Shins party spent the night in the ship. After making the necessary preparations, they stood before the dungeons gate.
Shin placed the last remaining card in the gates depression and all the cards started glowing brightly. With creaking, scratching sounds, the gate to the Castle of the Depths finally opened.
Shintheres the possibility that we might be too late.
Yeah, even I can tell. This time its really bad.
Shin could only agree with what Tiera said after the gate opened.
The Castle of the Depths had been swallowed by terribly thick miasma.
Just to be safe, lets all use these.
Shin spoke while looking at the miasma oozing from beyond the gate. The situation was worse than expected, so he decided that it was too risky to just charge in without preparing proper countermeasures. He then handed some Miracle Drug of Holy Skies, which they had used when exploring Fujis dungeon, to all the party members. To prepare for anything unexpected, he gave a stack of the items cards to everyone.
Tiera, take this.
This iser, goggles?
Together with the item cards, Shin gave Tiera a pair of underwater goggles enchanted with bonus effects such as Night Sight and Far Sight. The goggles were large, similar to the ones used when diving.
In dungeons where visibility was poor due to miasma, visual assistance skills -Night Sight above all- were a necessity. Tiera had learned Far Sight, but did not know Night Sightyet.
When I equipped them, the water inside the goggles disappearedis this okay?
Its okayI guess?
The goggles did not change form even if the wearers equipment turned to underwater mode.
If the goggles were equipped underwater, seawater would normally seep inside, but there was supposed to be no effect on the skills attached to them. For some reason, however, the water inside had disappeared. It could have been a difference between the game and reality.
No use thinking about it, I guess. The goggles effects are still there, so Ill make good use of them.
Tiera knew that it wasnt something they needed to talk about then and there, so she wrapped up the topic. Shin nodded and turned again towards the gate.
First, I should make sure the miasma doesnt spread any more than it has alreadyokay, lets go.
Shin stopped the miasma from spreading beyond the gate, then entered into the Castle of the Depths, with Schnee and the others in tow.
I wouldnt have expected the castle to be corrupted this much, though. Was the outer appearance just an illusion?
If I remember well, its appearance didnt change even if players destroyed it. Maybe its to prevent seeing the interior of the dungeon from outside.
While advancing through the water, Shin answered Schnees question, recalling his memories of the game era.
The Castle of the Depths castle part was just a facade, like a cardboard cutout placed in front of the actual dungeon. If one wanted to, it was possible to turn it into a pile of rubble.
Doing so would not have achieved anything, though, so most players did not bother to destroy it.
Shin was looking for the path leading underground, when he picked up several responses within his detection range.
The castle is supposed to be deserted, but it turns out theres something here.
With this much miasma around, that wouldnt be strange.
Shin replied to Shibaids warning while drawing his sword, Moonless.
Theyre ghost types! Theyre going to come from the front, left, and right, through the walls!
Shin looked at the map and noticed hostile markers moving towards them passing through rooms and corridors, so he notified the rest of the party.
A few seconds later ethereal, eerie monsters appeared in front of Shins group, from the ceiling and the walls on their right and left sides.
Shibaid, Filma, the Skullfaces in front are yours. Schnee and I will take the Phantoms on the left and right. Tiera, deal with the Baby Hollow on the ceiling!
Shin gave orders to the party, then activated the skill Pure Holy with Schnee.
The half-invisible human-like monsters who had passed through the walls, draped in capes that concealed their features, were High Phantoms: Ghost-type monsters with levels around 400.
Being capable of using magic of every element, they were rather nasty opponents.
Knowing that it was coming, however, Shin and Schnee could prepare to attack as soon as the Phantoms phased through the walls. The light they emitted from their palms caused the High Phantoms to simply vanish before they could do anything.
Im done here too.
At about the same time of Shin and Schnees defeat of the High Phantoms, Tiera had dealt with the infant-shaped fireball monsters called Baby Hollow.
There were only a few of them, so they didnt stand a chance against a shot from Tieras bow, armed with the arrows Shin had given her, which had both anti-miasma Light element andPurification bonuses attached.
As the battlefield was now underwater, Tiera had changed her equipped bow to the Emerald Whirltide Bow, a lower Legend-grade bow that increased in offensive power and accuracy underwater.
Shin didnt think that she could use it, but Tiera proved to be able to handle it without penalties.
Looks like theyre about done too.
