505. Campophaga melanoschista (Hodgs.). _The Dark-grey Cuckoo-Shrike_.
Volvocivora melaschistos, _Hodgs., Jerd. B. Ind._ i, p. 415: _Hume, Rough Draft N. & E._ no. 269.
I have never found the nest of the Dark-grey Cuckoo-Shrike. Captain Hutton tells us:--
"This, too, is a mere summer visitor in the hills, arriving up to 7000 feet about the end of March, and breeding early in May. The nest is small and shallow, placed in the bifurcation of a horizontal bough of some tall oak tree, and always high up; it is composed externally almost entirely of grey lichens picked from the tree, and lined with bits of very fine roots or thin stalks of leaves. Seen from beneath the tree the nest appears like a bunch of moss or lichens, and the smallness and frailty would lead one to suppose it incapable of holding two young birds of such size. Externally the nest is compactly held together by being thickly pasted over with cobwebs. The eggs, two in number, of a dull grey-green, closely and in part confluently dashed with streaks of dusky brown."
This species, according to Mr. Hodgson's notes and drawings, breeds in Nepal in the central districts of the hills from April to July, laying three or four eggs. The nest is a broad shallow saucer, some 4 inches in external diameter and 175 inch in height; it is placed in a fork where two or three slender branches divide, to one or more of which it is firmly bound with vegetable fibres and gra.s.s-roots, and is composed of fine roots and vegetable fibres, and plastered over externally with pieces of lichen and moss. The eggs are regular ovals, with a pale-greenish ground, blotched and spotted with a somewhat olivaceous brown.
A nest of this species found at Mongphoo (elevation 5500 feet) on the 15th June contained three eggs nearly ready to hatch off. The nest was placed on a nearly horizontal fork of a small branch. It is composed of very fine twigs loosely twisted together and coated everywhere exteriorly with cobwebs and sc.r.a.ps of grey lichen. At the lower part, which, owing to the slope of the branch, had to be thicker, it is exteriorly about an inch and a half in height. At the upper end it is only about half an inch high. The shallow saucer-like cavity is about two and a half inches in diameter and about half an inch in depth.
The eggs of this species, sent me by Captain Hutton from Mussoorie, much resemble those of _Graucalus macii_ and _C. sykesi_, but they are decidedly longer than the latter, and the general tone of their colouring is somewhat duller. In shape they are somewhat elongated ovals, more or less compressed towards one end; the general colour is greenish white, very thickly blotched and streaked with dull brown and very pale purple. The markings are very closely set, leaving but little of the ground-colour visible. They have little or no gloss.
They measure 103 by 072 inch, and 095 by 068 inch.
Other eggs that I have since obtained have been quite similar, but have not had the markings quite so densely set: the secondary markings have been greyer and less purple, and several eggs have exhibited an appreciable gloss; others, again, were quite like those first described and entirely devoid of gloss. They measured 09 to 098 in length by 065 to 071 in breadth.
508. Campophaga sykesi (Strickl.). _The Black-headed Cuckoo-Shrike_.
Volvocivora sykesii (_Strickl.), Jerd. B. Ind._ i, p. 414; _Hume, Rough Draft N. & E._ no. 268.
Mr. F.R. Blewitt took the eggs of Sykes's Cuckoo-Shrike many years ago. He furnishes the following note:--
"I first met with this bird in the southern part of Bundlekund.
Nowhere here is it common, and I have never seen more than a pair together. It is to be found in wooded tracts of country, but more frequently among thin large trees surrounding villages. Dr. Jerdon has correctly described its restless habits, and its careful examination of the foliage and branches of trees for food. It is usually a silent bird, but during the earlier portion of the breeding-season the male bird may frequently be heard repeating for minutes together his clear plaintive notes. Each time, as it flies from one tree to another, the song is repeated. The flight is easy, slightly undulating, and the strokes of the wing somewhat rapid. In the latter end of July I procured one nest. It was found on a mowa-tree (_Ba.s.sia latifolia_), placed on and at the end of two small out-shooting branches. When my man, mounting the tree, approached the nest the parent birds evinced the greatest anxiety, flew just above his head, uttering all the while a sharply repeated cry. Even when one of the birds was shot the other would not leave the spot, but remained hovering about and uttering its shrill cry. The nest is slightly made, and constructed of thin twigs and roots; the exterior is covered slightly with spider's web. If we except the size, the formation of this Cuckoo-Shrike's nest is almost identical with that of _Graucalus macii_. I secured two eggs in the nest. In colour they are, when fresh, of a deepish green, mottled with dark brown spots; indeed the eggs, when first taken, a good deal resemble those of _Copsychus saularis_. The maximum number of eggs, no doubt, is three, as those I secured were fresh-laid. The bird breeds from June to August."
The nest above referred to, and now in my museum, was a very shallow, rather broad cup. The egg-cavity about 2 inches in diameter and about inch deep, and the nest very loosely put together of very fine twigs, and exteriorly coated and bound together with cobwebs. The sides of the nest are about 06 inch thick, but the bottom is a mere network of slender twigs, not above inch thick, and can be readily looked through.
