So if you haven't done it already-or if you started last paragraph but forgot by now-why not start this moment?
You are, right now, enveloped by G.o.d's loving presence like a molecule of water in the middle of an infinite ocean. His loving presence presses in on you like the water pressure on a submarine three miles beneath the ocean. Right now, simply become aware of this truth. Let the reality of G.o.d's loving presence be the canva.s.s against which you experience and interpret the world around you-including reading this book.
As Brother Lawrence taught, sprinkling short spoken prayers throughout the day will help you stay awake to G.o.d's presence. As you're reading the next couple paragraphs, for example, you might want to pause every now and then and whisper, "Thank you Lord for surrounding me with your love" or "I surrender this moment up to you." A central challenge of Kingdom discipleship is to make this sort of prayer a habit. I believe it's what Paul was getting at when he told us to "pray continually."
As bad as I am at this discipline, I've learned over time that Brother Lawrence is absolutely right-the most insignificant details of our life take on eternal significance when they are integrated with an awareness of G.o.d's continual presence. In G.o.d's presence, the "secular" world disappears as it is enveloped by, and permeated with, the "holy."
As I've practiced the presence of G.o.d, there have been moments when I've suddenly become aware of the beautiful mystery of every detail of my surroundings. It's like the Kingdom breaks through my habitual, false, "secular" view of the world and explodes it from the inside out. In these moments I sense the mind-boggling miracle of existence in everything around me. A leaf twitching in the wind; a bird flying overhead; a ladybug on the blade of gra.s.s-it's all an unfathomable miracle. In these moments I am tangibly aware that all things are at every moment held in existence by "[G.o.d's] powerful word" (Hebrews 1:3). I am struck with childlike wonder. I feel like I'm looking at the world for the first time.
In moments like these I realize how much the secularized world-view has dulled my spiritual senses.
Experiences like this are magnificent, but we can't make them happen (I've tried), and we shouldn't strive for them. Our goal is not to have experiences but simply to live faithful to the pledge we made when we confessed Jesus Christ as Lord.
This is the Kingdom. It's all about our lives becoming a domain over which G.o.d reigns. And our lives are nothing more than a series of present moments strung together. is the Kingdom. It's all about our lives becoming a domain over which G.o.d reigns. And our lives are nothing more than a series of present moments strung together.
As we grow in our capacity to seek first the Kingdom of G.o.d every moment, surrendering to his love in each of the present moments that make up our lives, we increasingly manifest the beauty of G.o.d's holy Life, and we revolt against the secularism that so profoundly afflicts our world.
If we live with a secular mindset, our mind is consumed with self-centered thoughts. We think about our our plans and desires and about how things affect plans and desires and about how things affect us us. Our mind is a domain over which we we reign rather than one over which G.o.d reigns. reign rather than one over which G.o.d reigns.
Practicing the presence of G.o.d begins to change this. Remaining aware of G.o.d's presence and surrendering to G.o.d's will on a moment-by-moment basis draws us out of ourselves and gives us a capacity to begin to hear G.o.d's voice. Now G.o.d can begin to lead us to carry out his his plans and wishes, rather than our own. Now we can begin to function like members of Christ's body that is actually responsive to "the head." Now we can function like sheep who hear the voice of the good shepherd. This is impossible when our mind is consumed with ourselves. plans and wishes, rather than our own. Now we can begin to function like members of Christ's body that is actually responsive to "the head." Now we can function like sheep who hear the voice of the good shepherd. This is impossible when our mind is consumed with ourselves.
As you embark on the practice of the presence of G.o.d, I encourage you to pay attention to small promptings in your heart. This is the sort of gentle nudge we subconsciously and automatically dismiss when our mindset is secularized. I encourage you to revolt against this secularism by paying attention to these nudges.
If an action that one feels nudged to engage in is consistent with the character of Jesus Christ, I encourage you not to overa.n.a.lyze it. Just do it. What's the worst that could happen? Even if the prompting wasn't directly from G.o.d, the worst-case scenario is that you just engaged in a loving Kingdom act. How bad is that?
A while back I drove up to a stop sign and watched a young lady with two children cross in front of me. They looked like they were rather poor, if not homeless. I whispered a little prayer of blessing on them, when suddenly I felt I was supposed to give her a hundred dollar bill I had been given earlier in the day.
So, much to the chagrin of the driver who had now pulled up behind me at this stop sign, I jumped out of my car and asked this lady: "Do you believe in G.o.d?"
She gave me a bewildered and slightly concerned look as she hesitantly responded, "Yeah."
"Good," I said as I walked toward her, "because I think he's telling me to give you this." I put the bill in her hand and said, "He loves you and is watching out for you." I quickly returned to my car and drove off. I glanced in my rearview mirror as I drove down the road and saw this young lady holding her hands over her face, crying.
Now, can I be absolutely sure this was G.o.d telling me to do this? No. I think think it was, because I usually consider giving money to total strangers an unwise investment of G.o.d's resources. But what if I'm wrong? At worst, I'm guilty of being foolishly generous. How bad is that? it was, because I usually consider giving money to total strangers an unwise investment of G.o.d's resources. But what if I'm wrong? At worst, I'm guilty of being foolishly generous. How bad is that?
I encourage you to revolt against our culture's secularized world-view by practicing the presence of G.o.d while paying attention to the nudges in your heart. When they are consistent with the character of Christ and express love, act on them. You've got nothing to lose-except perhaps some time and money. But even these you didn't really "lose," because now they're invested in the Kingdom.
