The Narrow-Eyed Villain of the Demon Academy - Chapter 80.2: Part 2

Chapter 80.2: Part 2

What is Chaos?

Hmm, that's a difficult question.

"Answer me. It's driving me crazy."

I planned to ask Adel everything I had been curious about during this opportunity.

One of them was about Chaos.

It was the power that Arsenes ancestors had wielded.

The ability to briefly erase my very existence from the world.

And it also appears in the mana technique of the Bares family.

There had been many clues so far.

But I still couldnt get a sense of it.

Since it wasnt a power I could use at will, I was going to ask Adel for help.


Because I was convinced that if I could understand the true usage of Chaos, I would be able to defeat Terias, and even the original protagonist.

- Hmm.

However, Adel didnt answer and just groaned.

Surely he didnt not know, did he?

Rattle, rattle.

Adel shook his head as I gave him a suspicious look.

- I do know what kind of power it is, but the Creator must figure this out for himself. Perhaps if you paid a price.

What kind of price do you want?

A hundred gold.

I was even willing to pay three hundred gold.

I had experienced firsthand how powerful the power of Chaos was.


Adel didnt answer and just shook his head again.

- At the very least, you must gather all the holy relics that exist in the Demon Realm and the Human Realm before I can answer you. Since the Creator doesnt have the power to do so yet, I recommend that you figure it out for yourself.

Youre just talking in circles to avoid telling me.

- I regret that you heard it that way.

Swish, swish.

Adel wiped the corners of his eyes.

His appearance was so pitiful that I was taken aback.

In the end, was there no other way than for me to figure it out myself?

I didnt gain anything from my second question either.

Now, the only question left was.

Am I still alive?

After fighting with Terias, I lost consciousness due to severe injuries.

If I had been left alone in that state or if Terias had struck me, I would have died instantly.

In a way, finding out whether I was alive or dead was the most urgent matter.

There were many other questions I wanted to ask.

Like how I was brought into this novel, and what the identity of the necklace associated with the Demon King was

However, I didnt bother asking because I knew Adel wouldnt answer me.

Even if he was willing to answer, he would demand a huge price that I couldnt afford.

- I will answer you.

This time, Adel didnt ask for any compensation for the question.

- You are still alive. Well, if you dont do anything special, you will die soon.


As Adel said that and snapped his fingers, a scene appeared.

A hammer, radiating a bone-chilling aura, was about to strike down.

And beneath it, I could see myself lying in a pool of blood.

The gap between the hammer and my body was about the width of a hand.

As if time had stopped, all movement was frozen in that gap.


I stared blankly at the sight.

Behind me, I could see Samuel looking at me in shock.

He hated me, but this was proof that he didnt hate me blindly.

When I realized that, I felt a pang of regret.

Not only that.

I felt a heavy weight pressing down on my chest.

It was a feeling of regret.

Not yet

Not yet, I cant die.

I havent even granted that Adels last wish.

I havent even figured out exactly what good and evil are.

And this may sound selfish, but

Im afraid of death.

Even though Ive killed countless lives since possessing this body, Im terrified of my own death.

What will happen to me if I die here?

What about the me in the real world?

My eyes, which had been filled with confusion, narrowed.

I have to live.

No matter what.

I will see the end of this story.

Thats why.

Lend me your strength, Adel.

I asked for help from the man who was staring at me with a faint smile.

Then Adel spoke.

- That was my plan from the beginning. Thats why I brought the Creator into this space. I will lend you 20% of my power for one hour.


However, you must pay a price.

I knew it.

I had expected to pay a price, so I nodded and asked.

What do you want? But I dont know if I have anything that will satisfy you.

I was lost in thought.

Borrowing Adels power would require a huge price.

The only artifact I have is the Fang of Darkness.

If thats not enough, I could offer the maximum amount of mana like I did in the Secret Realm of Baares.

I won't ask for artifacts.

Then you want the maximum amount of mana.

No, thats not enough either.

Adel firmly denied my question.


What do you want from me?

Adel hesitated for a moment.

Then, after a few dozen seconds.

I need a part of what you hold most dear, Creator.


What I held most dear...

Nothing specific came to mind.

It could be the relationships Ive built in this world, or perhaps the prized possessions I had collected in the real world.

But I dont think any of those things would be enough to borrow Adels power.

Do you accept?

Adel asked me with a faint smile.

I didnt understand what emotion that expression came from.


I accept.

I nodded at Adels words.

And at that moment.


My vision flashed.




And when I opened my eyes.


Uncontrollable darkness began to pour out of my body.

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