The Names Of God Bible - The Names of God Bible Part 285

The Names of God Bible Part 285

Introduction to PHILEMON.

Philemon was a Christian and a slave owner from Colossae. Onesimus was his runaway slave. Somehow Onesimus and Paul met in Rome, and Onesimus became a Christian. Now Paul was giving Onesimus a job he probably did not want: to deliver a letter to his former master, who had every right to return him to his life of slavery and punish him severely for anything he may have stolen when he left.

If Onesimus was afraid to deliver the letter, Philemon surely must not have been happy to receive it. According to Roman law, Philemon could legally whip, brand, mutilate, or execute his runaway slave. Instead, Paul asks him to do the unthinkable-to welcome Onesimus as a brother, and perhaps to free him to continue working with Paul. Slaves were extremely valuable; Paul might as well have been asking Philemon to hand over his Mercedes.

Although Paul says he's leaving the decision entirely up to Philemon, he addresses his letter to the whole church that meets in Philemon's house. He tells Philemon that forgiveness is "the right thing." He says that Onesimus is "my child," "useful," "a part of myself," "a dear brother," and "especially dear to me." He expresses confidence that Philemon will comply-and he asks him to get the guest room ready in case Paul comes to visit. Philemon could hardly have said no.

Apparently Philemon said yes, whether cheerfully or under duress. Onesimus is mentioned in the letter to the Colossians as a "faithful and dear brother" (Colossians 4:9). He is traditionally believed to have become a bishop, possibly following Timothy in Ephesus.

Paul never denounces slavery as an institution, probably because as a member of a minority religion in a sometimes tyrannical empire, he could do nothing about it. Instead, Paul attacks injustice at its roots. In Christ, we are all members of one family. God has freed us to love one another whether we are homeowners like Philemon, prisoners like Paul, or slaves like Onesimus. Wherever and whenever Christians treat one another as brothers and sisters, slavery becomes impossible.

Key Names of God in Philemon Father Lord Christ PHILEMON.


Greeting 1 From Paul, who is a prisoner for Christ Yeshua, and our brother Timothy.

To our dear coworker Philemon, 2 our sister Apphia, our fellow soldier Archippus, and the church that meets in your house.

3 Good willa and peace from God our Father and the Lord Yeshua Christ are yours!

Paul's Prayer for Philemon 4 Philemon, I always thank my God when I mention you in my prayers because 5 I hear about your faithfulness to the Lord Yeshua and your love for all of God's people. 6 As you share the faith you have in common with others, I pray that you may come to have a complete knowledge of every blessing we have in Christ. 7 Your love for God's people gives me a lot of joy and encouragement. You, brother, have comforted God's people.

Paul's Advice about Onesimus 8 Christ makes me bold enough to order you to do the right thing. 9 However, I would prefer to make an appeal on the basis of love. I, Paul, as an old man and now a prisoner for Christ Yeshua, 10 appeal to you for my child Onesimus [Useful]. I became his spiritual father here in prison. 11 Once he was useless to you, but now he is very useful to both of us.

12 I am sending him back to you. This is like sending you a part of myself. 13 I wanted to keep him here with me. Then he could have served me in your place while I am in prison for spreading the Good News. 14 Yet, I didn't want to do anything without your consent. I want you to do this favor for me out of your own free will without feeling forced to do it.

15 Maybe Onesimus was gone for a while so that you could have him back forever- 16 no longer as a slave but better than a slave-as a dear brother. He is especially dear to me, but even more so to you, both as a person and as a Christian.

17 If you think of me as your partner, welcome him as you would welcome me. 18 If he wronged you in any way or owes you anything, charge it to me. 19 I, Paul, promise to pay it back. I'm writing this with my own hand. I won't even mention that you owe me your life. 20 So, because we're brothers in the Lord, do something for me. Give me some comfort because of Christ. 21 I am confident as I write to you that you will do this. And I know that you will do even more than I ask.

22 One more thing-have a guest room ready for me. I hope that, because of your prayers, God will give me back to you.

Greetings from Paul's Coworkers 23 Epaphras, who is a prisoner because of Christ Yeshua like I am, 24 and my coworkers Mark, Aristarchus, Demas, and Luke send you greetings.

25 The good will of our Lord Yeshua Christ be yours.

a 3 Or "Grace."

Introduction to HEBREWS.

