The Narrow-Eyed Villain of the Demon Academy - Chapter 77.1: Part 1

Chapter 77.1: Part 1

Bonus chapter thanks to '@Marve' for subscription to 'Sword Lacquer' tier on Ko-fi.

Before I knew it, I was back to reality, and my shoulders were trembling slightly.

Even though I knew that none of it was something I had personally experienced,

The trembling of my body refused to subside.


Only after a long time had passed

Was I able to let out a groan mixed with a sigh.

And then.

Ugh- Ugh-.

I vomited everything in my stomach until yellow bile came out.

All the black jelly I had eaten in the morning came back up.

The lumps looked similar to the maggots I had eaten in Samuel's memories, and I felt another wave of nausea rising.

What the hell did I do?

Having directly experienced the horrors of the war I had described, an indescribable disgust washed over me.

And I could understand Samuel's words and actions so far.

'So that's why.'

The reason Samuel despised and hated me, a half-demon.

The guy who betrayed him and his mother was a half-demon.

Of course, it seemed like she had her own circumstances.

'...Who is evil, anyway?'

Naturally, I couldn't help but wonder.

I had clearly described humans as purely good and demons as purely evil.


'Is that really something that humans, or even demons, can do?'

I don't know if the human mage who blew up Samuel's room did it on purpose, but Samuel was driven to the brink of starvation and had to eat his own mother.

Even if there was no intention behind it.

There's no denying that killing the weak who are unarmed is not something good people would do.


What am I supposed to do?

I feel like my values are all tangled up in my head.

I patted my throbbing head and got up.

Then I looked blankly at the necklace that had suddenly gone quiet.

- .

The necklace, which had been glowing brightly, was now extinguished.

A faint light flowed from the beads that had been slightly filled.

Perhaps when it was fully charged,

I would be able to experience someone else's past once again.

It was an experience I never wanted to go through again.

"Is this what you wanted to show me?"

I snapped at 'that guy' who couldn't hear my voice.

It seemed like he was trying to wake me up to the fact that humans are not all good by showing me Samuel's past.


Does that make the Demons good?

It wasnt long ago that they were ruthlessly murdering prisoners.

The Demons also ordered Sytans students to kill unarmed human prisoners.

Where is the good in this tragic scene? Where is the justice?

I dont know.

I dont know what the right thing to do is.

One thing is for sure.

I have to defeat Leon Terias, the descendant of Samuel and Adels enemy family.

I cant beat him with my current strength, but

Ill never know unless I try.

Let's not say anything discouraging.

Even if I keep telling myself I'll lose, I won't find a way to win.

I have no choice but to fight.

Rather than that, the ability to see the past.

I stared blankly at the necklace.

Its definitely not a bad ability.

I could spy on my opponents past and find out their weakness.

I could also steal stories or secrets that I could use for my own purposes.

But thats about it.

It doesnt seem valuable enough to be a priority.

I wasnt very interested.

I didnt need to try to figure out the secret of the necklace right now.

Its better to focus on getting stronger.

To do that, I need to go to Samuels group first.

Ive wasted too much time already.

I shared my vision with Sijo as I headed towards the secret place where they would be.


And then Samuel and the Class A students appeared.

They seem fine for now.

I had experienced Samuels memories for several days, but only about ten minutes seemed to have passed in reality.

I felt relieved and looked at Samuel and his group.


The students moved in unison as Fron shouted something.

She wasnt perfect, but she was desperately fulfilling her role as commander in my stead.

At Frons command, the students spread out into a defensive formation as if to protect Samuel.

Thats the right choice.

Samuel was the one who could use the most powerful magic among Sytans students.

Behind the students, Samuel cast magic.


Samuels magic swept over the students of the Imperial Academy.

However, the human students strength was considerable, so they managed to withstand Samuels magic once.

It would take time for Samuels magic to activate again.

In the end, the battle became a stalemate once more.

The students of Sytan and the human students began to clash head-on.

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