Garrulax moniliger (_Hodgs.) Jerd. B. Ind._ ii, p. 40; _Hume, Rough Draft N. & E._ no. 413.
Of the Necklaced Laughing-Thrush Dr. Jerdon says:--"I procured both this and the last (the Black-gorgeted Laughing-Thrush) at Darjeeling, and have also seen one or both in Sylhet, Cachar, and Upper Burmah.
They both a.s.sociate in large flocks, and frequent more open forest than most of the previous species. The eggs are greenish blue."
From Sikhim, Mr. Gammie writes:--"In the first week of June I found a nest in low jungle, at 2000 feet, containing four greenish-blue eggs, but, as I did not see the bird, left it until my return a week later.
I then saw the female, but in the interval the young had been hatched.
The nest closely resembled that of _D. caerulatus_ [p. 46], both in shape and composition, and was similarly situated between several upright slender shoots to which it was firmly attached. It was, however, within five feet of the ground, which is lower by 5 feet or so than _D. caerulatus_ generally builds.
"I have found this species breeding from April to June, up to elevations not much exceeding 2500 feet. It affects the low, dense scrub growing in moist situations, and usually fixes its nest between several upright sprays, within 5 or 6 feet of the ground. The nest is cup-shaped, made of dry bamboo-leaves, intermixed with a very few pieces of climber-stems, and thickly lined with old leaf-stalks of some pinnate-leaved tree. Externally it measures about 55 inches in diameter by 4 in height; internally 35 by 275.
"The eggs are four or five in number."
Mr. Oates writes:--"On the 27th April I shot a female in the Pegu Hills off her nest. This latter contained one young one, and one deformed egg, which unfortunately got broken; colour a deep blue.
The nest was placed in a small seedling bamboo about 6 feet from the ground at a joint where a number of small twigs shot out, inverted umbrella fashion. The nest in every respect closely resembled that of _G. pectoralis_."
He subsequently remarked:--"Breeds in Lower Pegu chiefly in July.
Average of six eggs, 116 by 88; colour, very glossy deep blue.
Nest placed in forks of saplings within reach of the hand, ma.s.sive, cup-shaped, and made of dead leaves and small branches; lined with fine twigs. Outside diameter 7 inches and depth 4; interior 4 by 2."
A nest found below Darjeeling in the first week of June on the branch of a good-sized tree, at a height of 12 feet from the ground, was similar to that described by Mr. Gammie, and contained a single fresh egg. This is a moderately broad oval, somewhat pointed towards the small end, and exhibits very little gloss. It is of precisely the same colour as those of the preceding species, but measures only 12 in length by 09 in breadth.
Writing from Tena.s.serim, Major C.T. Bingham says:--"Between the 25th March and 28th April I found at least twenty nests of this bird. They were broad, shallow cups of roots and twigs, lined with fine black gra.s.s-roots, and placed at heights varying from 4 to 10 feet above the ground, invariably in the forks of low bamboo. The number of eggs varied from 3 to 5; blue in colour, and fairly glossy."
Numerous nests from Sikhim, Pegu, and Tena.s.serim are all of precisely the same type as described by Mr. Gammie; but some are fully 7 inches in external diameter, and in several the cavity is at least 4 inches in diameter.
The eggs of this species obtained by Mr. Gammie vary very much in size and shape, and somewhat in colour. Some are considerably elongated ovals, with a marked pyriform tendency. Others are particularly broad ovals for this cla.s.s of egg. The sh.e.l.l is fine and compact, and as a rule they seem to have a fine gloss; but one or two specimens almost want this. In colour they are a pale, clear, slightly greenish blue, unspotted and unmarked. In length they vary from 101 to 113, and in breadth from 081 to 09, but the average of thirteen is 107 by 085.
76. Garrulax albigularis (Gould). _The White-throated Laughing-Thrush_.
Garrulax albogularis (_Gould), Jerd. B. Ind._ ii, p, 38; _Hume, Rough Draft N. & E._ no. 411.
The White-throated Laughing-Thrush breeds throughout the lower southern ranges of the Himalayas from a.s.sam to Afghanistan at elevations of from 4000 to nearly 8000 feet. They lay from the commencement of April to the end of June. The nest varies in shape from a moderately deep cup to a broad shallow saucer, and from 5 to 7 or even 8 inches in external diameter, and from less than 2 to nearly 4 inches in depth internally. Coa.r.s.e gra.s.s, flags, creepers, dead leaves, moss, moss- and gra.s.s-roots, all at times enter more or less largely into the composition of the nest, which, though sometimes wholly unlined, is often neatly cushioned with red and black fern and moss-roots. The nests are placed in small bushes, shrubs, or trees, at heights of from 3 to 10 feet, sometimes in forks, but more often, I think, on low horizontal branches, between two or three upright shoots.
Three is, I think, the regular complement of eggs, and this is the number I have always found when the eggs were much incubated. I have not myself observed that this species breeds in company, nor can I ever remember to have taken two nests within 100 yards of each other.
