Shins group arrived again at the shipyard just as the usual workday was coming to an end. Peeking inside, they saw the workers starting to clean up before leaving for the day.
Oh, youre back, huh.
Zigma spotted the group right away and approached them.
Yes. What about Zazie and the others?
Theyre already in the back. Want me to go call them?
No, well head over there ourselves. I guess itll take some more time until the workers leave anyway.
You got a point there.
In the room where they had spoken with Zigma earlier that day, Shin found Shigureyas members, as the chief carpenter had said.
They killed time chatting, then headed to the work area after they made sure the workers had all gone home.
What did you do with the ship you were working on?
Zazie turned it into a card. After all, it would be a waste to just dispose of it.
The chief had no intention of throwing away the materials.
Ill get to work right away, then.
Shin nodded to Zigmas words and started choosing the parts he needed from the item box. From Zigmas viewpoint, it probably looked like Shin was drawing something in the air with his index finger.
Itll only take an instant, so please make sure you dont blink.
All right.
Shin activated the skill and the ships completed plans appeared in his head. In the game, they would have appeared in a separate menu window.
Where there were missing or excess parts, the plans would flash red. In the map in Shins head, however, there were no red spots.
Shin activated a key command and the item cards swirled in midair, shining brightly. The lights, as if they had a will of their own, changed shape and formed a ship.
Wh-what in blazes!?
Zigmas utterly surprised voice escaped his lips. He had probably expected a skill that combined all of the ships parts in an instant. Seeing the lights change shape in front of his eyes would have surely been shocking had he not known about the skill.
A few moments after the lights started changing shape, a ship not unlike a large cruiser, was formed.
Our main objective is exploration, so I focused on movement and defense.
The ships created by players had different performance based on the parts used. Shin had chosen parts that would allow the ship to move with agility even during storms, and resist surprise attacks from monsters. It looked like a ship that would travel by floating on the sea, but it was actually a magic vessel that could also submerge if necessary.
Well Ill bewhat is even going on here!?
This skill lets you instantly combine the parts you have into the finished product. Well, even I cant explain why it looks like lights changing shape though.
Shin couldnt say that it was a video games visual effect.
Can I touch it?
Yes, Im inspect it too.
As soon as Shin had consented, Zigma rushed towards the ship with the eyes of a carnivore pouncing on newly spotted prey. It looked like he had only listened to the first word Shin said.
Nghwaaahhh!! Whats this smooth coating!? Not a single wrinkle. The dense magic power contained in each part. But its all harmonised together, forming an even stronger bond!!!
Shins group was rendered speechless for a while by Zigmas sudden change.
The chief jumped on board of the docked ship and analyzed the materials and techniques used in its creation, his eyes blood-red. He hugged the ship tight, as if licking its surface, in order to analyze it: he almost looked like he had used some dangerous substance.
Chief, you really should calm down a little.
Hah!? What was I doing!?
Zigma regained lucidity thanks to a chop from Zazie. His enthusiasm had not simmered though, and he started bombarding Shin with questions about which processing techniques he had used.
I said calm down.
A chop slightly stronger than the one before collided with Zigmas head. Zazie was showing less and less restraint.
You only need to look at it to know how it was made, dont you chief?
Kh, this is frustrating, frustrating I tell yaif only I was 20 years younger, Id plead him to make me his disciple, even if I had to throw away everything I had!
Zigmas passionate words convinced everyone that he was speaking from the heart.
Thats just impossible. Mr. Shins techniques are just out of this worldand thats an understatement.
Gah, hearing that makes it all the more frustrating.
The chiefs artisan spirit was definitely burning. His eyes sparkled like a child with a new toy, but also burned with the flame of a warrior eager to do battle.
Anyway, I trust you have no objections about the ship now?
No shipyard in Barbatos would have objections about this. If Zazie and the girls hadnt explained to me in detail, I wouldnt have believed this was made with spare parts, thats for sure.
Zigma answered while looking all over the ship.
Okay, Im going to check the inside of the ship, so look at the exterior as much as you want. Please dont come inside though. The anti-intruder magic enchantments would pulverize you.
Ngh, thats a darn shame.
A function of all vehicles was that only after the creator registered other peoples names could they board said vehicle safely. In case the creation of the vehicle had been commissioned, it was possible to change ownership by registering the commissioners name first.
Now we can go look for lord Cooks guildhouse.
YesIll find it no matter what.
It took a long time.
In contrast with Zigmas excitement, Lapwing, Zazie, Bell, and Shell were quietly rejoicing. After hearing the elfs story, they had gathered materials for the ship, looked for able carpenters, negotiated, then finally the ships construction had started. The materials, however, were difficult to work without skills, so they had been told that it would take at least 10 years before completion. They were obviously overwhelmed now.
Looks like there are no problems about the ships capabilities either. I already registered everyone. Well test it tomorrow, and if all goes well we can leave the day after tomorrow.
