The Names Of God Bible - The Names of God Bible Part 132

The Names of God Bible Part 132

10 I wholeheartedly searched for you.

Do not let me wander away from your commandments.

11 I have treasured your promise in my heart so that I may not sin against you.

12 Thanks be to you, O Yahweh.

Teach me your laws.

13 With my lips I have repeated every regulation that comes from your mouth.

14 I find joy in the way shown by your written instructions more than I find joy in all kinds of riches.

15 I want to reflect on your guiding principles and study your ways.

16 Your laws make me happy.

I never forget your word.

17 Be kind to me so that I may live and hold on to your word.

18 Uncover my eyes so that I may see the miraculous things in your teachings.

19 I am a foreigner in this world.

Do not hide your commandments from me.

20 My soul is overwhelmed with endless longing for your regulations.

21 You threaten arrogant people, who are condemned and wander away from your commandments.

22 Remove the insults and contempt that have fallen on me because I have obeyed your written instructions.

23 Even though influential people plot against me, I reflect on your laws.

24 Indeed, your written instructions make me happy.

They are my best friends.

25 I am close to death.

Give me a new life as you promised.

26 I told you what I have done, and you answered me.

Teach me your laws.

27 Help me understand your guiding principles so that I may reflect on your miracles.

28 I am drowning in tears.

Strengthen me as you promised.

29 Turn me away from a life of lies.

Graciously provide me with your teachings.

30 I have chosen a life of faithfulness.

I have set your regulations in front of me.

31 I have clung tightly to your written instructions.

O Yahweh, do not let me be put to shame.

32 I will eagerly pursue your commandments because you continue to increase my understanding.

33 Teach me, O Yahweh, how to live by your laws, and I will obey them to the end.

34 Help me understand so that I can follow your teachings.

I will guard them with all my heart.

35 Lead me on the path of your commandments, because I am happy with them.

36 Direct my heart toward your written instructions rather than getting rich in underhanded ways.

37 Turn my eyes away from worthless things.

Give me a new life in your ways.

38 Keep your promise to me so that I can fear you.

39 Take away insults, which I dread, because your regulations are good.

40 I long for your guiding principles.

Give me a new life in your righteousness.

41 Let your blessings reach me, O Yahweh.

Save me as you promised.

42 Then I will have an answer for the one who insults me since I trust your word.

43 Do not take so much as a single word of truth from my mouth.

My hope is based on your regulations.

44 I will follow your teachings forever and ever.

45 I will walk around freely because I sought out your guiding principles.

46 I will speak about your written instructions in the presence of kings and not feel ashamed.

47 Your commandments, which I love, make me happy.

48 I lift my hands in prayer because of your commandments, which I love.

I will reflect on your laws.

49 Remember the word you gave me.

Through it you gave me hope.

50 This is my comfort in my misery: Your promise gave me a new life.

51 Arrogant people have mocked me with cruelty, yet I have not turned away from your teachings.

52 I remembered your regulations from long ago, O Yahweh, and I found comfort in them.

53 I am burning with anger because of wicked people, who abandon your teachings.

54 Your laws have become like psalms to me in this place where I am only a foreigner.

55 At night I remember your name, O Yahweh, and I follow your teachings.

56 This has happened to me because I have obeyed your guiding principles.

57 You are my inheritance, O Yahweh.

I promised to hold on to your words.

58 With all my heart I want to win your favor.

Be kind to me as you promised.

59 I have thought about my life, and I have directed my feet back to your written instructions.

60 Without any hesitation I hurry to obey your commandments.

61 Though the ropes of wicked people are tied around me, I never forget your teachings.

62 At midnight I wake up to give thanks to you for the regulations, which are based on your righteousness.

63 I am a friend to everyone who fears you and to everyone who follows your guiding principles.

64 Your mercy, O Yahweh, fills the earth.

Teach me your laws.

65 You have treated me well, O Yahweh, as you promised.

66 Teach me to use good judgment and knowledge, because I believe in your commandments.

67 Before you made me suffer, I used to wander off, but now I hold on to your word.

68 You are good, and you do good things.

Teach me your laws.

69 Arrogant people have smeared me with lies, yet I obey your guiding principles with all my heart.

70 Their hearts are cold and insensitive, yet I am happy with your teachings.

71 It was good that I had to suffer in order to learn your laws.

72 The teachings that come from your mouth are worth more to me than thousands in gold or silver.

73 Your hands created me and made me what I am.

Help me understand so that I may learn your commandments.

74 Those who fear you will see me and rejoice, because my hope is based on your word.

75 I know that your regulations are fair, O Yahweh, and that you were right to make me suffer.

76 Let your mercy comfort me as you promised.

77 Let your compassion reach me so that I may live, because your teachings make me happy.

78 Let arrogant people be put to shame because they lied about me, yet I reflect on your guiding principles.

79 Let those who fear you turn to me so that they can come to know your written instructions.

80 Let my heart be filled with integrity in regard to your laws so that I will not be put to shame.

81 My soul is weak from waiting for you to save me.

My hope is based on your word.

82 My eyes have become strained from looking for your promise.

I ask, "When will you comfort me?"

83 Although I have become like a shriveled and dried out wineskin, I have not forgotten your laws.

84 What is left of my life?