Shin watched Shibaid and Filma sweeping through the Skullfaces. The corridor they were in was fairly wide, but still not enough for many Skullfaces to stand side by side. No matter how many there were, the only ones who could swing their weapons were the three, maybe four in front.
In terms of stats and equipment, there was no way they could match Shibaid and Filma. Even the King class Skullfaces were felled in a single blow. It was just a matter of time until the entire pack, composed of Skullfaces of various classes, was annihilated.
Theyve got numbers, but their levels are nothing to worry about.
Thats right. Anyway, High Phantoms were a monster that appeared in the Seafloor Sanctuary, right?
The Castle of the Depths was a den of high-level monsters. Thinking about the games standards, High Phantoms were too low-leveled to appear there.
Meaning that the Seafloor Sanctuary monsters are dwelling in the castle too? That can be a bit of a pain.
Judging from the current situation, that appears to be the only explanation. Surely they couldnt be the vengeful spirits of people who died at sea.
Filma looked annoyed, her shoulders dropping, but Shibaid answered her seriously.
Defeating the monsters wouldnt be difficult at all, but speed was of the essence this time, so having their progress slowed down wasnt a good prospect.
Shins group decided to focus more on enemy detection and proceed while avoiding encounters as much as possible.
If the structure is the same as before, the path leading to the dungeon should be in the throne room.
The interior of the castle looked very similar to what Shin remembered. He decided to head for the throne room, as he had in the game. Located in the center of the castle, it would have taken about 15 minutes of walking to reach it.
The most ideal path would be to head straight towards it, destroying the walls blocking the way, but it would have, without a doubt, attracted monsters towards them, so they discarded the idea.
Knowing that there were monsters around, the group proceeded in silence thanks to Shin and Schnees Silent Domain. Unlike sound on land, at sea, even the smallest whisper could attract a monsters attention.
Isnt itreally cold?
The throne room was still a few minutes away when Tiera mumbled to herself. Even in underwater mode the effects of the original equipment were still active, so there were environmental changes that only she could notice.
I dont feel anything in particular, how about everyone else?
Filma, Shibaid, and Schnee answered Shins question in the same way, they had not picked up anything either.
Yuzuha and Kagerou had different opinions, however.
My tail feels chilly!
Kagerou growled in agreement to Yuzuhas words.
Theres something up ahead.
Considering who detected this, I have a bad feeling about what awaits..
A cold chill that could not be detected by any usual means. The cause was apparently in the throne room.
Its not just miasma. Its probably also dragging the souls of the people who died at sea here. There are so many too
Tiera, blessed with spiritual detection abilities, spoke while trembling, her face pale.
Are you alright? If its too tough, we can deal with whatevers inside ourselves.
I wont be able to join in the fighting if I do, but there is something Id like to try. Yuzuha, could you help me?
Tiera restrained her body from shaking and looked at Shin. Her eyes shone with the light of a very strong resolve.
got it. Yuzuha, take care of Tiera.
Yuzuha cried as to say leave it to me! and paddled to Tieras shoulder. Being underwater, it felt like she did not weigh anything at all. At Tieras feet, Kagerou stood proud, as if saying Im by your side too!.
Good, lets go.
Shin proceeded forward, ever focused on detecting any threats. Walls and such were meaningless to Ghost-type monsters, so whenever they came close, Shin and Schnee blew them away with magic.
This must be it.
Shins group quickly reached the throne room, successfully avoiding as many encounters as possible.
Beyond the door Shin detected three presences, all larger than the monsters wandering the castle corridors.
Looks like there are bosses stationed here.
Originally there wasnt supposed to be anything here, soI suppose they are monsters from Seafloor Sanctuary?
I wonderthat place mainly had fish-type monsters, after all. I think the situation now is different.
The monsters appearing in Seafloor Sanctuary were mainly based on sea creatures, such as fish or crustaceans. Based on the fact that Undead-type monsters like Skullfaces and Phantoms now prowled in the castle, Shin doubted that marine monsters would appear as bosses.
We can only be alert and proceed.
Shin nodded to Shibaid. Passing through the throne room was the only way to go underground, so they could not avoid this boss confrontation.
Even though they resolved themselves to confront the bosses, they still wondered whether the dungeon entrance was still in the throne room. However, there was no way to clear their doubt at this moment.
Are you ready, everyone? Im opening the door.
Shin had Schnee and the rest of the group take one step back, then pushed the door open. The doors did not offer much resistance and slowly opened.
