The Narrow-Eyed Villain of the Demon Academy - Chapter 115.1: Part 1

Chapter 115.1: Part 1

Inside the training room.

I was still trying to placate Samuel.

Shouldnt you be over it by now?

[Dont talk to me.]

Samuels voice was stiff.

I couldnt help but retort, feeling wronged myself.

This training couldve gotten me killed, you know? How could I have possibly trusted you so easily?

[Ha! You think I, residing within your very being, wouldnt have known? I only initiated this training after careful consideration and judgment.]



He had a point.

Samuel had imparted this training method at my request.

I knew it wasnt an opportunity easily obtained.

Thanks to Samuels training, I had grown significantly stronger.

I opened my status window.

Mana Manipulation II

As soon as the first stage was completed, I saw that my Mana Manipulation skill had leveled up.

Despite my constant use of Mana, this skill hadnt budged.

However, the moment Samuels training reached its first milestone, it had advanced.

Thanks to that,


As I gently circulated my Mana, I felt a faster and more detailed flow than before.

Instead of pouring a massive amount of Mana into my Traits, I could now easily activate them and execute skills with just a fraction of the effort.

If I were to complete Samuels entire training regimen, I would undoubtedly achieve even greater growth.

No elixir could ever compare to the potential of this training.

And yet, I had dared to doubt him

Embarrassed and apologetic, I lowered my gaze.

[Tsk, just forget it.]

Samuels reply followed.

It seemed he wasnt entirely over it, but he was willing to let it slide this time.

Well then.

Lets try using the skill.

I rose from my spot.

My wounds had completely healed.

It seemed like I was good to go.

Luna, her face etched with worry, asked,

A-Are you sure? It hasnt been long since you healed

Dont worry, Im confident I can handle it now.

I reassured Luna.

I was certain.

I was sure that I wouldnt get hurt even if I used the new skill now.

A while ago,

I had created a new technique by applying the principles behind the Orb of the Flame Emperor.

Black Rose.

Although it wasnt recognized as a Trait, its destructive power was comparable to an attack infused with Fighting Spirit.

It was an ability I could confidently call my trump card.

When I first learned it, it put a tremendous strain on my hand, but

Now, it felt like I could control it perfectly.


I drew upon my Mana to its very limits.

Manifesting my Darkness Trait within a vortex of Mana, I began to give it form.

It feels so much more refined.

Before, it had been nothing more than forcefully compressing Mana.

But now, it was entirely different.

I used Mana Manipulation to regulate the vortex, and where it was lacking, I applied my Telekinesis to compensate.



A small, black vortex materialized above my hand.

Of course, there was no stopping the wind from lashing at my skin, but even that was a welcome sensation.

If I had tried to use Black Rose like this before, my hand would have been shattered.

As the black vortex stabilized, I instructed Fron and Luna to step back.

Everyone, get back.

Once they had moved away,

I slammed the small vortex,


Into the ground.

And then,


A giant, spiderweb-like crack spread across the floor as a black gale erupted, echoing throughout the training room.

As the vortex subsided,


The Black Rose bloomed, unleashing another wave of devastating power.

The completion of my new technique.

I felt as if I could fly.

I had successfully created a powerful technique without any drawbacks, unlike Absolute Stealth.

The only downside is that it consumes too much Mana.

It wasnt a big deal.

I could always replenish my Mana using Adels Mana technique.

Besides, I could reduce the output to conserve Mana if needed.

There were plenty of solutions.

As I basked in my accomplishment, Samuels voice, laced with admiration, reached my ears.

[Not bad.]

You think so too, Mr. Samuel?

[Indeed. Youll reach that level soon enough. At this rate, you might even become stronger faster by mastering magic than dagger skills.]

What level was he talking about?

Come to think of it,

Just like Swordsmanships Sword Lacquer or Fighting Spirit, magic must also have its own levels of mastery.

I was well-versed in the standards that classified Human mages, but I was clueless about the criteria for Demon mages according to Samuel.

It was only the first semester, and Robolt hadnt yet taught us everything about Demon magic.

As I was about to ask him about it,

Wow, thats amazing!

Luna came running towards me, cheering.

You recognize its greatness too, Luna?

Yes, its amazing!


Samuel clicked his tongue.

As I was about to tell Samuel about the student who had caught his eye, I felt a gaze upon me and turned my head.


It was none other than Fron who was looking at me with that peculiar expression.

Her face was a mixture of guilt and regret.


Why was she making that face?

As I tilted my head in confusion,

Well, its only natural that youd be able to do that much. But its still far too inadequate to even dream of surpassing me!

Fron suddenly exclaimed.

Taken aback, I could only stare at her in bewilderment.

The emotions that had flickered across her face moments ago had vanished without a trace.

Could it be

Did I imagine it?

Fron wouldnt make those kinds of expressions.

Maybe I was just seeing things because I was pushing myself too hard lately.

As I was shaking my head,

Strive harder, slave!

Fron pointed at me accusingly, leaving me speechless.

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