The Narrow-Eyed Villain of the Demon Academy - Chapter 98.2: Part 2

Chapter 98.2: Part 2

The problem, rather, was.

I don't know why you're so confident...

I turned my gaze to the blue-haired woman who was making a smug expression.

Fron was still grinning with a confident look.

Could it be?

Did she have some kind of backing?

Hoo hoo, youll see. I feel pretty good today.

Just because you feel good doesnt mean youll get a good score.

It would be different if you felt good on the day of the exam.

It had already been over a week since the exam, so what good would it do to feel good now?

Samuel seemed to think the same as me and let out a pitiful voice towards Fron.

[Shes still not in her right mind.]


Fron glared at Samuels provocation and shook her hand.

She was trying to grab Samuel and beat him up like last time.

Samuels thorns began to tremble in surprise.

It seemed quite painful to have your thorns pulled randomly.

I hurriedly spoke to save Samuel from Frons clutches.

Well, lets go for now.

Ill let you off this time.


Fron clicked her tongue in regret and dragged her feet.

Anyway, Frons score would be much lower than ours.

I couldnt understand why she was so confident in comparing her score to mine.

Wait a minute.

What if I win the bet?

It was obvious that my score would be higher than Frons in this midterm exam.

I would have received a good score in theory, and I had even overwhelmed Ares in the weaponary exam.

The same went for the human invasion exam and the magic exam.

I could say that there was no chance I would lose the bet with her.

Thats why.

What will you stake as the prize of the bet?

Oho, youve finally decided to do it.

Its not in my nature to avoid someone who challenges me.

To be exact, its not in my nature to avoid challenges from those weaker than me.

Fron narrowed her eyes sharply at my answer and said,

For someone like that, you seem to always avoid fighting the Child of Envy.

...It's just your imagination.

I looked away, pretending not to know.

Then Fron, who had been clicking her tongue, opened her mouth.

Well, Ill accept your proposal. Ill give you an invitation as the prize of the bet!

An invitation?

Yes. An invitation to enter my mansion.


I was a little interested.

Of the Seven Deadly Sins mansions, the only ones I had seen were the Bares familys and Samuels familys, which I had seen through the necklace.

At that time, Samuels mansion was half-destroyed, so I couldnt see it properly, but I had a sense of how big the Bares familys mansion was.

Then what about Frons mansion?

I was a little curious.


Whats the benefit to me?

What could I possibly gain by going to Frons mansion?

At best, I could get some food prepared by the servants of the mansion.

Fron puffed out her cheeks at my blunt answer.

If you don't want to, then don't. There are plenty of people who want to go besides you.

No, I didnt mean I wouldnt go. Okay, Ill give you the right to use me as a slave for a day instead.

A one-day slave?

Yes, the right to use me as you please for a day.

Oh, good!

Fron accepted the offer at once.

Since I was going to win anyway.

Ill just have to figure out what to eat when I go to Frons house next time.

I was thinking about that when it happened.

Rustle, rustle-.

The students were bustling about.

It seemed like that was where the report cards were posted.

As befitting the somewhat old-fashioned Demon Realm, the students human rights were not protected.

Public Announcement of Grades

Ugh, I'm shaking.

[As expected.]


We pushed through the crowd and checked the report cards.

We started looking from the bottom.

There were about 120 first-year students in Sytan.

What would happen?

Let's look from 50th place. We'll be above that anyway.


Except you.

This guy!

Our names weren't on the list up to 40th place.

Then we reached 30th place.

38th place, Luna.


Luna's name was on the list.

38th place.

She had barely made the cut for the scholarship.

I did it!

Luna jumped up and down in joy.

I looked at her with satisfaction and turned my gaze upward.

What about our grades?

Samuel and I would naturally have higher grades than Luna.

We looked past 30th and 20th place, but our grades were nowhere to be seen.

Fron tilted his head in confusion.

Are we higher up?

I told you, you're below.

Hmph, we'll see.

We bickered and looked at the top 10.

Only then did I start to see familiar names.

8th place, Aeron.

Aeron, the descendant of Sloth, had gotten 8th place.

And above Aeron,

7th place, Samuel.

Samuel's name was there.

Considering that there were seven children of the Seven Deadly Sins, it seemed that I had surpassed a few of them.

I looked further up.

6th place, Guwar.

5th place, Rene.

Past my master, Rene.

Right above her.

4th place, Adel.

My name was written there.


My eyes widened.

I never would have dreamed that I would beat Rene.

My skills were probably similar to Rene's by now, but since Rene was in the same class as Diana, I thought she would have gotten a higher score than me.

As I was thinking that.

A sudden thought crossed my mind.


Of the children of the Seven Deadly Sins, only Baltan and Diana were left besides Fron and me.

Then who was above me?

Was there another variable I didn't know about, or was there a powerhouse in Sytan?

No way.

I couldn't help but look up with trembling pupils.

3rd place, Diana.

2nd place, Baltan.

Beyond those two, who were truly the strongest of the Sytans.

Truly, it was because the name of an absurd student occupied the top spot and 1st place.

1st place, Fron.

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