Hebrews is not easy for twentyfirst-century Christians to read. We aren't used to the author's style of reasoning. We may not be familiar with the Old Testament texts that he quotes. And so perhaps we dip into the book, quoting passages that seem to speak directly to us and skipping over the others. We like this promise: "Because Yeshua experienced temptation when he suffered, he is able to help others when they are tempted" (2:18). We value this affirmation: "God's word is living and active. It is sharper than any two-edged sword" (4:12). We appreciate this definition: "Faith assures us of things we expect and convinces us of the existence of things we cannot see" (11:1). Now it's time to go back and read the rest of the book, because Hebrews is full of rich insights about Jesus.

Most likely the first readers were Jewish Christians living in Rome during the time of Nero, who usually tolerated Judaism but particularly disliked Christians. Many Christians were growing weary. Afraid of persecution, some had stopped meeting with fellow Christians. Some were tempted to give up their faith altogether. Some thought it might be acceptable-and less dangerous-to go back to being Jews. Hebrews is an appeal to these wavering Christians, and to the communities who love them, to reaffirm their faith in Christ, to encourage one another, and to persist in spite of persecution and obstacles.

The anonymous author of Hebrews values Judaism and speaks highly of angels, Moses, the Sabbath, the high priest, Melchizedek, the sacrifices, and the temple. These earthly things are good, he says, but they are only shadows of eternal, heavenly realities. For example, angels are God's messengers, but Jesus is "the reflection of God's glory and the exact likeness of God's being" (1:3). "Moses was a faithful servant in God's household," but "Christ is a faithful son in charge of God's household" (3:5-6).

And so, the author pleads, "don't lose your confidence" (10:35); don't settle for less than the best. Take courage from the Old Testament heroes of the faith who persisted in spite of suffering (chapter 11). "Focus on Yeshua, the source and goal of our faith" (12:2). This is good advice for today's Christians as well as for the Jews in Rome. From Hebrews we too can better understand the uniqueness of Christ and be strengthened for the struggles of each day.

Key Names of God in Hebrews Spirit Prophet Son of God Father Shepherd Christ Lord Priest HEBREWS.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10.

11 12 13.

God Has Spoken to Us Through His Son 1 1 In the past God spoke to our ancestors at many different times and in many different ways through the prophets. 2 In these last days he has spoken to us through his Son. God made his Son responsible for everything. His Son is the one through whom God made the universe. 3 His Son is the reflection of God's glory and the exact likeness of God's being. He holds everything together through his powerful words. After he had cleansed people from their sins, he received the highest position, the one next to the Father in heaven.

God's Son Is Superior to the Angels 4 The Son has become greater than the angels since he has been given a name that is superior to theirs. 5 God never said to any of his angels, "You are my Son.

Today I have become your Father."

And God never said to any of his angels, "I will be his Father, and he will be my Son."

6 When God was about to send his firstborn Son into the world, he said, "All of God's angels must worship him."

7 God said about the angels, "He makes his messengers winds.

He makes his servants flames of fire."

8 But God said about his Son, "Your throne, O God, is forever and ever.

The scepter in your kingdom is a scepter for justice.

9 You have loved what is right and hated what is wrong.

That is why God, your God, anointed you, rather than your companions, with the oil of joy."

10 God also said, "Lord, in the beginning you laid the foundation of the earth.

With your own hands you made the heavens.

11 They will come to an end, but you will live forever.

They will all wear out like clothes.

12 They will be taken off like a coat.

You will change them like clothes.

But you remain the same, and your life will never end.

13 But God never said to any of the angels, "Sit in the highest position in heaven until I make your enemies your footstool."

14 What are all the angels? They are spirits sent to serve those who are going to receive salvation.

Everything Is Under Jesus' Control 2 1 For this reason we must pay closer attention to what we have heard. Then we won't drift away from the truth. 2 After all, the message that the angels brought was reliable, and every violation and act of disobedience was properly punished. 3 So how will we escape punishment if we reject the important message, the message that God saved us? First, the Lord told this saving message. Then those who heard him confirmed that message. 4 God verified what they said through miraculous signs, amazing things, other powerful acts, and with other gifts from the Holy Spirit as he wanted.

5 He didn't put the world that will come (about which we are talking) under the angels' control. 6 Instead, someone has declared this somewhere in Scripture: "What is a mortal that you should remember him, or the Son of Mana that you take care of him?

