The Narrow-Eyed Villain of the Demon Academy - Chapter 119.2: Part 2

Chapter 119.2: Part 2

But I was no stranger to deception.

If youre not planning on elaborating, Your Highness, then I suppose Ill have to respond in kind.

I let out a sigh, as if disappointed by her lack of forthrightness, and began to subtly channel my mana.

My insides were churning, but I maintained a calm facade.

This was a battle of nerves.

In a direct confrontation, Diana would crush me without breaking a sweat.

But if she had truly come to kill me, she wouldnt bother with such theatrics.

She would have simply unleashed her Authority and ended me on the spot.


She wants to talk.

That was the only logical conclusion.

Diana wasnt here to kill me.

She wanted something from me, some piece of information.

And I had a sinking suspicion I knew exactly what that information was.

My true identity?

It was a strong possibility.

The mark etched on my neck, a circle with a cross at its center, was the symbol of the Arsene bloodline.

I had been diligently concealing it with Darkness magic, ensuring it remained hidden from view.


Diana might have information about the last descendant of Arsene.

There was already a spy planted in the Imperial Academy by the Demon Realm.

And if anyone knew about the Arsene family, it would be the Demon Kings daughter.

They were, after all, the ones who had assassinated her father, the previous Demon King.

I did take precautions, though.

I wouldnt have stepped foot in the Demon Realm without a contingency plan.

I had taken steps to safeguard my secret, to prevent anyone from discovering my true heritage.

First, I had concealed the Arsene mark, ensuring it remained hidden from view.

Second, I had faith that Peltz wouldnt reveal my departure to the Demon Realm.

From his perspective, my presence here would be a death sentence.

He wouldnt risk exposing his failure to protect the young heir of House Arsene, especially not to the Six Great Families.

Peltz was a man of considerable influence, even if his power didnt quite match up.


Adel had been concealing his abilities even before I possessed this body.

When I first opened my eyes in this world, I noticed the thick layer of makeup on my hands.

It was Adels way of hiding his calluses, a testament to his hidden talents.

His true nature, his unique traits and abilities, had only come to light after the knights attacked me.

Thats why the servants hadnt reported my abilities to the Six Great Families, allowing me to escape.

And it was highly likely that Peltz, even after discovering my abilities, had kept that information under wraps.

Unnecessary information only invited unwanted attention.

Even if he had described my abilities while recounting my supposed death, no one would have bothered recording the details of a dead child.

Besides, the existence of the Arsene bloodline was something the Six Great Families would want to keep buried.

And finally, the most crucial aspect of my plan,

On the surface, I am under the protection of House Bares.

The fact that I had been trapped in Cretes secret realm had ironically become my greatest shield.

Therefore, the only clues Diana had to work with were

My name and appearance.

My appearance was already somewhat known in the Human Realm.

It wouldnt be surprising if spies had relayed this information to Diana.

However, my status was a viscount, so I belonged under the Duke Leon family.

While the Arsene family had once held significant sway, their influence had waned after they were betrayed and stripped of their power.

This actually worked in my favor.

House Leon maintained tight security.

Infiltrating their ranks would be a formidable task, even for the most skilled spies.

After all, even the servants in the Arsene mansion had been revealed to be spies planted by Duke Leon himself.

Therefore, Diana couldnt be certain of my true lineage.

She was merely suspicious, her doubts fueled by the similarities in name and appearance.

Even my appearance had changed considerably.

My once-frail body, through rigorous training and proper nourishment, had transformed into something far more robust.

But some features remained unchanged.

My name and my fundamental appearance were still points of vulnerability.

It would have been ideal to fabricate a new name as well.

But if I had lied to Crete, if I had uttered a single word other than Adel in his presence, he would have seen through my deception.

The Lord of Pride possessed an uncanny ability to detect lies.

In any case, I hadnt been exposed yet.

The safeguards I had put in place were effectively obscuring the evidence, casting doubt on any suspicions Diana might harbor.

I had to navigate this encounter carefully.

One wrong word could solidify her suspicions, pushing her closer to the truth.

With renewed determination, I forced a smile.

So, tell me, Your Highness, to what do I owe the pleasure? Staring at each other for too long might make my face flush.

Oh my, have you perhaps grown tired of Rene and fallen for me instead?

Haha, thats impossible. How could I ever abandon Lady Rene?

Right? To be honest, shes the reason I sought you out.

Lady Rene you say?

Could it be that I had misjudged the situation?

If this concerns Lady Rene

Oh, are you interested now?

Dianas question hung in the air.

I nodded slowly, a knot of anxiety tightening in my chest.

Had Rene somehow discovered my true identity?

You see, Rene has been rather tight-lipped lately.

Is that so?


Before I could inquire further, Diana took a step closer.

She gazed at me, her beautiful face a mask of serenity, her presence both alluring and terrifying.


Her soft breaths, the steady thump of her heart, filled my ears.

She was so close now that I could feel the warmth of her breath against my ear.

I wonder why shes being so secretive. She seems quite curious about you, Escort. What could you be hiding?

Dianas finger, tipped with a sharp nail, traced a line down my cheek.

Before I could react to the sharp sting, her eyes, glowing with an unnatural light, locked onto mine.

Who are you?

Dianas voice, usually light and playful, was laced with a chilling intensity.

I needed to create distance, to escape the range of her Authority before it took hold.

But it was too late.

An invisible force, emanating from her very being, bound me in place.

Something was holding me captive.

My body, now completely immobilized, refused to obey my commands.

And then, under Dianas control, my jaw began to slacken, my lips parting involuntarily.


My mouth moved, forming words against my will.

Just as I felt myself losing the battle against her overwhelming power,


A hand, appearing out of nowhere, shot out and clamped down on Dianas slender arm.

The pressure on my body vanished instantly, freeing me from her grasp.

I whirled around, my gaze drawn to the newcomer.

What do you think youre doing?

Renes face, contorted in a mask of rage, filled my vision.

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