As we grow in our capacity to live under the reign of G.o.d moment-by-moment, we increasingly manifest the beauty of his ever-present love while revolting against the ugly secularism that afflicts our world.
This is the heart of the Kingdom of G.o.d.
This is the heart of the revolution we've been invited to partic.i.p.ate in.
Viva la revolution!
Returning to the Source. For each chapter I include practical action steps that readers can take to put the chapter's teaching into practice. The first suggested action step for each chapter is a reminder to "Return to the Source." I include this in each chapter because it is foundational to everything the Kingdom is about. Everything we do in the Kingdom manifests the fullness of Life we get from G.o.d alone. He alone is to be our source of Life. We will find it impossible to live out the radical, countercultural call of the Kingdom except insofar as our core sense of worth, significance, and security is anch.o.r.ed in G.o.d's love for us, expressed on Calvary. For each chapter I include practical action steps that readers can take to put the chapter's teaching into practice. The first suggested action step for each chapter is a reminder to "Return to the Source." I include this in each chapter because it is foundational to everything the Kingdom is about. Everything we do in the Kingdom manifests the fullness of Life we get from G.o.d alone. He alone is to be our source of Life. We will find it impossible to live out the radical, countercultural call of the Kingdom except insofar as our core sense of worth, significance, and security is anch.o.r.ed in G.o.d's love for us, expressed on Calvary.
I thus encourage readers to commit to continually relinquish all idols and to return to their one true source of Life. Engaging in the cla.s.sic spiritual disciplines alone and with other followers of Jesus is profoundly helpful in this regard. (For information on these, see the suggested readings at The spiritual discipline I and many others have found most helpful in experiencing G.o.d's fullness of Life involves the biblical and traditional practice of imaginative prayer (sometimes called "cata-phatic prayer"). 1 1 Paul teaches that while unbelievers have a veil over the minds, the Spirit removes this veil when a person submits to Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 3:14 16). He then adds, Paul teaches that while unbelievers have a veil over the minds, the Spirit removes this veil when a person submits to Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 3:14 16). He then adds, Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being changed into his likeness from one degree of glory to another; for this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit. (2 Corinthians 3:17 18, RSV) Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being changed into his likeness from one degree of glory to another; for this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit. (2 Corinthians 3:17 18, RSV) Notice that the Spirit-inspired "beholding" Paul speaks of in this pa.s.sage is one that occurs in the mind in the mind. "The G.o.d of this age has blinded the minds the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot of unbelievers, so that they cannot see see...the glory of Christ, who is the image of G.o.d" (2 Corinthians 4:4, emphasis added). But the Spirit has set believers free to see "the light of the knowledge of the glory of G.o.d in the face of Jesus Christ" (4:6).
In light of this, I encourage you to regularly set aside times when you ask the Spirit to help you experience in your mind in your mind the glory of G.o.d in the face of Jesus Christ. Get alone in a darkened room, put on some soft lyricless background music, and imaginatively see, hear, and sense Jesus Christ expressing his perfect, unconditional love to you. Envision Jesus telling you things G.o.d's already said the glory of G.o.d in the face of Jesus Christ. Get alone in a darkened room, put on some soft lyricless background music, and imaginatively see, hear, and sense Jesus Christ expressing his perfect, unconditional love to you. Envision Jesus telling you things G.o.d's already said about about you in Scripture, but now you in Scripture, but now experience experience him expressing it to you him expressing it to you personally personally.
You might, for example, experience the Lord looking into your eyes as he tells you he loves you with a perfect everlasting love (Jeremiah 31:3), that you are his beloved friend (John 15:5), and that nothing can separate you from his love (Romans 8:35 39). You might experience the Lord holding you as a little child, promising you that, in contrast to what some others may have done in your life, he will never leave you or forsake you (Matthew 28:20).
It's one thing to know about know about these truths, but these truths, but experiencing experiencing the Lord communicate them to you personally is far more transforming. Experiencing the beauty of Christ's love as the source of our core worth, significance, and security sets us free to live in the Kingdom revolution. the Lord communicate them to you personally is far more transforming. Experiencing the beauty of Christ's love as the source of our core worth, significance, and security sets us free to live in the Kingdom revolution.
Examine yourself. Alone and with friends, reflect on the extent to which your life mirrors the life of Christ. What difference does following Jesus make in terms of how you view others and spend your time, talents, and resources? If you were Alone and with friends, reflect on the extent to which your life mirrors the life of Christ. What difference does following Jesus make in terms of how you view others and spend your time, talents, and resources? If you were not not a follower of Jesus, how would your life look different? Ask G.o.d to reveal to you aspects of the broader culture that you have unwittingly appropriated, especially those inconsistent with his reign. a follower of Jesus, how would your life look different? Ask G.o.d to reveal to you aspects of the broader culture that you have unwittingly appropriated, especially those inconsistent with his reign.
When you discern inconsistencies, don't judge yourself harshly. Conviction is helpful, but judgment isn't. Simply remind yourself that your worth, security, and significance come from what G.o.d thinks of you as defined by Calvary. Ask G.o.d to empower you to live consistent with the Kingdom ident.i.ty and to manifest his beauty. Ask fellow Jesus-followers your share life with to hold you accountable to this commitment.
Return to the Source. We can't hope to change the world until we ourselves are changed. When broken people-including broken Christians-try to fix the world, we only succeed in breaking it further. Our Kingdom impact can never outrun our own Kingdom transformation, and the key to personal transformation concerns where we go to get Life. We can't hope to change the world until we ourselves are changed. When broken people-including broken Christians-try to fix the world, we only succeed in breaking it further. Our Kingdom impact can never outrun our own Kingdom transformation, and the key to personal transformation concerns where we go to get Life.