Shin informed the group of his plans after checking the ships functionality.
Well make preparations. If its a ship lord Shin made, Im sure there wont be any problems.
After Lapwings words, Bell and Shell also expressed their approval, both giving thumbs up.
It was Shins first time using the skill after coming to this world however, so he wanted to test the ship and check it thoroughly.
If youre not going to move it until tomorrow, can I look over it until then?
Yes, go ahead.
Hmm, feel free to take your time tomorrow too.
Zigma definitely wanted to examine the ship as much as he could before Shins group arrived. It was also very clear that he had no intention of sleeping that night.
I was thinking of doing the test tomorrow at nine, is that all right?
No problem. Well prepare everything necessary today
Bell and Shell echoed Lapwings answer, while Zazie silently bowed her head.
After one last greeting to Zigma, who was jotting down notes while looking at the ship, Shin and the others left the shipyard.
Shins group had not secured a place to stay yet, but thanks to Lapwings introduction they could check into one of the best luxury lodgings in Barbatos. The owner was a fan of Shigureya they had said. The party could pay the lodging fee without problems, so they decided to take two rooms and split based on gender.
Okay then, lets get that over with.
After dinner, Shins party gathered in the room the females were assigned. As expected of a luxury class hotel, the room could easily accommodate at least five people and two animals.
Tiera, you have two new pieces of equipment, huh. Hmm, this is pretty plain, but this is a bit too flashy to wear on the regular
I picked one for close range and one for long range combat, just in case. The appearanceis kind of concerning, I have to agree.
One was a dark-colored shirt and mantle. The other was a sparkly armor, which reminded of a warrior maiden style. As Filma said, their appearance swung wildly between the plain and flashy ends of the spectrum.
Leaving the Bow Princess set aside, we could make the Heat Haze series a bit cuter. Shes a girl after all, she has to dress nicely too.
Is it possible to make it cuter though?
If Shin helps, sure.
Filma looked at Shin and he nodded.
Tieras Bow Princess and Heat Haze equipment sets were in their default design, in other words their initial settings. Using them like that was not a problem, but the design could be modified too.
In the game, creation-type jobs tried all sorts of modifications and colorings in order to express their originality, creating many different designs.
Lets hear some ideas then. About the accessories, how would red look instead of gold, for the hairpin? So it matches her eyes color better
An all-black mantle is a bit too simple too. We might as well-
Schnee joined Filma in helping to make the designs cuter. The three looked at the changed designs Shin created with his skills and debated on which was best.
E-eris it only me, or is the equipment getting gradually smaller? Were the pants always this short? Was there so much skin exposed?
Tiera raised objections while looking at the changing designs, but couldnt stop the threes momentum.
You can only hope that the result is something proper to wear.
Shibaid shook his head, well aware that it wasnt possible to stop them anymore.
Kuh, the atmosphere is so tense!
Yuzuha and Kagerou seemed excited to see the results of the debate.
After about 30 minutes, which felt excruciatingly longer to Tiera, Shins this should be enough signaled the end of the process.
Try them on now.
Shin handed Tiera the cards, a satisfied look on his face. She looked at the cards illustrations, wondering if it really was the same equipment as before.
The shirts sleeves had been largely cut off, turning it into a sleeveless one. The color had been changed to white, with a light green line drawing a flower-looking pattern on the chest area.
The pants were now around the same length as hotpants, the boots became short boots and the mantle into a hooded long coat with a faded silver crescent moon mark on its back.
The former plainness was nowhere to be found.
Wow! Doesnt it look good on you?
Not bad.
Thats about it.
Looking at Tiera wearing the gear set, Shin and the other creators expressed their satisfaction.
T-thats nice, I guess.
Tiera looked at herself with the help of a mirror and seemed to enjoy the result too.
While its good that it became cuter, wont white and gold stand out too much?
Tiera had not forgotten that the attire was meant to be for combat, so she wondered if the original design wouldnt have been better for stealth purposes. Shin then explained that as battle started, the equipments effect would make it look the same color as the surroundings to the enemies eyes.
Even if the color was faded, the hairpin was now gold, to match Tieras eyes, so it looked like it would stand out, but it too, would be concealed like the shirt. The hairpin was also not just a decoration, but could notify the wearer when they had been spotted by enemies.
The Bow Princess set is fine as is?
Filma asked, her arms crossed, while looking at Tiera wearing the Bow Princess gear set.
This sets default design was pretty popular.
We can change that too if we want to.
Filma, however, shook her head.
Im not really familiar with armor designs, so I say its fine as is for now.
The Bow Princess set not only had outstanding stats, but its design was gorgeous too, so they decided to leave it alone.
Lets move on to swimsuit designs, then.
Agh, there was that too
Shin had informed Tiera that since there were two new sets of equipment, they would have to make them usable underwater.
Why cant you enchant them without me wearing them, anyway?
Tiera, standing before Shin in her Bow Princess attire, voiced her complaints.