The very instant the inside of the room became visible, a black spurt of miasma shot through the opening of the doors directly towards Shins party.
The miasma had been shot violently, with an explosive power similar to backdraft. The level of danger was much higher than that of the miasma that had been oozing from the castle.
As soon as he saw it, Shin put up a miasma barrier and stepped back. Stopped by the barrier, the miasmas momentum grew temporarily weaker. Tainted, the barrier vanished quickly, but it was enough to gain some distance.
Shins group was at peak alertness when they opened the door, so their response had been immediate.
The new miasma barrier put up by Shibaid opened a gap between Shins group and the miasma.
Shin then unleashed his skill towards the miasma that was swallowing Shibaids barrier.
Struck by the light emitted by Shins palms, the erupting miasma vanished like smoke.
Well well. That was quite the welcome.
I dont suppose we can expect courtesy from a host made of miasma.
Exchanging banter with Shibaid, Shin enlarged the range of Purification. Ignoring his decreasing MP, he got rid of all miasma in the throne room at once.
The room had originally appeared dimly lit even through Night Vision, because of the miasma, but now Purifications light showed its original appearance.
If intruders entered it, the throne room became lit with flames that did not go out even underwater, ensuring visibility.
So thats the source of the response. The miasma wave was just the beginning, I guess.
Shins group had torn apart the veil of miasma and could clearly see what the room looked like. What appeared before them were giant skeletons, made of countless small and large bones. The massive creatures were covered by a pale blue skin-like substance.
The skeletons insides were faintly visible, making the eye cavities of the many skulls embedded in them stand out even more: it was as if countless holes had been opened on the creatures bodies.
The appearance of the bosses was enough to inspire disgust to whoever laid eyes on them.
In addition, the robe that shrouded the skeletons was a problem as well. At first glance it looked like a dirty blue robe, but looking at it closely, one would realize that the robes were made of transparent human-like figures.
The robe had actually been made by stitching together the souls of the dead: even such a wild theory sounded plausible.
The faces of those souls, that Shin could see, were wailing and filled with desperation, or overtaken by other negative emotions.
- Try%op&ob$a Le#el 8?9
Analyze isnt working right?
Based on its looks and the readable part, Id say its Trypophobia. This size and ominous aura thoughthey turned way too violent, seriously.
Schnee became alert because of the bizarre way the monsters name and level were displayed, then Shin replied while putting a hand on her shoulder.
The Trypophobia that Shin knew was a monster about three mels tall with strong magic resistance. Its physical defense was not high, so as long the player could get within striking distance, it wasnt a fearsome opponent. The only thing to pay attention to was its sweeping attack, performed by its four clawed arms.
The Trypophobias now standing before Shins party, however, had six arms and bluish flames resembling will-o-wisps burning on the ends of each of their claws.
Fighting them while assuming that they were the same as the game eras Trypophobia would definitely give birth to painful regret.
In their originally hollow eye cavities now burned golden flames.
-!! (T/N: Black squares, unintelligible roar)
As if synchronized with the rekindled flames, the twisted, inhuman roar rising from the Trypophobias mouths echoed through the throne room. It was Deadmans Howl, a skill used by many advanced Undead-type monsters.
The monsters screams were incomprehensible gibberish. They were supposed to inflict negative statuses to whoever heard it, but to Shins party it sounded like a desperate request for help.
Help us, end our sufferingthe wails of the souls, shackled even beyond death, caressed the ears of Shins party and vanished behind them.
The Deadmans Howl had the power of three monsters behind it, but even so it failed to affect Shins party with any negative status.
Tiera however, because of her spiritual detection abilities, grimaced. Thanks to the equipment Shin had given her, she avoided any negative statuses, but her mental burden grew heavier.
The party was still a fair distance from the Trypophobias.
No matter how they fought, she knew she had to bear with it a little longer, but as to dispel such concerns on Shins part, Tiera shook her head lightly, breathed deeply and looked straight ahead.
Can you make it?
Yes, this isnt enough to take me down. Besides, I want to free those people.
Tiera spoke while looking at the Trypophobias. In her expression, the fear of facing a powerful monster was nowhere to be found.
Should we just weaken them and not defeat them yet?
No, take them down without holding anything back. It probably doesnt matter how many times we defeat them, if we dont do something about the trapped souls first though.
Tiera said that the monsters would probably revive even if they were defeated.
