The Narrow-Eyed Villain of the Demon Academy - Chapter 124.1: Part 1

Chapter 124.1: Part 1

Bonus chapter thanks to '@Talosfanboy' for subscription to 'Sword Lacquer' tier on Ko-fi.

Preliminary motions.

By simply recalling the habits of my original body, I was able to simultaneously cast both Silence and Stealth.

Not only that, but the two spells seemed to have become even more robust.

With this, Im guaranteed a perfect score on the magic exam.

Well, even if I hadnt mastered the preliminary motions, acing the magic exam was a given.

Still, it felt good.

It was clear that my assassination techniques would work against even stronger opponents.

The only regret I have is

Some spells didnt show much improvement even after I performed the preliminary motions.

This was to be expected.

For example, when wielding a dagger in battle, I couldnt exactly put my index finger to my lips, could I?

In fact, in the original work, Adels character setting was that he didnt perform preliminary motions except for the first surprise attack.

Even for me, striking such a pose wasnt exactly comfortable.

Even though I was gradually assimilating into this body, the shame remained.

Its not like Im some mastermind.

The original Adel might have been, but I was definitely not that kind of existence.

Far from a mastermind, I was just an ordinary student struggling to survive.

Well, considering my future path, I might be seen as a villain from the humans perspective.

In the end, Adel was a character modeled after a villain, so this was a natural order of things.


I would meet a different end than the one in the original story.

I would make sure of it myself.

As I was lost in thought,



Suddenly, both Silence and Stealth were released simultaneously.

I had succeeded in activating them by mastering the preliminary motions, but the moment my concentration wavered, they were immediately dispelled.

Was this a sign to focus solely on casting the magic?

Lets try again.

I had to perfectly cast Silence and Stealth at the same time.

Since each technique required a tremendous amount of concentration, it demanded a great deal of effort.

I decided to clear my mind.


And I lifted my index finger to my lips.

At the same time,



I cast the two spells.

Since Silence originally meant silence, the presence, movements, and sounds emanating from my body were all reduced until nothing could be heard.

If I focused my senses, as the caster of Silence, I could hear the faint sounds coming from my body.

But the sound was so faint that unless it was someone with extremely developed senses, they wouldnt notice.

And Stealth was,

Student Adel, perfect!

Enough to draw admiration from Robolt, who was watching me.

It was only natural since my Stealth had already reached its peak.

Robolt wasnt just impressed by Stealth alone but amazed by the Silence magic combined with it.


I flashed a smile at Robolt, who was bursting with admiration.

And once again, I raised my finger to my lips.


As if understanding my intentions immediately, Robolt tightly covered his mouth with both hands.

Even though I had performed the preliminary motion, it meant that I needed to concentrate for now, so he should stay quiet.

About 30 seconds passed like that.


I released Silence and Stealth from my body.

Finally, I got the hang of it.


I muttered under my breath.

Two spells that required a high level of proficiency to conclude the semester.

Not only did I master them, but I also achieved the feat of perfectly combining them into a single technique.




I tried to name the technique after these three concepts, but nothing suitable came to mind.

Three Null Arts?

Thats a bit too much, isnt it?

For now, I had no choice but to define it as a combination of Silence and Stealth.


This time, the Chaos attribute didnt manifest.

Stealth, when combined with the Chaos attribute, became a unique technique that erased ones existence from the world, didnt it?

However, Silence magic didnt contain the Chaos attribute.

It was certainly a high-level magic, but it didnt reach the realm of transcending cognition.

Of course, it wasnt all bad.

Since I havent figured out the penalty for Chaos yet

Even if I succeeded in manifesting the Chaos attribute, I wouldnt use it.

Because I still hadnt uncovered the identity of the most precious thing that Adel had taken from me.

Its a pain that troublesome matters arise as soon as I achieve something.

*Shake, shake-*

I shook my head to clear my thoughts and focused on reality.

It wouldnt hurt to find out about what Adel took from me later.

It hasnt affected me with any penalties yet.

I even considered whether the forgotten settings I had written were the most precious thing he was talking about

But I couldnt remember those even before I became this body.

I dont know since when,

But at least it wasnt because of Adels penalty that I forgot.

If only he had told me exactly what he took, it would have been so much easier.

However, it was no use crying over spilled milk.

For now, lets rest a bit.

Aside from me, there were no other students who had properly manifested Silence magic yet.

So, Robolt, who was looking at me with intrigued eyes, was busy helping other students.

As I leaned back in my chair,


I quickly turned my head as I felt a silent gaze upon me.


The student who was looking at me turned their back.

Fron, who had been glancing at me, tried to avoid my gaze when we were about to make eye contact.

Why is she acting like this again?

As I was looking at her with a puzzled expression,

*Ding, dong-*

The bell signaling the end of magic class rang out.

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