Captain Hutton remarks:--"This is very common in Mussoorie at all seasons, and congregates into large and noisy flocks, turning up the dead leaves, and screaming and chattering together in most discordant concert. It breeds in April and May, placing the nest in the forks of young oaks and other trees, about 7 or 8 feet from the ground, though sometimes higher, and fastening the sides of it firmly to the supporting twigs by tendrils of climbing-plants. It is sometimes composed externally almost entirely of such woody tendrils, intermixed with a few other twigs, and lined with black hair-like fibres of mosses and lichens; at other times it is externally composed of coa.r.s.e dry and leaves of different kinds of orchids, and lined with fibres, the materials varying with the locality. The eggs are of a deep and beautiful green, shining as if recently varnished, and three in number. In shape they taper somewhat suddenly to the smaller end, which may almost be termed obtusely pointed. The size 119 by 087 inch. The usual number of eggs is three, though sometimes only one or two are found; but only on one occasion out of more than a dozen nests have I found four eggs. The old bird will remain on the nest until within reach of the hand."
From Murree, Colonel C.H.T. Marshall writes:--"This was the most beautiful egg taken this season, being of a rich, deep, glossy, greenish-blue colour. The nest is composed of fresh ivy-twigs, with the leaves attached, tightly woven together. The birds breed on small trees, not high up, at the end of a branch. While their nests were being examined, they came round in flocks to see what was happening, chattering and making that peculiar laughing note from which this genus takes its name. They are even gregarious in the breeding-season, and all the nests were found pretty near each other about 6000 feet up."
The nest sent me by Colonel Marshall is a broad, shallow cup, or saucer as I should perhaps call it, some 6 inches in diameter, with a central depression of at most 15 inch, below which the nest is an inch or 15 in thickness. It is very loosely put together, and composed interiorly of moderately fine dry twigs and roots, but exteriorly it is completely wound round with slender green ivy-twigs to which the leaves are attached. It has no lining or pretence for such.
Captain c.o.c.k says:--"The White-throated Laughing-Thrush lays one of the most lovely eggs with which I am acquainted. The nest is usually low, never more than 10 feet or so from the ground; and of some fifteen or more nests that I have taken, all were constructed of long stalks of the ground-ivy, twisted round and round into a wreath. The nest is not a deep cup; if anything it is rather shallow, but it is very wide. I always found these nests in thick forest, at high elevations from 6000 to 7000 feet. The birds used to sit close, and when put off their nests would commence their outcries, and from all parts they would a.s.semble and flit about almost within reach of one's hand, making an awful noise, and in the dark shade of the forest their white gorgets had quite a ghostly look. The eggs are always three in number, of a beautiful shining blue-green, sometimes of a very long oval type. I have found the nests at Murree from the 3rd May to quite the end of June."
Colonel G.F.L. Marshall writing of this species says:--"A nest found at Nynee Tal on Ayar Pata, about 7000 feet above the sea, contained two fresh eggs on the 31st May. The eggs were of a rich deep greenish blue, unspotted. The nest was a scanty and loosely-built structure, composed of roots and stems of gra.s.s and creepers, cup-shaped, rather shallow, and lined with a curious black creeper, very like coa.r.s.e hair. The birds were gregarious even though breeding, and were moving about the underwood in parties of three to five. The nest was near the top of an oak-sapling in a dense coppice, placed close against the stem in a bunch of leaves at the top. The only difficulty in finding it lay in the scantiness of the structure rather than in the concealment by the foliage. The bird was on the nest and only moved off about 3 feet, sitting close by and chattering indignantly during my inspection. They are noisy birds, constantly on the move, and their notes, though rather harsh, are very varied and quite _conversational_."
The eggs are long, and pointed at the small end, to which they sometimes taper much. They are very glossy, and vary from a deep dull blue (the blue of a dark oil-paint, very much deeper than that of any other of the Crateropodinae with which I am acquainted) to a deep intense greenish blue. Possibly other as deeply coloured eggs occur in this family, but I have seen none like them. They are of course entirely unspotted.
In length they vary from 116 to 125, and in breadth from 08 to 086; but the average of some twenty eggs measured is 122 by 083.
78. Ianthocincla ocellata (Vig.). _The White-spotted Laughing-Thrush_.
Garrulax ocellatus (_Vig.), Jerd. B. Ind._ ii, p. 41; _Hume, Rough Draft N. & E._ no. 414.
I know nothing personally of the nidification of the White-spotted Laughing-Thrush, which breeds nowhere, so far as I know, west of Nepal, but I had a nest with a couple of eggs and one of the parent-birds sent me from Darjeeling. The nest was taken in May in one of the low warm valleys leading to the Great Runjeet, and is said to have been placed close to the ground in a thick clump of fern and gra.s.s. The nest is chiefly composed of these, intermingled with moss and roots, and is a large loose structure some 7 inches in diameter.
Mr. Blyth remarked in 'The Ibis' (1867) that this species was "surely a _Trochalopteron_ rather than a _Garrulax_," and the eggs seem to confirm this view. These are long, cylindrical ovals, very obtuse even at the smaller end. They are about the same size as those of _Garrulax albigularis_, with a very delicate pale blue ground and little or no gloss. One egg is spotless; the other has a few chocolate-brown specks or spots towards the large end. They measure 118 by 086 and 125 by 085.