Okay, then leave the normal fighting to us. Yuzuha, Kagerou, I leave Tiera with you.
Their cries behind him, Shin and the party wielded their weapons. Only Tiera clasped her hands on her chest, as if praying.
Looks like they noticed that their skill had no effect.
Shin looked at the Trypophobias, which had raised their arms high. They had some time to talk because the monsters hadnt been moving.
The Trypophobias did not seem to have any particular intelligence, but being high-level monsters, they could probably at least realize if the skills they used were effective or not.
Seeing that Shins party was not affected, they probably decided to go with physical attacks next.
I shall take the first attack.
At the same time as the Trypophobias started moving, Shibaid leapt. Despite the water resistance, he charged in even faster than usual with his shield at the ready.
Because of how its body was structured, Trypophobia could not move by itself. Because of this, it possessed skills to force enemies to come towards itself. Shibaid was moving faster than usual because of the effects of the skill that one of the Trypophobia used to lure him closer, Darkness Beckons.
The Trypophobia raised its flaming arms, ready to strike the approaching Shibaid. The monster swung down when Shibaid was within range, its arms drawing a bluish arc in midair before clashing with Shibaids shield. A loud sound of clashing metal resounded, then Shibaid stopped moving.
The boss had swung its three right arms. Shibaid couldnt stop them with only his shield, so he also erected a defensive barrier, ultimately blocking 15 claws.
As a testimony to the monsters offensive power, Shibaids greaves dug into the floor, cracking the stone tiles.
I thought it would be fire, but I feel no heat. Is this cold air?
What Shibaid felt through the barrier was not searing heat, but freezing cold air.
The flames probably looked like fire because of the way the seawater continually froze and shattered. It was likely due to an effect of the monsters magic or an unique skill it possessed.
If it really is cold air, then have a taste of this!
Filma cut down another one of the Trypophobias. Flames blazed from her Red Moon: the instant they touched the monsters swinging claws, they shattered them from the wrists down, with the sound of breaking glass.
Its weak to fire, no doubt about it!
Filma twisted her body while shouting, then shattered the monsters other arm.
At the same time, Schnee stepped to the side of the last remaining Trypophobia. After moving behind the monster, she spun around, ready to counterattack. The monster, however, had just received a blow that had cut into half of its body, so its arms could not reach Schnee.
It was like they were communicating telepathically. Without the need for more precise orders, Shibaid activated the Shield-type Martial skill Knock Move and shook off Trypophobias right arm. This skill allowed the user to erect a barrier with the same defensive power as the shield they had equipped and use it as a decoy as they retreated, often fast enough to leave behind after-images. It was usually used by the partys shield to gain distance from the enemies or when they needed an emergency exit.
Taking the place of the retreating Shibaid, Schnee released a magic spell.
Ten cemels long rays of light extended to each of the monsters arms: three seconds later, fire erupted from the arms and exploded.
Fire-type Magic skill Materia Bomber.
This skill, quite unusual among all Flame-type spells, instantly changed the targeted body part to a bomb. Only non-living matter could be turned into an explosive however.
For a monster over level 800, its a bit too frail
The monsters arms were powerful enough to force Shibaids greaves to carve the ground, but after finding its weak point it was going down too easily, so Schnee was growing suspicious.
Before the wary Schnee, Shin gripped his Moonless at his waist, preparing to strike.
The now armless Trypophobia roared again, probably to attempt a last resort attack. That very instant, as if triggered by the roar, tentacles made of bones extended from the bones supporting the monsters upper body and the foundation-like base part of the monster, mixed with the souls. At the same time, the blue flames burning on the monsters claws appeared in midair.
Time for the trump card, is it?
Attacks never seen in the game era were coming up one after another. Even so, Shin did not falter.
From a videogame perspective, it was completely normal for bosses to perform unexpected attacks. That was far from enough to stop Shins attacks though.
The tentacles, as fast and sharp as arrows, were parried by Shibaid, while the flames were swept away by Filma and Schnee.
All three then jumped out of the attack range, at the same timing.
In the space they previously occupied Shin unleashed his attack.
Tentacles and flames had appeared again, but could not offer meaningful resistance as they were torn apart. Trypophobia tried to use its arms and claws as a shield at first, to little or no effect: along with the monsters torso, they were cleaved in two.
The following sharp slash severed the skull, formed by countless bones, in two clean halves.
