Ehm, Id like to go down now. Do you mind letting me go?
Ill think about it after you hug me again.
Im joking, come on.
Schnees rebuke made Shin realize that he had joked enough, so he let her go.
Still blushing, Schnee went to the kitchen to prepare dinner. When the meal was ready, she had returned to her usual self.
After dinner, Shin went to check his gear. He didnt think there would be problems, but the enemy was a devil: there would be no harm in facing the battle in the best state possible.
Shin took out The Ark and Holy Armor Vanquisher of Evil, in card form, then told Schnee to take out her anti-devil short sword Daybreak and Shinobi Gear Vanquisher of Evil.
Theres no real damage, but the arms and legs part were consumed a bit, after all.
The greaves, having walked over Avaritias Life Draining Sludge, and gauntlets, which had clashed against the devils knuckles, had slight decreases in their endurance values.
Thanks to their anti-devil attributes, the decreases were very small. Without the right preparation, fighting devils were always very taxing.
The Holy Armor Vanquisher of Evil wasnt too affected, so Shin simply used his blacksmith skills to perform minor repairs on the simpler broken parts, such as fittings and decorations.
The Ark was more damaged than the armor, but there would be no problems even if it was used as is. Shin disassembled it to make sure there was nothing wrong with it, but judged its condition was perfectly okay.
Here you are.
Shin took Schnees equipment and materialized it. He checked Daybreak first. Schnee had attacked only a few times, so its endurance was unchanged. Even after disassembling it, there were no problems.
He put Daybreak back together, turned it into card form, then moved on to Shinobi Gear Vanquisher of Evil.
Hm? Whats wrong?
Shin was carefully checking the gear, as he did with all other items, when he realized that Schnee looked very embarrassed.
N-no, its nothing.
Despite her reply, Schnee was still looking away: she clearly had something on her mind.
If theres anything that concerns you, say it, Ill fix it.
Welltheres nothing I have to say about the item itself. It doesnt get stuck anywhere, its actually really easy to move in. Its just thatseeing you check it so thoroughly, its likeyoure looking at every nook and cranny of my own body. Its embarrassing, I feel kind of bothered
Ooh, I see
Schnee blushed a little again and Shin nodded.
Shinobi Gear Vanquisher of Evils endurance was unchanged. There was no problem with it as an item, just like Schnee had said. The gear, however, was modeled closely after Schnees body. It didnt stretch or shrink like other items, as it was created to fit a very specific shape.
Because of this, the bust, hips, arms and thighs were all Schnees exact size. Measuring the Shinobi Gear Vanquisher of Evil would result in knowing Schnees three sizes and other detailed measurements.
Schnee felt embarrassed even if Shin wasnt actually looking at her.
It seems a bit late to worry about that thoughno?
They hadnt registered with the authorities, but Shin and Schnee were husband and wife, as a matter of fact. They lived under one roof now so, as Luxuria had pointed out, their relationship was also physical.
Thats not the same thing! What are you saying!?
I-it isnt?
Shin staggered because of Schnees piercing gaze. He decided not to pursue the matter further and change the topic.
Anyway, the Shinobi Gear Vanquisher of Evil is alright too. Well, I should have expected it, since todays battle was over quick and all.
Shin gave Schnee her equipments cards, recalling the battle against Avaritia.
Itd be great if the next battle went that smoothly too.
It would be ideal if we found a method not to let it inside the town.
If it snuck inside in human form, not even Shin could do anything.
We need to ask Hilamee first, but we could set some traps all around Luxuria.
Avaritias target was Luxuria. Shin never expected that he would act to protect a devil, but he realized that this could happen in this world.
Hehe, I bet she wouldnt like it at all.
Theyd be anti-devil traps, after all. They would affect her too.
The topic was a serious one, but Shin found it amusing as well.
The next day, Shin and Schnee headed towards the institute to meet with Hilamee.
Its noisier than usual today.
Shin had this impression as they walked down the street lined with shops. He used the same path to go to Vulcans workshop, so he knew the street rather well.
Its mostly people arguing prices. It happens often, but everyone seems more frantic than usual.
Schnee often negotiated the price of groceries, with Shin carrying the heavier bags, so he frequently witnessed other clients arguing prices. The mood was usually brighter as that too was a form of communication. Today, however, things werent as peaceful.
Ill go take a look.
Schnee approached one of the stores she usually visited, looked around a bit, then talked to the owner. Shin went close enough not to be in the way and gestured a greeting.
The owner seemed troubled, as Schnee listened to him with a serene expression. Thanks to that, she could obtain various pieces of information.
The flow of supplies is slow, huh.
Shin whispered to himself while looking at fruit sold at a higher price than usual. All stores were in the same situation, so the citizens wallets were in a pinch.
Most merchants carts had not arrived yet, despite the scheduled date having already passed.
Erkunt traded with various cities, so the cause could not be pinpointed to something that happened in one particular city. In other words, something had likely happened to the trade routes that connected Erkunt to its partners.
The country is already investigating the cause. I heard they sent knights to check on some of the routes.
Crushing trade routesits either Avaritia or its collaborators.
Shin hypothesized that monsters, armed with gear like what he had recently found in the cave, had been used to attack merchant convoys. For parties of armed monsters, merchant convoys would be easy prey.
Shin, Sherlene and the knights had neutralized only one cave. They didnt know how many of those caves there were, but even one would be enough to cause serious damage.
