and monsters . Thanks to those experiences, she knew that the pain and suffering she was experiencing now were nothing but illusions .
These are all illusions created by the impurity!! Get a hold of yourselves!!
Tieras voice echoes forcefully . As if called by it, several globes of light appear around her . Their shapes changed and took an elf-like form . Some of them were known, others were not . The only thing they did know was that they were all World Tree priestesses .
Floating in the air, they surrounded each of the 3 priestesses . Light began flowing from their bodies, enveloping Tiera, Lymliss, and Lina .
Im okay now . I can do it!!
I have to be useful . Its now or never!!
Lymliss drew a deep breath, Lina firmly focused again, then they loudly shouted together . The priestesses lights probably dispelled the illusions tormenting them . Their light of purification regained its original strength .
Tiera then felt something warm on her shoulder . There was no physical sensation, but she could tell there was a warm hand holding her . Somehow, she felt she knew that sensation from before .
Allow me to use your power!
It was not the right time to think about that: Tiera focused anew on the purification . Something warm seeped inside Tiera from the hand on her shoulder . It was a purification force, but different from Tieras or the other two priestesses .
The past World Tree priestesses, who had become spirits and could not purify the World Tree directly, did so through the bodies of the three priestesses physically present . The powers to protect the World Tree, to protect the world, to protect all people became one .