The Myrtle Reed Cook Book - Part 85

Part 85


Beat the yolks of four eggs with two cupfuls of milk, add half a package of soaked gelatine, dissolve by gentle heat, add sugar to taste, and strain. Add half a cupful of chopped nuts, stir until it begins to stiffen, then mould and chill.


Beat together the yolks of two eggs, two cupfuls of milk, two tablespoonfuls of sugar, and a tablespoonful of cornstarch, rubbed smooth with a little milk. Cook slowly in a double boiler until smooth and thick, stirring constantly. Put a pint of red raspberries into a serving-dish, mash lightly with a spoon, sprinkle with powdered sugar, pour over the custard and cool. Make a meringue of the beaten whites and a tablespoonful of powdered sugar and tint it pink with berry juice. Spread over the custard and serve. Other fruits may be used in the same way.


Mix a pint of milk with a cupful of cream, a heaping tablespoonful of ground rice, two tablespoonfuls of rose-water, and half a cupful of sugar. Bring to the boil, stirring constantly, take from the fire, add the beaten yolks of three eggs, turn into a serving-dish, sprinkle with powdered sugar and grated nutmeg, and chill.


Cream one cupful of b.u.t.ter with two cupfuls of brown sugar, add six eggs well-beaten, half a cupful of milk, and enough flour with baking-powder to make a moderately stiff dough. Roll thin, cut out, and fry in deep fat. Drain, and sprinkle with powdered sugar.


Rub a tablespoonful of lard into a pint of flour sifted with a pinch each of salt and soda and a teaspoonful of cream tartar. Mix to a stiff dough with milk, roll thin, cut into squares, and put in the centre of each a peeled and cored sour apple. Fill the cavity with b.u.t.ter and sugar creamed together and season lightly with spice. Wrap the dough around the apple, pinching firmly, and steam or bake. Serve hot with sugar and cream or Hard Sauce.


Peel and stone peaches, enclose in pastry, brush with beaten egg, and bake. Serve either hot or cold with sugar or sweet sauce. Pears or almost any other fruit may be used in the same way.


Beat one egg light, add a cupful of milk and one cupful of flour which has been sifted with a teaspoonful of baking-powder and a pinch of salt. Beat hard for three minutes, then dip prepared fruit into the batter and fry brown in deep fat.


Peel, core, and quarter small apples, sprinkle with sugar and nutmeg, dip in fritter batter, fry in deep fat, drain, and serve with any preferred sauce. Other fruits may be used in the same way. Sprinkle with powdered sugar if desired.


Cut stale sponge cake into thin rounds and fry in b.u.t.ter. Drain, spread with jam or jelly, and serve with cream.



Rub through a sieve enough peeled apricots to make a cupful, sweeten with syrup, add two cupfuls of water, and, if desired, the white of one or two unbeaten eggs. Freeze. Canned apricots may be used.


Heat a pint of cream in a double boiler with a cupful of sugar and stir until dissolved. Cool, add eight bananas mashed through a sieve, add another pint of cream, and freeze.


Thicken a cupful each of milk and strong coffee with the yolks of eight eggs beaten with ten tablespoonfuls of sugar. Cool, strain, and fold in a cupful of cream whipped solid. Turn into a mould and bury in ice and salt for four hours.


Cook half a cupful of sugar until dark brown with a tablespoonful of water, stirring constantly. Heat a quart of milk with half a cupful of sugar and thicken, while stirring, with three small spoonfuls of cornstarch rubbed smooth with a little cold water. Add a pinch of salt, three eggs well-beaten, and the caramel. Bring to the boil, strain, cool, and freeze. Chopped nuts may be added if desired.


Make a quart of strong Ceylon tea, sweeten heavily while hot, and add the juice of a lemon. Cool, strain, freeze, and serve in


Stone a pound of black cherries and cut into bits. Sweeten the juice heavily with syrup, add the juice of half a lemon and three cupfuls of water, and freeze. If a pink ice is desired, add the unbeaten whites of one or two eggs.


Scald six cupfuls of cream with sugar to sweeten heavily and add half a cake of chocolate grated. Add also a package of soaked and dissolved gelatine, and two teaspoonfuls of vanilla. Strain and freeze.


Mix two cupfuls of cream with one cupful of very strong coffee, sweeten heavily, add the unbeaten white of an egg, and freeze.


Cook a cupful of grape juice to a thick syrup with a cupful of sugar, mix with two cupfuls of cream, and freeze. The cream will be lavender in color. A little less sugar may be required for some tastes.


Mix two cupfuls of lemon-juice with three cupfuls of water and sweeten heavily with thick syrup. Freeze. The unbeaten whites of two eggs may be added if a frothy ice is desired.