We cannot hope to advance the Kingdom as long as we get any aspect of our sense of worth, significance, or security from anything other than the King. If we get our Life from our political or national allegiances, for example, we will invariably fuse them with our (now compromised) allegiance to the Kingdom, and we will tend to view those opposed to our political or national allegiances as enemies. To keep the Kingdom holy and to live in love, we must consistently return to the one true source of Life, Jesus Christ.
Set aside regular times when you drink deeply from the infinite reservoir of G.o.d's love. Relying on the Holy Spirit, imagine Jesus expressing to you all the things Scripture says about you because of your ident.i.ty in him.
Process this chapter. Alone and with friends, reflect on how this chapter impacted you. Did it challenge anything you previously thought about government, Jesus, or the Kingdom of G.o.d? How might you live differently because of what you learned? What questions does this chapter raise that you hope will be answered later in the book? Did you disagree with anything in this chapter? If so, ask yourself if yours is a legitimate counter-perspective or if it's rooted in something else. Alone and with friends, reflect on how this chapter impacted you. Did it challenge anything you previously thought about government, Jesus, or the Kingdom of G.o.d? How might you live differently because of what you learned? What questions does this chapter raise that you hope will be answered later in the book? Did you disagree with anything in this chapter? If so, ask yourself if yours is a legitimate counter-perspective or if it's rooted in something else.
Examine yourself. Alone and with other followers of Jesus you share life with, honestly explore what kind of power you trust. Have you allowed a "power-over" mindset to compromise your allegiance to the Kingdom of G.o.d? Are you ever tempted to think that your political opinions or activism are advancing the Kingdom of G.o.d? When you encounter conflict, as we all do, is your first impulse to Alone and with other followers of Jesus you share life with, honestly explore what kind of power you trust. Have you allowed a "power-over" mindset to compromise your allegiance to the Kingdom of G.o.d? Are you ever tempted to think that your political opinions or activism are advancing the Kingdom of G.o.d? When you encounter conflict, as we all do, is your first impulse to win win? Or do you try to manifest the self-sacrificial love of Christ to the person you're in conflict with? If you tend toward a power-over mindset, ask the Spirit and people you are in community with to help you discern why this is. Ask G.o.d to give you the same mindset that was in Christ Jesus when he humbled himself, set aside his divine rights, became a human, and died on the cross (Philippians 2:5 9).
Be the first fruits of the coming Kingdom. The New Testament refers to Jesus followers as the "first fruits" of a coming harvest (2 Thessalonians 2:13; James 1:18; Revelation 14:4). "First fruits" refers to fruit that ripened and was picked before the rest of the harvest and was then consecrated to G.o.d (Exodus 23:19). As the "first fruits" of G.o.d's coming harvest, our call is individually and collectively to manifest heaven The New Testament refers to Jesus followers as the "first fruits" of a coming harvest (2 Thessalonians 2:13; James 1:18; Revelation 14:4). "First fruits" refers to fruit that ripened and was picked before the rest of the harvest and was then consecrated to G.o.d (Exodus 23:19). As the "first fruits" of G.o.d's coming harvest, our call is individually and collectively to manifest heaven ahead of time ahead of time. Everything that will characterize the Kingdom when it's fully come should characterize us now, and everything that will be absent when the Kingdom is fully come should be absent from our life now.
In light of this, reflect on and discuss with friends what aspects of your life (thoughts, att.i.tudes, values, behaviors, etc.) will not not be present in heaven. When you've a.s.sessed this, remind yourself that you are called to be present in heaven. When you've a.s.sessed this, remind yourself that you are called to be be heaven on earth and that these aspects of your "old" self do not reflect who you truly are in Christ. You are empowered by the Spirit to put them off and manifest your true ident.i.ty (Ephesians 4:22 32). Commit to yielding to the Spirit of Christ throughout the day, and covenant with other Kingdom people you share life with to help each another be "first fruits" of the coming Kingdom. heaven on earth and that these aspects of your "old" self do not reflect who you truly are in Christ. You are empowered by the Spirit to put them off and manifest your true ident.i.ty (Ephesians 4:22 32). Commit to yielding to the Spirit of Christ throughout the day, and covenant with other Kingdom people you share life with to help each another be "first fruits" of the coming Kingdom.
Wake up to spiritual warfare. How do you respond to the claim that Jesus' revolt was primarily against the Powers, not against people? If you, like most Western people, find that spiritual warfare has little or no role in your life, despite the fact that it was central to Jesus' ministry and the early church, ask G.o.d to open your eyes, as Elijah prayed for his servant (2 Kings 6:15 17). Ask G.o.d to help you see, in a spiritual way, the Powers that are behind the evils plaguing society and creation. Together with others, pray that G.o.d will help you see yourself as a soldier stationed in enemy-occupied territory whose primary task in life is to topple the enemy's empire and set humans free (2 Timothy 2:4). How do you respond to the claim that Jesus' revolt was primarily against the Powers, not against people? If you, like most Western people, find that spiritual warfare has little or no role in your life, despite the fact that it was central to Jesus' ministry and the early church, ask G.o.d to open your eyes, as Elijah prayed for his servant (2 Kings 6:15 17). Ask G.o.d to help you see, in a spiritual way, the Powers that are behind the evils plaguing society and creation. Together with others, pray that G.o.d will help you see yourself as a soldier stationed in enemy-occupied territory whose primary task in life is to topple the enemy's empire and set humans free (2 Timothy 2:4).