Dont ask me.
The underwater enchantment could be cast to other players or NPCs, as long as they were wearing the equipment in question. Sometimes the resulting costume was very risque, so even if it was just an avatar wearing it, it could be pretty embarrassing.
Because of this, in the game era most players asked an enchanting artisan of the same gender to do it.
Dont give me something weird again, okay?
It all depends on your luck.
Shin then activated the magic enchantment. Tieras Bow Princess set started glowing, then changed shape. When the light faded away, it revealed a one piece with vivid blue and green gradations.
This will do.
Is that okay? We can stock a design after it appears once, so you can check others too if you want?
Tiera decided instantly, so Shin asked if she was sure, but she said that shed rather not risk having weird costumes appear.
Lets get to the next, then? What will come out this time?
Tiera changed to the Heat Haze set and Shin cast the enchantment again.
This time Tieras swimwear was a black pareo, same-colored bottoms and a white tube top, something very similar to when she had tried the Amazoness set previously.
Not bad, isnt it? It looks like the equipment became the swimwear, pretty much.
The swimsuits coloring and design was similar to the Heat Haze sets new design. This also was a result of having changed the default design.
Its not bad, yes, but it feels like theres less cloth?
Tiera too, like Shin, did not find the swimsuits design bad. It was also true, however, that the tube top cloth covering her breasts was a bit lacking in size.
No need to worry yourself over it, should we try the next one?
Tieras words had directed Shins attention to her chest; the sharp chill from the stare he then felt on his back prompted him to encourage Tiera to try another design.
Yes, I guess thats better.
Tiera agreed and Shin cast the enchantment again. The next swimsuit was composed of black hotpants-like bottoms and a white bikini.
Maybe because of an unknown rule, the bikini was rather small as well.
Shin, you arent doing this on purpose, are you?
Well, Shins a boy after all, its not weird for him to prefer the sexy type.
Shin shook his head as fiercely as he could in response to Tiera, Filma, and Schnees words and looks.
Wait just a second!! Youre saying it like its my fault, but the size of the cloth cant be adjusted, okay!?
Shin cast the enchantment several other times, but each design had very limited cloth extension.
Is this because we changed the original design?
Well, we did make it a lot more open than the default one. I never heard that it would influence the swimsuit though.
If the same thing happened frequently, information about it would have spread.
Will reverting the design solve the problem?
Thats no good Schnee, we made it cuter, itd be a waste to discard it now. There might be a bit more exposure, but defensive power doesnt change, so isnt that fine?
Filma opposed Schnees idea of changing the Heat Haze sets design to the default one.
Despite its appearance, the equipment retained its stats even in underwater mode.
Using an extreme example, even the skimpiest swimsuit, covering only the important parts, would have had the same defense underwater; even if the wearer appeared completely naked.
Filma was of the opinion that as long as performance was the same, some more skin exposure shouldnt be a problem.
What do you think, Tiera? We can try.
Hmm, wellits a bit embarrassing, butIll keep it like this.
Thats my Tiera, I knew youd say that!
Filma nodded happily, while Tiera gave a wry laugh.
Since were doing this and all, why dont we change our swimsuits design too?
Filma, were not going to play tomorrow, you know? Besides it takes work to do that.
It wouldnt be much work for Shin though.
Well, yeah, this much is nothing
Casting enchantments didnt require a lot of MP, so Shins burden was next to zero. There was no need for preparations and it was still early to go to sleep, so if they wanted to do it Shin had no reason to refuse.
What do you say, Shibaid?
No, Ill pass. I dont see the necessity of changing it.
.but yours is a loincloth, right?
Filma meant to ask if Shibaid was really okay with it, but the latter nodded all too naturally.
Shibaids swimwear was a red and silver loincloth.
Shin had decided on it half as a joke during the game era, so he was okay with changing it now, but judging from Shibaids powerful nod, he must have liked it a lot.
If he says that works, no need to force him then. It doesnt look like Schnee would be on board either, so lets leave the swimsuit fashion show for after we recover Celciutos.
What are you talking about
Schnee held her head with her hands, as if physically troubled by Filmas announcement.
Im talking about knocking Shin out with our super sexy costumes, of course! Ive been thinking about it ever since I heard that were going to the pool.
Filma, be a little more serious, please.
I am completely serious. If we want to keep Shin here, we have to use every chance we can.
I suppose so, but
Shin was the one to set your physique, Schnee, so if we use that, we might have a chance.
No matter how large the room was, with five people inside there couldnt be a lot of distance between them.
Were they talking hoping that Shin heard, or did they think that no one could hear them? In any case, Shin could hear everything the two said. Tiera did too: blushing fiercely, she mumbled the words, knock outswimwear
Shibaid heard everything too, as evidenced by his tired expression.
Let us go rest for today. Or this will never end.
Thats right.
Deciding to leave the girls alone, Shin decided to turn in early.