9 We no longer see miraculous signs.
There are no prophets anymore.
No one knows how long this will last.
10 How long, O Elohim, will the enemy insult us?
Will the enemy despise you forever?
11 Why do you hold back your hand, especially your right hand?
Take your hands out of your pockets.
Destroy your enemies!a 12 And yet, from long ago Elohim has been my Melek , the one who has been victorious throughout the earth.
13 You stirred up the sea with your own strength.
You smashed the heads of sea monsters in the water.
14 You crushed the heads of Leviathanb and gave them to the creatures of the desert for food.
15 You opened the springs and brooks.
You dried up the ever-flowing rivers.
16 The day and the night are yours.
You set the moon and the sun in their places.
17 You determined all the boundaries of the earth.
You created summer and winter.
18 Remember how the enemy insulted you, O Yahweh .
Remember how an entire nation of godless fools despised your name.
19 Do not hand over the soul of your dove to wild animals.
Do not forget the life of your oppressed people forever.
20 Consider your promisec because every dark corner of the land is filled with violence.
21 Do not let oppressed people come back in disgrace.
Let weak and needy people praise your name.
22 Arise, O Elohim !
Fight for your own cause!
Remember how godless fools insult you all day long.
23 Do not forget the shouting of your opponents.
Do not forget the uproar made by those who attack you.
Psalm 75 For the choir director; al tashcheth; a psalm by Asaph; a song.
1 We give thanks to you, O Elohim; we give thanks.
You are present, and your miracles confirm that.
2 When I choose the right time, I will judge fairly.
3 When the earth and everyone who lives on it begin to melt, I will make its foundations as solid as rock.
Selah 4 I said to those who brag, "Don't brag,"
and to wicked people, "Don't raise your weapons.
5 Don't raise your weapons so proudly or speak so defiantly."
6 The authority to reward someone does not come from the east, from the west, or even from the wilderness.
7 Elohim alone is the Shophet .
He punishes one person and rewards another.
8 A cup is in Yahweh's hand.
(Its foaming wine is thoroughly mixed with spices.) He will empty it, and all the wicked people on earth will have to drink every last drop.
9 But I will speak about your miracles forever.
I will make music to praise the Elohim of Jacob.
10 I will destroy all the weapons of wicked people, but the weapons of righteous people will be raised proudly.
Psalm 76 For the choir director; on stringed instruments; a psalm by Asaph; a song.
1 Elohim is known in Judah.
His name is great in Israel.
2 His tent is in Salem.
His home is in Zion.
3 There he destroyed flaming arrows, shields, swords, and weapons of war.
Selah 4 You are the radiant one.
You are more majestic than the ancient mountains.a 5 Brave people were robbed.
They died.
None of the warriors were able to lift a hand.
6 At your stern warning, O Elohim of Jacob, chariot riders and horses were put to sleep.
7 You alone must be feared!
Who can stand in your presence when you become angry?
8 From heaven you announced a verdict.
The earth was fearful and silent 9 when you rose to judge, O Elohim, when you rose to save every oppressed person on earth.
10 Even angry mortals will praise you.
You will wear the remainder of their anger.b 11 Make vows to Yahweh your Elohim , and keep them.
Let everyone around him bring gifts to the one who must be feared.
12 He cuts short the lives of influential people.
He terrifies the kings of the earth.
Psalm 77 For the choir director; according to Jeduthun; a psalm by Asaph.
1 Loudly, I cried to Elohim.
Loudly, I cried to Elohim so that he would open his ears to hear me.
2 On the day I was in trouble, I went to Adonay for help.
At night I stretched out my hands in prayer without growing tired.
Yet, my soul refused to be comforted.
3 I sigh as I remember Elohim.
I begin to lose hope as I think about him.
Selah 4 (You keep my eyelids open.) I am so upset that I cannot speak.
5 I have considered the days of old, the years long ago.
6 I remember my song in the night and reflect on it.
My spirit searches for an answer: 7 Will Adonay reject me for all time?
Will he ever accept me?
8 Has his mercy come to an end forever?
Has his promise been canceled throughout every generation?
9 Has El forgotten to be merciful?
Has he locked up his compassion because of his anger?
Selah 10 Then I said, "It makes me feel sick that the power of Elyon is no longer the same."a 11 I will remember the deeds of Yah .
I will remember your ancient miracles.
12 I will reflect on all your actions and think about what you have done.
13 O Elohim, your ways are holy!
What god is as great as our Elohim?
14 You are the El who performs miracles.
You have made your strength known among the nations.
15 With your might you have defended your people, the descendants of Jacob and Joseph.
Selah 16 The water saw you, O Elohim .
The water saw you and shook.
Even the depths of the sea trembled.
17 The clouds poured out water.
The sky thundered.
Even your arrows flashed in every direction.
18 The sound of your thunder rumbled in the sky.b Streaks of lightning lit up the world.
The earth trembled and shook.
19 Your road went through the sea.
Your path went through raging water, but your footprints could not be seen.