Return to the Source. We can only be free from idols to the extent that G.o.d meets our core needs. Resolve to find all your worth, significance, and security from Jesus Christ alone. Set aside special times during which you imaginatively see, hear, and sense the Lord expressing his perfect, unconditional love for you. Remind yourself daily of these truths and pray them back to G.o.d. Join with others in engaging in the cla.s.sic spiritual disciplines, for they deepen your capacity to experience G.o.d in transforming ways. We can only be free from idols to the extent that G.o.d meets our core needs. Resolve to find all your worth, significance, and security from Jesus Christ alone. Set aside special times during which you imaginatively see, hear, and sense the Lord expressing his perfect, unconditional love for you. Remind yourself daily of these truths and pray them back to G.o.d. Join with others in engaging in the cla.s.sic spiritual disciplines, for they deepen your capacity to experience G.o.d in transforming ways.
Picture G.o.d. The story of Eve's succ.u.mbing to the serpent's temptation teaches us that a false, untrustworthy picture of G.o.d is at the root of our idolatry. We can't get all our Life from a G.o.d we don't trust. Everything about the Kingdom, therefore, hinges on the accuracy and beauty of our mental picture of G.o.d. Jesus came to reveal the true G.o.d. "If you see me you see the Father," he said. Honestly ask yourself, "Do I believe this?" The story of Eve's succ.u.mbing to the serpent's temptation teaches us that a false, untrustworthy picture of G.o.d is at the root of our idolatry. We can't get all our Life from a G.o.d we don't trust. Everything about the Kingdom, therefore, hinges on the accuracy and beauty of our mental picture of G.o.d. Jesus came to reveal the true G.o.d. "If you see me you see the Father," he said. Honestly ask yourself, "Do I believe this?"
Here's an exercise I engage in to keep my picture of G.o.d centered on Jesus. Sit in a darkened room. Put on soft music if that helps. Then envision Jesus dying on the cross. Beneath him are vulgar guards, laughing as they cast dice for his garments. See Jesus looking down at them with loving eyes as he says, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing" (Luke 23:34). Then see Jesus, still on the cross, looking at you you. Hear him say something like, "[Your name], will you trust that I am the perfect expression of what G.o.d is like? Will you trust that my sacrifice reflects what you you mean to G.o.d?" (Hebrews 1:3). mean to G.o.d?" (Hebrews 1:3).
Prayerfully reflect on your thoughts and feelings as you experienced Jesus saying this. Is there a part of you that resists believing that G.o.d is this beautiful this beautiful? Do you have competing, un-Christlike pictures of G.o.d in your mind? Identify these mental pictures and then set them aside, reminding yourself that G.o.d looks like Jesus, dying on Calvary for the people who crucified him. Exercises like this help turn mere information about Jesus (for example, that he loves all people and died for the sins of the world) into transformative truth (that he loves me me unconditionally and died for unconditionally and died for my my sins). As we appropriate the truth of Jesus at this deep, existential level, it truly does "set us free," as Jesus promised (John 8:32)! sins). As we appropriate the truth of Jesus at this deep, existential level, it truly does "set us free," as Jesus promised (John 8:32)!
Cultural idols. Reflect on and discuss with friends what you believe are the central idols in our culture? What do people crave? What do they live for? How do television shows, commercials, movies, billboards, and so on, ill.u.s.trate these idols? In prayer and in dialogue with friends, explore ways you may be unwittingly influenced by these idols and what it would look like to live in revolt against them. Reflect on and discuss with friends what you believe are the central idols in our culture? What do people crave? What do they live for? How do television shows, commercials, movies, billboards, and so on, ill.u.s.trate these idols? In prayer and in dialogue with friends, explore ways you may be unwittingly influenced by these idols and what it would look like to live in revolt against them.
Take an idol inventory. Here's a way to get in touch with the idols in your life. Make a list of everything that you love and enjoy: people, possessions, abilities, personal attributes, and so on. Then go through the list and picture yourself losing that person, possession, ability, or attribute. Because you love and enjoy each thing, you would obviously experience grief if it were taken from you. This is natural. But honestly ask yourself: Would my core sense of being fully alive be diminished by this loss? If so, you may have an idolatrous relationship with that person, possession, ability, or attribute. Here's a way to get in touch with the idols in your life. Make a list of everything that you love and enjoy: people, possessions, abilities, personal attributes, and so on. Then go through the list and picture yourself losing that person, possession, ability, or attribute. Because you love and enjoy each thing, you would obviously experience grief if it were taken from you. This is natural. But honestly ask yourself: Would my core sense of being fully alive be diminished by this loss? If so, you may have an idolatrous relationship with that person, possession, ability, or attribute.
If you do, don't slip into self-condemnation. Rather, ask G.o.d to help you get all all your Life from him. Picture the cross of Christ as you remind yourself that this is what your Creator thinks you're worth. Prayerfully imagine Jesus telling you, "[Your name], I give you this person [or possession, ability, or attribute] as a gift to love and enjoy. But I alone am your source of Life. All you your Life from him. Picture the cross of Christ as you remind yourself that this is what your Creator thinks you're worth. Prayerfully imagine Jesus telling you, "[Your name], I give you this person [or possession, ability, or attribute] as a gift to love and enjoy. But I alone am your source of Life. All you really really hunger for is found in me." Begin to walk in this reality. hunger for is found in me." Begin to walk in this reality.
