The Narrow-Eyed Villain of the Demon Academy - Chapter 151

Chapter 151

Bonus chapter thanks to '@Genki Azuma' for subscription to 'Sword Lacquer' tier on Ko-fi.

[Why are you crying?]

Perhaps worried by my sudden tears, Samuel asked in a deliberately firm voice.

I shook my head in response.

I didn't want to worry Samuel.

And judging by his reaction, it seemed the vision was only visible to me.

The crimson dagger reacted, so there must be some connection

A kind of lingering thought?

The crimson dagger had become infused with a mystical something, a blend of countless blood and fleshly auras.

That must be why I could see the vision just now.

I didn't know exactly, but I was sure I would find out someday.

The map showed the location of the silver bracelet Ares had given me.

I would have to visit there during this vacation.


I roughly wiped away my tears with my hand, then focused my gaze on Idea who was walking towards me as Hebram stepped down from the platform.

She was explaining what the students had to do during vacation.

Don't even think about relaxing just because it's vacation, alright? I'm assigning you homework, so make sure you do it. It'll be reflected in your grades.


The students responded by sending Idea icy glares.

But there was nothing they could do about it.

They couldn't very well complain about homework when the instructor assigned it.

Still, the homework Idea gave was quite reasonable.

Your vacation homework is a journal! Write about your experiences in a diary and submit it to your homeroom instructor! Of course, you'll get extra credit if you train or practice! But don't even think about lying! Instructors can tell when you're being dishonest!

Did they really have that ability?

As curious as I was, I wasn't about to raise my hand and ask in front of a hundred other students.

They seemed to think Idea was lying, but somehow, I couldn't help but feel a shiver of fear.

Her expression didn't seem like she was bluffing.

Not that it matters.

I was confident I would get a high score on this assignment too.

The reason was simple.

I was going to be very busy this vacation, and even if I just wrote down everything I did, I couldn't possibly get a low score.

I doubted that even if the other students trained during vacation, they could achieve anything worthy of a higher score than what I was planning.

Besides, the vacation homework wouldn't take up much time.

The best part about journal entries was that you could do them all on the last day.

I would just do it all at once when I had time later.

Adel, your laugh is weird.

[Just ignore him, he's always been like that.]

As I was chuckling to myself, lost in thought, Idea bid farewell to the students.

Well then, everyone, you all did very well this semester! Let's meet again at this time, 50 days from now!

We had 50 days.

Not long, but not short either.

It might be a tight schedule to accomplish everything I had planned, but it wasn't too short either.

Just about right, you could say.


Except for those who excelled in the final exams, everyone else please board the train without delay!

We began our first vacation in Sytan.


Most of the students left the auditorium, leaving only those who excelled in the final exams.

And among them were several students I would rather not encounter.


"Hello? Mr. Escort, I see you again like this."

The top student has arrived.

Fron, who was staring at me with his usual lifeless eyes, and Diana, who looked ready to pounce on me at any moment.

Even Baltan, who had failed to secure the top spot once again and remained in second place, was present.

Damn it.

Haha, its nice to see you all too. What a lovely day, isnt it?

It's raining outside, though?


I tried to change the subject, pretending to be relaxed, but I was immediately shut down.

And there was another student who was in an even more difficult position than I was.


Luna, trembling with fear among the Children of the Seven Deadly Sins, hiccuped.

She clung to my arm, her face on the verge of tears.


Blue veins popped up on Rene's face at this.

At this rate, Luna might actually die.

And Rene wasn't the only one interested in Luna.


You're so cute, your cheeks are like marshmallows.

Diana was showing interest in Luna, grabbing her cheeks and squeezing them.

Unfortunately, I didn't have the guts to rescue Luna from Diana, so I closed my eyes.

H-Help me!

I'm sorry.

Luna pleaded for help with her eyes, but I had no choice but to ignore her silent cries.

Be strong, Luna!

As I watched the scene of school violence unfold from the perspective of a bystander, I felt a terrible pang of conscience.

By the way, why is this pink-haired girl still here?

Baltan asked, narrowing his brow as he looked at Luna.