Mr. I. Macpherson writes:--"This bird is found in the open scrub-forests of the Mysore district, but is nowhere common.
"14th May, 1880.--While pa.s.sing a small sandal-wood tree a bird flew out, and on looking into the tree I found a very shallow nest at the junction of two small branches about 10 feet from the ground; the nest contained three eggs.
"Returned again in a quarter of an hour and shot the bird (the male) as it flew out of the tree. The eggs were within a few days of being hatched off.
"20th May, 1880.--While out driving this morning saw a male bird of this species fly out of a small sandal-wood tree close to the roadside. Pulled up to watch, and shortly saw the female bird fly into the tree. Got out and shot her and took the nest, which was beautifully fixed in a fork with three branches only eight feet from the ground.
"The nest contained three eggs very hard-set."
Mr. J. Davidson, C.S., remarks:--"This pretty little Cuckoo-Shrike is one of the earliest migrants in the rains, arriving about the 8th of June, and breeding all along the scrub-jungles which stretch between the Nasik and Khandeish Collectorates. It appears particularly partial to the Angan forest, and, as far as I remember, all the many nests I have seen have been in forks of angan trees. The nest is a pretty firm platform composed of fine roots; and the eggs, which much resemble those of the Magpie-Robin, are three in number."
Colonel Legge writes, in his 'Birds of Ceylon':--"With us this Cuckoo-Shrike breeds in April in the Western Province. Mr. MacVicar writes me of the discovery, by himself, of two nests last year near Colombo. One was built on the topmost branch of a young jack-tree about 40 feet high. It was very small and shallow, measuring 28 inches in breadth and only 08 inch in depth, and the old bird could be seen plainly from beneath sitting across it. The other was situated on the top of a tree about 20 feet from the ground, and was built in the same manner. The materials are not mentioned."
I have only seen two eggs of this species, sent me with the nest and parent bird by Mr. F.R. Blewitt. They are oval eggs, moderately broad and obtuse at both ends, about the same size as average eggs of _Lanius vittatus_. They are slightly glossy, have a pale greenish-white ground, and are thickly blotched and streaked throughout, but most densely so towards the large end, with somewhat pale brown, much the same colour as the markings on typical eggs of _L. erythronotus_. They measure 085 inch in length by 065 and 068 inch in breadth respectively. Other eggs since received from Calcutta and Mysore measure from 087 to 081 in length, and from 068 to 062 in breadth.
509. Campophaga terat (Bodd.)[A]. _The Pied Cuckoo-Shrike_.
[Footnote A: I cannot find any note among Mr. Hume's papers regarding the discovery of the nest of this bird. The nest may possibly have been found at Camorta (Nicobar Islands), where this species is not uncommon.--ED.]
Lalage terat (_Bodd.), Hume, cat._ no, 269 ter.
The eggs are quite of the _Graucalus_ and _Campophaga_ type, but perhaps a little more elongated in shape. Very regular, slightly elongated ovals, with scarcely any gloss on them, the ground greenish white, but everywhere thickly streaked and mottled and freckled over, most thickly about the large end, with a dull pale slightly olivaceous brown intermingled with brownish, or in some specimens faintly purplish grey. The two eggs I possess measure 085 and 087 in length, by 061 and 062 respectively in breadth.
510. Graucalus macii, Lesson. _The Large Cuckoo-Shrike_.
Graucalus macei, _Less., Jerd. B. Ind._ i, p. 417; _Hume, Rough Draft N. & E._ no. 270.
My friend Mr. F.R. Blewitt seems to be the only ornithologist who has taken many nests of the Large Grey Cuckoo-Shrike. I never was so fortunate as to find one. He says:--"This Shrike begins to pair about May, and in June the work of nidification commences. The place selected for the nest is the most lofty branch of a tree, and is built near the fork of two outlying twigs. If this bird has a preference it would appear to be for mango and mowa trees, on which I found most of the nests. The nest is in form circular, and its exterior is somewhat thickly made; the interior is moderately cup-shaped. Thin twigs and gra.s.s-roots are freely used in its construction, while the outer part of the nest is somewhat thickly covered with what appears to be spider's web. Altogether the nest, considering the size of the birds, is of light structure. I am sorry I did not take the dimensions of each nest secured, but I sent you two very perfect ones. I found the first eggs in the beginning of July. They are of a dull lightish green, with brown spots of all sizes, more dense towards the large end. The maximum number of eggs is three. The bird breeds from June to August."
The nests which Mr. Blewitt sent me remind one a good deal of those of the _Dicruri_. They are broad shallow saucers, with an egg-cavity about 3 inches in diameter, and inch in depth, composed in the only two specimens that I possess of very fine twigs, chiefly those of the furash (_Tamarix orientalis_). Exteriorly they are bound round with cobwebs, in which a quant.i.ty of lichen is incorporated. The nests are loose flimsy fabrics, which but for the exterior coating of cobwebs would certainly never have borne removal.