Live with open palms. Life is our education for eternity. And one of the most important lessons G.o.d wants to teach us is how to let go of the world and cling to him. Slowly-and sometimes not so slowly-everything we cherish is being taken from us. We're all in the process of dying. Grief over these losses is as natural as it is inevitable, but to endure this process gracefully, engage in the following exercise now and then. Again make a list of everything that you love and enjoy: people, possessions, abilities, personal attributes, etc. Go through the list and imagine your hand tightly gripping each one. Then imagine the Lord lovingly and gently opening your hand. As he does this, he says, "[Your name], this is yours to enjoy-but never to Life is our education for eternity. And one of the most important lessons G.o.d wants to teach us is how to let go of the world and cling to him. Slowly-and sometimes not so slowly-everything we cherish is being taken from us. We're all in the process of dying. Grief over these losses is as natural as it is inevitable, but to endure this process gracefully, engage in the following exercise now and then. Again make a list of everything that you love and enjoy: people, possessions, abilities, personal attributes, etc. Go through the list and imagine your hand tightly gripping each one. Then imagine the Lord lovingly and gently opening your hand. As he does this, he says, "[Your name], this is yours to enjoy-but never to own own. Are you ready and willing to give this back to me?"
When you reach an item you have trouble releasing, ask the Lord to help you. Hear him remind you, "[Your name], I am all you really want and all you really need. Love and enjoy this thing, but don't cling to it." Ask the Lord to teach you whatever else you need to learn about your relationship with the person or thing you have trouble releasing.
Rehea.r.s.e your death. Here's a prayer exercise I've benefited from for the last twenty years. Use prayer to rehea.r.s.e your own death. Close your eyes and imagine you've just died (perhaps in a car crash or due to cancer). Experience what it feels like to have Here's a prayer exercise I've benefited from for the last twenty years. Use prayer to rehea.r.s.e your own death. Close your eyes and imagine you've just died (perhaps in a car crash or due to cancer). Experience what it feels like to have everything everything except the absolute core of your being taken from you. Family, friends, possessions, achievements, abilities- except the absolute core of your being taken from you. Family, friends, possessions, achievements, abilities-everything gone. Then imagine Jesus standing in front of you, radiant, smiling, with open arms. He welcomes you and embraces you, saying, "[Your name], I could not love you more." Try to experience the fullness of life, joy, and peace your heart craves. Then ask Jesus to help you live this way gone. Then imagine Jesus standing in front of you, radiant, smiling, with open arms. He welcomes you and embraces you, saying, "[Your name], I could not love you more." Try to experience the fullness of life, joy, and peace your heart craves. Then ask Jesus to help you live this way right now right now.
To experience the fullness of Kingdom Life, we have to die to everything else as a source of life. Practice dying-so that you may live.
Return to the source. The mustard-seed Kingdom must be planted in the human heart before it can begin to branch out and take over our minds, behavior, families, neighborhoods, and the broader society. Too often people try to change the world without changing themselves. It never works (and usually makes things worse). Change must begin in our own hearts. The most fundamental question is: What is my source of Life? The mustard-seed Kingdom must be planted in the human heart before it can begin to branch out and take over our minds, behavior, families, neighborhoods, and the broader society. Too often people try to change the world without changing themselves. It never works (and usually makes things worse). Change must begin in our own hearts. The most fundamental question is: What is my source of Life?
It is impossible to revolt against our addiction to the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil until we are getting our worth, significance, and security from Christ alone. In the midst of the busyness of our lives, we must set aside times to drink deeply from the wellspring of the beautiful love and mercy that flows from Calvary. Envision the Lord embracing you as he tells you it gave him joy to give his life for you (Hebrews 12:2) and that you are his precious work of art (Ephesians 2:10). Throughout the day remind yourself that Calvary expresses G.o.d's estimation of you and that all you really hunger for is found here. Remind yourself that Christ alone is your source of Life. Often I say to myself: "My Life is Christ, so nothing else really matters." Reinforce right priorities in your life and deepen your capacity to experience true Life by occasionally fasting from food, television, communication, or anything else as the Lord directs. Join with your friends in embarking on other spiritual disciplines and enjoying the presence of G.o.d in worship.
The blessing prayer. The first thing Jesus told his disciples to do when they came to a stranger's house was to pray a blessing on it (Luke 10:5). I believe this is still our first and most fundamental task in relation to every person we encounter. We are to express our basic agreement with G.o.d that every person we encounter was worth Jesus' dying for by blessing them-even if they curse us and mistreat us (Luke 6:27 28). The first thing Jesus told his disciples to do when they came to a stranger's house was to pray a blessing on it (Luke 10:5). I believe this is still our first and most fundamental task in relation to every person we encounter. We are to express our basic agreement with G.o.d that every person we encounter was worth Jesus' dying for by blessing them-even if they curse us and mistreat us (Luke 6:27 28).
In this light, I encourage you to cultivate the habit of blessing people throughout the day. If you need to, put up Post-it notes in strategic places reminding you to do this and enter into a covenant with friends to remind one another. With every encounter during the day, simply think or quietly whisper, "Lord, I agree with you-this person has unsurpa.s.sable worth. Thank you for creating them and dying for them. I pray blessing on their life, in your name." person has unsurpa.s.sable worth. Thank you for creating them and dying for them. I pray blessing on their life, in your name."
Try going to a crowded place (mall, downtown, a fair) and spend an hour or so agreeing with G.o.d that every person you see has unsurpa.s.sable worth. Pray a blessing on each one. Notice how this discipline affects your feelings and att.i.tudes. On occasion you may experience an explosion of Kingdom Life as I did in the mall over a decade ago. Nothing releases the abundant Life of the Kingdom like hoping, believing, and praying for the best for people (see 1 Corinthians 13:6 7).
