They are a reward from him.
4 The children born to a man when he is young are like arrows in the hand of a warrior.
5 Blessed is the man who has filled his quiver with them.
He will not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the city gate.
Psalm 128 A song for going up to worship.
1 Blessed are all who fear Yahweh and live his way.
2 You will certainly eat what your own hands have provided.
Blessings to you!
May things go well for you!
3 Your wife will be like a fruitful vine inside your home.
Your children will be like young olive trees around your table.
4 This is how Yahweh will bless the person who fears him.
5 May Yahweh bless you from Zion so that you may see Jerusalem prospering all the days of your life.
6 May you live to see your children's children.
Let there be peace in Israel!
Psalm 129 A song for going up to worship.
1 "From the time I was young, people have attacked me . . ."
(Israel should repeat this.) 2 "From the time I was young, people have attacked me, but they have never overpowered me.
3 They have plowed my back like farmers plow fields.
They made long slashes like furrows."
4 Yahweh is righteous.
He has cut me loose from the ropes that wicked people tied around me.
5 Put to shame all those who hate Zion.
Force them to retreat.
6 Make them be like grass on a roof, like grass that dries up before it produces a stalk.
It will never fill the barns of those who harvest or the arms of those who gather bundles.
8 Those who pass by will never say to them, "May you be blessed by Yahweh"
or "We bless you in the name of Yahweh ."
Psalm 130 A song for going up to worship.
1 O Yahweh, out of the depths I call to you.
2 O Adonay , hear my voice.
Let your ears be open to my pleas for mercy.
3 O Yahweh, who would be able to stand if you kept a record of sins?
4 But with you there is forgiveness so that you can be feared.
5 I wait for Yahweh, my soul waits, and with hope I wait for his word.
6 My soul waits for Adonay more than those who watch for the morning, more than those who watch for the morning.
7 O Israel, put your hope in Yahweh, because with Yahweh there is mercy and with him there is unlimited forgiveness.
8 He will rescue Israel from all its sins.
Psalm 131 A song by David for going up to worship.
1 O Yahweh, my heart is not conceited.
My eyes do not look down on others.
I am not involved in things too big or too difficult for me.
2 Instead, I have kept my soul calm and quiet.
My soul is content as a weaned child is content in its mother's arms.
3 Israel, put your hope in Yahweh now and forever.
Psalm 132 A song for going up to worship.
1 O Yahweh, remember David and all the hardships he endured.
2 Remember how he swore an oath to Yahweh and made this vow to the Mighty One of Jacob: 3 "I will not step inside my house, 4 get into my bed, shut my eyes, or close my eyelids until I find a place for Yahweh, a dwelling place for the Mighty One of Jacob."
6 Now, we have heard about the ark of the promise being in Ephrathah.
We have found it in Jaar.
7 Let's go to his dwelling place.
Let's worship at his footstool.
8 O Yahweh, arise, and come to your resting place with the ark of your power.
9 Clothe your priests with righteousness.
Let your godly ones sing with joy.
10 For the sake of your servant David, do not reject your anointed one.
11 Yahweh swore an oath to David.
This is a truth he will not take back: "I will set one of your own descendants on your throne.
12 If your sons are faithful to my promisea and my written instructions that I will teach them, then their descendants will also sit on your throne forever."
13 Yahweh has chosen Zion.
He wants it for his home.
14 "This will be my resting place forever.
Here I will sit enthroned because I want Zion.
15 I will certainly bless all that Zion needs.
I will satisfy its needy people with food.
16 I will clothe its priests with salvation.
Then its godly ones will sing joyfully.
17 There I will make a horn sprout up for David.
I will prepare a lamp for my anointed one.
18 I will clothe his enemies with shame, but the crown on my anointed one will shine."
Psalm 133 A song by David for going up to worship.
1 See how good and pleasant it is when brothers and sisters live together in harmony!
2 It is like fine, scented oil on the head, running down the beard-down Aaron's beard- running over the collar of his robes.
3 It is like dew on Mount Hermon, dew which comes down on Zion's mountains.
That is where Yahweh promised the blessing of eternal life.
Psalm 134 A song for going up to worship.
1 Praise Yahweh, all you servants of Yahweh, all who stand in the house of Yahweh night after night.
2 Lift your hands toward the holy place, and praise Yahweh.
3 May Yahweh , the maker of heaven and earth, bless you from Zion.
Psalm 135 1 Hallelujah!
Praise the name of Yahweh.
Praise him, you servants of Yahweh 2 who are standing in the house of Yahweh, in the courtyards of the house of our Elohim .
3 Praise Yah because Yahweh is good.
Make music to praise his name because his name is beautiful.
4 Yah chose Jacob to be his own and chose Israel to be his own special treasure.
5 I know that Yahweh is great, that our Adonay is greater than all the false gods.
6 Yahweh does whatever he wants in heaven or on earth, on the seas or in all the depths of the oceans.
7 He is the one who makes the clouds rise from the ends of the earth, who makes lightning for the thunderstorms, and who brings wind out of his storerooms.
8 He is the one who killed every firstborn male in Egypt.
He killed humans and animals alike.
9 He sent miraculous signs and amazing things into the heart of Egypt against Pharaoh and all his officials.
10 He is the one who defeated many nations and killed mighty kings: 11 King Sihon of the Amorites, King Og of Bashan, and all the kingdoms in Canaan.
12 He gave their land as an inheritance, an inheritance to his people Israel.
13 O Yahweh, your name endures forever.
O Yahweh, you will be remembered throughout every generation.
14 Yahweh will provide justice for his people and have compassion on his servants.
15 The idols of the nations are made of silver and gold.
They were made by human hands.a 16 They have mouths, but they cannot speak.
They have eyes, but they cannot see.
17 They have ears, but they cannot hear.