The Names Of God Bible - The Names of God Bible Part 112

The Names of God Bible Part 112

Trouble and misery are everywhere.

11 Destruction is everywhere.

Oppression and fraud never leave the streets.a 12 If an enemy had insulted me, then I could bear it.

If someone who hated me had attacked me, then I could hide from him.

13 But it is you, my equal, my best friend, one I knew so well!

14 We used to talk to each other in complete confidence and walk into Elohim's house with the festival crowds.

15 Let death suddenly take wicked people!

Let them go into the grave while they are still alive, because evil lives in their homes as well as in their hearts.

16 But I call on Elohim, and Yahweh saves me.

17 Morning, noon, and night I complain and groan, and he listens to my voice.

18 With his peace, he will rescue my soul from the war waged against me, because there are many soldiers fighting against me.

19 El will listen.

The one who has sat enthroned from the beginning will deal with them.

Selah They never change. They never fear Elohim.

20 My best friend has betrayed his friends.

He has broken his solemn promise.

21 His speech is smoother than butter, but there is war in his heart.

His words are more soothing than oil, but they are like swords ready to attack.

22 Turn your burdens over to Yahweh , and he will take care of you.

He will never let the righteous person stumble.

23 But you, O Elohim , will throw wicked people into the deepest pit.

Bloodthirsty and deceitful people will not live out half their days.

But I will trust you.

Psalm 56 For the choir director; according to yonath elem rechokim;b a miktam by David when the Philistines captured him in Gath.

1 Have pity on me, O Elohim, because people are harassing me.

All day long warriors oppress me.

2 All day long my enemies spy on me.

They harass me.

There are so many fighting against me.

3 Even when I am afraid, I still trust you.

4 I praise the word of Elohim.

I trust Elohim.

I am not afraid.

What can mere flesh and blood do to me?

5 All day long my enemies twist my words.

Their every thought is an evil plan against me.

6 They attack, and then they hide.

They watch my every step as they wait to take my life.

7 With the wrong they do, can they escape?

O Elohim, angrily make the nations fall.

8 (You have kept a record of my wanderings.

Put my tears in your bottle.

They are already in your book.) 9 Then my enemies will retreat when I call to you.

This I know: Elohim is on my side.

10 I praise the word of Elohim.

I praise the word of Yahweh .

11 I trust Elohim.

I am not afraid.

What can mortals do to me?

12 I am bound by my vows to you, O Elohim.

I will keep my vows by offering songs of thanksgiving to you.

13 You have rescued me from death.

You have kept my feet from stumbling so that I could walk in Elohim's presence, in the light of life.

Psalm 57 For the choir director; al tashcheth;a a miktam by David when he fled from Saul into the cave.

1 Have pity on me, O Elohim. Have pity on me, because my soul takes refuge in you.

I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until destructive storms pass by.

2 I call to Elohim Elyon , to El who does everything for me.

3 He sends his help from heaven and saves me.

He disgraces the one who is harassing me.

Selah Elohim sends his mercy and his truth!

4 My soul is surrounded by lions.

I must lie down with man-eating lions.

Their teeth are spears and arrows.

Their tongues are sharp swords.

5 May you be honored above the heavens, O Elohim.

Let your glory extend over the whole earth.

6 My enemies spread out a net to catch me.

(My soul is bowed down.)b They dug a pit to trap me, but then they fell into it.

Selah 7 My heart is confident, O Elohim.

My heart is confident.

I want to sing and make music.a 8 Wake up, my soul!b Wake up, harp and lyre!

I want to wake up at dawn.

9 I want to give thanks to you among the people, O Adonay .

I want to make music to praise you among the nations 10 because your mercy is as high as the heavens.

Your truth reaches the skies.

11 May you be honored above the heavens, O Elohim .

Let your glory extend over the whole earth.

Psalm 58 For the choir director; al tashcheth; a miktam by David.

1 Do you rulers really give fair verdicts?

Do you judge Adam's descendants fairly?

2 No, you invent new crimes on earth, and your hands spread violence.

3 Even inside the womb wicked people are strangers to God.

From their birth liars go astray.

4 They have poisonous venom like snakes.

They are like a deaf cobra that shuts its ears 5 so that it cannot hear the voice of a snake charmer or of anyone trained to cast spells.

6 O Elohim, knock the teeth out of their mouths.

Break the young lions' teeth, O Yahweh .

7 Let them disappear like water that drains away.

When they aim their bows, let their arrows miss the target.c 8 Let them become like a snail that leaves behind a slimy trail or like a stillborn child who never sees the sun.

9 Let God sweep them away faster than a cooking pot is heated by burning twigs.d 10 Righteous people will rejoice when they see God take revenge.

They will wash their feet in the blood of wicked people.

11 Then people will say, "Righteous people certainly have a reward.

There is an Elohim who judges on earth."

Psalm 59 For the choir director; al tashcheth; a miktam by David when Saul sent men to watch David's home and kill him.

1 Rescue me from my enemies, O my Elohim.

Protect me from those who attack me.

2 Rescue me from troublemakers.

Save me from bloodthirsty people.

3 They lie in ambush for me right here!

Fierce men attack me, O Yahweh, but not because of any disobedience, 4 or any sin, or any guilt on my part.