Here's another idea. Several people in the church I pastor have a ministry they call "prayer stalking." They go to crowded places, as G.o.d leads them, and adopt certain individuals to pray for. They discretely follow them at a distance, blessing them and praying for them as they feel led. It has resulted in some amazing, unintended evangelistic opportunities, though the primary purpose is simply to agree with G.o.d that each person has unsurpa.s.sable worth.
Set aside judgment. As you engage in blessing prayer, you will become more adept at noticing how many As you engage in blessing prayer, you will become more adept at noticing how many non non-blessing thoughts you have. As you discover these, don't judge yourself. Pa.s.sing judgment on yourself is no more appropriate or helpful than pa.s.sing judgment on others. That's why Paul said, "I do not even judge myself" (1 Corinthians 4:3). Instead, simply remind yourself that G.o.d alone is judge and that your only job as a Kingdom person is to agree with him that every person you see has unsurpa.s.sable worth.
Love enemies. Think of the person it is hardest for you to love. Perhaps they have harmed you or continue to harm you or other people in some way. Now, it's okay if your Think of the person it is hardest for you to love. Perhaps they have harmed you or continue to harm you or other people in some way. Now, it's okay if your feelings feelings about this individual don't change right away, for Kingdom love is not about feelings. It's about agreeing with G.o.d's a.s.sessment of people's worth. So ask G.o.d to help you love this person as G.o.d loves you. Remind yourself that Jesus died for about this individual don't change right away, for Kingdom love is not about feelings. It's about agreeing with G.o.d's a.s.sessment of people's worth. So ask G.o.d to help you love this person as G.o.d loves you. Remind yourself that Jesus died for you you when you were when you were his his enemy, and ask him to empower you to have this att.i.tude toward your enemy (Ephesians 5:1 2). Then, as you envision this person in your mind, express your agreement with G.o.d that this individual has unsurpa.s.sable worth by praying a blessing prayer for that person. Finally, ask G.o.d to give you his wisdom about how you can express this person's unsurpa.s.sable worth to them in more concrete ways. enemy, and ask him to empower you to have this att.i.tude toward your enemy (Ephesians 5:1 2). Then, as you envision this person in your mind, express your agreement with G.o.d that this individual has unsurpa.s.sable worth by praying a blessing prayer for that person. Finally, ask G.o.d to give you his wisdom about how you can express this person's unsurpa.s.sable worth to them in more concrete ways.
Note that loving a person as Christ loves you doesn't doesn't necessarily mean that you trust them, want to be their friend, or even want to be around them. I may wisely mistrust my neighbor or even a relative to babysit my grandson, for example, but I'm still commanded to love that person. You may discern that it's unhealthy for you to be in relationship with a certain dysfunctional or malicious person, but you're still commanded to love them. necessarily mean that you trust them, want to be their friend, or even want to be around them. I may wisely mistrust my neighbor or even a relative to babysit my grandson, for example, but I'm still commanded to love that person. You may discern that it's unhealthy for you to be in relationship with a certain dysfunctional or malicious person, but you're still commanded to love them.
Return to the Source. Like everything else about the Kingdom revolution, if we're going to manifest the scandalous grace of G.o.d and revolt against religion, we must begin with ourselves. The task for each one of us is simply to Like everything else about the Kingdom revolution, if we're going to manifest the scandalous grace of G.o.d and revolt against religion, we must begin with ourselves. The task for each one of us is simply to be be the Kingdom. We can't hope to help others get free from religion and manifest the beauty of G.o.d's indiscriminate, relentless agape-love unless we are being transformed by G.o.d's scandalous grace and freed from religion ourselves. So long as our hearts are hungry, we can the Kingdom. We can't hope to help others get free from religion and manifest the beauty of G.o.d's indiscriminate, relentless agape-love unless we are being transformed by G.o.d's scandalous grace and freed from religion ourselves. So long as our hearts are hungry, we can exchange exchange our idols but can never be truly our idols but can never be truly free free from them. from them.
The only way to get free from religion is to continually get Life from the one non-idolatrous source of Life there is-Jesus Christ-and resolve in our minds that all all of our worth, significance, and security comes from what G.o.d thinks of us, as demonstrated on Calvary. of our worth, significance, and security comes from what G.o.d thinks of us, as demonstrated on Calvary.
We can only love others as Christ loves us if we regularly experience Christ loving us. It's imperative, therefore, that Kingdom people take time to allow the Spirit to open their hearts and minds to the beauty of Christ's love for them, for as we behold this beauty we are transformed into into this beauty ( 2 Corinthians 3:17 18). Imaginatively see, hear, and sense the Lord reminding you that you were bought with an infinite price and thus have unsurpa.s.sable worth (Mark 10:45; 1 Corinthians 6:20; 7:23). Experience the Lord tenderly a.s.suring you that you are completely forgiven and have been given the righteousness that comes from him (Romans 5:1; 1 Corinthians 6:20; Ephesians 1:7; Colossians 1:14). Envision the Lord interacting with you like this throughout the day, as you offer up words of praise and grat.i.tude in response. Engage in the spiritual disciplines with those you share life with and spend quality time together worshiping and basking in the presence of G.o.d. this beauty ( 2 Corinthians 3:17 18). Imaginatively see, hear, and sense the Lord reminding you that you were bought with an infinite price and thus have unsurpa.s.sable worth (Mark 10:45; 1 Corinthians 6:20; 7:23). Experience the Lord tenderly a.s.suring you that you are completely forgiven and have been given the righteousness that comes from him (Romans 5:1; 1 Corinthians 6:20; Ephesians 1:7; Colossians 1:14). Envision the Lord interacting with you like this throughout the day, as you offer up words of praise and grat.i.tude in response. Engage in the spiritual disciplines with those you share life with and spend quality time together worshiping and basking in the presence of G.o.d.