As far as he was concerned, it seemed strange that Luna, who was weak and not one of the top students on the final exam, was still here.

I was wondering the same thing. Why is our little cutie pie still here?


As Diana stared intently at her, Luna trembled, her face flushing red.

Why was she blushing?

A moment later, Luna pointed a trembling finger at me.

I tilted my head, confused.

Are you saying you stayed behind because of me?

Yes I have something to tell you.

What is it?


Luna had something to tell me? I couldn't imagine what it could be.

Besides, this was the only train leaving for now.

The next one was specifically for us, so Luna wouldn't be able to board it.

I decided to hear her out and then send her on her way.

It seems like itll be a while before the instructors arrive. Let me escort you to the train.

You really dont have to!

No, its fine. We wont be seeing each other for a while, so its the least I can do.

Th-Thank you

Luna nodded with a shy smile.

With her agreement secured, I glanced around and spoke.

Then, please excuse me for a moment.

Sure, go ahead. The instructors will probably take a while to move the potions anyway.

I nodded at Baltans words.

I didnt want to stay here anyway.

I did need to receive the potions, but I couldn't bear to be in the same space as Fron and Diana any longer.

Even now, when our eyes met



Fron was coldly scanning me, while Diana tilted her head with an innocent expression.

The latter was terrifying in a different way.

It was far better to escort Luna, even if it was a bit of a bother.


Luna, shall we?

Huh? Oh!

Afraid that the others might change their minds, I grabbed Lunas wrist and quickly left.

Luna followed behind me, her head down.

*Click, clack*

We walked for a while, exiting the Sytan auditorium and heading towards the train platform, before finally slowing our pace.

I could have walked faster, but I slowed down, considering Lunas shorter strides.

We had plenty of time before the instructors arrived.

Fortunately, the train wasnt scheduled to arrive for another ten minutes.

I started walking leisurely and glanced at Luna.


Her cheeks were still flushed crimson.

For some reason, Luna was acting stranger than usual today.

This was the first time she had reacted so strongly to being alone with me.

Well, there was that one other time.

Back in the Orgon prison camp, when I helped her kill humans.

Perhaps that was when Luna first became aware of her feelings for me.

But why was she making the same expression now?


As I walked, lost in thought, Luna suddenly stopped.

I stopped as well, my hand still holding her wrist.

She was breathing heavily, as if she needed a moment to compose herself before speaking.

I waited patiently.

Soon, she spoke, her voice strained.


Yes, Ms. Luna.

I told you I had something to tell you.

You did.


Luna trailed off, her gaze falling to the thorn on my wrist.

[I'm going to sleep now.]

As if sensing something in Lunas gaze, Samuel retracted his thorns and fell silent.

All the other students had already headed towards the train. Luna and I were the only ones left in this hallway.

Finally, Luna spoke.

Adel, did you know?

Know what?

I dont have any parents.


Luna's sudden words made my face harden.

I didn't understand why she would bring up something like that now.

As if amused by my reaction, Luna let out a small laugh.

It was hard before, but Im okay now. You helped me a lot, Adel.

I dont recall doing anything special for you, Luna.

To be honest, I didnt help her out of the goodness of my heart.

I helped her because it aligned with my plans.

But Luna shook her head at my answer.

If it werent for you, I would have dropped out of Sytan. The bullying, not having any special talents like the other kids, and not being as pretty as your Lady or Fron.

Ha, youre beautiful compared to me, Luna. I almost got killed by my Lady for having a sly face.

That was a bit of an exaggeration.

Who would believe that someone like me could be considered unattractive?

As if scoffing at my ridiculous statement, Luna grumbled and said,

But youre handsome, Adel. And cool.

Youre the only one who would say that

Thats what makes it so great! Im the only one who knows how cool you are!

Is that so?

She seemed to realize that I had seen through her feelings.

That must be why she was being so bold with her words.


I still couldn't accept her feelings.

For various reasons, I had rejected Luna's feelings in the past, and that hadn't changed.



As cruel as it was

Do you, perhaps like me?

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