7 You made him a little lower than the angels.

You crowned him with glory and honor.

8 You put everything under his control."

When God put everything under his Son's control, nothing was left out.

However, at the present time we still don't see everything under his Son's control. 9 Yeshua was made a little lower than the angels, but we see him crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death. Through God's kindnessb he died on behalf of everyone. 10 God is the one for whom and through whom everything exists. Therefore, while God was bringing many sons and daughters to glory, it was the right time to bring Yeshua, the source of their salvation, to the end of his work through suffering.

Jesus Became One of Us to Help Us 11 Yeshua, who makes people holy, and all those who are made holy have the same Father. That is why Yeshua isn't ashamed to call them brothers and sisters. 12 He says, "I will tell my people about your name.

I will praise you within the congregation."

13 In addition, Yeshua says, "I will trust him."

And Yeshua says, "I am here with the sons and daughters God has given me."

14 Since all of these sons and daughters have flesh and blood, Yeshua took on flesh and blood to be like them. He did this so that by dying he would destroy the one who had power over death (that is, the devil). 15 In this way he would free those who were slaves all their lives because they were afraid of dying. 16 So Yeshua helps Abraham's descendants rather than helping angels. 17 Therefore, he had to become like his brothers and sisters so that he could be merciful. He became like them so that he could serve as a faithful chief priest in God's presence and make peace with God for their sins. 18 Because Yeshua experienced temptation when he suffered, he is able to help others when they are tempted.

Christ Is Superior to Moses 3 1 Brothers and sisters, you are holy partners in a heavenly calling. So look carefully at Yeshua, the apostle and chief priest about whom we make our declaration of faith. 2 Yeshua is faithful to God, who appointed him, in the same way that Moses was faithful when he served in God's house. 3 Yeshua deserves more praise than Moses in the same way that the builder of a house is praised more than the house. 4 After all, every house has a builder, but the builder of everything is God.

5 Moses was a faithful servant in God's household. He told the people what God would say in the future. 6 But Christ is a faithful son in charge of God's household. We are his household if we continue to have courage and to be proud of the confidence we have.

7 As the Holy Spirit says, "If you hear God speak today, don't be stubborn.

8 Don't be stubborn like those who rebelled and tested me in the desert.

9 That is where your ancestors tested me, 10 although they had seen what I had done for 40 years.

That is why I was angry with those people. So I said, 'Their hearts continue to stray, and they have not learned my ways.'

11 So I angrily took a solemn oath that they would never enter my place of rest."

12 Be careful, brothers and sisters, that none of you ever develop a wicked, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God. 13 Encourage each other every day while you have the opportunity. If you do this, none of you will be deceived by sin and become stubborn. 14 After all, we will remain Christ's partners only if we continue to hold on to our original confidence until the end.

15 Scripture says, "If you hear God speak today, don't be stubborn.

Don't be stubborn like those who rebelled."

16 Who heard God and rebelled? All those whom Moses led out of Egypt rebelled. 17 With whom was God angry for 40 years? He was angry with those who sinned and died in the desert. 18 Who did God swear would never enter his place of rest? He was talking about those who didn't obey him. 19 So we see that they couldn't enter his place of rest because they didn't believe.

We Will Enter God's Place of Rest 4 1 God's promise that we may enter his place of rest still stands. We are afraid that some of you think you won't enter his place of rest. 2 We have heard the same Good News that your ancestors heard. But the message didn't help those who heard it in the past because they didn't believe.

3 We who believe are entering that place of rest. As God said, "So I angrily took a solemn oath that they would never enter my place of rest." God said this even though he had finished his work when he created the world. 4 Somewhere in Scripture God has said this about the seventh day: "On the seventh day God rested from all his work."

5 God also said in the same passage, "They will never enter my place of rest." 6 However, some people enter that place of rest. Those who heard the Good News in the past did not enter God's place of rest because they did not obey God. 7 So God set another day. That day is today. Many years after your ancestors failed to enter that place of rest God spoke about it through David in the passage already quoted: "If you hear God speak today, don't be stubborn." 8 If Joshua had given the people rest, God would not have spoken about another day. 9 Therefore, a time of rest and worship exists for God's people. 10 Those who entered his place of rest also rested from their work as God did from his.

11 So we must make every effort to enter that place of rest. Then no one will be lost by following the example of those who refused to obey.