Get free from theological idolatry. Ask yourself, "If I were proven wrong about all my beliefs-except my core belief that G.o.d's att.i.tude toward me is revealed in Jesus Christ-would my sense of worth be lessened?" If the answer is yes, it's an indication you are using your beliefs as a source of Life. It's okay to regard beliefs as important. They are. But Christ Ask yourself, "If I were proven wrong about all my beliefs-except my core belief that G.o.d's att.i.tude toward me is revealed in Jesus Christ-would my sense of worth be lessened?" If the answer is yes, it's an indication you are using your beliefs as a source of Life. It's okay to regard beliefs as important. They are. But Christ alone alone is our source of Life. If your ident.i.ty is wrapped up in the rightness of your theology, I encourage you to spend more time experiencing G.o.d's perfect and unlimited love for you-a love that is unwavering even if every theological opinion you have turns out to be wrong. is our source of Life. If your ident.i.ty is wrapped up in the rightness of your theology, I encourage you to spend more time experiencing G.o.d's perfect and unlimited love for you-a love that is unwavering even if every theological opinion you have turns out to be wrong. 2 2 Unmask religion. Prayerfully reflect on your life and that of your community of Jesus followers. Do you individually and collectively attract or repel those most judged by society and religion as "sinful"? If the honest answer is that you tend to repel them, ask yourself why this is so. Is religious idolatry suppressing the unconditional love of the Kingdom in your life or the life of your faith community? Discuss with your community of Jesus followers how you can start communicating G.o.d's love to those most judged by society and religion. How can you start befriending and "washing the feet" of gays, transvest.i.tes, drug addicts, prisoners, and others who have traditionally been judged harshly and rejected by Christians? Prayerfully reflect on your life and that of your community of Jesus followers. Do you individually and collectively attract or repel those most judged by society and religion as "sinful"? If the honest answer is that you tend to repel them, ask yourself why this is so. Is religious idolatry suppressing the unconditional love of the Kingdom in your life or the life of your faith community? Discuss with your community of Jesus followers how you can start communicating G.o.d's love to those most judged by society and religion. How can you start befriending and "washing the feet" of gays, transvest.i.tes, drug addicts, prisoners, and others who have traditionally been judged harshly and rejected by Christians?
Wake up to religious judgment. Alone and with friends, prayerfully reflect on and discuss the following question: Are there certain types of sinners you habitually feel superior to? Are there certain types of sins in other people's lives that you feel you're condoning if you don't show your disapproval of them? For example, it has been my experience that many evangelicals feel they are condoning gays if they don't express their disapproval of them. Ask yourself, would you feel this way if these people were guilty of Alone and with friends, prayerfully reflect on and discuss the following question: Are there certain types of sinners you habitually feel superior to? Are there certain types of sins in other people's lives that you feel you're condoning if you don't show your disapproval of them? For example, it has been my experience that many evangelicals feel they are condoning gays if they don't express their disapproval of them. Ask yourself, would you feel this way if these people were guilty of other other types of sin-if, say, they didn't share their wealth with the poor (greed); if they talked negatively about others behind their backs (gossip); or if they ate more than they needed (gluttony)? If you find that you tend to judge some sins more harshly than others, ask yourself why this is. If you're ruthlessly honest, you're likely to discern that it's because you've been conditioned by religion to condemn some sins (such as h.o.m.os.e.xuality) more harshly than others (such as greed, gossip, and gluttony). Let this serve as a sign that you are still in bondage to religion and need to drink more deeply from the bottomless well of G.o.d's love. Repent (turn) from your judgment and ask G.o.d to give you the humility that genuinely sees your own sin, whatever it may be, as a plank while viewing other people's sin, whatever it may be, as a mere dust particle (Matthew 7:1 3). types of sin-if, say, they didn't share their wealth with the poor (greed); if they talked negatively about others behind their backs (gossip); or if they ate more than they needed (gluttony)? If you find that you tend to judge some sins more harshly than others, ask yourself why this is. If you're ruthlessly honest, you're likely to discern that it's because you've been conditioned by religion to condemn some sins (such as h.o.m.os.e.xuality) more harshly than others (such as greed, gossip, and gluttony). Let this serve as a sign that you are still in bondage to religion and need to drink more deeply from the bottomless well of G.o.d's love. Repent (turn) from your judgment and ask G.o.d to give you the humility that genuinely sees your own sin, whatever it may be, as a plank while viewing other people's sin, whatever it may be, as a mere dust particle (Matthew 7:1 3).
Wash feet . Get a mental image of Jesus washing the dirty, smelly feet of his disciples, knowing they will deny him hours later (John 13:1 5). Since you are called to imitate Jesus in this activity (John 13:14), imagine yourself washing the feet of the people you tend to judge as being the worst of sinners. As you do this, hear Jesus say to you, "As I have loved and served you-and not judged you-so you are to love and serve others and not judge them." Get a mental image of Jesus washing the dirty, smelly feet of his disciples, knowing they will deny him hours later (John 13:1 5). Since you are called to imitate Jesus in this activity (John 13:14), imagine yourself washing the feet of the people you tend to judge as being the worst of sinners. As you do this, hear Jesus say to you, "As I have loved and served you-and not judged you-so you are to love and serve others and not judge them."