Dr. Jerdon remarks:--"I once obtained its nest and eggs. The nest was built in a lofty casuarina tree, close to my house at Tellicherry; it was composed of small twigs and roots merely, of Moderate size, and rather deeply cup-shaped, and contained three eggs, of a greenish-fawn colour, with large blotches of purplish brown."
Professor H. Littledale writing from Baroda says:--"The Large Cuckoo-Shrike is a permanent resident here. I found six nests last August near Baroda, each with one egg; and my men found a nest building in the Police Lines at Khaira on the 10th October."
Mr. J. Davidson informs us that "a pair of _Graucalus macii_ were apparently breeding near this place (the Kondabhari Ghat). He found a nest with two young in the previous September near the same place."
Mr. G.W. Vidal, referring to the South Konkan, says:--"Common; breeds in February and March."
A nest that was placed in the fork of a bough was composed entirely of slender twigs, the petioles of some pennated-leaved tree, bound together all round the outside with abundance of cobwebs, so that notwithstanding the incoherent nature of the materials the nest was extremely firm. It is a shallow saucer quite of the Dicrurine type, with a cavity 3 inches in diameter and barely 075 in depth.
The eggs are typically of a somewhat elongated oval, a good deal pointed towards one end, but some are broader and more of a typical Shrike shape. The eggs are of course considerably larger than those of _Lanius lahtora_. The sh.e.l.l is compact and fine, and faintly glossy.
The ground-colour is a palish-green stone-colour, greener in some, and somewhat more creamy in others. The markings are very Shrike-like, and consist of brown blotches, streaks, and spots, with numerous clouds and blotches of pale inky-purple, which appear to underlie the brown markings. The markings in some eggs are all very faint, and, as it were, half washed out, while in others they are very bright and clear.
In some these are comparatively spa.r.s.e and few; in others close-set and numerous, especially in a broad zone near the large end; but this zone is by no means invariably present; in fact, not above one in five eggs exhibit it. There is something in these eggs which reminds one of some of the Terns' eggs; and although, when compared with a large series of _L. lahtora_, individuals of this latter species may be found resembling them to a certain extent, I do not think that at first sight any zoologist would have felt sure that they _were_ Shrike's eggs.
They vary in length from 112 to 141 inch, and in breadth from 08 to 095 inch, but the average of eight eggs is 126 by 09 inch nearly.
Subfamily ARTAMINAE.
512. Artamus fuscus, Vieill. _The Ashy Swallow-Shrike_.
Artamus fuscus, _V., Jerd. B. Ind._ i, p. 441; _Hume, Rough Draft N. & E._ no. 287.
Mr. R. Thompson says:--"I have frequently found the nests of the Ashy Swallow-Shrike, and have watched the old birds constructing them, but never took down their eggs. Two or three pairs may always be found nesting on the long-leaved pine, as one comes up from Kaladoongee to Nyneetal and pa.s.ses halfway up from the first dak chokee at Ghutgurh.
They lay in May and June, constructing their nest on the horizontal extension of a main branch of some lofty tree, generally _Pinus longifolia_. The nest, composed of fine gra.s.ses, roots, and fibres, is a loose, only slightly cup-shaped structure, some 5 inches in diameter."
Dr. Jerdon says on the other hand:--"I have procured the nest of this bird situated on a palmyra tree on the stem of the leaf. It was a deep cup-shaped nest, made of gra.s.s, leaves, and numerous feathers, and contained two eggs, white with a greenish tinge, and with light brown spots, chiefly at the larger end. I see that Mr. Layard procured the nest in Ceylon, where this bird is common, in the heads of cocoanut trees, made of fibres and gra.s.ses, and it was probably the nest of this bird that was brought to Tickell as that of the Palm-Swift."
According to Mr. Hodgson this species begins to lay in March, the young being fledged in June; the nest is a broad shallow saucer, from 6 to 8 inches in diameter, composed of gra.s.s and roots, together with a little lichen, loosely put together, a green leaf or two being sometimes found as a lining to the nest. The nest is placed on some broad horizontal branch, where two or three slender twigs or shoots grow out of it, or on the top of some stump of a tree, or broken end of a branch, generally, at a considerable height from the ground. The eggs are _figured_ as white, spotted and blotched almost exclusively at the large end with yellowish brown, and measuring 08 by 052 inch, but no actual measurements are recorded.
Mr. Gammie, however, himself found, and kindly sent me, a nest and eggs of this species, at Mongpho near Darjeeling, at an elevation of about 3500 feet, on the 13th May, 1873. It was placed in the hole of a trunk of a dead tree at a height of about 40 feet from the ground, and it contained three hard-set eggs. The nest was a loose shallow saucer of coa.r.s.e roots devoid of lining. The eggs were rather narrow ovals, a good deal pointed towards one end; the sh.e.l.l fine and with a slight gloss. The ground-colour was creamy white, and the markings, which are almost entirely confined to a broad ring round the large end and the s.p.a.ce within it, consisted of spots and clouds of very pale yellowish brown, intermingled with clouds and specks of excessively pale, nearly washed out, lilac.