It wouldnt be possible to have powerful Chosen Ones guard all convoys. Even if they did, only warriors on par with Fagall or Sherlene could survive the encounter with Avaritias monsters.
Its way cheaper over there!! Why do you set prices so high!?
Enough out of you!! I told you I cant do anything!!
Shin heard the quarrelling voices of a customer and shop owner from another shop. The two were arguing rather fiercely, so the passersby steered away from them.
It looked like a fight could break out any minute: Shin wasnt a guard, so he thought that only in case they started fighting he would go to stop them.
Hmm? Thats..
Just then, a silhouette separated the two quarreling parties. It was a tall man, one head taller than the two, carrying a large sword on his back, which signaled how he couldnt be just any young man.
The young man listened to the customer and the shop owner, a warm smile on his face.
Prices are rising everywhere. You know that convoys are being attacked, right? The shop youre talking about will have a hard time keeping prices down, you know?
Like Schnee heard from the shop owner, Erkunts citizens already knew that trade convoys were not reaching the area lately. If the current situation continued, all stores would be forced to raise their prices.
Its not like the authorities are sitting there doing nothing. Besides, if you keep making a commotion youll have the guards on your neck soon. You dont want to go that far, do you?
At the mention of the guards, the customers expression stiffened. He hadnt lost all reason yet, so he apologized to the shop owner and left.
Thats really like him.
Shin approached the young man, feeling a wave of nostalgia. The young man noticed him too and smiled, after a moment of surprise.
Shin! Youre really here! And Schnee too!
Hey, its been a long time.
The young man who came running up to Shin and Schnee was Masakado, a former player who lost his life alongside Hilamee.
Shin gave him a casual greeting and Schnee nodded at him.
Wow, youre Shin even up close!
It would be weird if I wasnt
Shin replied with a sigh to the wide-eyed Masakado. He had brown hair and red eyes, just like he was in the game era. Though he was a Dragnil, he made his appearance completely Human-like, so the only traces of his actual species were a few sparse scales on his arms and legs. He did not have horns, so he looked completely Human.
Shin remembered that he was a level 211 Holy Knight, but now his level had increased to 231.
Did you just return today?
Yeah, completed my mission with flying colors.
Masakado said that he had gone on a mission to exterminate a pack of Shadow Hounds which attacked trade convoys.
Shadow Hounds were wolf-like monsters which could conceal themselves in shadow, with levels ranging from 250 to 300. The pack was larger than normal, so exterminating it took some time.
But just as I return, I get told that another convoy was attacked in another location! I was just talking with the others, things are really getting crazy.
Masakado thought that the trade route was finally secure, but heard that another route had been squashed. He was going to report to Hilamee that something fishy was definitely going on.
If youre just making a report, couldnt you use Mind Chat?
Yeah, well, you know, some things should be done in person
Ooh, yes, I see it now
Shin perceived the meaning behind Masakados words and grinned. It was clear that Hilamee and Masakado enjoyed each others company, to say the least.
Shin remembered Masakado as a 15 year old boy: he had to be older now, but to Shin he didnt seem much different.
We were planning to go see Hilamee too, but I suppose wed be in the way?
Not at all! If youre going to see her, it must be about the devil, right? If Hilamee learns that I had you go home, shell never let me hear the end of it.
You cant just win with her, huh?
Well, come on, you know, her position is higher and all
Masakado replied with a fair reason, or at least tried to.
Shin didnt know how they met: as far as he could remember, Hilamee had always kept the reckless Masakado in check with her staff, thats the kind of relationship they had. He had heard that in the real world, Hilamee was older than Masakado. Even if she wasnt however, the result would have probably been the same.
Hmm, yes, let us ask in detail later. About you and Hilamee, first of all.
God, please, no
Shin grinned even more, to Masakados dismay. His other comrades probably joked about it too. Schnee was silent throughout, but the smile on her lips hinted that she shared Shins thoughts.
When they arrived at the institute, they were let inside right away thanks to Masakados presence. The guard, who also was a Chosen One and instructor, was one of his comrades.
They went straight to the headmistress office. Masakado knocked and asked permission to enter, which was granted right away.
The Shadow Hound exterminations has been completed. This is the proof.
Duly noted. I will take care of the documentation.
The report, part of the headmistress duties, was carried out formally. Hilamee checked the material cards Masakado gave her and signed a document.
Welcome back. Im glad to see you safe.
Hilamee showed a defenseless smile, very different from the one she showed to Shin or other teachers.
Ah, yeah, thanks. Itsthis feels kind of embarrassing with other people present
Eh? What do you mean?
I mean, theres Shin and Schnee too
Eh!? What!? Where!?
What are you getting surprised about? Theyre right behind
Masakado turned around, confused by Hilamees surprise, but Shin and Schnee were nowhere to be seen.
You sure got us good.
Haha, I couldnt help it.
You two are quite adorable.
Shin and Schnee deactivated Hiding and showed themselves.
Hilamee, unable to grasp the situation, was at a loss for words. She knew that she had been seen with a very unprofessional face on though, so her face quickly became beet red.
Looks like I was worried for nothing. Ill go call Luxuria, so please continue.
Ill accompany you too.
Shin nodded satisfied, then slid out of the room, followed seamlessly by Schnee.
Hilamee, calm down! Hey Shin, how could you leave us like that!?
Shin heard the voices through the door and thought he might have gone a little bit overboard, maybe.