Katana and Divine Combination Skill Scourge Divide.
A slash that caused additional damage to Undead types and miasma, this skill could not be resisted by Trypophobia.
It was not the end of Shins partys offensive, though: Schnee, Filma, and Shibaid each followed up by attacking with their own weapons.
Schnees Blue Moon, Filmas Red Moon, and Shibaids Placid Moon struck the skeletons skull and torso, already cut in horizontal halves, and cut it vertically this time.
Several seconds after Shins attack, the Trypophobia to be precise, the four parts it had been severed into slowly collapsed.
The golden flames in its eye cavities flickered out and the masses of bones forming it came apart. It was almost like the Trypophobias had turned into sand.
Tiera, hows the situation?
The binding is coming loose. Im going to start now, but just in case, please defend me.
Tieras hands, held over her chest in prayer until then, were now released and she spread her arms wide. Her lips then moved and started intoning a melody.
It was a requiem, meant to free the trapped souls and send them to a place where light shines.
It was a song with no words, a melody formed only by sounds higher and lower, stronger and weaker.
Tieras chant resounded through the miasma-tainted waters.
This is
Changes started manifesting seconds after Tiera had started singing. A bright, pure light started to fill the throne room. It was brighter and warmer than the automatic fires that had lit up the room until then.
Shins party swallowed their breath at the scenery. It was almost like Tiera herself was shining and illuminating the room.
The two beasts next to Tiera also cried in unison with her singing.
Yuzuha spread her tails in a fan-like shape, Kagerous horn lit up intermittently. Both of them also emitted a pale light from their bodies.
There was someone else, however, who could not simply stay quiet while they watched.
this is no time to be noisy.
Shin turned around and saw the defeated Trypophobia start reforming, much like video footage played backwards. The bones were forming a skull, which the robe of the wailing ones covered. Only one of the three Trypophobias had started reforming.
If it was left alone like this, the monster would have completely reformed after only 10 seconds or so. Shin wouldnt just watch and not do anything.
Ignition Red!
Shin pointed at the Trypophobia, and the gradually recovering body suddenly burst into flames.
The Trypophobia had been burned up by a magic skill of the Ignition series, which struck the area the player pointed in with the element of the players choosing.
Red meant flame magic, Blue water magic, etcetera. The name changed according to the element.
Underwater, fire the element Undead types were weak to was not as effective, but with Shins stats, it was possible to keep the same amount of firepower as if the skill was used above ground.
The recovering skull turned into ashes, the arms it was trying to raise scorched and fell.
The flames did not lose momentum and spread to the foundation of bones supporting Trypophobia, then the mass of souls.
The monsters alleged source of energy was being burnt by Shins flames. What remained was just a small mound of ashes.
Every time it was annihilated, Trypophobias bones started to form again from nothingness. No matter how high its recovery power was, if it was defeated before reforming, it was all meaningless.
Shin was forced to shoot Ignition Red over and over again, but his automatic MP recovery ratio exceeded the quantity he used for the spell, so there was no risk of running out.
After several instances of burning bones down, Shin noticed that the monsters recovery speed was slowing down.
Its started acting differently.
The quantity of rising bones was decreasing and the spiritual veil covering them was getting thinner, as Schnee noticed too.
Yes, besides, somethings leaking out of its body.
Upon closer inspection, a small light was leaking out and disappearing like steam from Trypophobias body and the foundation part.
Thanks to Tieras power, two-thirds of the throne room were now illuminated. Maybe because of the lights effects, the monsters recovery had considerably slowed down.
Maybe it had understood that it was going to disappear, as Trypophobia opened its maw as much as it could, as if screaming, bending its forming body backwards.
Only the left half of the skull had formed, but the golden light in its eye cavity burned fiercely.
Tiera was purifying the miasma, while Shin was shooting Ignition Red spells. The other party members were currently free and would not just stand by and watch.
Shibaid stood in front of Tiera and reinforced his guard. Schnee and Filma rushed towards Trypophobia.
Using the Movement-type Martial skill Waterbolt, the two could move underwater with extreme speed, barely feeling the water resistance, and arrived close to the monster in no time.
Its too late to get desperate.
Give up already!
Schnees left hand softly held the hilt of her Blue Moon, its blade now wrapped in what looked like a platinum snowstorm, while Filma held her Red Moon, burning brightly in golden flames, over her shoulder.
Take this.
Schnee and Filma spoke at the same time.