Did any part of you have trouble with this picture? If so, it may indicate a stronghold of judgment in your life. Bring that thought captive to Christ by reminding yourself that your sin is worse than any sin you may see in others. If your common sense screams that this is ludicrous-such as, "No way is my greed as bad as that person's h.o.m.os.e.xuality!"-remind yourself that you're called to live in obedience to Jesus, not to the "common sense" of your religious or cultural conditioning. Remind yourself that your main job in life is to imitate imitate Jesus. Pray and discuss with friends how, together, you can concretely "wash the feet" and express G.o.d's humble, servant love toward those you are tempted to think are worse sinners than yourself. Jesus. Pray and discuss with friends how, together, you can concretely "wash the feet" and express G.o.d's humble, servant love toward those you are tempted to think are worse sinners than yourself.
Return to the Source. It may seem ironic, but it is impossible to enter into relationships that reflect the love of the triune community unless we ourselves are getting our Life from G.o.d. We all need deep, meaningful relationships, but they are not to be our source of Life. When our need for worth, significance, and security isn't met by our relationship with G.o.d, we end up using people to try to meet this need. Kingdom relationships shouldn't be a means by which we It may seem ironic, but it is impossible to enter into relationships that reflect the love of the triune community unless we ourselves are getting our Life from G.o.d. We all need deep, meaningful relationships, but they are not to be our source of Life. When our need for worth, significance, and security isn't met by our relationship with G.o.d, we end up using people to try to meet this need. Kingdom relationships shouldn't be a means by which we get get Life from others. Rather, relationships are meant to express and share in the fullness of Life we receive from G.o.d. Not only this, but as long as we're living life in a hungry mode, we will find it impossible to resist the continual pull of our consumer culture. We unwittingly buy the lie that our worth, significance, and security are rooted in what we can acquire, possess, and achieve. This in turn motivates us to make striving for things a higher priority than cultivating deep, but often time-demanding, relationships. So long as we're hungry for Life, we will lack the motivation and capacity to partic.i.p.ate in genuine Kingdom communities. Life from others. Rather, relationships are meant to express and share in the fullness of Life we receive from G.o.d. Not only this, but as long as we're living life in a hungry mode, we will find it impossible to resist the continual pull of our consumer culture. We unwittingly buy the lie that our worth, significance, and security are rooted in what we can acquire, possess, and achieve. This in turn motivates us to make striving for things a higher priority than cultivating deep, but often time-demanding, relationships. So long as we're hungry for Life, we will lack the motivation and capacity to partic.i.p.ate in genuine Kingdom communities.
I encourage you, again, to continually return to the one true source of Life. Make time to rest in the unconditional love of G.o.d, envisioning him holding you, healing you, and rejoicing over you. Individually and with others, engage in spiritual disciplines that deepen your capacity to empty yourself of worldly clutter and make more room for G.o.d's presence.
Introspect. Prayerfully reflect on the extent to which you have been conditioned by Western individualism and consumerism. Are you in authentic "Kingdom relationships"? Have you committed to loving and serving a community of people? Are there people in your life who know you well enough to notice when things are wrong and who care enough to address it? Are there disciples of Jesus whom you trust enough to give permission to point out aspects of your life that are possibly not consistent with your commitment to the Kingdom? Are their friends with whom you're willing to submit significant life decisions for discernment? Do you have a community of people who share your Kingdom vision and with whom you minister to carry out this vision? Prayerfully reflect on the extent to which you have been conditioned by Western individualism and consumerism. Are you in authentic "Kingdom relationships"? Have you committed to loving and serving a community of people? Are there people in your life who know you well enough to notice when things are wrong and who care enough to address it? Are there disciples of Jesus whom you trust enough to give permission to point out aspects of your life that are possibly not consistent with your commitment to the Kingdom? Are their friends with whom you're willing to submit significant life decisions for discernment? Do you have a community of people who share your Kingdom vision and with whom you minister to carry out this vision?
If the answer to these questions is no, prayerfully consider why. Is it because having relationships is not a high priority for you? Is it because you fear relationships like this would impinge on your personal freedom? If so, ask the Lord to help you embrace a more Kingdom set of priorities and become freed from the stronghold of Western individualism.
Revolt against the consumer system. As a westerner, you live in a consumer culture that systematically conditions you to consume more and more. You are bombarded with advertis.e.m.e.nts trying to convince you that your life isn't full unless you have what they're selling. Not surprisingly, the two main things Americans do with their leisure time is watch television and shop. The first brainwashes us to do the second, and the second requires that we work incessantly to pay for all our stuff we're brainwashed to buy. Consequently, most Americans have neither the time nor the inclination to cultivate meaningful relationships. The Powers have reduced us to mice on a treadmill futilely chasing the cheese of the American dream. As a westerner, you live in a consumer culture that systematically conditions you to consume more and more. You are bombarded with advertis.e.m.e.nts trying to convince you that your life isn't full unless you have what they're selling. Not surprisingly, the two main things Americans do with their leisure time is watch television and shop. The first brainwashes us to do the second, and the second requires that we work incessantly to pay for all our stuff we're brainwashed to buy. Consequently, most Americans have neither the time nor the inclination to cultivate meaningful relationships. The Powers have reduced us to mice on a treadmill futilely chasing the cheese of the American dream.