The Narrow-Eyed Villain of the Demon Academy - Chapter 102.1: Part 1

Chapter 102.1: Part 1

Bonus chapter thanks to '@Gordon Dunphy' for subscription to 'Sword Lacquer' tier on Ko-fi.

The protagonist is always late, so try to understand. But I dont like the way youre looking down on me. Kneel right now.

Click, click.

I couldnt help but click my tongue at Frons arrogance.

My face was burning up now.



Samuel even shut his mouth tight and pretended to be sleeping.

He must be acting because he doesnt want to get involved with Fron.

I was the same, so I was trying to calm the excited Fron down when suddenly


At some point, Baltan walked forward and began to stare at Fron.

Baltan smiled, revealing his white teeth.

Long time no see. Were old acquaintances, arent we?

Hmm, I dont know who you are.

Fron tilted her head in response.

Baltan and I simultaneously made puzzled expressions at Fron's reaction.

It was because Baltan and Fron had definitely met less than a week ago.

But she doesnt remember Baltan?

I was wondering when


Fron covered one side of her mouth with her hand as a smile escaped.

I have an incurable disease where I can't remember the faces of those with lower ranks. When you speak to me, introduce yourself properly.

Complete narcissism.

I felt dizzy watching this.

I wasnt even embarrassed anymore. I was far past that emotion.

In my life, I had never heard such arrogant words.

It was comparable to Bares lord, Crete, who was the very symbol of arrogance.


At her words, a vein popped out on Baltans forehead.

If Baltan were truly angry, Fron wouldnt be able to escape unscathed.

I watched the two of them facing off with a pounding heart.


Baltan took a step towards Fron and said,

Theres a good way to make you remember right away.

Oh, I wonder what that is.

If we fight once, youll naturally find out.


Baltans fighting spirit flared.

An enormous amount of power gathered on Baltans fist.

Manifestation of fighting spirit.

Even I couldn't help but gulp.


Why should I, who is superior, listen to you, who is inferior?

Fron boldly confronted Baltan's momentum.

What the hell is she trying to do?


I glanced at Ares.

Ares seemed to be prepared to step in himself if things got out of hand, just as he had stopped Guwar and me.

His words also meant that he would stand by and watch until Baltan posed a direct threat to Fron.

I wondered if the guy who said he would prevent the commanders from fighting had suddenly changed his mind, but

Ares didn't seem to mind this level of conflict.

He must have seen countless comrades fighting on the battlefield and judged that forcibly suppressing them would be counterproductive.

It was the right choice.


'I'm worried.'

I wondered if Fron would be able to escape Baltan's clutches.

Baltan seemed ready to fight Fron at any moment, fingering the spear hanging from his back.

He calmly spoke to Fron, who had rejected his offer.

"You may not know this, but the highest position is something that must be defended. If you're the best, you have to keep accepting challenges from those below you."

"Hmm, I don't really get it."

She shrugged at Baltan's words.

Fron's attitude was still relaxed.

Fron's voice, tinged with mockery, flowed out.

"Those are strange words coming from you, who only challenged those weaker than you."

Baltan's eyebrows twitched at this.

And he glared at Fron, his killing intent growing stronger.

Fron calmly met Baltan's gaze and continued speaking.

If you were truly someone who challenges the best, you would have gone after the headmaster, not me. But haven't you been picking on my slave this whole time? You want to choose an easy target because you think you can't win against the headmaster.

Fron's words felt like a breath of fresh air.

For a moment, I had the illusion of drinking ice water.

Why was Fron speaking such sensible words?

But apart from that, Baltan's expression hardened noticeably.


His initial smile was gone.

He simply stared at Fron with a blank expression, holding his breath.

This was how Baltan looked when he was genuinely angry.

Baltan had fallen for Fron's provocation.

The problem was,

'How is she going to fix this now?'

It was good that she had given Baltan a good jab.

I was more than willing to applaud that, too.

However, even if Ares blocked Baltans spear, Fron would still be fatally wounded.

As I thought about that, I couldnt help but sigh inwardly.


In the end, I had no choice but to step out.


I took a step forward and blocked the space between Baltan and Fron.

Baltans brow furrowed at this.

He seemed to be glaring at me, but it couldnt be helped.

If I stepped aside here, Fron would definitely get hurt.


I know that Fron has hidden power because shes the top ranker.

But even so, its unknown whether she can defeat Baltan.

Besides, I owed Fron a debt for the practical exam.



Baltan and I ended up in a standoff for a while.

I poured mana into the Dark Fang in my arms.

It cant hurt to be prepared, just in case.

Ill block Baltan if he moves.

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