The Narrow-Eyed Villain of the Demon Academy - Chapter 118.2: Part 2

Chapter 118.2: Part 2

But then,


E-Excuse me?

Tammys enthusiastic outburst snapped me out of my thoughts.

This specimen its invaluable for research! Um, would it be alright if I studied Heoksals venom?

She scooped up the petrified core, her eyes practically sparkling as she turned to me for permission.

I had no objections.

Quite the opposite, in fact.

This was a golden opportunity to gain insight into Heoksals abilities without sacrificing an Information Paper.

Still, I couldnt let my guard down completely.

Ive been relying on the Infromation paper too much lately.

While undeniably helpful, becoming overly dependent on them was dangerous.

If the Information Paper stopped providing assistance, Id be in a precarious position.

I needed to hone my own judgment, to make decisions without relying on external sources.

Well, I suppose this time, Ill indulge in a littleshortcut.

Researching Heoksals venom would require significant effort.

Having Tammy volunteer her expertise was a stroke of luck.


You must not divulge anything about Heoksals abilities. Should you break this agreement

I narrowed my eyes, my gaze piercing through Tammy.

Stage Two Mana Manipulation.

It not only granted me greater control over my Killing Intent but also allowed me to focus it with laser precision.

An invisible wave of pressure washed over Tammy.

She flinched, her eyes widening slightly.

Imnot sure what the consequences would be.

I left the threat hanging, unspoken.

Uncertainty often bred greater fear than explicit threats, especially when dealing with a superior.

Besides, I couldnt very well threaten an instructor outright.

Understood. I wont breathe a word.

Tammy nodded curtly, her face pale.

Judging by her expression, she wouldnt dare defy me.

And if she did

Well, there was no need to dwell on such unpleasant possibilities.

So, does this mean Heoksal and Sijo have passed the second stage?

Y-Yes, absolutely! I cant deny them after that performance!

Relieved of my Killing Intent, Tammy nodded vigorously.

I allowed myself a small sigh of relief.

Sijo and Heoksal.

They had both cleared the second stage.

All that remained was the final test.

The one I considered the most daunting.

Anxiety gnawed at my insides, but I couldnt afford to back down now.

I had to trust Heoksal and Sijo.

Shall we proceed with the third stage immediately, Instructor?

Yes, of course! Just one more to go. Youve got this!


Tammys attempt at encouragement only made my expression stiffen further.

It wasnt that I disliked her.

It was the situation itself that filled me with a strange sense of dread.

Ironically, the third stage was widely regarded as the easiest of the Familiar Recognition Test.

For me, however, it felt like the most insurmountable obstacle.

Now, youre familiar with the objective of the third stage, correct?


The Familiar Recognition Test, Stage Three.

Its purpose was

To assess the bond between Familiar and Master.


I glanced at Heoksal and Sijo.



They stared back, their gazes filled with confusion.

A wave of unease washed over me.

Our relationship hadnt blossomed under normal circumstances.

Heoksal was initially a venomous seed implanted by Crete to control or kill me.

Sijo was a bird dispatched by Ares to monitor my every move, a creature Id coerced into obedience.

How could I possibly feel confident about this?

Especially after subjecting them to hardship and danger, with little to offer in return

As I struggled to quell my anxiety,

Lets begin!

Tammy announced, brandishing a peculiar object.

It was a lamp designed to enthrall Magical Beasts, emitting a mesmerizing blend of light and fragrance that stimulated their senses.

The objective was simple: to resist the lamps allure and choose their master instead.

That was the crux of the third stage.

Please place Heoksal and Sijo on the ground.

Very well.

With trembling hands, I gently set them down.

I then stepped forward, taking my position beside the lamp Tammy had placed on the ground.

If they gravitated towards the lampthey wouldnt be recognized as my Familiars.

The thought sent a chill down my spine.


As Tammys voice rang out,


Sijo hesitated, his tiny body trembling.

Then, with a flap of his wings, he soared towards the lamp.


So, he didnt choose me after all.

A pang of sadness struck me.

I lowered my gaze to Heoksal.


He met my gaze for a moment, his expression unreadable.

Then, he slithered towards the lamp, following Sijos lead.

They had both chosen the lamp over me.

I suppose its to be expected.

I closed my eyes, a heavy sigh escaping my lips.

I had taken so much from them, offering little in return besides mana-infused water and the occasional candy.

Of course they would choose the alluring lamp

Just as I resigned myself to the inevitable,

Open your eyes!

Tammys voice startled me.


I slowly opened my eyes, already anticipating the sight of both Heoksal and Sijo entranced by the lamp.


What I saw instead took my breath away.



Both Heoksal and Sijo were gazing up at me, their eyes locked on mine.

They had chosen me.

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