10 Whoever leads decent people into evil will fall into his own pit, but innocent people will inherit good things.
11 A rich person is wise in his own eyes, but a poor person with understanding sees right through him.
12 When righteous people triumph, there is great glory, but when wicked people rise, people hide themselves.
13 Whoever covers over his sins does not prosper.
Whoever confesses and abandons them receives compassion.
14 Blessed is the one who is always fearful of sin, but whoever is hard-hearted falls into disaster.
15 Like a roaring lion and a charging bear, so a wicked ruler is a threat to poor people.
16 A leader without understanding taxes his people heavily, but those who hate unjust gain will live longer.
17 A person burdened with the guilt of murder will be a fugitive down to his grave.
No one will help him.
18 Whoever lives honestly will be safe.
Whoever lives dishonestly will fall all at once.
19 Whoever works his land will have plenty to eat.
Whoever chases unrealistic dreams will have plenty of nothing.
20 A trustworthy person has many blessings, but anyone in a hurry to get rich will not escape punishment.
21 Showing partiality is not good, because some people will turn on you even for a piece of bread.
22 A stingy person is in a hurry to get rich, not realizing that poverty is about to overtake him.
23 Whoever criticizes people will be more highly regarded in the future than the one who flatters with his tongue.
24 The one who robs his father or his mother and says, "It isn't wrong!" is a companion to a vandal.
25 A greedy person stirs up a fight, but whoever trusts Yahweh prospers.
26 Whoever trusts his own heart is a fool.
Whoever walks in wisdom will survive.
"Whoever gives to the poor lacks nothing.
Whoever ignores the poor receives many curses.
28 When wicked people rise, people hide.
When they die, righteous people increase.
29 1 A person who will not bend after many warnings will suddenly be broken beyond repair.
2 When righteous people increase, the people of God rejoice, but when a wicked person rules, everybody groans.
3 A person who loves wisdom makes his father happy, but one who pays prostitutes wastes his wealth.
4 By means of justice, a king builds up a country, but a person who confiscates religious contributions tears it down.
5 A person who flatters his neighbor is spreading a net for him to step into.
6 To an evil person sin is bait in a trap, but a righteous person runs away from ita and is glad.
7 A righteous person knows the just cause of the poor.
A wicked person does not understand this.
8 Mockers create an uproar in a city, but wise people turn away anger.
9 When a wise person goes to court with a stubborn fool, he may rant and rave, but there is no peace and quiet.
10 Bloodthirsty people hate an innocent person, but decent people seek to protect his life.
11 A fool expresses all his emotions, but a wise person controls them.
12 If a ruler pays attention to lies, all his servants become wicked.
13 A poor person and an oppressor have this in common: Yahweh gives both of them sight.
14 When a king judges the poor with honesty, his throne will always be secure.
15 A spanking and a warning produce wisdom, but an undisciplined child disgraces his mother.
16 When wicked people increase, crime increases, but righteous people will witness their downfall.
17 Correct your son, and he will give you peace of mind.
He will bring delight to your soul.
18 Without prophetic vision people run wild, but blessed are those who follow God's teachings.
19 A slave cannot be disciplined with words.
He will not respond, though he may understand.
20 Have you met a person who is quick to answer?
There is more hope for a fool than for him.
21 Pamper a slave from childhood, and later he will be ungrateful.b 22 An angry person stirs up a fight, and a hothead does much wrong.
23 A person's pride will humiliate him, but a humble spirit gains honor.
24 Whoever is a thief's partner hates his own life.
He will not testify under oath.
25 A person's fear sets a trap for him, but one who trusts Yahweh is safe.
26 Many seek an audience with a ruler, but justice for humanity comes from Yahweh .
27 An unjust person is disgusting to righteous people.
A decent person is disgusting to wicked people.
30 1 The words of Agur, son of Jakeh. Agur's prophetic revelation.
Agur Speaks about God [To God]
This man's declaration: "I'm weary, O El.
I'm weary and worn out, O El.
2 I'm more like a dumb animal than a human being.
I don't even have human understanding.
3 I haven't learned wisdom.
I don't have knowledge of the Holy One.a [To the audience]
4 "Who has gone up to heaven and come down?
Who has gathered the wind in the palm of his hand?
Who has wrapped water in a garment?
Who has set up the earth from one end to the other?
What is his name or the name of his son?
Certainly, you must know!
5 "Every word of Eloah has proven to be true.
He is a Magen to those who come to him for protection.
6 Do not add to his words, or he will reprimand you, and you will be found to be a liar.
A Prayer [To God]
7 "I've asked you for two things.
Don't keep them from me before I die: 8 Keep vanity and lies far away from me.
Don't give me either poverty or riches.
Feed me only the food I need, 9 or I may feel satisfied and deny you and say, 'Who is Yahweh ?'
or I may become poor and steal and give the name of my Elohim a bad reputation.
Against Slander [To the audience]
10 "Do not slander a slave to his master.
The slave will curse you, and you will be found guilty."
Four Kinds of People 11 A certain kind of person curses his father and does not bless his mother.
12 A certain kind of person thinks he is pure but is not washed from his own feces.a 13 A certain kind of person looks around arrogantly and is conceited.
14 A certain kind of person, whose teeth are like swords and whose jaws are like knives, devours oppressed people from the earth and people from among humanity.
Human Bloodsuckers 15 The bloodsucking leech has two daughters-"Give!" and "Give!"
Four Things That Are Never Satisfied Three things are never satisfied.
Four never say, "Enough!": 16 the grave, a barren womb, a land that never gets enough water, a fire that does not say, "Enough!"
Disrespectful Children-Their Punishment 17 The eye that makes fun of a father and hates to obey a mother will be plucked out by ravens in the valley and eaten by young vultures.
Four Things of Intrigue 18 Three things are too amazing to me, even four that I cannot understand: 19 an eagle making its way through the sky, a snake making its way over a rock, a ship making its way through high seas, a man making his way with a virgin.
About the Woman Who Commits Adultery 20 This is the way of a woman who commits adultery: She eats, wipes her mouth, and says, "I haven't done anything wrong!"
Four Things That Are Intolerable 21 Three things cause the earth to tremble, even four it cannot bear up under: 22 a slave when he becomes king, a godless fool when he is filled with food, 23 a woman who is unloved when she gets married, a maid when she replaces her mistress.
Four Things That Are Small-Yet Smart and Strong 24 Four things on earth are small, yet they are very wise: 25 Ants are not a strong species, yet they store their food in summer.
26 Rock badgers are not a mighty species, yet they make their home in the rocks.
27 Locusts have no king, yet all of them divide into swarms by instinct.
28 A lizard you can hold in your hands, yet it can even be found in royal palaces.
Four Things That Move with Dignity 29 There are three things that walk with dignity, even four that march with dignity: 30 a lion, mightiest among animals, which turns away from nothing, 31 a strutting rooster,a a male goat, a king at the head of his army.b Keep Calm and Quiet 32 If you are such a godless fool as to honor yourself, or if you scheme, you had better put your hand over your mouth.
33 As churning milk produces butter and punching a nose produces blood, so stirring up angerc produces a fight.