As they did, Trypophobias body was cut apart by countless slashes, colored platinum and gold. A small snowstorm that could freeze even miasma and searing flames to burn it to cinders. These two opposites became one within Trypophobia.
Tetra-type composite skill, Divine Flame Royal Frost Blade.
This unique skill was activated by using Katana/Water and Flame/Sword combination skills at the same time. It was often used as finisher when battling bosses or powerful monsters.
Trypophobia, slashed again in four parts by the attack, fell to the ground, immobile. It was like time had stopped for the monster.
It was difficult to notice because of Trypophobias originally white color, but its whole body was now frozen. A few seconds after it touched the ground, golden flames erupted from its body. Divine flames with miasma purification properties enveloped the frozen Trypophobia.
Different from Ignitior Red, which only burned its target, Divine Flame Royal Frost Blades flames did not leave even a speck of ash.
When the fire had vanished, leaving nothing in its wake, Tieras chant became louder.
In response, light started appearing from the spots where the Trypophobias were. They were larger than the ones that had leaked from the monsters bodies during the fighting.
The globes of light were initially very few, but quickly increased in quantity. They formed a sort of river of light in the air, which started flowing upwards, towards the surface of the water.
Hahnowit should beokay
Those were the freed souls?
Yes. Theres no one left here anymore.
Shin waited for Tiera to recover her breath, looking at the lights floating away.
The lights passed through the ceiling of the Castle of the Depths and were not visible anymore.
So that ishow souls shine?
Yes, exactly. But their true glow is much stronger.
Tiera said that after being imprisoned for so long, they had probably grown weaker.
The brilliance of the ancestors souls, which Tiera had felt during her service as Priestess of the World Tree, was much warmer and brighter than what Shins party had just witnessed.
Okay, weve taken care of the bosses and all, but is the entrance to the dungeon still there?
While they waited for Tiera to recover, Shin inspected the location that the Trypophobias were guarding.
Analyze had displayed the monsters names in an unusual way, so he thought that there might be something left.
Is that a gem?
The first thing he noticed was a gem the same size as the one of the non-standard monster he had fought in Bayreuth, the Skullface Lord.
The gems color, a very deep blue, showed that it belonged to the water element. Even after appraising it, he could only learn that it belonged to the highest Unique grade, and nothing else.
Did you learn anything?
No, it doesnt seem to be unusual in any way. This gem too, as material its something that Ive seen before.
Shin couldnt find any drops besides the gem where the Trypophobias were. Different from the game era, they did not drop any weapons or materials. Just in case, he inspected the floor too, but could not find anything of note.
Shin decided to inspect the throne with Schnee. If it was still as he remembered, the entrance to the dungeon should have been there.
There should be a switch behind the it is.
Shin found a small gap in a part of the throne. He checked if there were any traps, then pushed the gap deeper inside.
With the sound of stones grinding against each other, the throne and a part of the floor began moving to the side, revealing stairs going downwards. The passage was so narrow that Shibaid could barely fit in it.
We found the path leading underground. Are you ready?
Yes, I didnt use that much energy anyway, Im okay.
Tieras HP and MP had both completely recovered. Her complexion wasnt bad either, so Shin concluded that she wasnt faking it.
OK then, lets go.
The party finally set foot in the Castle of the Depths dungeon.
Schnee led the formation, followed by Shibaid, Filma, Tiera, and Shin. Yuzuha and Kagerou walked alongside Tiera.
After 5 minutes of descending the narrow stairs, the group arrived in what resembled a natural cave. The width of the corridor increased enough to make it possible for 3 members to fight side by side.
Without Night Vision, we wouldnt be able to see even one mel ahead here.
Tiera spoke while looking at the corridor. She had removed her goggles to see how much would be normally visible.
The miasma underground was thicker than above. To be safe, the group took another dose of the miracle drug.
There are less monsters than expected, but is that normal when the miasma infection progresses?
Filma wondered out loud after the group had repelled several monster attacks.
Dungeon monsters cant exactly reproduce, after all. Either new ones arent born, or they turned into Chimeras, I guess?
Shin answered while searching the surroundings for any presence. It was just a theory, as there was the possibility for the monsters to be gathered in the lower floors, but Shin felt that it wasnt too different from normal dungeons.
In any case, lets not lower our guards.
Shibaid spoke as he raised his shield and halberd to repel monsters that had charged towards the group.
