The Myrtle Reed Cook Book - Part 92

Part 92

Blanch and split half an ounce of bitter almonds. Cut one and one-half pounds of rhubarb into inch-lengths without peeling, add a pound of sugar, the almonds, and one lemon cut into bits. Cook together until thick, stirring occasionally. Line patty-pans with pastry, fill with the mixture, and bake in a moderate oven.


Cook rice until soft in milk to cover, sweetening and flavoring to taste. Arrange upon the rice peeled and cored apples which have been cooked in syrup, reduce the syrup by rapid boiling, flavor to taste, add a little chopped candied fruit, pour over the rice and apples, and serve either hot or cold.


Peel, core, and quarter five sour apples, put into a baking-dish with three tablespoonfuls of b.u.t.ter, and sugar and cinnamon to taste. Bake until tender and serve hot with cream.


Peel good cooking apples, cook until soft, and rub through a sieve.

Sweeten to taste, adding a little b.u.t.ter and lemon-juice, spice, or wine to season. Fold in the stiffly beaten whites of two or three eggs and serve very cold.


Sift a cupful of flour with a pinch of salt, add two cupfuls of milk mixed with three well-beaten eggs, and turn into a shallow b.u.t.tered pan. Cover with peeled and sliced apples, dot with b.u.t.ter, sprinkle thickly with sugar, and add a little grated lemon peel or spice if desired. Bake for forty-five minutes and serve hot. Berries or other fruits may be used in the same way.


Rub two tablespoonfuls of b.u.t.ter into three cupfuls of flour which has been sifted with a heaping teaspoonful of baking-powder and a pinch of salt. Mix to a soft dough with milk or water, roll into an oblong, spread with finely cut peeled apples, and sprinkle with sugar and spice. Roll up and put loosely into a pudding cloth which has been wrung dry in hot water and dredged with flour. Steam for two hours and serve with Hard Sauce.


Cook peeled apples soft in a thin syrup to cover, and rub through a sieve enough to make a pint of pulp. Cool, add the unbeaten white of an egg, and beat with an egg-beater until very light. Serve cold with boiled custard or whipped cream. Other fruits may be used in the same way.


Cook peeled, cored, and quartered apples until soft in thin syrup to cover, seasoning with spice. Drain, arrange in a serving-dish, and reduce the syrup half by rapid boiling. Pour over the apples, cool, and at serving-time cover with whipped cream sweetened and flavored to taste. Other fruits may be used in the same way.


Melt three tablespoonfuls of b.u.t.ter with three of lemon-juice and six of sugar. Peel six bananas and lay in a shallow b.u.t.tered pan, far apart. Bake for half an hour, basting with the mixture in the bowl, and serve hot.


Peel large peaches, stick a few blanched almonds into each one, sprinkle with sugar, add a cup of water and bake, basting with the syrup. Serve very cold with the syrup poured over.


Put a quart of peeled, cored, and quartered pears into an earthen baking-dish with half a cupful of sugar and a cupful of water. Cover tightly and bake for several hours in a moderate oven. Take up the pears, reduce the syrup by rapid boiling, pour over, chill, and serve with cream.


Peel and core four or five quinces and put a bit of b.u.t.ter into the core of each. Sprinkle with sugar, pour in a cupful of water, cover and bake for two hours, basting occasionally. Serve cold with sugar and cream.


Cut unpeeled rhubarb into inch-lengths and pack closely in a bean-pot with alternate layers of brown sugar. Cover, bake for an hour, and serve cold.


Sift two cupfuls of flour with two teaspoonfuls of baking-powder. Work into it a tablespoonful of b.u.t.ter and mix to soft dough with a cupful of milk. Roll into an oblong, cover with berries, sprinkle with sugar, roll up, fasten the edges and bake or steam, basting with syrup to which a little b.u.t.ter has been added. Serve hot with any preferred sauce.


Crush and sweeten red currants, mix with sliced bananas, and serve cold. White currants may also be used.


Peel and slice six bananas into a serving-dish, sprinkle with sugar, and with either orange-juice, lemon-juice, or wine. Cover with whipped cream and serve immediately with cake.


Soak half a package of gelatine in cold water and dissolve in three cupfuls of boiling milk. Add a heaping cupful of sugar and cook for ten minutes. When cool but not stiff, stir in three bananas broken up with a fork. Mould, chill, and serve with whipped cream.


Peel and mash through a sieve enough bananas to make a cupful of pulp.

Add a cupful of cream and two tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar. Beat with an egg-beater until very light and serve cold in dessert


Soak half a package of gelatine in half a cupful of cold water, add two cupfuls of boiling water, half a cupful of sugar, and one cupful of blackberry juice. Stir until dissolved, then strain. When cool but not set, fold in the stiffly beaten whites of four eggs. Mould, chill, and serve with cream. The juice of other fruits may be used in the same way.


Boil two cupfuls of sugar for five minutes with one-fourth cupful of water, pour the boiling syrup in a thin stream upon the stiffly beaten whites of two eggs, and beat until thick. Flavor to taste.