12 God's word is living and active. It is sharper than any two-edged sword and cuts as deep as the place where soul and spirit meet, the place where joints and marrow meet. God's word judges a person's thoughts and intentions. 13 No creature can hide from God. Everything is uncovered and exposed for him to see. We must answer to him.

Christ Is Superior to Other Chief Priests 14 We need to hold on to our declaration of faith: We have a superior chief priest who has gone through the heavens. That person is Yeshua , the Son of God. 15 We have a chief priest who is able to sympathize with our weaknesses. He was tempted in every way that we are, but he didn't sin. 16 So we can go confidently to the throne of God's kindnessa to receive mercy and find kindness, which will help us at the right time.

5 1 Every chief priest is chosen from humans to represent them in front of God, that is, to offer gifts and sacrifices for sin. 2 The chief priest can be gentle with people who are ignorant and easily deceived, because he also has weaknesses. 3 Because he has weaknesses, he has to offer sacrifices for his own sins in the same way that he does for the sins of his people.

4 No one takes this honor for himself. Instead, God calls him as he called Aaron. 5 So Christ did not take the glory of being a chief priest for himself. Instead, the glory was given to him by God, who said, "You are my Son.

Today I have become your Father."

6 In another place in Scripture, God said, "You are a priest forever, in the way Melchizedek was a priest."

7 During his life on earth, Yeshua prayed to God, who could save him from death. He prayed and pleaded with loud crying and tears, and he was heard because of his devotion to God. 8 Although Yeshua was the Son of God, he learned to be obedient through his sufferings. 9 After he had finished his work, he became the source of eternal salvation for everyone who obeys him. 10 God appointed him chief priest in the way Melchizedek was a priest.

You Need Someone to Teach You 11 We have a lot to explain about this. But since you have become too lazy to pay attention, explaining it to you is hard. 12 By now you should be teachers. Instead, you still need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God's word. You need milk, not solid food. 13 All those who live on milk lack the experience to talk about what is right. They are still babies. 14 However, solid food is for mature people, whose minds are trained by practice to know the difference between good and evil.

6 1 With this in mind, we should stop going over the elementary truths about Christ and move on to topics for more mature people. We shouldn't repeat the basics about turning away from the useless things we did and the basics about faith in God. 2 We shouldn't repeat the basic teachings about such things as baptisms, setting people apart for holy tasks, dead people coming back to life, and eternal judgment. 3 If God permits, we will do this.

4 Some people once had God's light. They experienced the heavenly gift and shared in the Holy Spirit. 5 They experienced the goodness of God's word and the powers of the world to come. 6 Yet, they have deserted Christ. They are crucifying the Son of God again and publicly disgracing him. Therefore, they cannot be led a second time to God.

7 God blesses the earth. So rain often falls on it, and it produces useful crops for farmers. 8 However, if the earth produces thorns and thistles, it is worthless and in danger of being cursed. In the end it will be burned.

God Will Not Forget You 9 Dear friends, even though we say these things, we are still convinced that better things are in store for you and that they will save you. 10 God is fair. He won't forget what you've done or the love you've shown for him. You helped his holy people, and you continue to help them. 11 We want each of you to prove that you're working hard so that you will remain confident until the end. 12 Then, instead of being lazy, you will imitate those who are receiving the promises through faith and patience.

13 God made a promise to Abraham. Since he had no one greater on whom to base his oath, he based it on himself. 14 He said, "I will certainly bless you and give you many descendants." 15 So Abraham received what God promised because he waited patiently for it.

16 When people take oaths, they base their oaths on someone greater than themselves. Their oaths guarantee what they say and end all arguments. 17 God wouldn't change his plan. He wanted to make this perfectly clear to those who would receive his promise, so he took an oath. 18 God did this so that we would be encouraged. God cannot lie when he takes an oath or makes a promise. These two things can never be changed. Those of us who have taken refuge in him hold on to the confidence we have been given. 19 We have this confidence as a sure and strong anchor for our lives. This confidence goes into the holy place behind the curtain 20 where Yeshua went before us on our behalf. He has become the chief priest forever in the way Melchizedek was a priest.


Prophet, priest, and king-these were the three major offices in Israel, titles also ascribed to Jesus. While the king governed as God's representative on earth, the priest's role was to represent the people to God by offering sacrifices, prayers, and praise on their behalf.