80. Ianthocincla rufigularis, Gould. _The Rufous-chinned Laughing-Thrush_.
Trochalopteron rufogulare (_Gould), Jerd. B. Ind._ ii, p. 47; _Hume, Rough Draft N. & E._ no. 421.
Common as this species is about Simla, I have never yet secured the nest, and know nothing certain about the eggs.
Captain Hutton says:--"This species appears usually in pairs, sometimes in a family of four or five. It breeds in May, in which month I took a nest, at about 6500 feet elevation, in a retired and wooded glen; it was composed of small twigs externally and lined with the fine black fibres of lichens. The nest was placed on a horizontal bough, about 7 feet from the ground, and contained three pure white eggs. Size 112 by 069; shape ordinary. The stomach of the old bird contained sand, seed, and the remains of wasps."
One egg that I possess of this species I owe to Captain Hutton, and it is of the _Pomatorhinus_ type--a long oval, slightly pointed pure white egg, with but little gloss, measuring 108 by 075.
From Sikhim a nest, said to belong to this species, has been recently sent me. It was found below Darjeeling in July, and was placed in a double fork of the branchlets of a medium-sized tree. It is a moderately deep cup, composed almost entirely of dry, and finer, tendrils of creepers, and is lined with a some black moss-roots and a few of dead leaves. It contained three fresh eggs.
Numerous nests of this species subsequently sent me from Sikhim are all of the same type, all moderately deep cups composed entirely of creeper-tendrils, the cavity only being lined with fine black roots.
They appear from the specimens before me to be quite _sui generis_ and unlike those of any of its congeners. No gra.s.s, no dead leaves, no moss seems to be employed; nothing but the tendrils of some creeper.
The nests appear to be always placed at the fork, where three, four, or more shoots diverge, and to be generally more or less like inverted cones, measuring say 4 to 5 inches in height, and about the same in breadth at the top, while the cavities are about 3 inches in diameter and 15 to 2 in depth. The nests appear to have been found at very varying heights from the ground from 5 to 15 feet, and at elevations of from 3000 to 5000 feet. They appear to have contained three fresh or more or less incubated eggs.
The eggs were found in Sikhim on different dates between 25th May and 8th September.
Exceptional as the coloration of the eggs of this species may seem, there is no doubt that they are pure white. The sh.e.l.l is thin and fragile, but has generally a decided gloss, and the eggs are typically elongated ovals, obtuse-ended, and more or less pyriform or cylindrical. The eggs vary from 092 to 113 in length, and from 075 to 08 in breadth, but the average of eleven eggs is 106 by 077 nearly.
82. Trochalopterum erythrocephalum (Vig.). _The Red-headed Laughing-Thrush_.
Trochalopteron erythrocephalum (_Vig.), Jerd. B. Ind._ ii, p. 43; _Hume, Rough Draft N. & E._ no. 415.
From k.u.maon westwards, at any rate as far as the valley of the Beas, the Red-headed Laughing-Thrush is, next to _T. lineatum_, the most common species of the genus. It lays in May and June, at elevations of from 4000 to 7000 feet, building on low branches of trees, at a height of from 3 to 10 feet from, the ground.
The nests are composed chiefly of dead leaves bound round into a deep cup with delicate fronds of ferns and coa.r.s.e and fine gra.s.s, the cavities being scantily lined with fine gra.s.s and moss-roots. It is difficult by any description to convey an adequate idea of the beauty of some of these nests--the deep red-brown of the withered ferns, the black of the gra.s.s- and moss-roots, the pale yellow of the broad flaggy gra.s.s, and the straw-yellow of some of the finer gra.s.s-stems, all blended together into an artistic wreath, in the centre of which the beautiful sky-blue and maroon-spotted eggs repose. Externally the nests may average about 6 inches in diameter, but the egg-cavity is comparatively large and very regular, measuring about 3 inches across and fully 2 inches in depth. Some nests of course are less regular and artistic in their appearance, but, as a rule, those of this species are particularly beautiful.
The eggs vary from two to four in number.
Sir E.C. Buck sent me the following note:--
"I found a nest of this species near Narkunda (about 30 miles north of Simla) on the 26th June. It was placed on the branch of a banj tree, some 8 feet from the ground, and contained two eggs, half set. Nest and eggs forwarded."
Dr. Jerdon says that Sh.o.r.e, as quoted by Gould in his 'Century,' says that "it is by no means uncommon in k.u.maon, where it frequents shady ravines, building in hollows and their precipitous sides, and making its nest of small sticks and, the eggs being five in number, of a sky-blue colour." But Sh.o.r.e, as the showman would say, is, so far as eggs and nests are concerned, "a fabulous writer," and the eggs are always more or less spotted, and no nest that I ever saw of this species was composed of "small sticks."
Mr. Blyth says:--"Mr. Hodgson figures a green egg, spotted much like that of _t.u.r.dus musicus_, as that of the present species;" but in all Hodgson's drawings this _green_ represents a _greenish blue_, as I have tested in dozens of cases.