The path had reached a crossroads and the monsters had attempted a pincer attack on the party.
The monsters that Shibaid knocked away were mackerel pike-like monsters with heads morphed into iron lumps, called Magnum Fish. Its level ranged from 600 to 650 and its greatest characteristic was its high speed. Many players had experienced receiving large damage by their charge attacks the first time they fought this monster.
Magnum Fish had low defenses on all body parts other than their heads, so if the first strike was dodged or blocked, they became easy to neutralize. If the charge attack struck, however, rear guard Jobs with low defenses, such as Mages or Hunters, risked being knocked out in one blow.
I-I didnt even see them
Thats what they call a trap for first timers.
Shin had also been hit and sent spinning in mid-water his first time.
With the skill Insight, you can get a hunch that its coming though.
I barely have any skills that reinforce the senses
Tiera had learned several skills, but they still counted up to less than a dozen. In order to avoid Magnum Fish attacks, she would have to somehow guess their trajectory or take cover in a place with many objects to use as protection. If such methods didnt work, she could only rely on her intuition.
Do not fret. As long as we stand, no monster will ever touch you.
Thats right, you know youre in good hands with us around.
In a narrow corridor like the one the group was exploring, attacks could only come from determined directions. Shibaid and Filma, the front guard, would not let anything pass them in such a situation.
I will take the lead then.
Schnee, using her trap detection skills, examined the surroundings as she led the party forward.
They were still in the upper floors, but Castle of the Depths was still a high-level dungeon. Because it was located underwater as well, the group had to proceed with caution.
The biggest difference between dungeons above ground and underwater ones was the type of traps present.
The whole passageway was filled with water, so it was difficult to dodge if the ceiling opened, sucking the players in, or poisonous liquids were scattered all around. Sometimes it was also necessary to use the traps to go forward, so underwater dungeons had generally higher levels of difficulty than their above ground counterparts.
No problem, it seems. Lets go.
Shin talked to Schnee via Mind Chat. On the way, they found a trap that would freeze the water in the passageway for a set time, and Tiera groaned How are you supposed to dodge that?
Any attacking monsters were crushed by Shibaid and Filma, as they had said they would. Usually Shibaid would attract the monsters attention, luring them in one location, where Filma would cut them down all together.
Red Moons flames did not lose any power even underwater, thanks to Enchant Mana Fire.
What appeared to be roaring flames actually functioned just as a visual scare. They became effective only when they hit the opponent, slashing and scorching them.
Its effectiveness did not disappear after a set time, but after a certain number of uses, a condition perfect for Filma, who could K.O. any monster in a single stroke.
Looks like its a dead end ahead.
Schnee had returned from her inspection and mapping, shaking her head.
Most high level or high profile dungeons had already been considerably mapped in the game era, but here, Castle of the Depths map was -as expected- completely blank.
Because of that, the group was forced to re-do the mapping all over again.
The Castle of the Depths was a wide dungeon, so even Magic Sonar could only scan half of one floor.
When the path split, Shin and Schnee parted ways to explore both ways but, even then, it took time.
Looks like itll be impossible to clear this in one sitting.
Yeahwell, normally it takes a few days to map a dungeon, so doing it as quickly as we did in Hinomoto is actually unusual.
Shin remembered how tough things were in the game era and reassured Filma, mentioning that things had gone almost too smoothly until now.
In the last dungeons cleared by the party, Depths of Hellfire and Cadaver Realm, they had achieved their goals in one day, but those dungeons usually required several days to clear them.
Should we set up a proper camp somewhere? In a place like this, I wouldnt want to just sleep in a tent, honestly.
I understand all too well not wanting to rest in a place filled with miasma like this. If we could teleport and leave itd be very different, but
Shin had attempted before, but both mid-level teleport crystals used to escape dungeons and high-level ones used to leave from special areas, such as event fields, did not work at all.
Shin had always tried in dungeons tainted by miasma, but was not sure if miasma was the reason or there was something else.
Guess it wouldnt hurt to try. Gather here, everybody.
Teleport crystals transported all players and monsters in a five mels radius from the user. In order to prevent the player from fleeing via teleport when they were in a pinch, monsters were transported too.
Even if a player was registered in the party but was outside the range when the teleport crystal was used, they would be left behind.
Shin made sure that everyone was within range and activated the teleport. The destination was the entrance to the Castle of the Depths, before the gate where he had placed the Three Sea Beasts cards.